Social Studies Praxis Exam

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Which idea was established in the Supreme Court case of Brown v. Board of Education (1954)?

"Separate but equal" is an unconstitutional idea to implement in legislation.

Which amendment prohibited the sale of alcohol in the United States?

18th amendment

The women's suffrage movement was organized after the Seneca Falls Convention in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848. The convention is seen as the first organized step in the women's suffrage movement. What amendment finally gave women the right to vote, and in what year was it ratified?

19th Amendment, 1920

Which of the following was not a primary motivation for colonization of the American continent?

A desire to spread democratic political ideals

What occurred in Haymarket Square on May 4, 1886

A peaceful protest for workers' rights became the most violent labor conflict in U.S. history

Which of the following best describes the situation of African Americans in the South in the years immediately following the Civil War?

African Americans continued to face discrimination and segregation despite the end of slavery

Which of the following best describes the reaction from colonists to the Quartering Act of 1765?

Almost all of the colonies evaded the requirements of the act.

Which of the following describes a lasting impact of the inventions of Nikola Tesla?

Alternating current (AC) was used to create electric grids

Following World War I, the United States adopted what posture toward international relations?

America shifted toward international isolationism.

The United States refused to join the League of Nations for which of the following reasons?

American public opinion had turned in favor of isolationism.

Which US president oversaw Reconstruction?

Andrew Johnson

Which of the following battles resulted in the surrender of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia and the subsequent end of the Civil War?

Appomattox Courthouse

Which of the following survives to the modern day as the most enduring and unique feature of Aztec civilization?


Which continent is also an island?


Which of the following philosophical concepts was a major development in political thought during the Enlightenment?

Authority is derived from the consent of the people

Which of the following was considered the turning point of the American Revolution?

Battle of Saratoga

Which of the following is consistent with the thoughts of James Madison regarding the development of a centralized government and the writing of the Constitution?

Because of the Constitution, the central government was now strong enough to properly function, but it was still limited enough to prevent tyranny

Which of the following was a difference in American foreign policy before and after Pearl Harbor?

Before Pearl Harbor the United States supplied tools and weapons to Europe; after Pearl Harbor the US actively began preparing to fight in the war.

Which of the following bodies of water was most crucial for British trade during the colonial period?

Boston Harbor

The Virginia House of Burgesses was based on which of the following?

Britain's limited monarchy

Which of the following correctly describes a way in which British colonies differed from Spanish colonies?

British colonies operated with more independence from the crown than Spanish colonies

Which type of water feature is almost always artificially created by man?


The colony of Maryland was founded as a place of religious refuge for whom?


Which of the following supreme court cases is often cited as a reason for increased campaign spending during elections?

Citizens United v. FEC

Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) established which of the following legal concepts?

Criminal defendants are entitled to representation, whether or not they can afford to hire a lawyer.

President Roosevelt initiated the New Deal in 1933 as a means to provide work for Americans affected by the Great Depression. The series of programs in the New Deal also had the added benefit of providing:

Economic growth

Suffragists advocated for women to have the right to vote. Which of the following figures is most associated with the Suffrage Movement?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Which canal creates a water route from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean?

Erie Canal

What motivated the creation of the Bill of Rights?

Fear of a strong central government

Which of the following most correctly explains a key conflict between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists regarding the ratification of the U.S. Constitution?

Federalists wanted a strong central government while Anti-Federalists sought to preserve power in the individual states

Who invested in the first voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492?

Ferdinand and Isabella

Iroquoian and Algonquian-speaking tribes lived in the Eastern Woodlands region prior to European colonization. How did the geography of this region impact these tribes?

Fishing was a main source of food

The 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, passed during Reconstruction, extended civil and legal protections to which of the following groups?

Former slaves

In April of 1861, Confederate soldiers officially began the Civil War by attacking:

Fort Sumter

Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from:


Mr. Mathers is teaching his class about the Louisiana Purchase. What social science should Mr. Mathers connect to this history lesson in order to best explain the importance of the Louisiana Purchase to the United States?


which of the following of the original 13 colonies was established as a debtors' colony?


What drove the United States to enter World War I?

German U-boats sinking American ships

Which of the following best describes the concept of Manifest Destiny?

God's will was for America was to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean

Which of the following best identifies the core influence of the Mayflower Compact on later conceptions of government in the United States?

Government exists through a social contract of its citizens.

Which of the following is known for creating the foundation of democratic principles?


Of the following, which is the earliest example of written law?

Hammurabi's Code

Which of the following is one of the earliest known examples of laws established to regulate society and of the concept of the presumption of innocence?

Hammurabi's Code

In what way did John Locke influence the ideas expressed in the Declaration of Idependence?

He introduced the idea that a ruler rules with the consent of the governed

Which of the following describes Jefferson Davis's role in the Civil War?

He was elected president of the Confederate States of America

Which geographic boundary separates India from the rest of Asia?


How did the Louisiana Purchase positively affect the growth and development of the United States?

It allowed Americans to explore and settle the lands between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains

Which of the following describes the impact of the Supreme Court decision in Gibbons v. Ogden?

It established that Congress alone had the power to regulate interstate commerce.

Which of the following best describes the impact of the 17th amendment?

It established the direct election of senators by the citizens of the state.

Which of the following best identifies the lasting significance of the Articles of Confederation?

It exposed the weakness of a decentralized union and encouraged the Founders to adopt a Federal Republican form of government

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 had which of the following effects?

It outlawed discrimination by public accommodations (theaters, hotels, restaurants, etc.). It encouraged desegregation of schools.

Which event precipitated US involvement in World War II?

Japan's attack on pearl harbor

Which of the following sets of European explorers were primarily focused on finding a westward route to Asia?

John Cabot, Henry Hudson, and Christopher Columbus

Who is responsible for the political theory that inspired the American Bill of Rights?

John Locke

Who is credited with the development of the polio vaccine?

Jonas Salk

Which of the following describes the biggest impact of the Industrial Revolution on daily life in America?

Large numbers of people moved from rural areas to urban areas

Theodore Roosevelt's Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine justified American use of military power to protect which of the following regions from European intervention?

Latin America

Which President is commonly considered the architect of the Great Society?

Lyndon Johnson

Which of the following Supreme Court cases established that the Supreme Court had the power to rule laws passed by Congress as unconstitutional?

Marbury v. Madison

Which of the following tribes was know for its advanced understanding of Math and development of an advanced writing system?


Which of the following Supreme Court cases expanded the power of the federal congress?

McCulloch v. Maryland

During the 1960s, legislation was passed that established which programs?

Medicare and Medicaid

Volcanoes exist in all of the following US states except:


The American colonies eventually settled into distinct groups based on geography and economic pressures. Which group of colonies became known as "the bread basket" for their high production of wheat?

Middle colonies

The Louisiana Purchase had what major effect on westward migration in the United States in the 19th century?

Migrants ventured past the Appalachians in large numbers for the first time

Which of the following was an effect of the Homestead Act of 1862?

Millions of new farms were created

Which of the following tribes were located in North America?

Mohicans Cherokee Iroquois

Which is true of the response of Indigenous tribes to the French and Indian War?

Most tribes allied with the French fur traders as they saw them as less of a threat to their land and culture than the British settlers

Which pairing best describes the purpose for the establishment of that colony?

New Amsterdam - to become a major area of business and trade

The American colonies eventually settled into distinct groups based on geography and economic pressures. Which group of colonies became known for logging and shipbuilding?

New England

How did the invention of the steamboat impact society in the 1800s?

New towns were established along rivers

Totalitarian systems tend to have which of the following characteristic?

Opposition parties are banned

Which of the following was a lasting effect of the 18th amendment?

Organized crime boomed with criminals making their fortunes on the procurement and sales of alcohol.

Which canal creates a water route from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean?

Panama Canal

Which type of map is most likely to show and label mountain ranges as well as bodies of water?


The legal doctrine known as "separate but equal" was instituted in which of the following cases?

Plessy v. Ferguson

Which of the following describes the power structure associated with a dictatorship?

Power is generally seized through force or fraud and maintained using intimidation and removal of citizens' basic liberties.

The New Deal was most influenced by which political ideology?


Which of the following terms best describes the faith of most early American colonists, who followed the teachings of the Christian faith but in small sects without direct oversight from a single, unitary religious authority?


The federal government conducts a national census every ten years in order to accomplish which of the following?

Reallocate Congressional representation based on population

Which of these US presidents is most associated with the rise of conservatism in the 20th century?

Ronald Reagan

The conservative movement elected its clear leader when which United States President was elected?

Ronald Reagan in 1981

Which of the following inventors revolutionized American textile manufacturing and is considered to be the "father of the American Industrial Revolution"?

Samuel Slater

Which three of the following Native American tribes were located in the southeastern region of what is now the United States prior to the arrival of the Europeans?

Seminole Cherokee Creek

Which of the following led directly to the relocation of large numbers of Africans to the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries?


Which of the following developments came about as a result of the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

Slavery was banned north of the 36'30 parallel

The humid, tropic climate, best suited for growing crops like citrus, can be found in what region of the United States?


Which group of colonies became known for tobacco and cotton?

Southern colonies

Which of the following regions of the United States most likely has the highest concentration of native Spanish speakers?


As Europeans began to colonize North and South America, existing civilizations and empires in those regions were destroyed and pillaged , and their citizens murdered, enslaved, or infected with fatal diseases. One such empire was the Inca in modern-day Peru. Which nation was responsible for the colonization and subsequent destruction of the Inca Empire in 1532?


Colonial-era borders have had the greatest impact on the political developments of states in which of the following areas?

Sub-Saharan Africa

"Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less." The preceding quote aligns most closely with the goals of which of the following?

Susan B. Anthony

Which of the following did NOT influence American colonists' decision to seek independence from Great Britain?

The French government offered to financially support the colonists' war against the British.

Which of the following branches of government is directly elected?

The House of Representatives

Which of the following European powers first settled Manhattan, New York?

The Netherlands

Which of the following best describes an example of federalism?

The Texas state legislature sets forth laws regarding taxes on property, while adhering to federal laws regarding taxes on imports.

Which of the following contributed most to the beginning of representative government in America?

The Two Treaties of Government by John Locke

Which of the following is a reason that the United States emerged as the world industrial leader after World War I?

The US had not experienced domestic fighting and destruction as countries in Europe had.

What was the effect of World War I on the United States?

The United States emerged as a leading industrial world power.

Which of the following best identifies a major outcome of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

The United States gained territory previously held by Mexico

Which of the following identifies Theodore Roosevelt's corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?

The United States would intervene in any European attempt to exert control over nations in Latin America

How was the United States Constitution of 1787 different than the Articles of Confederation?

The constitution increased the role, power, and size of the federal government

Which of the following are differences between the equator and the prime meridian?

The equator is a latitude line while the Prime Meridian is a longitude line The equator divides the earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres while the Prime Meridian divides the earth into the Western and Eastern hemispheres

Which of the following could be an effect of the 16th amendment?

The government is able to improve railroads and other infrastructure with increased funds.

Which of the following best describes an impact of the Columbian exchange on the people of North America?

The introduction of new diseases from Europe killed a large portion of the native inhabitants of North America

Which of the following is a correct example of checks and balances in the U.S. government?

The judicial branch reviews legislation and can declare laws passed by Congress to be unconstitutional.

Which of the following is an accurate description of a major turning point in American history?

The land deal in 1803 between France and the US gave the US 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi for about $15,000,000

Which of the following correctly pairs one major advantage with one major disadvantage possessed by the Union in the Civil War?

The leadership of Abraham Lincoln was a definite advantage for the Union, and a major disadvantage was that the Union was fighting on unfamiliar territory

Which of the following was a power granted to the federal government by the constitution that was not provided by the Articles of Confederation?

The power to collect taxes

Which of the following best explains the importance of the Battle of Saratoga?

The victory in Saratoga convinced the French to support the Americans

Which of the following acts was written specifically to protect labor unions?

The wagner act

World War II had which of the following effects on America's place in international affairs?

The war solidified the United States to a place of international leadership.

Which of the following best describes the lifestyle of Native Americans in what would become the Northeastern United States prior to the arrival of European colonizers?

They lived in permanent settlements and farmed regular crops

Which of the following best describes the impact of the intolerable Acts?

They spurred the creation of the first continental congress

Which of the following is true regarding the Bill of Rights?

They were developed as a compromise between Federalists and Anti-Federalists

Which civil war general would later become president of the united states?

Ulysses S. Grant

A social studies teacher wants to address the social studies theme of time, continuity, and change. Which of the following questions for a sixth-grade elementary class would be most appropriate to address this theme?

Why did the demand for oil increase with the mass production of the automobile?

The Great Compromise during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 resulted in which of the following agreements?

a bicameral legislative body

The Articles of Confederation lacked which of the following major provisions, which led to their eventual replacement?

a central government that held supremacy over the states

Mr. Anders asks students to draw a map of their school. Billy turns in his map, but Mr. Anders is unable to identify how to orient the map to read it. Which of the following features should Billy add to his map?

a compass rose

Which of the following best describes the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments?

a document drafted at the Seneca Falls Convention which detailed social injustices toward women and the goals of the Women's Rights Movement

Which of the following best describes a plain?

a flat area of land with an elevation that is lower than its surroundings

Which of the following best describes Sojourner Truth?

a formerly enslaved women who became a fierce advocate for abolition and women's rights

A watershed describes which of the following areas?

a land area where water runoff accumulates and flows into rivers and streams

What was the Dust Bowl's primary effect on the population distribution of the United States?

a mass migration from the Midwest to the coasts

Which of the following was NOT a challenge faced by leaders of the early American Republic?

a new population of freed slaves

During the era of Reconstruction in the South after the Civil War, carpetbagger was a term usually associated with which of the following?

a northerner migrating to the South in the hopes of investing and capitalizing on economic opportunities after the Civil War

Which of the following best describes a sea?

a part of the ocean surrounded by land

Which statement best describes the Battle of Gettysburg?

a turning point for Union victory and the most costly battle of the Civil War

Which of the following best describes the form of government created by the Greeks?

all eligible citizens vote on every issue

The Homestead Act of 1862 refers to which of the following?

an act offering inexpensive or free land to settlers in the West

The Columbian Exchange resulted in:

an increase in dietary choices in both Europe and the Americas

Which of the following best describes how schools are funded in Florida?

approximately half from local taxes and the rest from state and federal sources

The Proclamation of 1763 was intended to forbid colonists to settle lands:

between the Ohio River and the Great Lakes

Once they had been readmitted to the Union, how did former Confederate states respond to the program of Reconstruction?

by electing Democratic politicians opposed to African American enfranchisement

Which of the following terms refers to the language and culture of those French subjects who, expelled from Canada during the Seven Years Wars, settled in southern Louisiana during the French colonial period?


A teacher reads a current newspaper article about how a new state law was just ruled invalid by the state judge. Which of the following concepts could best be taught using the newspaper article as an example?

checks and balances

The Industrial Revolution most directly affected the social status of which of the following groups?


in studying cause and effect in history, which of the following factors is the most important in determining the subsequent effect of one event on another?


James L. Farmer Jr. is most associated with which of the following 20th century causes?

civil rights

The phenomenon of cold temperatures in San Francisco during the summer months is caused by which of the following?

cold oceanic waters meeting warm air patterns from inland California

A social studies teacher is working to improve student understanding and retention of information by planning lessons that incorporate content from multiple social studies disciplines. Which of the following lessons demonstrates this new focus?

connecting the economic opportunities in a state to the physical characteristics of their region

Canada, with both a parliament as governing authority and a queen as head of state, is an example of what type of government?

constitutional monarchy

The Pendleton Civil Service Act was a reaction to which of the following?

corruption in government

Which of the following was a power delegated to the federal government by the Articles of Confederation?

create treaties

The Congress of the United States is responsible for which of the following?

creating tax legislation

The role of the president as 'Commander in Chief' means he has direct and final authority over which of the following areas of United States government policy?


In the mid-to-late 20th century, the United States fought wars in Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East with the aim of establishing what type of political regime?


Students in a social studies class are assigned a project on Texas history. Utilizing a grid and map system would be most useful for which of the following?

diagramming troop movements during the Indian Wars

Which of the following systems of government was created by the Greeks?

direct democracy

Which of the following best describes the primary goal of the first French explorers of North America?

discover a western sea route to trade with Asia

Which of the following was the initial goal of French exploration of North America?

discovering a water passageway to the pacific

Which of the following was not a major consequence of Spanish exploration in the New world?

discovery of previously unknown seafaring technology in use by Native Americans

The adoption of the U.S. constitution resulted in which of the following outcome?

disproportionate power for small states

which of the following contradicts the ideas introduced by the Magna Carta?

divine right

The settlers of Jamestown Colony came to the New World seeking __________, while those who came later and settled at Plymouth were in search of ________________.

economic prosperity; religious freedom

A teacher takes her students outdoors for a demonstration. She fills a large box with sand and dirt and digs a channel through the middle. She places a hose at one end of the channel to simulate a river and has students observe as the water flow affects the sand in the box. The demonstration models the effects of which of the following?


All of the following are components of the water cycle except:


The Virginia House of Burgesses engaged the citizenry in governance through which of the following means?

establishing a system in which legislative representatives were elected on behalf of their constituents

The division of power between the United States federal government and the states which compose the union of the United States demonstrates the principle of:


Magellan's circumnavigation of the earth in 1521 was undertaken in order to finally put to rest what theory?

flat earth

Which government position(s) allow the elected official to use the line-item veto?

florida governor

Which best describes the Emancipation Proclamation?

freed slaves in those states that were fighting against the US government

A United States citizen disagrees with a recently-passed law. He creates a website where he shows who voted for and against the bill. He then emails it to his friends and family. This is an example of exercising his right to:

freedom of press

Early colonial settlers in New England faced which of these geographic challenges?

harsh, cold winters

Many economic migrants arrived in the United States in the 19th century to take advantage of which of the following?

high levels of available land

Industrialization in the 19th and 20th centuries has contributed to which of the following?

higher emissions of greenhouse gases

Which of the following was not a result of Spain's early exploration of the Americas?

identification of more efficient trade routes to Asia

Following the arrival of Europeans, Native American life changed immensely because of:

increased violent conflict between tribes diseases brought by the Europeans which killed large populations some tribes' acquisition of horses

Which of the following is true of the Bill of Rights?

it enumerates individual protections

Which of the following describes the impact of Marbury v. Madison?

it established judicial review of laws

Which of the following statements is a fact about the Freedmen's Bureau?

it helped newly-freed Black Americans gain access to education and work opportunities

Which of the following describes one way that the geographic characteristics of the northwest coast impacted the culture of the Chinook tribe?

it provided plentiful access to wood for memorial (totem) poles and other wood carving art

In what way did the Magna Carta limit the king's power?

it required him to confer with nobles before making some decisions

The Proclamation of 1763 angered the American colonists because:

it ruled the settling of the Ohio River Valley was forbidden

Which of the following limited the success of Reconstruction efforts?

jim crow laws plessy v. ferguson

Nativism and economic fears of new immigrants to the US led to the rise of which political party following the Industrial Revolution?

know-nothing party

The US Constitution was drafted in response to which main weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

lack of a powerful central government

The United States Congress is often criticized for which of the following?

lacking term limits

Which of the following is responsible for regulating emergency services?

local governments

Which of the following entities receive the majority of revenue via property taxes?

local municipalitiles

Which of the following is a major responsibility of local governments?

maintaining city and county transportation infrastructure

Which of the following was a direct result of the mass westward migration of white American settlers in the mid-1800s?

mass production of railroads

The city of Los Angeles has hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. This is an example of which kind of climate?


The English desire for colonies in the Americas was directly influenced by:

mercantilism and the creation of joint-stock companies

Which of the following offices would not exist in a republic?


How was religion tied to the tensions related to immigration in the 1830s?

most native-born Americans were Protestant while many immigrants were Catholic

Subduction is a geographic process that directly contributes to the creation of what feature?


Which of the following is the greatest result of the Second Industrial Revolution in America?

movement of goods became cheaper

The Dust Bowl of the 1930s was caused by a combination of prolonged drought followed by high winds, which resulted in loss of vegetation, as much of the topsoil was picked up by the winds of transported out to sea. As a result, millions of farmers left the midwest and moved west. The Dust Bowl was an example of:

natural forces impacting migration

Which of the cultural achievements is attributed to the Mayan civilization?

one of the world's first writing systems

The Native American Removal Act of 1830, which resulted in the resettlement of several tribes to land west of the Mississippi, was for the purpose of:

opening up Native American land in the South to American farmers

Together, globalization and the advent of the information age most directly contributed to what economic phenomenon?


A topographical map shows the ____________ features of a given area.


Which type of landform is an area of flat land at a low elevation?


Mountains are a result of which of the following?

plate tectonics

Which of the following is an example of an event or process caused by internal?

plate tectonics triggering a volcanic eruption

Which type of landform is an area of flat land at a higher elevation than the surrounding land?


A map primarily shows the area of and borders between each country, national capitals, and major cities is which type of map?


Which of the following types of maps shows borders of countries?


Which of the following rights did British colonists in the United States advocate for in the 1770s?

political representation in the British parliament

What was the primary effect of early European explorers on North American Native populations?

population decline from new diseases

The Constitution of the United States addressed which of the following weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation?

powers of the central government

Johnson's Great Society advocated for many social reforms, including which of the following?

preschool for low-income families

Sarah G. Bagley founded the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association in 1844. What was the primary achievement of this group?

prompting a government investigation of working conditions in factories and limiting the workday to 10 hours

Which of the following best describes the reasons for adding the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution?

protecting explicit individual rights from government action

Jim Crow laws enforced segregation and discrimination against African Americans in which of the following areas?

public transportation voting housing

The American Revolution was fomented by colonists' desire for which of the following?

representation in Parliament

Which of the following best describes the Hopi tribe?

resided in compact villages called pueblos

Roe v. Wade (1973) ruled that states could not deny women the right to an abortion. Which fundamental freedom is the decision based on?

right to privacy

Canyons are the result of long-term erosion due to what type of activity?


Ms. Trumbo's class is using the scale factors from a map to find the distance between various geologic features. Which of the following pieces of equipment should Ms. Trumbo provide to each of her students to use during this task?


Which of the following societal institutions can best prepare American citizens to carry out their civic responsibilities?


Parliment enacted the Tea Act of 1773 primarily to:

sell tea only at government-approved tea houses

One reason the American Revolution is significant in world history is because it:

set an example for future revolutions and constitutional governments

Prior to European contact, Native Americans along the eastern seaboard lived in what type of settlement?

settled tribal communities

How did the Appalachian Mountains most directly affect westward migration in the United States?

settlers utilized natural paths through the mountains and settled in those regions

The proclamation of 1763 restricted British colonists from:

settling west of the Appalachian Mountains

The Great Depression is most strongly associated with which of the following economic features?

sharp increases in government spending and public works projects in the United States and Western Europe

Which of the following industries was most responsible for the economic success of the New England colonies?


The majority of immigrants to America in the early years of the Republic were composed of whom?

single men seeking economic opportunities

In agreeing to the Connecticut Compromise at the Constitutional Convention, the Framers sought to strike a balance between which of the following factions?

small states and large states

Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle helped promote awareness and support around what issue?

standards in the meatpacking industry and consumer protection

A teacher asks the students to pick an object in the classroom and then describe how far away three other objects are from the first object. The teacher then invited students to present their descriptions to the class. Which of the following learning objectives is this most likely to promote?

students' understanding of relative location

Earth's separate continents were formed through which of the following processes?

tectonic shift

A climate map differs from other maps in that it includes which of the following data?


The concept of American federalism is most clearly outlined in which of the following amendments to the US Constitution?


Which amendment was repealed by the 21st amendment?

the 18th amendment

Common sense by Thomas Paine helped inspire which of the following?

the American Revolution

A social studies teacher wants to introduce a unit on the historical context of the writing of the United States Constitution. Which of the following would be the most appropriate introductory topic?

the Articles of Confederation

The earliest known written laws were developed by:

the Babylonians

Nationalist tensions in what region led to the outbreak of World War I?

the Balkans

Russia and the United States are separated by which of the following?

the Bering Strait

Which of the following caused the passage of the Intolerable Acts in 1774?

the Boston Tea Party

Which of the following events caused the British government to pass the Intolerable Acts?

the Boston Tea party

Between 1849 and 1852, nearly 250,000 people migrated to California. Which was the primary cause of this large migration?

the California Gold Rush

The period of United States history known as the Reconstruction occurred following which major historical event?

the Civil War

European philosopher John Locke's principle of natural rights became the inspiration for which of the founding document?

the Declaration of Independence

Which of the following hunted and trapped beaver in the lucrative fur trade in North America?

the French

Lyndon Johnson is most associated with which of the following?

the Great Society

Which two of the following natural forces are external forces?

the Gulf Stream Solar radiation

Which of the following established the idea of limited government?

the Magna Carta

Which of the following was not part of the compromise of 1850?

the Missouri Compromise

Which of the following established that lands in Latin and South America should not be colonized by European powers?

the Monroe Doctrine

Which colonial power was the first to participate in the slave trade?

the Portuguese

Women's Suffrage was a key issue during which of the following periods?

the Progressive Era

Which two of the following were results of the Progressive movement that began in the late 1800s?

the Sherman Anti-Trust Act the 18th Amendment

The Sons of Liberty played a major role in protesting which of the following?

the Stamp Act

Which of the following incited the Boston Tea Party?

the Tea Act

One of the key issues debated in the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers was the need to limit the power of the federal government. This led to which of the following elements being added to the U.S. Constitution?

the Tenth Amendment

In 1767, colonists organized boycotts and established the first non-importation agreement to reduce British tax revenue in response to which of the following?

the Townshend Acts

Which of the following was a leading cause of the end of slavery in the United States?

the Union victory in the Civil War

Which of the following was referred to as "The Second War of Independence"?

the War of 1812

Which of the following is NOT associated with the Progressive Movement?

the abolition of slavery

Of the following, which best summarizes the core beliefs at the center of social contract theory?

the authority of a government exists only as it is supported by the people it governs

Which of the following documents guarantees citizens of the United States freedom of speech and religion?

the bill of rights

what is the supremacy clause?

the clause establishing that federal law overrides state law

Which of the following inventions significantly increased the demand for slaves in America?

the cotton gin

Which of the following is caused by the rain shadow effect?

the creation of desserts

Which of the following disagreements led to the emergence of two political parties in the US?

the creation of the Bank of the United States

Which of the following was not one of the motivations for the form of Reconstruction pursued by Radical Republicans after the conclusion of the Civil War?

the desire to impeach President Andrew Johnson

One of the long-term effects of the exchange of people and ideas during the Age of Exploration was:

the diversification of European cuisines

The two-party system in the United States was born out of a disagreement about what issue?

the establishment of a national bank

Which of the following describes an effect of the Glorious Revolution in 1688?

the establishment of the English Bill of Rights

The Columbian Exchange refers to which of the following?

the exchange of plants, animals, crops, culture, people, and ideas between the Old and New Worlds following Columbus' expeditions

Manifest Destiny inspired Americans to migrate westward and settle the land between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean. Which of the following is a major long-term economic effect of this westward expansion by the United States?

the expansion of agriculture and mineral operations in the United States

Which of the following was the primary reason for the growth of national markets in the US during the last half of the 19th century?

the expansion of the railroad system

Which of the following series of events most clearly demonstrates the concept of cause and effect in history?

the fall of the Berlin Wall helped hasten the fall of communism in Russia

Which of the following describes one of the reasons the Articles of Confederation proved unsuccessful following the revolutionary war?

the federal government was prevented from collecting taxes

Which of the following describes the Sherman Antitrust Act?

the first major step taken by the government to regulate business practices?

San Francisco grew from a backwater settlement to a major city of the American West due to which of the following?

the gold rush

In 1925, the John T. Scopes trial gripped the nation as it embodied the social conflict of the time between traditional values and a push for the loosening of social rules. What was the issue of this landmark case?

the legality of teaching evolution in school

Which of the following describes an effect of the Dawes Severalty Act?

the loss of 27 million acres of native lands

What was the colonists' response to the Intolerable Acts?

the meeting of the First Continental Congress

Which of the following aspects of the presidential elections between 1864 and 1876 fluctuated the most?

the number of electoral votes in each election

From the perspective of social contract theory, the authority to govern in a democratic state is vested and retained in what body?

the people as a whole

Which of the following events caused an overhaul of food safety standards and an increased focus on consumer protection?

the publication of The Jungle

Which of the following would have the greatest effect on weather conditions in Colorado?

the rain shadow effect

The Trail of Tears refers to which of the following?

the removal of the Cherokee and other Native Americans from their ancestral lands

Constitutional government in the United States is aimed at protecting which of the following?

the rights of the individual

Which of the following was an important social development made possible by the First Industrial Revolution?

the rise of the middle class

Which two of the following were included among the results of the Compromise of 1850?

the slave trade was abolished in the capital California was admitted into the Union as a free state

What was one key economic and social outcome of the invention of the cotton gin?

the slave trade was revitalized because the demand for cotton increased

Sociology, psychology, and political science all have which common feature at their core?

the study of individuals and their decisions

The Columbian Exchange best refers to:

the trade routes established between Europe and the "New World" discovered by Columbus

Which of the following types of maps might show the average number of children in each state last year?


Prior to the arrival of Europeans, how did the Inca civilization use its geographical situation to facilitate transportation and defense?

they built well-made roads using wooden, bronze, and stone tools

Which of the following represent how the US Constitution dealt with the issue of slavery?

three-fifths compromise fugitive slave clause

Which of the following best describes why the Bill of Rights was added to the constitution?

to appease Anti-Federalists who were concerned about a strong central government

Which of the following is a major responsibility of state governments?

to approve budgets for building statewide roads

Which of the following was a goal of FDR's New Deal?

to assist those most affected by the Great Depression

What was the purpose and outcome of the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848?

to call attention to the grievances of women and the outcome was the "declaration of sentiments and resolution"

The internment of Japanese Americans during World War II was undertaken to accomplish which of the following?

to prevent the possibility of American intelligence being passed to the Japanese forces

What was the main reason that the United States fought in the Korean War?

to prevent the spread of communism

What was the main reason that the United States fought in the Vietnam War?

to prevent the spread of communism

Which of the following describes the primary motivation of President Monroe's when he issued the Monroe Doctrine?

to protect the sovereignty of the U.S. by guarding against any colonization in the Western Hemisphere

Which of the following best captures the purpose of the Mission system in California?

to spread Spanish culture and religion among the Native Americans in California

The Quartering Acts were intended to accomplish what among the American colonies?

to station large numbers of British troops in the colonies

Which of the following types of maps shows a detailed and accurate graphic representation of natural features of the ground?


Which part of the US legal system is established in the Seventh Amendment?

trial by jury

Which of the following is the correct name for the economic policy that supports stimulating the supply side of the economy through loosening corporate regulations in order to stimulate business profit and therefore investment, labor hiring, and pay?

trickle-down economics

What was the influence of the Industrial Revolution on the population densities of urban and rural communities?

urban areas grew rapidly as rural populations declined

The continued expansion of the Hawaiian islands is due to which of the following?

volcanic activity

The formation of a caldera is related to which of the following events?

volcanic eruption

Oceanic islands are formed through the activity of what geological feature?


Suffragists such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton primarily campaigned to gain women the legal right to do which of the following?


Throughout American history, formal schooling and higher education have largely only been available to men and boys. Even though women and girls have gained more access to education in recent decades, there are many lasting consequences of the historical inequity that still affect the educational and professional careers of women. Which of the following statistics is a result of the fact that women have long been excluded from some areas of study and even from education as a whole?

women make up approximately half of the workforce but only 27% of STEM jobs

What was an unintended benefit of America joining the Allies in World War II?

women's role in the workforce improved

Beginning with which of the following conflicts did America begin to take a leading role in helping propagate democratic regimes across the globe?

world war II

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