sociology chapter 12 quiz

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What is one common reason why victims of domestic abuse stay in abusive relationships?

They do not have the resources to get away.

Margie is from an upper-class U.S. family and Jorge is from a poor Salvadoran family. They met while she was backpacking through South America after college and they are now married. This exemplifies __________.


What form does the family take in contemporary society according to symbolic interactionists Jay Gubrium and Jim Holstein?

"The family" does not exist; rather, family is a fluid, adaptable set of concepts and practices.

When was the last antimiscegenation law struck down in the United States?


Kendra is single and lives alone. Today, her type of household (unmarried) makes up what percentage of the households in the United States?

28 percent

Which of the following groups would a contemporary sociologist classify as a family?

Carl and Wendy are an unmarried couple living together along with Carl's son from an earlier relationship.

Cohabitation (unmarried partners living together) has become increasingly common over the last few decades. Which of the following does your text cite as a possible reason for the rise in cohabitation?

Changing attitudes about religion have made sexual relationships outside marriage more socially acceptable.

What feature of the nuclear family, as opposed to the extended family, makes it uniquely qualified to serve the needs of an industrial economy?

It makes geographic mobility much easier.

Functionalists view the family as responsible for the reproduction of society in what way?

It produces and socializes children.

How did the Industrial Revolution change the common meaning of family?

It shifted the meaning from extended family to nuclear family.

Which of the following is a reason why people who decide to live childfree may be stigmatized in American society?

Our society is pronatalist, so choosing to be childfree does not conform to widely held norms.

Parents are a major source of how we are socialized, and it follows that parents have a significant influence on their children. Sociologists have also found that when there are small children in the home they influence the parents, causing marital satisfaction to decrease. What else changes with the introduction of children into the home?

The division of labor becomes more traditional.

A sociologist studying monasteries, ashrams, student co-ops, and co-housing would be likely to notice what about these intentional communities?

Their members share a common purpose.

Most young people face similar financial pressures while in their twenties, but considerably more men move back in with their parents than women. What is one reason for this?

Women lose more independence when they move back home than men do.

A person is MOST likely to be murdered by

a family member.

In the 1950s John and Ella lived in Alabama and wanted to get married, but they were not allowed to because one of them was black and the other was white. What type of law prohibited their relationship?


What term applies to a child who leaves home at eighteen but later returns for at least a short period of time?

boomerang kid

Which theoretical perspective examines the idea of families as a competition for scarce resources such as time and energy?

conflict theory

Jo is in her early forties and is juggling the demands of taking care of her two young children and having to assist her elderly parents with some daily tasks. She is __________.

experiencing the "sandwich generation" effect

Margarethe plans all holiday meals for her family and sends birthday emails to family members. These are examples of __________.

expressive tasks

Family friends who are referred to as "Aunt" or "Uncle" are examples of

fictive kin.

When sociologists talk about a family form that improvises in response to social-structural changes in our society and makes adaptations to best fit within it, what are they referring to?

postmodern family

Which of the following seems to make people, in general, more likely to define a group as a family?

the presence of children

According to the text, ________ is one of several reasons people live their lives unmarried.

the single lifestyle

In what would a symbolic interactionist studying the family be MOST interested?

the way gift giving within an extended family makes some bonds more important than others

Under what circumstances is a father more likely than a mother to be awarded custody of his minor children following a divorce?

when he makes substantially more money than his ex-wife

Between 1960 and 2014, demographers noticed what type of change in the numbers of unwed individuals living with their romantic partners?

a sharp increase

What sort of laws prohibited the mixing of racial groups through marriage, cohabitation, or sexual contact?


What is the term for the range of behaviors that abusers use to gain and maintain control over their victims?

domestic abuse

In the United States today, very few people marry outside of their own socioeconomic classes, suggesting that there is a high degree of


What do sociologists call the tendency to marry someone from a different background?


Until recently, South Korea had laws in place banning marriage between people who belonged to the same clan. This means that they practiced


As the population of the United States continues to live longer, care of the elderly __________.

has been taken over by nonfamily institutions

JDate is a website that helps Jewish men and women, especially those who are not practicing Jews or who live in areas where there are not many other Jews, form romantic relationships. What do Jewish people who use this website care about?


Jill has become nervous that her marriage may end in divorce since she grew up with divorced parents. One fact that might reassure her is that the rate of ________ has decreased

intergenerational divorce

Which of the following strategies does Arlie Hochschild claim some women use to help balance working a paid job and being responsible for the home?

no longer caring that there are dirty clothes all over the floor

A heterosexual couple living in the same household and raising children is defined as a(n) ________ family.


What sort of actions do abusive partners take to keep their partners in the relationship?

periodically enter a cycle of loving contrition

Which theoretical perspective would lead you to consider the broader social effects of the division of labor between men and women in the household?

symbolic interactionism

There are strategies available to help ease the burden of the second shift, but they are mainly available to

wealthier families.

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