Sociology Exam 3 Chapters (12, 13, 14, 15, 16)

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Durkheim's term for a condition in which society provides little moral guidance to individuals

natural environment

Earth's surface and atmosphere, including living organisms, air, water, soil, and other resources necessary to sustain life

class society

a capitalist society with pronounced social stratification

state church

a church formally linked to the state


a church, independent of the state, that recognizes religious pluralism


a conservative religious doctrine that opposes intellectualism and worldly accommodation in favor of restoring traditional, otherworldly religion

nuclear family

a family composed of one or two parents and their children

extended family

a family composed of parents and children as well as other kin


a formal organization that directs the political life of a society


a giant corporation composed of many smaller corporations

age-sex pyramid

a graphic representation of the age and sex of a population

totalitarianism `

a highly centralized political system that extensively regulates people's lives


a highly emotional crowd that pursues a violent or destructive goal

functional illiteracy

a lack of the reading and writing skills needed for everyday living


a large city that socially and economically dominates an urban area


a legal relationship, usually involving economic cooperation, sexual activity and childbearing

social institution

a major sphere of social life, or societal subsystem, organized to meet human needs

socialized medicine

a medical care system in which the government owns and operates most medical facilities and employs most physicians

direct-free system

a medical system care system in which patients pay directly for the services of physicians and hospitals

incest taboo

a norm forbidding sexual relationships between certain relatives

relative deprivation

a perceived disadvantage arising from some specific comparison

eating disorder

a physical and mental disorder that involves intense dieting or other unhealthy method of weight control driven by the desire to be very thin


a political system in which a single family rules from generation to generation


a political system that denies the people participation in government


a political system that gives power to the people as a whole


a prestigious white collar occupation that requires extensive formal education

postindustrial economy

a productive system based on service work and computer technology

civil religion

a quasi-religious loyalty linking individuals in a basically secular society


a religious organization that is largely outside a society's cultural traditions


a religious organization that is well integrated into the larger society


a religious organization that stands apart from the larger society

global warming

a rise in Earth's average temperature due to an increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere


a social bond based on common ancestry, marriage or adoption


a social eruption that is highly emotional, violent and undirected


a social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to care for one another, including any children


a social institution involving beliefs and practices based on recognizing the sacred

mass society

a society in which prosperity and expanding bureaucracy have weakened traditional social ties


a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being


a system composed of the interaction of all living organisms and their natural environment

welfare state

a system of government agencies and programs that provides benefits to the population


a temporary gathering of people who share a common focus of attention and who influence one another

demographic transition theory

a thesis that links population patterns to a society's level of technological development


a type of social organization in which people are closely tied by kinship tradition


a type of social organization in which people come together only on the basis of individual self-interest


a vast urban region containing a number of cities and their surrounding suburbs

ecologically sustainable culture

a way of life meets the needs of the present generation without threatening the environmental legacy of future generations

collective behavior

activity involving a large number of people that is unplanned, often controversial, and can bring about change

power-elite model

an analysis of politics that sees power as concentrated among the rich

pluralist model

an analysis of politics that sees power as spread among many competing interest groups

Marxist- political- economy model

an analysis that explains politics in terms of the operation of a society's economic system

holistic medicine

an approach to health care that emphasizes prevention of illness and takes into account a person's entire physical and social environment

state capitalism

an economic and political but cooperate closely with the government

welfare capitalism

an economic and political system that combines a mostly market-based economy with extensive social welfare programs


an economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing goods and services are collectively owned


an economic system in which resources and the means of producing goods and services are collectively owned


an event, generally, unexpected, that causes extensive harm to people and damage to property

political action committee (PAC)

an organization formed by a special - interest group, independent of political parties, to raise and spend money in support of political goals

health maintenance organization

an organization that provides comprehensive medical care to subscribers for a fixed fee


an organization with a legal existence, including rights and liabilities, separate from that of its members

social movement

an organized activity in which people set out to encourage or discourage social change


an unconventional social pattern that people embrace briefly but enthusiastically


assigning students to different types of educational programs


assisting in the death of a person suffering from an incurable disease


belief based on conviction rather than on scientific evidence


changes brought about by the industrial revolution

global economy

economic activity that crosses national borders

family violence

emotional, physical, or sexual abuse of one family member by another


extraordinary personal qualities that can infuse people with emotion and turn them into followers


formal instruction under the direction of specially trained teachers


formal, ceremonial behavior


included as an ordinary part of everyday life


integrating students with disabilities or special needs into the overall educational programs


marriage between people of different social categories


marriage between people of the same social category


marriage between people with the same social characteristics


marriage that unites a person with two or more spouses


marriage that unites two partners


openness to the latest trends and fashions, often expressed by imitating others

labor unions

organizations of workers that seek to improve wages and working conditions through various strategies, including negotiations and strikes


organized, armed conflict among the people of two or more nations, directed by their governments

sick role

patterns of behavior defined as appropriate for people who are ill

environmental racism

patterns of development that exposes poor people, especially minorities, to environmental hazards

special-interest group

people organized to address some economic or social issues

social character

personality patterns common to members of a particular society

charismatic authority

power legitimized by extraordinary personal abilities that inspire devotion and obedience

rational- legal authority

power legitimized by legally enacted rules and regulations

traditional authority

power legitimized by respect for long-established cultural patterns


power that people perceive as legitimate rather than coercive

environmental deficit

profound long-term harm to the natural environment caused by humanity's focus on short-term material affluence


refers to acts of violence or the treat of violence used as a political strategy by an individual or a group

rain forests

regions of dense forestation, most of which circle the globe close to the equator


rigid conformity to time-honored ways of living


set apart as extraordinary, inspiring awe and reverence


sexual activity outside one's marriage


social patterns favored by a large number of people

division of labor

specialized economic activity


the ability to achieve desired ends despite resistance from others

nuclear proliferation

the acquisition of nuclear weapons technology by more and more nations `

life expectancy

the average life span of a country's population


the belief that elements of the natural world are conscious life forms that affect humanity

military-industrial complex

the close association of the federal government, the military, and the defense industries

liberation technology

the combining of Christians principles with political activism, often Marxist in character


the concentration of population into cities


the domination of a market by a few producers


the domination of a market by a single producer


the historical decline in the importance of the supernatural and the sacred


the importance of religion in a person's life


the incidence of death in a country's population


the increase of childbearing in a country's population


the movement of people into and out of a specific territory

infant mortality rate

the number of deaths among infants under one year of age for each 1,000 live births in a given year

crude death rate

the number of deaths in a given year for every 1,000 people in a population

crude birth rate

the number of live births in a give year for every 1,000 people in a population

sex ratio

the number of males for every female 100 females in a nation's population

political revolution

the overthrow of one political system in order to establish another

primary sector

the part of the economy that draws raw materials from the natural environment

tertiary sector

the part of the economy that involves services rather than goods

secondary sector

the part of the economy that transforms raw materials into manufactured goods


the process of social change begun by industrialization

claims making

the process of trying to convince the public and public officials of the importance of joining a social movement to address a particular issue

zero population growth

the rate of reproduction that maintains population at a steady level


the sharing of a household by an unmarried couple


the social institution that distributes power, sets a society's goals and makes decisions


the social institution that focuses on fighting disease and improving health


the social institution that organizes a society's production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services


the social institution through which society provides its members with important knowledge, including basic facts, job skills, and cultural norms and values

social epidemiology

the study of how health and disease are distributed throughout a society's population


the study of human population


the study of the interaction of living organisms and the natural environment

urban ecology

the study of the link between the physical and social dimensions of cities


the system by which members of a society trace kinship over generations

routinization of charisma

the transformation of charismatic authority into some combination of traditional and bureaucratic authority

social change

the transformation of culture and social institutions over time


the transformations caused by the Information Revolution and the postindustrial economy


unconfirmed information that people spread informally, by word of mouth or by using electronic devices


urban areas beyond the political boundaries of a city

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