Social study skills

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Outline significance and contributions of Sigmund Freud

And Australian doctor, he developed a number of theories regarding human mental processes and behavior. He believed the subconscience to hold numerous repressed experiences and feelings that drove behavior without the individual being aware of it, and that these subconscience behavior motivators could lead to severe personality problems and disorders. He particularly stressed sexual desires as a motivating force. He developed the method psychoanalysis to help discover the hidden impulses driving individual's behavior. His psychoanalysis theory proposed three major components to an individual's psychological makeup: Id - different by instinct and basic drives. Ego - most conscious and producing self-awareness. Superego - strives for perfection and appropriate behavior. The ego acts as a meditator between the Id and superego, which functions in opposition to each other.

Describe how to analyze artifact in a social science contacts

Artifacts, or everyday objects use by previous cultures, are useful for understanding life and those cultures. Students should first discover, or be provided with, a description of the item. This discription should tell during what period the artifact was used and what culture used it. From that description and/or from examination of the artifact, students should be able to discuss what the artifact is, what it is made of, its potential uses, and the people who likely used it. They should then be able to draw conclusions from all these pieces of evidence about life and that culture. For example, analysis of coins from an early American archaeological site my show the settlers brought coins with them, or that some classes of residents were wealthy, or that trade occurred with many different nations. The enterperception would vary depending on the circumstances surrounding the artifacts. Sitting should consider these circumstances when drawing conclusions.

Explain ahow to determine the adequacy, relevance, and consistency of information

Before information is sought, a list of guilding question should be developed to help determine whether information found is adequate, relevant, and consistent. These questions to be based on the research goes, we should be laid out in an outline or concept map. For example, a student writing a report on the Navajo social structure might begin with the questions concerning the general lifestyle and location of the Navajos, and follow with questions about how Navajo society was organized. While researching his questions, he will come up with pieces of information. This information can be compared to his research question to determine whether it is relevant to his report. Information from several sourcesshould be compared to determine whether information is consistent. Information that is adequate helps answer pacific questions that are part of the research go. In adequate information for this particular student might be a statement such as Navajos had a strong social structure, because the student is probably seeking more specific information.

Explain cartographic distortion and describe how it influences map projections

Cartographic distortion is a distortion caused by projecting a three-dimensional structure, and this case the surface of the earth, onto the two dimensional surface of a map. Numerous maps projections have been developed to minimize distortion, but the only way to eliminate distortion completely is to render the earth in three dimensions. Most map projections have minimal distortion and some location, usually the center, and the distortion becomes greater close to the edges of the map. Some map projections try to compromise and distribute the distortion more evenly across the map. Different categories of maps preserve, or do not distort, different features. Maps I preserve directions acrylate are azimuthal, and maps app preserve shapes properly are conformal. Airy preserving maps are called equal area maps and maps the preserve distance are called distant preserving. Massive preserve the shortest routes are gnomonic projections.

Discuss how to recognize cause-and-effect relationships, and describe how to compare similarities and differences

Cause-and-effect relationships are simply linkage between event that happened (effect) because of some other event (cause). Effects are always chronologically ordered after causes effects can be found by asking why something happened, or looking for information following words like so, consequently, since, because, therefore, this lead to, as a result, and this period causes can be found by ask him what happened. Comparing similarities and differences involves mentally setting to concepts next to each other and then listing the ways they are The same and the ways they are different. The level of comparison varies from student level; four example, younger students may compare the physical characteristics of two animals. Older students compare the themes of a book. Similarity/difference comparisons can be done by listing written descriptions and a point by point approach, or they can be done and several graphic ways. Then diagrams are commonly used to organize information, showing non-overlapping clouds filled with information about the different characteristics of A and B, and the overlapping area shown always in a and B are the same. Idea that uses arrows and bubbles can also be developed to show these differences.

Discuss how to interpret charts and tables used in social science

Charge using social signs are a visual representation of data. They combine geographic and textual elements to convey information in a concise format. Often, charge divide the space up and blocks, which are filled with text and/or pictures taken bake a point. Charts are often organized in a tubular form, where blocks below are heading all have information in in common. Charts also divide information into conceptual, non-numeric groups (for example, favorite color), which are then plotted against a numerical axis (e.g. Number of students). Chart should be labeled in such a way that a reader can locate a point on the chart and then consult with the surrounding exes or table headings to understand how it compares to other points. Tables are a type of a chart that divides textual information into rows and columns. Each row and column represents a characteristic of the information. For example, a table might be used to convey demographic information. The first column would provide year, and the second will provide population. Reading across the rows, one could see that in the year 1966, the population of Middleton was 53,847. Tracking the columns was show how frequently the population was counted.

List the major division of the human lifespan used by psychologist to classify behavior and growth

Development psychologist divide the human lifespan in two stages, and this certain developmental milestones that generally take place during three stages. Infancy and childhood - the most rapid. Of human development during which, the child learns to experience its world, relate to other people, and perform tasks necessary to function and its native culture. Debate exist as to what characteristics are inborn and what are learned. Adolescence - this period represents the shift from child to adult. Change is a rapid and can involve major set phyical and developmental shifts. Adulthood - individuals take on new responsibilities, become self-sufficient, and often form their own families and other social networks. Old Age - priorities shift again as children become adults and no longer require support and supervision.

Explain how an encyclopedia, bibliography, or an almanac would be used for social studies research.

Encyclopedias are ideal for getting background information on the topic. They provide an overview of the topic, and link it to other concepts that can provide additional keywords, information, or subject. They can help students narrowed their topic by showing the subtopics with in the overall topic, and by relating it to other topics. And second videos are often more useful than the Internet because they provide A clearly organize, concise overview of material. Bibliographies are bound collections of references to periodicals and books, organized by topics. Students can begin researching more effectively after they identify a topic, look it up and I bibliography, and look it up in the references listed there. These provides a branching network of information a student can follow. A pitfall of a bibliographies is that where in textbooks or other journal articles, the references in them are chosen to support the author's point of view, and so may be limited in scope. Alamanacs our volumes a facts published annually. They provide information on just about every topic. And organized by subject or geographic region. They are often helpful for supporting arguments made using other references, and do not provide any interpretation of their own.

List and describe the most popular map projections

Globe: Earths features are shown on a sphere. No distortion of distance, direction, or area occurs. Mercator: projects earths features onto a cylinder wrapped around the globe. Generates a rectangular map that is not distorted at eight at the equator but is greatly distorted near the pose. Lines of latitude and latitude form the square grid. Robinson: project earths features and to an oval looking map. Areas near the poles are true to size then the Mercater. Some distortion effects every point Orthographic: earths features are shown on a circle, which is tangent to the globe at any point chosen by the map maker. Generates a circular, 3-D appearing map similar to how earth is seen from space. Conic maps: a family of maps and drawn by projecting the globes features onto a cone set on to the globe. Some distortion effects most points. Polar maps: a circle onto which the land around the poles have been projected. Provides much less distortion of Antarctica and the land around the north pole than any other map types.

Discuss the importance of Aristotle to the science of psychology

He is often cited as the founding the science of psychology through his overall interest and the working of the human mind. His beliefs stated that the mind it was part of the body, while the psyche functioned as a receiver of knowledge. He felt philosophies major focus was to uncover the soul. Later philosophers and scientists built on these ideas to eventually developed the modern science of psychology.

Define behavioralism and discuss its implications

John B. Watson, and American, develop the idea of behavioralism. In his theory, growth, learning and training would always win out over any possible inborn tendencies. He believe that any person, regardless of origin, could learn. To perform any type of art, craft or enterprise with significant training and experience.

Explain how to identify main ideas and document

Main ideas in a paragraph are often found in the topic sentence, which is usually the first or the second sentence in the paragraph age following sentence in the paragraph should relate to that initial information. Sometimes, the first or second sentence does not obviously set up the main idea. When that happens, a sentence in the paragraph should be read carefully to find the common theme between them all. This common theme is the main idea of a paragraph. Main ideas in an entire document can be found by analyzing the structure of the document. Frequently, the document begins with an introductory paragraph for an abstract that will summarize the main ideas. Each paragraph often discussed as one of the main ideas and contributes to the overall goal of the document. Some documents are divided up into chapters are sections, each of which discusses the main idea. The way that the main idea or described in a document (either in sentences, paragraphs, or chapters) depends on the length of the document.

Describe how to compare maps with datasets or texts to draw conclusions and make generalization

Maps can provide a great deal of information about an area by showing specific locations where certain types of settlement, land-use, or population growth occurred. Datasets and text can provide more specific information about events that can be up at the sized by Maps. This specific information may provide dates is dates of significant events (for example, the date of a fire that guy did it downtown region, forcing suburban development) or important numeral data (e.g., Population growth by year). Written Dennis cents and Texas and able map interpretation causes (Real estate prices rose in 2004, causing middle class citizens to move northwest of the city). Without specific information from additional sources, inferences drawn from Maps cannot be put in context and interpreted in more than a vague way.

Discuss how to compare maps on the same place from different time periods, and describe the information that it provides.

Maps of the same place from different time periods can often be initially aligned by geographic features. Political and land-use boundaries are most likely to change between time periods, whereas locations of waterways and geologic features such as mountains relatively concent. Once geographic features have been used to align maps, they can be compared side-by-side to examine the changing locations of human settlement, similar waterways, etc. This kind of map interpretation, at the smaller scale, provides information about how small groups of humans intersect with their environment. For example, such as analysis might show the major cities began around ports, and then moved inland as modes of transportation, like railroads in cars, became more common. Lands that were initially used for agriculture might become incorporated into a nearby city has a population grows. This kind a map analysis can also show the evolution of the social economic of an area, providing information about the relative importance of economic activities (manufacturing, agriculture or trade) and even the commuting behavior of workers.

Does the contributions of Johannas P Muller, Herman L. F. Von Hemholtz, William James and William Wundt to the field of psychology.

Muller and Hemholtz, both German, conducting scientific, organize studies and sensations and perception. As the first psychologist to attend this kind of the study, they showed that it was possible to study actual physical processes that were to produce mental activity. James what is the founder of the worlds first psychology laboratory. Wundt, also German, plug was the first experimental psychology journal. Together, James and Wundt helped bring psychology into its own, separating it from philosophy. The method of psychological study called the introspection route out of their work.

Explain how political cartoons can be used in a social science studies

Political cartoons are drawings that member early convey an opinion. These opinions baby supportive or critical, and may summarize a series of events are pose a fictional situation that summarizes an attitude. Political cartoons are there for secondary sources of information that provide social and cultural context about events. Political cartoons may have captions that help describe the action or put it in context. They may also have dialogue, labels, or other recognizable cultural symbols. For example, Uncle Sam frequently appears in political cartoons to represent the United States government. Political cartoons frequently employ caricature to call attention to a situation or a person. The nature of the caricture help show the cartoons attitude toward an issue being pretrade. Every element of the cartoon is included to support the artist's point, and should be considered in the cartoons interpretation. When interpreting political cartoons, students should examine what issue is being discussed, what elements that are just chose to support his or her period, and what the messages. Considering who might agree or disagree with the cartoon is also helpful in determining the message of the cartoon.

Compare and contrast primary and secondary resources for social science research

Primary sources provide information about an event from the perspective of people who were present at the event. They might be letters, autobiographies, interviews, speeches, artifacts, or anything created by people with first hand experience. Primary resources are valuable because they provide not only facts about the event, but also information about the surrounding circumstances; for example, a letter might provide commentary about how a political speech was received. The Internet is a source of primary information, but care must be taken to evaluate the perspective of the website providing that information. Website host by individuals or special interest organizations are more likely to be biased then those hosted by public organizations, government, educational institutions, or news associations. Secondary sources provide information about an event, but were not written at the time of the ad vent occurred. They draw information of our primary resources. Because secondary sources were written later, they have the added advantage of historical perspective, multiple points of view, and resultant outcomes. News magazines that right about innovent even a week after it occurred count as secondary sources. Secondary sources tend to analyze events more effectively or thoroughly than primary sources.

Listen discuss the three major types of learning identified and studied by psychologists

Psychologist define learning as a permanent change in behavior. They divide types of learning into three basic categories, depending upon on how the behavioral change is acquired. 1. Classical conditioning - a learning process in which a specific stimulus is associated with a specific response overtime. 2. Operant conditioning a learning process in which behavior is punished or rewarded, leading to a desire long-term behavior. 3. Social learning - learning based on observation of others and modeling other's behavior. These three learning processes work together to produce the wide variety of human behavior.

Explain how to distinguish between facts and opinions

Students easily recognize the facts are true statements that everyone agrees on senses and object's name or a statement about a historical event. students also recognize that opinion is very about matters of taste, such as preference and said in music, that rely on people's interpretations that was a facts

Review how to draw conclusions and make generalizations about a topic

Students reading about it on the floor and counter different facts and opinions that contribute to their overall impression of the material. The student can critically examine the material by thinking about what banks have been included, how they have been presented, how they show, but they relate to outside the written material, and what the authors conclusion is. Students may agree or disagree with the authors conclusion, based on the students interputation of the facts the author presented. When working on a research project, and students research question will help him gather details that were in able him to draw a conclusion about the research material. Generalization are blanket statements that apply to a wide number of examples. They are similar to conclusions but do you not have to summarize the information as completely as conclusions. Generalizations and reading material may be flagged by words such as all, most, none, many, several, sometimes, often, never, overall, or in general. Generalizations can refer to facts or the authors opinion, and they provide a valuable summary of the text overall.

Discuss how information should be collected, as for a research paper, and her results should be organized and reported

The first step of writing a research paper involves narrowing down on a topic. The student should first read background information to identify areas that are interesting or need further study and that the student does not have a strong opinion about. The research question should be identified, and the student should refer to general sources I can point to more Pacific information. When he begins to take notes, his information should be organized with a clear system to a dinner fied the source. Any information from outside sources must be acknowledged with foot notes or a bibliography. To gain more Pacific information about his topic, the student can then research baby rocker phase of the general sources to narrow down on information pertinent on his topic. He should draft a thesis statement that summarizes the main point of the research. That should lead to a working outlined that incorporates all the ideas needed to support the point in a logical order. A rough draft should incorporate the results of the research and the outline order, with all citations clearly inserted. The paper should then be edited before clarity, style, flow, and content.

Explain the importance of Mary and Louis Leakey and their discoveries as Olduvai Gorge

These two made major discoveries regarding the origin of the human species during their excavations in Olduvai Geoge in Africia, excavting wide varieties of stone tools and other articifacts dating back as far as two million years. Mary discoveried discoveried footprints of Laetoli and developed a system by which to classify early humans. These two also discovered prehistoric remains of humans, dating back nearly four million years old and fifteen new species and one new genus of early human ancestors. They also discovered the first fossil ape skull, and only three similar specimens exsist to this day. Their findings fundamentally changed theories regarding development and evolutionof anient humans.

Defined the discipline of economics

This discipline studies the way scientific societies allocates resources to individuals and groups within that society. Also important are the choices society makes regarding what efforts or initiatives are funded and which are not. Since resources in any society are finite, allegation becomes a vivid reflection of that society's values. In general, the economic systems that drivers an individual society is based on: 1. What goods are produced 2. How those goods are produced 3. Who acquires the goods are benefits from them Economics consists of two main categories, macroeconomics, which state is larger systems, and microeconomics, we study smaller systems.

Define psychology as a scientific discipline

This is studies human behavior and how the mind works. Some psychologists pursue scientific psychology, or others focus on applied psychology. Psychology correlates human behavior and can make use of this data to predict behavior or determine why particular behavior has occurred. Psychologist also help work with people who have specific problems with relationships or with how they perceive the world. But observing patterns and recording them in detail, psychologist can apply these patterns to prediction about human behavior and individuals, groups, cultures, and even countries.

Describe how timelines are used in social science

Timelines are used to show the relationship people, places, and events. They are ordered chronologically, and usually are shown left to right or top to bottom. Each event on the timeline is associated with a date, if you terminate its location on the timeline. On electronic resources, timelines often contain hyperlinks associated with each event. Clicking on the events hyperlink will open a page with more information about the event. Cause-and-effect relationships can be observed on timelines, which I can share a key event and then resulting events following and close succession. These can be helpful for showing the order of events in time or the relationship between similar events. They help make the passage of time a concrete concept, and show that large. Just passed between some events, and other events cluster very closely.

Review how to organize information chronologically and analyze the sequence of events

To organize information chronologically, each piece of information must be associated with a time or a date. Events are ordered accordingly to the time or date at which they happened. And social science, chronological organization is the most straightforward way to or arrange information, because it relies on a uniform, fixed scale - The passage of time. Information can also be organized based on any other who, what, when, where, why? Principles. Analyzing the sequence of chronological events in von not only examining the event itself, but the preceding and following events. This can put the events in question into perspective, showing how a certain thing might have happened based on proceeding history. One large disadvantage of chronological organization is that it may not highlight important events clearly relative to less important events. Determine the relative importance of events depends more strongly on interpretingtheir relationship to neighboring events.

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