Social Studies Chapter 12 TEST!

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Du Fu

Another popular poet. Du Fu's poems often were very serious. They frequently dealt with issues such as social injustice and the problems of the poor. Du Fu wrote the poem below after a rebellion left the capital city in ruins. It is called "Spring Landscape."

The earliest known book printed with moveable type is called __________________

Diamond Sutra

Sui dynasty

Emperor Wendi founded it. It reunited China. After Wendi died his son Yangdi took the throne. Yangdi wanted to expand China's territory. Yangdi's greatest effort went into building the Grand Canal. It helped China's economy.

changes in rice growing methods

Farmers also developed new kinds of rice, which grew well in poor soil, produced more per acre, grew faster, and were resistant to disease.

Tang Era

Mainly used poetry.

The __________ invaded China and eventually defeated the weakened Ming Empire


Who invaded and defeated the weakened Ming Empire?

Manchus dynasty

After the Mongolian rule of China weakened, the _______ dynasty came to power


Which dynasty came to power after the Mongolian rule fell?

Ming dynasty


People traded with it. Made of fine clay and is baked at high temperatures.

porcelain: uses, forms, names

Porcelain can be made into plates, cups, figurines, and vases. The technology for making porcelain spread to other parts of the world. It finally reached Europe in the 1700s. Because porcelain later came from China to the West, people today sometimes call porcelain by the name "china."


Some people accepted it and some people wanted to get rid of it. Many thought it was wrong for Buddhist temples and monasteries to accept donations. In A.D. 845 Buddhist temples were destroyed. Buddhism later spread to Korea and Japan.

The __________ dynasty reunited China under one emperor.


Tang dynasty

Was in power for about 300 years, from A.D. 618 to A.D. 907. The most powerful emperor was Taizong. He restored the civil service exam system. Also gave land to farmers. In A.D. 907 the Tang Dynasty fell.

Officers in Genghis Khan's army were chosen for their _____________, which made his army the most skilled in the world


What discoveries made their way to Europe from China through an increase in trade?

adopted some of the beliefs and customs they encountered. For example, the Mongols in southwest Asia accepted Islam and adopted Arab, Persian, and Turkish ways. The Mongols also learned many things from the Chinese. As they battled Chinese troops, they learned about gunpowder and its use as an explosive. They also saw the Chinese use the fire lance, a weapon that used gunpowder. Quickly, the Mongols adopted both gunpowder and the fire lance for use in battle. These new weapons made Mongol armies even more frightening to their enemies.

In the West, porcelain is sometimes called __________


The Chinese discovered that they could use ________ to heat things and make steel.


The Mongol empire was known as the largest _______ empire the world had ever known


What was the Mongol empire best known for?


The painting of _____________ was popular during the Song Dynasty


what types/genre of paintings took place during the Song Dynasty

-The painting of landscapes became widespread during the Song dynasty. However, Chinese artists did not try to make exact pictures of the landscapes they were painting. Instead, they wished to portray the "idea" of the mountains, lakes, and other features of their landscapes. Also, empty spaces were left in the paintings on purpose. This is because of the Daoist belief that a person cannot know the whole truth about something. Also did some poetry.

Marco Polo

-famous European traveler to reach China was Marco Polo. He came from the city of Venice in Italy. Kublai Khan was fascinated by Marco Polo's stories about his travels. For about 16 years, Kublai sent Polo on many fact-finding trips. When Polo finally returned to Europe, he wrote a book about his adventures. His accounts of the wonders of China amazed Europeans.

Section 12-1


Section 12-2


Section 12-3


Section 12-4


Zhu Yuanzhang

A series of rebellions finally drove out the Mongols. In 1368 a rebel leader named Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor. Zhu reunited the country and set up his capital at Nanjing in southern China. There, he founded the Ming, or "Brilliant," dynasty. As emperor, Zhu took the name Hong Wu, or the "Military Emperor." He brought back order, but he also proved to be a cruel leader. Hong Wu trusted no one and killed officials he suspected of treason, or disloyalty to the government. Hong Wu ruled China for 30 years. When he died in 1398, his son became emperor and took the name of Yong Le.


As law and order disappeared, a people called the Manchus attacked China's northern border. The Manchus lived to the northeast of the Great Wall in an area known today as Manchuria. The Manchus defeated Chinese armies and captured Beijing. In 1644 they set up a new dynasty.

Where did Chinese merchants settled?

As merchants and artisans grew wealthier, they wanted to learn more and be entertained.As a result of Zheng He's voyages, Chinese merchants settled in Southeast Asia and India. There, they not only traded goods but also spread Chinese culture. Chinese merchants at home and abroad grew rich from the trade of the voyages and added to China's wealth. Despite these benefits, Chinese officials complained that the trips cost too much. They also said that trips were bad for China's way of life because they brought in new ideas from the outside world and helped merchants became rich.

early printings and their titles

Before printing, books were copied by hand and were very expensive. The Chinese began printing in the A.D. 600s. The Chinese soon began printing books. The earliest known printed book dates from about A.D. 868. It is a Buddhist book called the Diamond Sutra. The invention of printing was very important. It helped to spread ideas more rapidly.

The Tang dynasty returned to the ideas of _____________ to reduce the popularity of Buddhism in China.


Irrigation Advancements

Farmers also developed new kinds of rice, which grew well in poor soil, produced more per acre, grew faster, and were resistant to disease. These changes helped farmers grow more and more rice. China's farmers also began to grow tea, which became a popular drink. They made improvements in other crops as well. With more food available, the number of people in China greatly increased. At the same time, more people moved southward, where rice grew abundantly in the Chang Jiang valley. This led to the rise of new cities.

How did Genghis Khan choose officers for his army?

Genghis Khan gathered an army of more than 100,000 warriors. He placed his soldiers into well-trained groups. Commanding them were officers chosen for their abilities, not for their family ties.

Kublai Khan

In 1260 the Mongols named Genghis Khan's grandson, Kublai, to be the new khan, or ruler. Kublai Khan continued the Mongol conquest of China that his father had begun. In 1264 Kublai moved his capital from Karakorum in Mongolia to Khanbaliq in northern China. Today the modern city of Beijing stands on the site of the Mongols' Chinese capital.

moveable type

In the A.D. 1000s, a Chinese printer named Pi Sheng invented movable type for printing. With movable type, each character is a separate piece. The pieces can be moved around to make sentences and used again and again. Printing also led to the invention of paper currency.

Chinese merchants settled in Southeast Asia and __________


Neo-Confucianism/Confucius' teachings

Neo-Confucianism was created to reduce Buddhism's popularity. It taught that life in this world is just as important as the afterlife. It also taught that all men with a talent of governing should work with the government.

farming adaptations

New cities were made and the population was growing.

What did Yong Le build inside (within) the Imperial City? The Forbidden City-

Only top officials could enter the Forbidden City because it was home to China's emperors. The Forbidden City had beautiful gardens and many palaces with thousands of rooms. The emperor and his court lived there in luxury for more than 500 years. The buildings of the Forbidden City still exist.

Dynasty Timeline

Tang dynasty, Sui dynasty, Song dynasty, Tang Era, Mongols, Mongolian Empire, Ming dynasty, Machus dynasty

block printing

The Chinese began printing in the A.D. 600s. They used blocks of wood on which they cut the characters of an entire page. Ink was placed over the wooden block. The paper was laid on the block to make a print. Cutting the block took a long time, but the woodblocks could be used again and again to make many copies.

Song dynasty

The Song dynasty ruled from A.D. 960 to A.D. 1279. This period was a time of prosperity and cultural achievement for China. From the start, however, the Song faced problems that threatened their hold on China. Song rulers did not have enough soldiers to control their large empire. Tibet broke away, and nomads took over much of northern China. For safety, the Song moved their capital farther south to the city of Hangzhou. Hangzhou was on the coast near the Chang Jiang delta.

Effect of the Song dynasty in China and it's people

The Song dynasty was a time of prosperity and cultural achievement.

Zheng He

The leader of 7 overseas journeys was a Chinese Muslim and court official named Zheng He. Zheng He's voyages were quite impressive. His first fleet had 62 large ships, 250 smaller ships, and almost 28,000 men. The largest ship was over 440 feet (134 m) long. That made it more than five times as long as the Santa María that Christopher Columbus sailed almost 90 years later!

Empress Wu

The only woman to rule in Chinese history and to rule the country on her own. She strengthened China's military forces.

How were the Mongols different from the Chinese? Name at least 3 reasons.

They had their own language, laws, and customs.

Role of monks and nuns

They lived in monasteries. They meditated and worshipped.

Impact of monks and nuns on family life

They weren't getting married and having children so then they weren't contributing to the population. It also affects the economy.

what materials and methods were used to make steel

When iron was produced in hot furnaces heated by coal, the molten iron mixed with carbon from the coal. This created a new, stronger metal known today as steel. The Chinese used steel to make many things. They made armor, swords, and helmets for their army, but they also made stoves, farm tools, drills, steel chain, and even steel nails and sewing needles.

Yong Le

Yong Le worked hard to show that he was a powerful emperor. In 1421 he moved the capital north to Beijing. There, he built a large area of palaces and government buildings known as the Imperial City. The very center of the Imperial City was known as the Forbidden City. Only top officials could enter the Forbidden City because it was home to China's emperors.The Forbidden City had beautiful gardens and many palaces with thousands of rooms. The emperor and his court lived there in luxury for more than 500 years. The buildings of the Forbidden City still exist.

Ming China's most famous explorer, ______________ spread Chinese culture and established trade with cities far from China

Zheng He


a capital city where Chinese rulers actively supported art and literature, and invited artists and poets to live and work.


a count of the number of people.

Emperor Wendi

a general who then declared himself emperor. Wendi won battle after battle and finally reunited China. He founded the Sui Dynasty.


a special group of Roman Catholic priests. They were highly educated, and their scientific knowledge impressed the Chinese. To get China to accept European ideas, the Jesuits brought with them clocks, eyeglasses, and scientific instruments. Although they tried, the Jesuits did not convert many Chinese to Christianity.


beautiful handwriting; the art of creating beautiful handwriting; a brush and ink to write beautiful characters

What are reforms?


The Mongols were different from the Chinese in language, laws and ___________



disloyalty to the government.

Marco Polo

famous European travelers to reach China was Marco Polo. He came from the city of Venice in Italy. Kublai Khan was fascinated by Marco Polo's stories about his travels. For about 16 years, Kublai sent Polo on many fact-finding trips. When Polo finally returned to Europe, he wrote a book about his adventures. His accounts of the wonders of China amazed Europeans.


groups of related families, loosely joined together

With increased trade, Chinese discoveries such as steel, the compass and _________________, made their way to Europe



long fictional stories

Many Chinese thought that Buddhist monks and nuns weakened respect for family life because they were not allowed to _________



military leader who runs a government. Military leaders who fought one another.

What was Ming China's most famous explorer? Marco Polo-

one of the first famous European travelers to reach China was Marco Polo. He came from the city of Venice in Italy. Kublai Khan was fascinated by Marco Polo's stories about his travels. For about 16 years, Kublai sent Polo on many fact-finding trips. When Polo finally returned to Europe, he wrote a book about his adventures. His accounts of the wonders of China amazed Europeans.

Li Bo

one of the most popular poets of the Tang era.


organized way in which people produce, sell and buy goods and services

During the rule of the Song dynasty, China enjoyed a period of cultural achievement and __________


Under the Tang dynasty, rulers carried out many _______



religious community where monks and nuns live and work

During the Tang Era, irrigation improved and new kinds of ______ were developed that could grow in poor soils.



taught that people should place loyalty to society ahead of their own desires. To the officials, China's merchants were disobeying this teaching by working to gain money for themselves.After Zheng He's death, the Confucian officials persuaded the emperor to stop the voyages. The boats were dismantled, and no more ships capable of long distance ocean travel were allowed to be built. As a result, China's trade with other countries sharply declined. Within 50 years, the ship building technology was forgotten.

Within the Imperial City, Emperor Yong Le built _______________________, which still stands today

the Forbidden City


uncivilized people.


violent actions that are meant to scare people into surrendering, or giving up

Early in their history, Mongols were known for the ability to ride horses and to _________________

wage war

What were the Mongols best known for?

wage war, their ability to ride horses, cruelty and use of terror


wanted China to trade with their country. They also wanted to convince the Chinese to become Christians. At the time, the Ming government was not impressed by the Portuguese. China was at the height of its power and did not feel threatened by outsiders. The Chinese thought the Europeans were barbarians, or uncivilized people. At first, the Chinese refused to trade with the Portuguese, but by 1600, they had allowed Portugal to set up a trading post at the port of Macao in southern China. Goods were carried on European ships between Macao and Japan. Still, trade between China and Europe remained limited.

Genghis Khan

which means "strong ruler." Genghis Khan brought together Mongol laws in a new code. He also created a group of tribal chiefs to help him plan military campaigns From the time of his election until the end of his life, Genghis Khan fought to conquer the lands beyond Mongolia.


wide, rolling, grassy plains that stretch from the Black Sea to northern China

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