Social Studies- American History 1127 Self Test Study

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Jedediah Smith

... always carried his Bible and rifle with him and has sometimes been called the "Knight in Buckskin."

Jedediah Smith ... Jim Bridger

... and .... were "mountain men" who helped explore the West.

Manuel Lisa

... established Fort Manuel and Fort Lisa and helped form the Missouri Fur Company.

Brigham Young

... led the Mormom party to the Great Salt Lake in Utah.

Colonel J.M Chivington

... of the 2nd Colorado Calvary ordered an unprovoked attack on Chief Black Kettle and the defenseless Cheyenne village at Sand Creek, killing over 300 Indians.


... was the name of the Indian guide and interpreter for the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

William Travis, Jim Bowie, and Davy Crockett

.... , .... , ..... .... , were three famous colonels who died defending the Alamo.

James W. Marshall

.... discovered gold at Sutter's sawmill, located on the American River.

Major John Wesley Powell

.... led the first expedition down the Green and Colorado Rivers to expore the Grand Canyon.

George Armstrong Custer

.... or "Yellow Hair," disobeyed direct orders at the Little Big Horn and initiated an attack that brought death to 265 men of the 7th Calvary (including himself).`

Chief Joseph

.... said, " From the sun now stands, I will fight no more, forever!"

The Navajo and the Apache

...... .... ..... are the two tribes of the Southwest that had the greatest impact on American history.

cattlemen ... farmers

Because barbed wire kept cattle from gaining access to the water holes, "fence wars" broke out between the ... and the ...


Captain Zebulon Pike conducted a second exploration of the Louisiana Territory that followed the ... River two thousand miles north into Minnesota.

Big Foot

Colonel J. W. Forsyth, with five hundred man, met Chief .... and the Sioux at Wounded Knee Creek; during the peace process, fighting erupted and over 200 Indians were killed.

Big Foot

Colonel J. W. Forsyth, with five hundred men, met Chief .... and the Sioux at Wounded Knee Creek; during the peace process, fighting erupted and over 200 Indians were killed.


Daniel Boone led the first party o white men into ... in 1769.


Daniel Boone led the first party of white men into ... in 1769.

British ... Indian

During the War for Independence, George Rogers Clark financed his own expedition against the ... and their ... allies.

O. O. Howard

General ... , who had lost an arm during the War Between the States, was a Bible-carrying Christian and friend to the Indians.


General Santa Anna was dictator of Mexico during the ... War for Independence.

In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth.

II Timothy 2:25

Pony Express

In 1860 the .... was organized to carry U.S. mail between St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacremento, California.

Red ... Arkansas

Major Stephen H, Long explored the land near the ... and .... Rivers

Promonotory Point

Near Ogden, Utah, at .... , a golden spike was driven in the last tie that connected the two railroads.

Tom Jeffords

Taglito ( Red Beard), or ..... , was known and trusted by the Apache and became their Indian agent.

Old West

The " ... " was the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.

Johnson Country

The .... .... War was the result of cattle rustling.

General Sherman

The .... is the oldest and most massice Sierra Sequoia.

Homestead Act

The ...... gave 160 acres of free land to homesteaders.


The American nomenclature for the redwoods is .... , the name of a Cherokee Indian who devised an alphabet for his people.


The Navajo and the Apache are the two tribes of the ... that had the greatest impact on American history.

Graham - Tewksbury

The Pleasant Valley War , or the ... Feud, was between cattlemen and sheepherders in Arizona.


The Union Pacific Railroad and the Central Pacific Railroad were the two railroad companies that were chartered to complete the first American ... railroad.

Kit Carson

The United States Army sent ... to defeat the Navajo Indians.


The discovery of gold in ... greaty accelerated American westward expansion.

Concord Coaches

The famous .... ... were built by Lewis Downing and J. Stephen Abbot.

Lewis Downing and J. Stephen Abbot

The famous Concord Coaches were built by ... ... .....

Battle of San Jacinto

The victory at the ..... gave Texas its independence from Mexico.

Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!

Two battle cries of the Texas War for Independence were "......" and " ... "


When ... surrendered to Tom Jeffords and General Howard, Geronimo refused to surreneder and evaded capture for fourteen years.


When there was no ... , citizens on the werstern frontier formed vigiliance committees.

General Grant

the .... , the second largest tree, was designated by the United States Congress as a national shrine honoring the American was dead.

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