Social Studies Quiz: Egypt

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What else did the call the nile river?

"Life blood"

What did the Egyptians call the Libyan dessert?

"Red land"- because of the heat

What did the people in Egypt call the nile river?

"The creator of all good"

Egyptians had a positive view of the afterlife. One of their most important writing was The Book of the Dead. What three things were found in this book?

*Prayers, magic spells, and how to prepare for the afterlife*.

Most Egyptians lived in?

*the fertile Nile valley and delta*

Re, the sun god


Why were governments necessary in Egypt?

1. To oversee construction 2. repair of irrigation ditches and dams 3. develop a process for storing grains 4. Settle conflicts over land ownership

social class

1.The The king or pharaoh and his family 2.class of army commanders, nobles, and priests 3.traders, artisans,shoe keepers,and scribes and unskilled workers

the dates of the Old Kingdom, and how long it lasted?

2600 b.c to 2200 b.c.

Ancient Egypt and kush lasted?

500b.c. To A.d 2000


A fan shape area of fertile marsh land

Define theocracy?

A government in which the same person is both the political leader and the religious leader.

Define bureaucrats, and include 3 things they supervised?

Are government officials, to carry out orders. They supervised the construction and the repair of dams, irrigation canals, and brick granaries.

Together Isis and Oasis ruled the world of the?


The nile river is used for?

Drinking, bathing, and growing crops

Kemet is?


acient ruin are located in?


Describe the homes and clothes of the upper class?

Egypt's upper class lived in elegant homes and on estates along the Nile River. Their homes were constructed of wood and sun-dried mud bricks, and some were two or three stories tall. Surrounding their homes were lush gardens and pools filled with fish and water lilies. Men and women from the upper class dressed in fashionable white linen clothes and wore dark eye makeup and jewelry. Servants waited on them and performed household tasks.

Men/Fathers/boys Women/Mothers/girls:

Egyptian children were expected to respect their parents. Mothers taught their daughters to sew, cook, and run a household. Boys learned farming or other trades from their fathers. Learning their father's trade was important, because very often the oldest son would inherit his father's business. When boys and girls became teenagers, they were expected to get married and start families of their own.


Egyptian writing system that used pictures and symbols

People that live in Egypt are called?


Where is the Sphinx located?


Predictable Floods

In late spring brought heavy tropical rain

Egypt is located?

In the northern part of the nile river vally

Name Osiris's wife, the god of faithful wives and mothers?


What does the nile do?

It separates and then joins together with the white nile and the blue nile and become one- The NILE RIVER

The people called the land?

Kemet- which means black land for the black or dark soil- which means the soil is fertile


King of Upper Egypt

People that lived in Kush are called


Egyptians were the 1st to write, what kind of books?

Medical books

What god greeted those that died at the gate to the next world?


Thirty dynasty's three time periods

Old kingdom, Middle Kingdom, new kingdom

What did extra food mean in Egypt?

Other people could do other jobs than farming

What did the people do when the pharaoh appeared in public?

People played music on flutes and cymbals and bowed their heads.

Who were the two most crucial gods?

Re the sun god and Hapi the river god

The eastern nile extends along to the?

Red sea

They prized unity, and developed a government under an all-powerful ruler who controlled what two things?

Religious and political affairs

Why do you think the King would be buried in the middle of the Pyramid and not the top?

So that if someone breaks in it would be hard to get to the mummy.

Define pharaoh?

The Egyptian ruler that is king. Pharah means- "Great house"

What were the trade routes?

The Mediterranean Sea and the red sea?

The Libyan dessert is part of what dessert?

The Sahara dessert

What is the Nile River?

The biggest river in the world it flows north from central Africa to the Mediterranean Sea, 4,000miles.


The dangerous fast moving that makes it difficult on the nile river to travel

The spinks is?

The enormous stone structure has the body of a lion and the head of a human

Roles of men/fathers and women/mothers:

The father was the head of the family in ancient Egypt, but women had more rights than women in other early civilizations had. Egyptian women held a legal status similar to that of men. They could own property, buy and sell goods, and ​obtain​ divorces. Wealthy women even served as priests, managing temples and performing religious ceremonies. Wives of farmers often worked in the fields with their husbands. Women of the higher social classes were more likely to stay at home while their husbands worked at their jobs.

What did men have to do in Egypt to become a scribe or a business man?

The had to go to special schools

Describe jobs performed by unskilled workers and describe their homes?

The largest Egyptian social classes included farmers, unskilled workers, and enslaved people. Most farmers worked on land that was owned by wealthy nobles. They paid rent to the landowners, usually with a portion of their crops. Farmers lived in houses that were made of mud brick. The houses generally had only one room and a roof made of palm leaves. Farmers ate a simple diet of bread, vegetables, and fruit.

Describe the jobs in the middle class?

The middle class of ancient Egyptian society was made up of people who owned businesses and held skilled jobs. These jobs included trading and working as a scribe. Artisans were also important members of the middle class. These craft-makers produced linen cloth, jewelry, pottery, and metal goods. The middle class lived in smaller homes and dressed more simply than the upper class.

Why were the Egyptians fiercely loyal to the Pharaoh?

They believed that a strong ruler ∗unified∗ their kingdom.

In Egypt what were the floods like?

They had seasonal and consistent floods and were perdictable

For the first time what happened in Egypt?

They were untied under one ruler

Name the god of learning, he could take both human and animal form?


In the southwest asian area moved were?

To the nile river

Define embalming?

Treating the body to protect it from decay

What did Narmer do?

United upper and lower Egypt- married a princess to do that- he established the new capital Memphis- he formed a dynasty government passed from father to son

What are the two major kingdoms in Egypt?

Upper Egypt( south central part of the nile river valley Lower Egypt(nile river north delta)

Where did wealthy people bury their mummies, and where did the poor bury their mummies?

Wealthy people had their mummies placed in coffins and buried in tombs. Poorer people had their mummies buried in caves or in the sand.

What are granaries?

Were used to store grain from bountiful harvests so people would not starve during times of poor harvests.

Describe in detail how pyramids were built?

Workers searched for stone in places throughout the Nile River valley or in Upper Egypt. After locating the stone, skilled artisans used copper tools to cut the stone into huge blocks. Next, workers used rope to fasten the blocks onto wooden sleds. The sleds were pulled along a path made of logs to the Nile River. There, the stones were moved onto barges that carried them to the building site. Workers unloaded the blocks and dragged or pushed them up ramps to be set in place at each new level of the pyramid.

Was Egypt isolated from outside invaders?



a bucket attached to a long pole used to transfer river water to storage basins- from the nile- many farmers still use it

Define deities

a god or goddess (in a polytheistic religion).


a reed plant that grew wild along the Nile

Kush is located

far southern part of nile river vally

Define pyramid

great tombs built for pharaohs

Early Egyptians believed that only pharaohs could enjoy an afterlife, centuries later they believed ALL people could enjoy the afterlife. They felt the soul resided in the body. Therefore, the body had to be protected on its journey to the afterlife. Describe how the body was protected in great detail and name what the body became:

priests removed the body's organs. The organs were stored in special jars that were buried with the body. Then the priests covered the body with a salt called natron and stored it for several days. The natron dried up the water in the body, causing it to shrink. The shrunken, dried body was then filled with burial spices and tightly wrapped with long strips of linen. The wrapped body was then known as a mummy.The mummy was sealed in a coffin and placed in a decorated tomb.

Name the biggest and grandest pyramid, what modern city is it located in, and what king was it built for?

the Great Pyramid. It lies about 10 miles (16.1 km) from the modern city of Cairo. Built for King Khufu

What happend in Egypt in mid summer?

the nile over flood its banks and brought silt

Name other creatures buried as mummies?

they buried the mummies of cats, birds, and other animals at temples honoring their gods and goddesses

They also advanced in math

they created a system of written numbers based on 10.

Egyptians studied astronomy while building the pyramids, with this knowledge they invented?

they invented a 365-day calendar with 12 months divided into three seasons*

Egyptians believed the pharaohs would be happy in death with their personal belongings. Name four things often buried with the pharaohs?

they placed the pharaoh's clothing, weapons, furniture, and jewelry in the pyramids

What was Osiris the god of?

underworld and farming he greets you in the underworld, he is the ruler

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