social work ch 1,2, & 3

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social worker

* masters (MSW) bachelors (BSW) doctorate (DSW) *use knowledge to provide social services for clients (individuals, families, groups, communities, organizations, or societies) * help people improve their problem solving/coping, * help people find resources & meet their tangible (food/shelter)& untangible needs (therapy) *influence social policies *general practioner


* people died , left families in financial ruin *people physically disabled *returing needed reintegrated into society

what are the values of social work?

*"beliefs, preferences, or assumptions about what is desirable" *Code of ethics

universal declaration of human rights

*Eleanor Roosevelt instrumental *adopted by the UN in 1948, after WWII *1. We Are All Born Free & Equal. We are all born free. We all have our own thoughts and ideas. We should all be treated in the same way. 2. Don't Discriminate. These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences. 3. The Right to Life. We all have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety. 4. No Slavery. Nobody has any right to make us a slave. We cannot make anyone our slave. 5. No Torture. Nobody has any right to hurt us or to torture us. 6. You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go. I am a person just like you! 7. We're All Equal Before the Law. The law is the same for everyone. It must treat us all fairly. 8. Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law. We can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly. 9. No Unfair Detainment. Nobody has the right to put us in prison without good reason and keep us there, or to send us away from our country. 10. The Right to Trial. If we are put on trial this should be in public. The people who try us should not let anyone tell them what to do. 11. We're Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty. Nobody should be blamed for doing something until it is proven. When people say we did a bad thing we have the right to show it is not true. 12. The Right to Privacy. Nobody should try to harm our good name. Nobody has the right to come into our home, open our letters, or bother us or our family without a good reason. 13. Freedom to Move. We all have the right to go where we want in our own country and to travel as we wish. 14. The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country, we all have the right to run away to another country to be safe. 15. Right to a Nationality. We all have the right to belong to a country. 16. Marriage and Family. Every grown-up has the right to marry and have a family if they want to. Men and women have the same rights when they are married, and when they are separated. 17. The Right to Your Own Things. Everyone has the right to own things or share them. Nobody should take our things from us without a good reason. 18. Freedom of Thought. We all have the right to believe in what we want to believe, to have a religion, or to change it if we want. 19. Freedom of Expression. We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people. 20. The Right to Public Assembly. We all have the right to meet our friends and to work together in peace to defend our rights. Nobody can make us join a group if we don't want to. 21. The Right to Democracy. We all have the right to take part in the government of our country. Every grown-up should be allowed to choose their own leaders. 22. Social Security. We all have the right to affordable housing, medicine, education, and childcare, enough money to live on and medical help if we are ill or old. 23. Workers' Rights. Every grown-up has the right to do a job, to a fair wage for their work, and to join a trade union. 24. The Right to Play. We all have the right to rest from work and to relax. 25. Food and Shelter for All. We all have the right to a good life. Mothers and children, people who are old, unemployed or disabled, and all people have the right to be cared for. 26. The Right to Education. Education is a right. Primary school should be free. We should learn about the United Nations and how to get on with others. Our parents can choose what we learn. 27. Copyright. Copyright is a special law that protects one's own artistic creations and writings; others cannot make copies without permission. We all have the right to our own way of life and to enjoy the good things that art, science and learning bring. 28. A Fair and Free World. There must be proper order so we can all enjoy rights and freedoms in our own country and all over the world. 29. Responsibility. We have a duty to other people, and we should protect their rights and freedoms. 30. No One Can Take Away Your Human Rights.

tina tarasoff case

*Our Duty to Warn based on case: -Prosenjit Poddar, a student from India, began attending the University of California, Berkeley in 1967. -Poddar wanted to start an intimate relationship with Tina Tarasoff, a young woman he met in 1968. -Tina explained to Poddar that she was not interested in a relationship with Poddar; Poddar then experienced a seious emotional crisis. -Poddar developed paranoid schizophrenia and began seeing a psychiatrist. -Tarasoff went to South America for a number of years, upon her return Poddar befriended Tarasoff's brother, eventually moving in with him. -Poddar disclosed to his psychiatrist that he intended to kill Tina Tarasoff -Poddars' psychiatrist remained confidential, not warning Tarasoff or the authorities of the impending threat. -On October 27, 1969 Poddar carried out the plan he had confided to his psychiatrist, stabbing and killing Tina Tarasoff.

case work

*direct practice;1 on 1

community organization

*encouraging & facilitating health, welfare, & social interaction in a community (red cross/cancer society, etc)

sensitivity groups

*focus on improving interaction patterns *person as problem *self awareness + self disclosure=better relationships

group therapy

*involves people w/problems *therapist uses a theoretical approach *requires that the client explore their own problems in depth and helping with a strategy

social work w/ organizations

*many opportunities *they are a group of individuals gathered to serve a purpose *many are bureaucracies

what are the benefits of group therapy

*members can try different roles (helper too) * they see they aren't alone *more likely to respond to group pressure

social worker code of ethics

*respect for dignity /uniqueness of ea/client *clients right of self determination (they make the decisions) *Confidentiality (see exceptions) *accountability (continuously ask are we effective) * Institutional orientation (don't victim blame/all people deserve help/reject social Darwinism) *Promote social justice & safeguard human rights.

Virginia Satir

*social worker named most influential therapist in US *conjoint therapy-join family together *Congruent-must talk to improve the family b/c communication improves the family/incongruent-must be honest & direct no "Im fine!" *She believed that a healthy family life involved an open and reciprocal sharing of affection, feelings, and love. --Well-known for describing family roles, such as "the rescuer" ,"the placator," "the avoider" that function to constrain relationships and interactions in families. *double bind-when fault can be found either way *I messages-you must speak for yourself *family sculpting technique/hierarchy placed on every person *"by healing the family I know how to heal the world"

the change process

-Interventions designed to achieve behavioral changes/ functional outcome. Most reimbursable, often the only form of intervention discussed or documented. -indiv, groups, families, organizations, communities steps: *engagement-warm, sincere, appropriate *assessment-what are the issues? strengths? *intervention-communication, team players, *evaluation-empirical evidence, effective

when social workers work with individuals they....

-act as change agents, performing many roles, in public & private agencies -counseling & relationship skills are the most important

case management

-direct practice -assess needs -arrange & coordinate other services

group work

-non theraputic -school setting, info, rec, health, education

Out of Home

-something already went wrong *foster care *adoption *group homes *institutional-nursing homes *judicial system *impatient

why is the social worker compared to a general practioner

-they must have training and expertise in many areas/skills *substance abuse * counseling theory *elderly *mental health *medical knowledge -they promote human well being through prevention & intervention methods -apply ethical principles -uses problem solving process -single explanations usually are unhelpful (problems are complex) -may play several roles

In home family therapy

-usually preventative: *financial aide - WIC, HUD *protective-CPS *family preservation-parenting class *family therapy *day care *homemaker services

when social workers work with families they....

-view the family as interactive & interdependent -participation of all family members is needed for treatment -typical problems include: divorce death addictions desertion delinquency unwanted pregnancy abuse/neglect bankruptcy poverty infertility infidelity chronic illness dysfunction types: In home/out of home

what are the exceptions to a clients right to confidentiality?

1) Duty to warn 2) in cases of litigation (court ordered) 3) when client formally (in writing) asks for record 4) when a lawsuit is filed for malpractice 5) client threatens suicide 6) minor discloses a crime 7) with evidence of abuse/neglect-child or incapacitated adult 8) when a client is dangerous @ work (Ex:drunk pilot) 9) when we are required to give tetimony in a criminal case

2 basic skills of the social worker

1) ability to interract (w/ groups/ professionals) 2) *** ability to effectively counsel

5 goals of social work

1) enhance problem solving/coping/ development of people 2)link people w/ resources, services, opportunities 3) promote effectiveness & humane operation of systems that provide those in 2. 4) develop/improve social policy 5) encourage human/community well being

4 categories of human services

1) personal service (casework, therapy, counseling, rehabilitation) 2)protective (consumer, correction, fire prevention, housing code, public health) 3) infarmative/advising ( consumer, education, financial, hotlines, consulting, library services) 4) maintenance (ss, child care, unemployment, retirement, welfare)

2 conflicting views of social welfare

1) residual 2. institutional

problem solving approach

1) state problem(s) 2) what are possible solutions? 3)evaluate the solutions 4) chose (can be combined)-/set goals w/ client 5) implement solutions 6) follow up / evaluate

types of groups included:

1)social conversation groups *no agenda *casual-(although can be comprised of professionals) 2) Rec Groups *spontaneous groups that provide exercise *agencies are sometimes asked to provide the space 3) education groups *informative *purpose is to gain knowledge/skills EX: parenting groups/work training 4)TASK GROUPS * problem solving *1 purpose then disbanded *sometimes has a board of directors 5)self help *small *voluntary * for mutual aid *cause oriented, provides materials, emotional support EX: AA 6) socialization * to encourage more socially adaptive behavior *typically school setting 7) therapy *skilled helping of emotional & personal problems that requires a highly skilled therapist trained in group therapy

what are the specific activities performed by social workers?

1-casework 2-case management 3- group work 4- group therapy 5- family therapy 6- community organization 7- administration

5 major sociology institutions

1. education 2. family 3. governemnt 4. economy 5. religion

the business of social welfare

1. find homes for parentless 2. rehabilitate drug/alcohol addicts 3. treat those w/ emotional problems 4. improve life of aged 5. provide vocation for those w/ physical/ mental disabilities 6. meet financial needs of poor; health/legal 7. rehabilatate those who have committed criminal offenses (juven. too) 8. end discriminatation 9. help vets 10. child care service for working parents 11. conteract violence/abuse 12. provide counseling 13. rec & leisure 14. serve those experienced natural disasters 15. educate/socialize kids w/ cognitive /emotional disability 16. housing 17. vocational 18. needs of minorities 19. empower

Jane Addams

1860-1935.1st social worker, the founder of Hull House, which provided English lessons for immigrants, daycares, and child care classes First American Woman to earn Nobel Peace Prize in 1931

1st social worker class

1898 columbia, NY

future for S.W. Profession

19% growth from 2012-22; aging population

medical model

1920's-60's; Freud;sees clients as patients; 1)symptoms include homelessness, unemployment; 2)clients need treatment -retraining 3)cure-not always possible (ex:mental health management focus) having-symptoms being-diagnosed given-treatment eventual-cure diagnosis necessary for billing

systems model

1960's; shift from diagnosis that sticks to considering the system/situation. the system is changes for the client's benefit; stresses importance of family and cultural context in which client will function; problems connected (wholeness/relationships). focus on 3 areas 1)person-problem solving, coping 2) relationships 3) focus on systems like * family, employment, religious, education, social service & reform


1st pd. S.Workers

group social work is defined as:

2 or more people in face to face interaction, aware of their membership in the group, others in the group, each aware of their positive independence as they strive for mutual goals. roots in YWCA/4-H/settlement houses

liberal (democrats/institutional)v/s conservatism (republicans/residual)

2 political philosophies in US

1930's Depression/stock mkt crash

40% unemployed-fdr expanded services

theoretical approach

A perspective on social life derived from a particular theoretical tradition. Some of the major theoretical traditions in sociology include functionalism, symbolic interactionism, and Marxism. Theoretical approaches supply overall perspectives within which sociologists work and influence the areas of their research as well as the modes in which research problems are identified and tackled.

elizabethean poor laws establishes criteria

ABLE BODIED POOR *all expected to work or went to jail *citizens forbidden to give $ *group given low grade employment* IMPOTENT POOR *elderly, blind, deaf, mothers w/young, those w/ physical/mental disablities DEPENDENT CHILDREN *parents/grandparent couldnt support so apprenticed

social welfare

As an institution-a nation's system of programs, benefits, and services that help people meet those social, economic, educational, and health needs that are fundamental to the maintenance of society.


Complex systems with many departments, many rules, and many people in the chain of command. frustrating red tape

social work licensing

LSW-licensed (lowest) LGSW-licensed graduate social worker LCSW- licensed clinical social worker LISW-licensed independent social worker (highest) (differs by location)

strengths perspective

Recognizing an individual's strengths and abilities to cope with problems; enhancing persona. Steps:1) Everyone has strengths 2) trauma & abuse can be an opportunity 3) we are unable to know the upward limit of ones capacity to grow 4) serve best by collaborating 5) environments are rich in resources use them

develpomental view of social welfare

appeals to both political philosophies. development of social welfare programs expanded b/c positive effect on economy, active role of govt., focus on job training, quality childcare, health insurance, school mentoring programs, criminal rehabilitative programs

institutional view

asserts that social welfare programs are to be accepted as a proper, legitimate function of modern industry society in helping individuals achieve self-fulfillment. natural & entitled.

residual view

asserts that social welfare services should be provided only when an individuals needs are not properly met through other societal institutions; has been characterized as charity "gift"of unfortunates. residue/left over. clients are seen as inadequate & blamed. Stugma attached.

what are the roles of a social worker?

circumstance based, but: 1) enabler-"helper" 2) Broker- Be informed so you can link client to proper agency which is more than handing them a card 3) advocate-leads, requests, challenges injustice 4) mediator- neutral party used to resolve disputes 5) negotiator-finds middle ground but usually on a side. 6) educator-teaches adaptive skills 7) initiator- calls attention to prob. & tackles 8) empowerer-helps others increase thie personal, interpersonal, socioeconomic,& political strength by improving their circumstances 9) coordinator-bringing services together to serve the client 10) activist-seeks institutional change to take on injustice 11) researcher- stays up to date in field & latest practices; evaluates outcomes; assesses service 12) group facilitator-leading by encouraging participation 13) public speaker-talk with & inform others


directing/managing social welfare programs through: *holding office *teacher school *policy/program development * evaluating services *research

value conflicts between helping professionals & the bureaucracies

h-desire democratic decision making by those w/ most knowledge/client has power/shared responsibility/leadership b-decisions/power /responsibility /leadership to highest up h-desire power to be distributed horizontally B-power distributed vertically h-desires a flexible changing system b-system rigid/stable h- desires creativity & growth b-desires structure & status quo h-believes feelings of clients/employees should be highly valued b-believes procedures/process is highly valued

group therapy

improving social, behavioral, & emotional adjustmant through the group process advantages *theraputic for helper * economical *time saver *powerful

what training is needed for social workers?

internship at each level, intense field placemets, lifelong continued education (C.EU)

the goal of group therapy

is to bring a change in behavior

what are the 2 service delivery models?

medical & systems/ ecological (person -in-enviroment)

S.W. at 3 levels

micro-food stamps; individual therapy meso-families, small groups macro-organization of communities, states, socities; congressional influence


national association of social workers

rosenhan experiment

sends 'fake' patients to a mental hospital to prove that sane and insane are difficult to distinguish and identify for the hospital staff. -group of students complained of hearing voices to be admitted in a mental hospital

NASW code of ethics

social workers must learn how to provide ethical principles to practice by applying standards from the

Multiple desciplines but 1 cause

sociology, psychology, psychiatry, political science, economics, cultural anthropology

human services

system of services (occupations/professions)that improve/maintain physical, mental, wellbeing of individuals, groups, or communities in a society.was known in past as social welfare.all social workers provide humn services but not all human service workers are social workers. Broader than social work

Pygmalion effect

tendency of people to fulfill the expectation of others, this effect is named after the Greek myth of Pygmalion, a sculptor who fell in love with a statue he had carved. Applies well to education & job performance.

ecological theory

theory based on idea that human development is inseparable from the environmental contexts in which a person develops; body tries to get back to homeostasis (stability/balance). The 3 focuses of this model are 1) person 2) Relationships 3) Reform system

Goal of social welfare?

to fulfill the social, financial, & recreational needs of people in a society

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