sociology 101 final

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Which of the following quotes is an example of ethnocentrism?

"Blacks are less intelligent than Asians."

Which of the following ratios is most accurate in describing the gender imbalance concerning births in China?

120 boys are born for every 100 girls.

U.S. Census data predicts that by 2050, Hispanics will make up which percentage of the population?


What percentage of dollars spent on health care is spent on people age 65 and older?


Of the fifty states in the United States of America, how many states have hate crime laws?


Most people have left paid employment by which age?


The life expectancy at birth in the U.S. is


Which of the following describes the conflict perspective to gender inequality?

Capitalism and private ownership of the means of production are primary causes of economic and social inequalities between women and men in contemporary industrial societies.

Mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity are concepts introduced by

Emile Durkheim

Demographers define fertility as the maximum number of children that could be born to a woman if she reproduced at maximum capacity.


In high-income nations such as the United States, most people have similar life chances.


Official immigration statistics reflect the actual number of immigrants who arrive in this country.


Rural Americans have greater access to health care than urban dwellers.


S. residences, businesses, and institutions throw away more than 243 billion tons of trash each year.


Which of the following statements regarding homelessness is true?

Families and children are the fastest-growing segment of the homeless population in both urban and rural areas of this country.

Which of the following statements is true regarding media and gender socialization?

Female characters who are supervisors or bosses are often portrayed as loud, bossy, and domineering on television and in films.

Which of the following initiatives created farm subsidies, minimum wage standards, and the Social Security system?

Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal in the 1930s

Which of the following statements would a liberal feminist agree with?

Gender inequality is rooted in gender-role socialization, which perpetuates women's lack of equal civil rights and educational opportunities.

What was Thomas Malthus's view on global population, according to what he wrote in his An Essay on Population (1798)?

Global population, if left unchecked, would exceed the available food supply.

Which of the following groups has suffered the most discrimination as a result of the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986?

Hispanic American

The largest subordinate racial-ethnic group in the U.S. is

Hispanic Americans

Which of the following statements describes gender socialization in the United States?

Male peer groups place more pressure on boys to do masculine things than female peer groups place on girls to do feminine things.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes later maturity in the United States?

Many people in later maturity find themselves caring for people of their own age and older individuals, especially their elderly parents.

Why is death associated with old age more than in the past?

Medical technology has advanced life expectancy.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding government-funded health care for older persons in the United States?

Medicare is an entitlement program in which recipients of benefits have paid something in order to be covered.

Why won't technology bring about greater equality and freedom for all older people?

Not all older people can pay for technological advances.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the functionalist perspective on racial and ethnic problems?

Racial and ethnic discord must be eliminated or contained because they destabilize the society.

Which three major programs were expanded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009?

SNAP (food stamps), unemployment insurance benefits, and Social Security

Which of the following statements regarding environmental degradation is true?

The drastic increase in air pollution that began in the 20th century has placed an undue burden on the atmosphere's ecosystem services.

Which of the following statements regarding infant mortality rates is true?

The infant mortality rate is the number of deaths of infants under one year of age per 1,000 live births in a given year

Which of the following factors contributed to the postwar suburban boom?

The passing of the Housing Act of 1949 by Congress gave incentives to builders to develop affordable housing.

A subjective awareness that a social problem exists usually emerges before the objective reality of the problem is acknowledged.


According to C. Wright Mills, in order to understand a phenomenon in question in its entirety, it is important to bridge the micro-macro aspects of society.


According to conflict theorists, the upper classes have successfully maintained class-based and sometimes racially based segregation through political control and legal strategies.


Desertification takes place in high-, middle- and low-income nations, but the effects are more devastating to middle- and low-income nations.


Neo-Malthusians believe that overpopulation and rapid population growth exacerbate global environmental problems, including global warming and rainforest destruction.


Which of the following is a reason that emerging adulthood developed as a life phase?

Women feel less pressured to marry.

A relatively dense and permanent settlement of people who secure their livelihood primarily through nonagricultural activities is known as Correct!

a city

Functionalists base their approach on the works of early social thinkers such as August Comte, the founder of sociology, who compared society to which of the following?

a living organism

Which of the following is the best definition of social policy?

a written set of ideas and goals that are formally adopted by a relevant decision-making body

Based on the conflict perspective on aging and inequality, we can infer that

abolishing the capitalist system would reduce age-based inequalities in the United States.

Which racial group is most likely to be homeless?

african american

The process whereby the cultural attributes of diverse racial-ethnic groups are blended together to form a new society incorporating the unique contributions of each group is referred to as


Many critics of family planning programs argue that most policies are developed by political leaders in high-income nations. These critics argue that these programs

are based on class and race issues rather than genuine concern regarding world hunger or population.

Core nations

are dominant capitalist centers characterized by high levels of industrialization and urbanization.

When wealthy and powerful individuals and corporations make decisions that serve their best interests while casting aside millions of the world's people who are deprived of life's most basic and important necessities, they create

artificial scarcity.

All of the following practices have been used by some property owners, real estate agents, and lending institutions to perpetuate housing segregation, EXCEPT


Most deaths of older individuals are from

chronic illness or disease

Which of the following is based on individual ownership and resource control founded in the type of work people do?

class system

The environmental justice framework is a framework of particular concern to analysts using which sociological perspective?


The view that age-based inequality is rooted in power differentials is from which perspective?


Overhauling housing policies and strengthening job-training programs would be considered

conflict solutions to poverty.

Which of the following emphasize that solutions to the problem of inequality will be found only through government programs that specifically attack racial inequality and actively reduce patterns of discrimination?

conflict theorists

A business executive earning $50,000 annually in the 1930s would earn around $500,000 today. This increase is based upon

constant dollas and current dollars

Adjunct instructors, who do not receive benefits or full-time status at their respective institutions, are examples of

contingent workers

The "Jim Crow" laws designed to enforce the physical and social separation of African Americans from whites in all areas of public life after 1863 were examples of

de jure segregation

The idea that some societies move from high birth and death rates to relatively low birth and death rates as a result of technological development is called

demographic transition theory.

The study of the size, composition, and distribution of populations is known as


Peripheral nations

depend on core nations for capital and have little or no industrialization.

Actions or practices of dominant group members that have a harmful impact on members of subordinate groups are referred to as


Concerning how people cope with dying, which approach identified three common stages of grief: the acute phase, the chronic phase, and the terminal phase?

dying trajectory approach

Conflict perspectives on racial and ethnic inequality are based on the assumption that

economic stratification and unequal access to power place minority group members at a distinct disadvantage as compared to dominant group members.

The Massachusetts Turnpike corridor west of Boston and the Perimeter Area north of Atlanta are examples of

edge cities

State-sanctioned patriotic acts and rituals are examples of


Semi peripheral nations

exploit peripheral nations just as the core nations have exploited them.

According to the text, government racial and ethnic classifications have been used exclusively for the purpose of gathering data for the U.S. census.


Ageism has diminished in the United States through media presentations that have brought a greater awareness of the talents and capabilities of older persons.


All nations go through the demographic transition in the exact same manner.


Comparing the conflict and functionalist solutions to poverty, it is logical to conclude that the conflict perspective is more conservative.


Contemporary class perspectives suggest that the split-labor market benefits workers because it encourages unionization and solidarity among workers from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds.


Labeling theory and the social construction of reality are value conflict perspectives.


Peripheral nations exploit semiperipheral nations.


Racial isolation in housing is not linked to levels of poverty.


Racial separation and inequality enforced by custom is de jure segregation.


Social gerontology focuses on the biological and physical aspects of aging.


The gendered division of labor is biological rather than social.


The older the population, the lower the dependency ratio.


The period of life between ages 18 and 25 is known as young adulthood.


The power that men have to engage in sex discrimination at the organizational and institutional levels of society is known as individual sexism.


Deborah is studying the effects violent video games have on youth by observing children after they have played video games to see if their behavior is more violent as a result of gaming. Deborah is using which kind of research in her study?

field research

When news stations and newspapers chose to provide exhaustive coverage of the Casey Anthony trial while ignoring other news-worthy events, they were participating in which of the following?

frame amplification

Mass migration from rural to urban areas, large-scale immigration in the late nineteenth and twentieth century, and mass suburbanization have been the focus of social scientists using the ________ framework for examining urban problems.


Which of the following theorists assert that there is not an all-encompassing gender "problem" concerning inequality?


Which of the following perspectives asserts that poverty-related problems can be reduced by strengthening our major social institutions?

functionalist perspective

Which of the following would view families, schools, and churches as being key institutions that should encourage minority acceptance of dominant U.S. cultural patterns?

functionalist theorists

Which of the following theorists propose strengthening social institutions to combat gender inequality?


Sociologists refer to the extent to which men and women are concentrated in different occupations and places of work as

gender-segregated work

In order to a have negative population growth, a country must have

greater numbers of deaths and emigration than births and immigration.

David was physically attacked by a group of students in his college dorm. The assailants attacked David because they believed he was homosexual. David was a victim of a(n)

hate crime

The approach to reducing global food shortages known as the biotechnological revolution

includes any technique that uses microorganisms to modify or improve plants or animals.


is the number of deaths that occur in a specific population.

Functionalists use which of the following terms to refer to unintended consequences of an activity or social process?

latent functions

The movement of people from one geographic area to another for the purpose of changing residency is known as


According to interactionist perspectives on aging and inequality,

older persons who are active are happier and better adjusted than less active older persons.

The poverty line is based on the assumption that

one-third of a person's income is spent on food.

A theoretical framework, overall approach, or viewpoint towards some subject is a(n)


According to the text, clerical workers, food service workers, and medical assistants are employed in

pink-collar occupations

Mary works for a temporary employment agency as a clerical assistant. She earns minimum wage and the temporary agency will offer medical benefits when she works full-time for six consecutive months, which is difficult due to the intermittent nature of temporary work. Mary works in a

pink-collared occupation

The biological and social characteristics of a population, including such attributes as age, sex, race and marital status, education, occupation, income and size of household is called what?

population composition

What did Karl Marx and Frederick Engels blame for problems with the food supply?


Most researchers argue that the most frequent cause of homelessness is

poverty and job loss

Zero population growth

refers to a situation in which there is a balance among births, deaths, and migration, resulting in a totally stable population from year to year.

Julie is a high school dropout and a single mother with three children who works as a waitress earning minimum wage. Julie spends 30% of her income on food and 70% on rent for her and her children. She doesn't earn enough to pay for utilities and many other needed items. Julie and her children are in

relative poverty due to the feminization of poverty.

Researchers who use data collected by the FBI and published as the UCR (Uniform Crime Report) are using which of the following?

secondary analysis of existing data

Rico has been labeled "delinquent" since he was a child; now in high school, he is close to dropping out and has participated in activities that have also been termed as deviant. If Rico is arrested in the future, his situation will fit which of the following terms?

self-fulfilling prophecy

Wrinkles, gray hair, and other signs of the aging process that occurs in middle age are known as


A large number of individuals who share the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations is a(n)


Fiscal crises in cities result in part because

states reduce the amount of money they provide for cities.

Loans made available to people who did not have sufficient financial resources to purchase residential property and make monthly payments are called

subprime mortgages.

Sociologists examining problems associated with linguistic sexism are using which perspective?

symbolic interactionist

Which of the following theorists focus on microlevel processes in reducing or eliminating gender inequality?

symbolic interactionists

The "American Dream" can best be summarized as

the belief that anyone can become successful.

What brought about rapid urbanization?

the birth of the factory system

According to functionalist analysts, one of the primary causes of gender inequality is

the gendered division of labor in families.

According to the text, the primary factor that changed city life forever was

the growth of suburbs and outlying areas.

Conflict theorists would suggest that

the problem of poverty can only be solved by reducing inequality.

The functionalist explanation of violence which states that violence is part of the normative expectations governing everyday behavior among young males in the lower classes is called

the subculture of violence hypothesis.

in regard to problems associated with age-based stereotypes,

there are more stereotypes about physical and mental abilities of the elderly than other age categories

According to sociologists, the definition of violence includes pain or injury to other people or damage of property.


According to the text, women and men don't always experience middle age in a similar manner.


Comparable worth is the belief that wages ought to reflect the worth of a job, not the race or gender of the worker.


Conflict theorists focus on inequalities in society.


Countries with relatively low-income levels, high rates of absolute poverty, low life expectancy, and high infant mortality rates are low-income nations.


Discrimination deals with one's actions, while prejudice deals with one's attitude.


Income is the economic gain derived from wages, salaries, income transfers, or ownership of property.


It is logical to conclude that one has to be in a position of power in order to discriminate. Correct!


Karl Marx believed that inequality and poverty were inevitable by-products of the exploitation of workers by capitalists.


Race is biological, while ethnicity is cultural.


Research shows that females have made significant gains in sports since Title IX passed.


Sex is biological, while gender is socially constructed.


The type of research method used depends on the nature of the study in question.


Today, more than 1.4 billion people live in absolute poverty.


In reference to divisions in the U.S. class structure, physicians, attorneys, and stockbrokers are located in which class?


The process by which an increasing proportion of a population lives in cites rather than in rural areas is known as


John is a sociologist who argues that social conditions (real culture) and group values (ideal culture) are incompatible. John is using which theory?

value conflict

Rosa works as a civil engineer with a team of equally qualified male engineers. Rosa learns that she, along with the other female engineers, earns about 15% less than their male team members. This example best illustrates the

wage gap

The decrease in take-home pay of workers since the 1980s is also known as

wage squeeze

According to the text, official racial and ethnic categories

were used in the past to rationalize the enslavement of Africans.

Racism in the United States is sometimes referred to as

white racism

According to the gendered racism perspective,

women of color have been uniquely affected by the interactive effect of racism and sexism.

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