sociology exam review

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in the united states in 2004 women in the labor force working full time earned what share of income earned by men working full time?


according to comte which of the following is a way of understanding the evils of slavery and also translation the writings of Auguste Comte?

Harriet Martineau

who was the pioneering sociologist who founded chicago's hull house to assist immigrants and who was awarded the nobel peace prize?

Jane Addams

which early sociologist claimed that the important task was not to simply understand society but to change it?

Karl Marx

____ distinguish between right and wrong; ____ distinguish between polite and rude.

Mores; folkways

the ancestors of which of the following first settled the lands of the western hemisphere?

Native American, or Mongolians

the early US sociologist who earned the first doctorate ever awarded by harvard university to a black man was?

WEB Du Bois

which US sociologist studied the african american community and served as a founding member of the NAACP

WEB Dubois

science can be defined as?

a logical system that bases knowledge on direct systematic observation

which of the following social or economic arrangements is described as being the capitalist's dream?

a monopoly

the concept "race" refers to?

a socially constructed category composed of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important

which of the following categories of asian americans has a median income above the national average?

all of them

learning more about sociology helps us to?

all the above are correct

according to comte during the middle ages most people in europe thought of society as?

an expression of God's will

read the following statements. which of them is NOT true?

arab and muslim mean the same thing

the cultural values that largely define a culture?

are sometimes in conflict with one another

the adoption of the English language by Mexican immigrants to the united states is an example of?


which of the following statements is the reason women are a minority in the US?

at every class level women have less income, wealth, education, and power than men do

while prejudice is a matter of ____ discrimination is a matter of ___?

attitudes; action

the overall social standing of native americans is?

below the national average

institutional prejudice and discrimination refers to the fact that?

bias is built into the operation of society's institutions

race refers to ___ considered important by a society, and ethnicity refers to _____?

biological traits; cultural traits

making use of the sociological perspective encourages?

challenging commonly held beliefs

what theory is based on the idea that the two economic systems-capitalism and socialism-will eventually adopt features of one another until there is a hybrid economic system in all societies?

convergence theory

the concept "sub culture" refers to?

cultural patterns that set apart a segment of a society's population

what is the term for the beliefs, values behavior, and material objects that together constitute a people's way of life?


the physical differences that may become part of racial categories have their origins in?

different geographical conditions in which humans live

women earn less than men in the US workplace on average because?

discrimination types of jobs family responsibilities (all of the above)

which of the following is NOT one of weber's three forms of authority?


stereotypes refer to?

exaggerated descriptions applied to everyone in some category

Gender refers just to whether people are female or male?


according to herzburg money is the primary motivator


according to herzburg money makes a person happy on the job.


authoritarianism is a form of democracy.


elitism is power resting in the hands of the many.


sociologically speaking a minority is any category that is numerically less than half of a society's population.


the united states is the only pure democracy in the world.


Looking back over US history we see a general trend by which women have?

gained opportunities and power

which concept refers to attitudes and activities that a society links to people of each sex?

gender roles

the holocaust in which the nazis murdered millions of jews is an example of?


which of the following concepts refers to an invisible yet real barrier that prevents many women from rising beyond middle-management positions?

glass ceiling

overlapping memberships of the worlds top multinational companies enfold their leaders into a small circle called an?

global superclass

it is correct to say that the development of more complex technology?

has both positive and negative effects

most violence against women in the workplace occurs where?

in the home

sociologist use the concept "empirical evidence" to refer to?

information people can verify with their senses

when the first europeans arrived in the americas in the fifteenth century native americans had?

inhabited this land for 30,000 years

the groups that head the country's top corporations and have access to high-level politicians which they use to promote legislation favorable to big business are known as ___?

inner circles

what is the primary criticism leveled against capitalism?

it leads to serve social inequalities

keeping young people off the streets would be a ____ of sports?

latent function

unrecognized and unintended consequences of the social structure are called?

latent functions

which of the following statements is TRUE?

learning more about other societies helps us better understand our own way of life

the recognized and intended consequences of a social pattern are referred to as?

manifest functions

c wright mills included in his notion of the power elite which of the following?

military industry and government

assimilation refers to the pattern by which?

minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant category

according to fredrick herzburg one job is divided into which of the following?

motivators and tolerators

the ideal of objectivity means that a researcher?

must strive to be personally neutral about the outcome of the research

____ is the people's commitment to a common destiny based on recognition of a common past and a vision of a shared future.


____ defines an economy that has only a few producers of one product is an?


cultural transmission refers to the process of?

passing cultural patterns from one generation to another

all around the world what we find everywhere is?

people creating cultural systems

____ is a decision-making a result of competition bargaining and compromise among diverse special interest groups?


which of the following concepts refers to a state in which racial and ethnic minorities are distinct but have roughly social equality?


two models of distribution and exercise of political power in a democratic society are?

pluralism and elitism

which of the following concepts refers to a rigid and irrational generalization about an entire category of people?


which of the following is the best example of a manifest function of sports?

providing people with recreation and physical conditioning

the united states is not truly pluralistic because?

racial and ethnic categories do not have roughly equal social standing

which of the following concepts refers to a belief that one racial category is innately superior or inferior to another?


in the united states we elect candidates whom we believe will best represent our interest in state capitals and in washington DC this is an example of an___?

representative democracy

Norms are?

rules defining appropriate behavior

which of the following concepts refers to the physical and social separation of categories of people?


why do sociologist consider the scientific racial types Caucasian mongoloid and negroid to be misleading and even harmful?

skin color varies so much no society has pure people all racial categories are genetically alike

social structures sometimes have negative consequences for the operation of society. what concept refers to these negative consequences?

social dysfunctions

which discipline defines itself as the systematic study of human society?


all but one of the following historical changes stimulated the development of the disciplines of sociology which one did not?

spread of the roman catholic church

the theoretical approach in sociology that views society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability is the?

structural-functionl approach

which theoretical approach highlights the fact that is not so much what people do that matters as much as the meaning they attach to their behaviors

symbolic interaction approach

Gerhard Lenski focused on which of the following factors as having great power to shape a society?


gender refers to?

the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female and male

the basic idea of the symbolic-interaction approach is that society is?

the reality people construct as they interact with one another

the framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change is which of the following?

the social conflict approach

two extremes of governing the state are

totalitarianism and democracy

C wright mills and dwight david eisenhower agreed on the dangers of the industrial-military complex.


Gender roles affect the opportunities and constraints each of us encounters throughout our lives?


Shepard stated that elitism is inevitable in all societies because individual participation in government is not feasible in modern mass society.


a nation-state has absolute sovereignty over its citizens and emphasis on nationalism.


according to herzburg the primary thing that makes a person happy on the job is what they do the job itself.


according to the davis-moore thesis society must attach enough rewards to the more important jobs to attract the talent necessary to perform these jobs well.


although based on physical traits like skin color the concept of race is socially constructed or defined by society


genocide refers to the killing of one category of people by another.


multiple interlockers can reduce competition for corporate board members companies.


prejudice is a rigid and distorted generalization about an entire category of people.


scientific research confirms that biologically pure races do not exist around the world.


the state emerged when hunting and gathering societies moved to become farming and industrial societies.


which of the following best describes the Arab world?

twenty-two nations stretching across northern africa and the middle east

standards by which people who share culture define what is desirable, good, and beautiful are called?


which of the following is not a dimension of culture?


studying the meaning people attach to their everyday lives is the search for?


Margaret Mead's research on gender in three societies in New Guinea illustrates?

what is feminine to one society may be masculine to another

Which of the following is at the heart of the controversy over women's participation in the military?

women are defined by our culture as nurturers rather than people who kill

the beauty myth refers to the idea that?

women learn to measure their personal importance in terms of physical appearance

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