Sociology- Chap. 1-7

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In high-income countries such as the United States, everyone has the ability to read and write.


Pastoral and horticultural societies are not capable of producing a material surplus.


People usually have more statuses than roles.


Rock-and-roll music in the United States is one cultural trait that has nothing in common with music that was popular a short time before it emerged.


Sociological research shows that all categories of people in the United States have had the same opportunities to participate in sports.


Subculture is more at odds with dominant culture than counterculture.


The Census Bureau reports that only ten different languages are spoken in the United States.


The chapter explains that, in general, areas of the country with the highest population density have high rates of suicide.


The industrial era was underway in parts of Europe by the time the explorer Christopher Columbus reached the Americas in 1492.


The process of cultural transmission cannot take place unless members of a society have a written language.


The reality that people build in their interaction depends only on the actors themselves and has nothing to do with the larger culture they live in.


In the United States, white people have a lower suicide rate than Hispanics.


Who helped launch the discipline of sociology by studying the evils of slavery and also by translating the writings of Auguste Comte?

Harriet Martineau

Harriet Martineau, who wrote about the evils of slavery and the need to improve the lives of factory workers, is regarded as the first woman sociologist.


Having a terminal illness may operate as a master status because people can react to the disease as much as they do to the person.


In the United States, men have a higher suicide rate than women.


Keeping young people out of the labor market is one latent function of higher education.


Lawrence Kohlberg claims that individuals develop the capacity for moral reasoning in stages as they grow older.


Members of a peer group share common interests, social position, and a similar age.


Schools provide children with early experience of bureaucracy.


Social media, based on computer technology, easily link large numbers of people who may not be in the same physical space.


The elderly population in nearly all high-income nations has been increasing rapidly.


The sociological perspective helps us to assess the truth of the "common sense" beliefs most people tend to take for granted.


The symbolic-interaction approach is a micro-level orientation.


The use of industrial technology typically raises economic living standards.


Through their social interaction, people create the reality they experience.


Which early U.S. sociologist studied the African American community and served as a founding member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)?

W. E. B. Du Bois

In the United States today, the suicide rate is highest for which of the following categories of people?

White males

The special importance of the other peer group is the fact that it _____.

lets children escape the direct supervision of parents

Robert Merton explained that what is functional for one category of a society's population ________.

may not be functional for people in another category.

The United States is the most _____ of all countries.


As a part of human culture, religion is an example of _____.

non-material culture

Thinking about how patterns of child-rearing vary by class, lower-class parents generally stress _____, while well-to-do parents typically stress _____.

obedience, creativity

Shawna is an excellent artist, but as a mother, she feels that she cannot work and devote enough time to her family. She is experiencing _____.

role conflict

The reality we construct through social interaction is likely influenced by our _____.

social class background

If you were to put together the lesson learned from the cases of Anna, Isabelle, and Genie, you would correctly conclude that _____.

social experience plays a crucial part in forming human personality

Mead claimed that the origin of the self is found in _____.

social experiences

The theoretical approach that highlights the link between culture and social inequality is the _____.

social-conflict approach

Which of the following concepts refers to the lifelong social experiences by which human beings develop their potential and learn culture?


George Hebert Mead used the concept "the looking-glass-self" to refer to significant people in our lives.


In her study of women's abortions experiences, Jennifer Keys discovered that feelings are guided by _____.

"emotional scripts"

The term Homo Sapiens, the name of our species, comes from Latin meaning _____.

"intelligent person"

Which phrase was used by Erving Goffman to refer to being embarrassed in a social situation?

"losing face"

W. E. B. Du Bois described African Americans as having a "double consciousness" because ________

African Americans are American citizens who have a second identity based on skin color.

In Freud's model of personality, the superego manages the opposing forces of the id and the ego.


Identify the three sociologists who played a part in the development of sociology's structural-functional approach.

Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emily Durkheim

The term "sociology" was coined in 1838 by ________

Auguste Comte.

A community college is correctly considered to be a good example of a total institution.


A global perspective has little in common with a sociological perspective.


A status refers to the roles people have over the course of their lifetimes.


According to Carol Gilligan, the self-esteem of girls increases steadily through the teenage years.


Anticipatory socialization refers to efforts to avoid unpleasant social experiences.


Both Jane Addams and Harriet Martineau are remembered today because they were married to important sociologists.


Childhood and other stages of the life course are defined similarly in all societies.


During the last century, the mass media have had a declining influence on people in the United States.


Which type of human society has existed only since about the year 1750?

Industrial societies

Which pioneering sociologist founded Chicago's Hull House to assist immigrants and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

Jane Addams

What effect did industrialization have on life expectancy in the United States and Western Europe?

Life expectancy went up.

Cars, computers, and iPhones are all examples of which of the following?

Material culture

Which of the following concepts defines a social position that a person holds?


What does the idea that the social world guides our actions and life choices just as the seasons influence activities and choice of clothing describe?

The essential wisdom of the discipline of sociology

"Role conflict" refers to the conflict or incompatibility among the roles linked to two or more statuses.


A father who wants to be both a friend and a role model to his son might experience role strain.


Both feminism and the gender-conflict approach highlight ways in which women are unequal to men.


Dramaturgical analysis treats embarrassment as "losing face".


Emotions have both a biological and cultural foundation.


Ending words with "ette" and "ess" denotes femininity, which generally reduces the value of something.


Experiencing an unfamiliar culture can generate culture shock.


Gerontology is the study of aging and the elderly.


Looking at humor from a structural-functional viewpoint, jokes _____.

are often used to relieve tension-- "lightening" a situation

Culture is a source of human freedom because _____.

as cultural creatures, humans make and remake the world for themselves

Which of the following concepts refers to a social position that is received at birth or involuntarily assumed later in life?

ascribed status

From a social-conflict point of view, jokes _____.

can be a way of making one category of people feel good at the expense of another

Today, the factor people most commonly use in considering a young woman or young man to have reached adulthood is whether or not the person _______.

has completed all schooling

The study of social interaction in terms of theatrical performance is referred to as _____.

dramaturgical analysis

What does the concept "presentation of self" mean?

efforts to create impressions in the minds of others

A distinctive contribution of schooling to the process of socialization is _____.

exposing the child to an impersonal, bureaucratic setting

The flow of _____ from country to country adds to the creation of a global culture.


In terms of social inequality, agrarian societies generally _____.

have much more inequality than less productive societal types

If you were to attend a New York Ballet performance, you would be experiencing _____.

high culture

By "taking the role of the other," Mead had in mind _____.

imagining a situation from another person's point of view

A sociologist using the gender-conflict approach might state that _____

in many ways, men are in positions of power over women.

Understanding the differences between countries encourages ________

increasing our understanding of both our own lives and the lives of others.

Assume you have a business that provides products to older people. Looking ahead, you have reason to expect _____.

increasing sales, because your target population is increasing in size

An inmate who loses the capacity for independent living is described as _____.


Ethnocentrism refers to _____.

judging another culture using the standards of your own culture

Cultural transmission refers to the process of _____.

passing cultural patterns from one generation to another

When Cooley used the concept of the "looking-glass self," he claimed that _____.

people see themselves as they think others see them

When it comes to what triggers emotions in people and how those emotions are displayed, culture _____.

plays an important role

Cultural patterns that are widespread among a society's population are referred to as

popular culture

According to Erving Goffman, the goal of a total institution is to _____.

radically alter a person's personality or behavior

Among all forms of life, humans stand out as the only species that _____.

relies on culture to ensure survival

At any given time, you occupy a number of statuses. These statuses make up your _____.

status set

The main characteristic of the _______ approach in its view of society as being orderly and stable.


In terms of dramaturgical analysis, another term for helping a person to " save face", or avoid embarrassment, is _____.


A constant danger to people living in hunting-and-gathering societies is _____. f

the forces of nature, including storms and droughts

Herbert Spencer described human society as a complex system having much in common with ________

the human body.

Which theoretical approach is linked to the philosophical doctrine of materialism?

the social-conflict approach

Arlie Hoschild explains that companies typically _____.

try to regulate the emotions of workers

A symbolic-interaction analysis of sports would conclude that _________

winning sports means different things to different people.

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