Sociology 101 final

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the belief that the experiences of women and men differ as a result of differences in anatomy is

human sexual dimorphisim

what economic change has made it more difficult for workers to strike effectively?

the ease with which manufacturing firms can move operations to another country

how do sociologist define race?

a social category based on real or perceived biological differences

in 2010, the genus allowed americans to check more than one box when identifying their race. what % of people took advantage of this and marked down multiracial?


according to the department of labor in the year 2001, about how many US?


Although critics might see soap operas as brainwashing their viewers to accept a particular version of gender roles, some sociologists would insist that the people who produce soap operas actually have to be constantly attentive to the desires of their audience and are to some extent responding to their audience. If you believe this then you probably see soap opera viewers as:

An active audience

Why don't members of the lower class exercise more often?

Exercise is a luxury accessible only to those who don't have to struggle with day-to-day existence.

The Intersex Society of North America recommends that, "Surgeries done to make the genitals look 'more normal' should not be performed until a child is mature enough to make an informed decision for herself or himself." Normally we would always try to involve a patient in her treatment, so why is this advice necessary?

In our society, the prospect of an ambiguously sexed person seems so threatening that surgical procedures are used long before a child is old enough to know what's happening.

A majority of Americans believe that poverty is a big problem, but addressing it is not a priority for most. Why not?

Many people believe that poor people simply don't try hard enough

Although they make very little money, priests, ministers, rabbis, imams, and clergy are often very prestigious members of their communities. Which social theorist first suggested that this is an important element of class status?

Max Weber

Which of the following is NOT a feature of a minority group?

Minority group members believe they are superior to the majority.

In 2003 a piece of legislation considered by the U.S. Congress proposed to spend almost two billion dollars to encourage marriage, and there was some consideration of giving people on welfare cash bonuses if they got married. Why does your textbook suggest this approach might not work?

Potential husbands of poor women will not offer the financial stability, respectability and trust that make marriage beneficial.

Even though antimiscegenation laws have been struck down, interracial relationships are still relatively uncommon. Why?

Powerful cultural stereotypes discourage them

What is the relationship between social class and race, ethnicity, gender, and age in the United States today?

Strictly speaking, social class is determined by socioeconomic status, but there is often overlap between class and these other variables.

Henry Jenkins argues that while any piece of media could become the object of textual poaching, some are far more likely to do so. Specifically he argues that textual poaching is most likely when there is a prolonged relationship with a particular narrative universe, which is rich and complex enough to sustain interest over time. This encourages the media to be more attentive to audiences and use the internet to solicit feedback, as well as to monitor unsolicited fan responses to products. Which of the following is an example using feedback?

The real action online comes from access to the writers, directors, actors and staff of the shows. Not every creator goes online or posts online. When they do, where creator responded regularly to fans on the official Web site during the shows run.

"Welfare queen" is an insulting term for a woman who is believed to be cheating the government by collecting excessive welfare payments. Although empirical research indicates that very little welfare fraud actually takes place, what nugget of sociological truth is contained in the phrase "welfare queen"?

The use of the word "queen" reminds us that women are more likely than men to live in poverty.

The English music star Morrissey got his start in the band The Smiths, singing about radical vegetarianism and bisexuality in the 1980s. He was effeminate, bleak, and sarcastic. Today his fan base has expanded far beyond the disaffected English teenagers who bought his original records. In fact some of his most devoted fans are Hispanics in Southern California. How is it possible that British teenagers in the 1980s and Hispanic Californians can appreciate the same music?

They bring different interpretive strategies to the experience of listening to Morrissey's music

What did C. Wright Mills mean by the term "power elite"?

a small group of people who occupy key positions in political, economic, and military institutions

what kind of worker would be most typical of the economy in America today?

a 30=year old woman who works as a customer service representative for a cell phone company

A society where social mobility is highly restricted through formal or informal rules, like those of a caste system, is called:

a closed system

most sociologist see gender as a social construction and acknowledge the possibility that male female categories are not the only way of classifying individuals. this perspective is called

a constructionist perspective

how do socialist define a minority group?

a group who's members suffer from unequal treatment

How do sociologists define a minority group?

a group whose members suffer from unequal treatment

How do sociologists define ethnicity?

a group with a shared ancestry or shared cultural heritage

how do sociologist define ethnicity?

a group with a shared ancestry or shared cultural heritage

Lilly Ledbetter, a supervisor at a Goodyear tire plant, discovered late in her career that she had been paid considerably less than any of the other people in her position. Since she was the only female supervisor, she argued that this was simple discrimination, and, assuming she's right, it shows that her workplace was not:

a meritocracy

some people suggest that women are better suited to be homemakers because they are naturally more caring and emotional then men. what perspective is being expressed?

an essentialist perspective

What do sociologist call it when an African American individual is told he is not really 'black enough'

an identity challenge

What do sociologists call it when an African American individual is told he is not really "black enough"?

an identity challenge

A sociologist who is concerned that people will uncritically accept political biases in the media that consume probably believes that:

audiences are mostly passive

a sociologist who is concerned that people will uncritically accept political biases in the media they consume probably believe that

audiences are mostly passive

which of the following is NOT an example of discrimination?

believed that african americans are better dancers than white people

a boy receives aB-plus on his english paper with the teacher's comment, Brilliant insight but you're lacking focus and have some typos. how is this typical of the ways that schools treat boys?

boys are given more praise than girls for the intellectual quality of their work

Poverty can be defined in either relative or absolute terms. How does absolute deprivation measure poverty?

by asking who has minimal food, shelter, clothing and medical care

If an individual takes adult education classes, attends lectures and concerts, or travels to Europe, what might he be trying to gain more of?

cultural capital`

How does Tiger Woods describe his own racial identity?


given the history of the family, what sort of changes do you think would be most likely to make the extended family more relevant again?

changes in the economy that make people less likely to move away from their hometowns to get a job

According to Karl Marx, what social relations matter most in a capitalist system?

economic relations

why do many contemporary sociologist speak not of the family but rather families?

family situations in contemporary society are so varied that there is no single model

a belief in the social political and economic equality of the sexes is called


for which of the following reasons could the supposed increase in voter turnout in the 2003 election really be just an artifact of the way that voter turnout is measured?

for the first time, the turnout rate was based on eligible voters as opposed to all residents of voting age

For which of the following reasons could the supposed increase in voter turnout in the 2004 election really be just an artifact of the way voter turnout is measured?

for the first time, the turnout rate was based on eligible voters, as opposed to all residents of voting age

Homer Simpson, a character on the TV show The Simpsons, has a wife who stays home to take care of the children while he works, but he is often responsible for disciplining the children when they are particularly bad. Even if this is all that you know about the show, you know that Homer:

has taken the instrumental role

Why would anyone want to buy virtual goods for an online computer game like World of Warcraft, rather than gaining them by playing the game?

having virtual goods isn't just a matter of personal achievement but also a matter of reputation and status in the community

what do sociologist call the lessons that students learn indirectly but which they are not officially or formally tested on?

hidden curriculum

How does the academy achievement of homeschooled students compared to that of public school students?

homeschooled students perform significantly better, on average, than public school students

The tendency to choose romantic partners based on similarities in background and group membership is called:


On the 40th anniversary of the police raid of the Stonewall Tavern in New York City, police in Fort Worth, Texas, inspected a gay bar named the Rainbow Lounge. During the raid, one man had his head slammed into a door and had to be hospitalized. Police claimed that the injured man made sexually suggestive gestures at them, and the chief of police said that when "you're touched and advanced in certain ways by people inside the bar; that's offensive. . . . I'm happy with the restraint used when they were contacted like that." What is this an example of


what led to the increase in leisure time in the 20th century

increases in industrial productivity and time saving technology

On the website, men's college basketball is presented as "college basketball," while women's college basketball is called "women's college basketball" and shares a web page with women's professional basketball. This is an example of:


In 1993 six African American Secret Service agents filed a complaint with the Department of Justice against Denny's for refusal of service because the restaurant took much longer to serve them than other customers. After they filed the complaint, thousands of other African Americans came forward with similar allegations. What are these allegations evidence of?

institutional discrimination

How is institutional discrimination different from individual discrimination?

institutional discrimination is more systematic and widespread

Edward Brent, a professor of sociology at the University of Missouri, has invented a piece of software called Qualrus, which he uses to grade students' papers. He claims this saves him at least 200 hours of grading every year. Why is using a computer program to grade a particularly capitalist technique?

it encourages efficiency through technological innovation

what effect did the taft-hurtley act of 1947 have on unions?

it instituted limits on secondary strikes and boycotts

societies that encourage racial and ethnic diversity have embraced the value of


The methods and tactics of managing a political entity are called


how do sociologist define patriarchy?

male domination

who is more likely to report never having been married?


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, replacing a housewife with paid laborers would cost at least $100,000 per year. How could this be interpreted according to conflict theory?

men have a great deal to lose if gender segregation disappears

which of the following is not a feature of a minority group?

minority group members believe they are superior to the majority

Abdullah II of Jordan succeeded his father, Hussein bin Talal, as ruler of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 1999. This makes his government a:


what is true of parenting in the nineteenth century and earlier?

mothers often valued other mothers opinions about child rearing over the opinions of their own childrens fathers

Instead of saying "she" and "he," some writers use new "invented" pronouns like "hir" and "ze" which refer to a person of either gender. Why would these writers want new pronouns?

new pronouns reform sexist language to make it more gender neutral

In the novel The Human Stain a professor at a college is forced into early retirement after he was accused of racism. The charge turns out to be ironic when the reader learns the the professor was born to Black parents and had been covering up his heritage and living as a white man for his whole life. what is this an example of?


Anatole Broyard, a literary critic and writer for the New York Times, lived a double life. He had a mixed racial heritage, and while African American friends knew him as African American, white friends and professional acquaintances thought that he was white. After his death, Broyard's daughter tried to write his life story and, as part of the process, organized a family reunion. This was made more difficult by the fact that Broyard's extended family included many who thought of themselves as white, others as black. What does this demonstrate about passing?

passing happens almost entirely through interactoin

In 2003 a piece of legislation considered by the U.S. Congress proposed to spend almost two billion dollars to encourage marriage, and there was some consideration of giving people on welfare cash bonuses if they got married. Why does your textbook suggest this approach might not work?

potential husbands of poor women will not offer the financial stability respectability and trust that make marriage beneficial

Robert is walking down the street late at night in New York City when a man in a ski mask suddenly sticks a gun in his face and takes his wallet. Sociologists would say that Robert's mugger had ____________ but not ____________.

power; authority

The fact that so many people are asked, "What are you?" in reference to their race is evidence that:

race must be established interactionally

the fact that so many people are5 asked what are you in reference to their race is evident that

race must be established interactionally

In their Pygmalion in the Classroom, how did Jacobson and Rosenthal select the students they identified as ready to academically "bloom" in the coming school year?


how do sociologist differentiate between sex and gender?

sex is biological gender is social

What system of stratification is commonly used in capitalist societies?

social class

The folk-pop singer Jewel is famous for having lived in her van when she first moved to San Diego and started performing in a coffee shop. Soon after she was signed by Atlantic Records, her advance allowed her to rent a house and buy a new car. What class-based phenomenon is this an example of?

social mobility

In August of 2009, the Newbury Astronomical Society held a "Twitter Meteorwatch," posting photographs of the Perseid meteor shower, as well as "tweets" (as short posts on Twitter are called) about what was going on in the night sky as it happened. This represented a remarkable new expansion of:


Mother Teresa was a person with tremendous power and prestige, yet she was very poor. Mother Teresa is an example of which of the following?

status inconsistency

Although the United States lost many jobs in the recession of the late 2000s, many people are optimistic that the lost jobs will be replaced with others. However, even if the optimists are right, this shift in the economy may permanently alter the class status of many, as jobs being lost are largely in manufacturing, and new jobs are often in information technology, suggesting that the newly unemployed will have trouble competing for newly created jobs. If this is the case, what is it called?

structural mobility

Although we usually think of social mobility as a result of individual effort, during the "dot-com boom" of the late 1990s, many people became instant millionaires. This is an example of:

structural mobility

when one media conglomerates is able to market its product across a wide range of media, it is said to have:


when one media conglomeration is all to market its products across a wide range of media it is said to have


what are the benefits of third places or hangouts for society as a whole

the feeling of public sport generated int hem can strengthen civil society

John Dewey, an American educational reformer, once wrote, "Perhaps the greatest of all pedagogical fallacies is that a person learns only the particular thing he is studying at the time. Collateral learning in the way of formation of enduring attitudes, of likes and dislikes, may be and often is, more important." What is another term for what Dewey calls "collateral learning?"

the hidden curriculum

What do sociologist call the lessons that students learn indirectly, but which they are not officially or formally tested on?

the hidden curriculum

Drew Westen, in "The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation," argues that, when advocates of health care reform talk about universal health care as a way to help "the uninsured" or "the underinsured," they turn many people against universal health care because there is an underlying assumption that poor people are getting what they deserve. What do sociologists call this assumption?

the just-world hypothesis

Classical Marxist analysis often argued that everything is ultimately determined by the economy, even though sometimes it is through many complicated steps. Can economic factors explain racism?

the link between race and class is useful and important but ti doesn't provide a satisfactory explanation for all forms of racism

what sort of sex role behavior is portrayed by the media?

the media typically portrays extreme gender stereotypes

What social class do "white-collar" workers (workers employed in technical and lower-management positions) belong to?

the middle class

The phrase "deadbeat dad" describes a man who isn't married to his children's mother and isn't helping to support his children materially. Why do we almost never talk about "deadbeat moms"?

the mother remains the priory caregiver even when fathers are no longer taking the instrumental role

how have activities that were once necessities changed as they became recreational actives?

the now come with a wide variety of commodities

A sociologist tells you that she believes that "the owners and top-level managers in large income-producing properties are far and away the dominant power figures in the United States" as "their corporations, banks, and agribusinesses come together as a corporate community that dominates the federal government." What concept is being described here?

the power elite

what development transformed and expanded the role of distance learning in the american educational system?

the rise of the internet

What development transformed and expanded the role of distance learning in the American educational system?

the side of the Internet

in 2005 teaching assistants at the university of oregon went on strike. what feature of their job made it easier for them to strike than most american workers?

their jobscan be moved overseas

Why do some argue in favor of increased censorship of the media?

they believe that violent and sexual media content has a negative impact on society

Why do someone argue in favor of increased censorship of the media?

they believe that violent and sexual media content has a negative impact on society :

where would people who identify as asexual fall on the kinsey scale?

they cannot accounted for

what criticism do third wave feminist commonly level against the first two waves of feminism?

they marginalized the concerns of women of color

In the past, most voters formed political opinions by listening to speeches, meeting with representatives of political parties, or attending town hall meetings. How do voters today tend to learn about political issues?

through human interest stories in the media

What criteria does a social class system use to stratify its members?

wealth, property, power, and prestige

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