Sociology Exam

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Most large retailers such as Target, H&M, and Old Navy carry similar clothing styles, and thus there is not extreme variation in what most Americans wear. Which sociological concept best explains this phenomenon?


According to Max Weber, Protestant values contributed to the rise of

economic factors

According to William Julius Wilson, racism has created a Black underclass, but this underclass is perpetuated by


Advertising, engineering, marketing, product design, and web design are all examples of ________ work.

status that generally overrides all other statuses a person possesses

The term "master status" is defined as a

both the natural and the human-made environment

To what are environmental sociologists referring when they use the term "environment"?

Hebert Blumer

Which theorist gave symbolic interactionism its name?

water is a transboundary resource

Why is the "water grabbing" of developing countries possible?

belonging to a political party

________ is an example of something that would be part of an individual's or society's symbolic culture


__________ is a set of beliefs about the superiority of one racial or ethnic group compared to another


__________ is an action or behavior that results in the unequal treatment of an individual because of their membership in a racial or ethnic group


norms are universal across cultures, time periods, and situations

conflict theory

A student at a university explains that he doesn't want to join a fraternity because he believes they create negative in-group and out-group dynamics. What perspective best describes his views?


A(n) ________ status is earned.

it is a focused on the imbalance of power related to race that is embedded in American institutions

Critical race theory emerged out of legal scholarship in the 1970s and '80s. Why is this theory viewed as an offshoot of conflict theory?

climate change

Epidemiologists are currently studying the role of __________ in the global spread of diseases.

using one's own culture as a standard by which to judge others

Ethnocentrism refers to

understand the meanings people attach to their activities.

Ethnography's main goal is to

spirituality rather than religion

Evangelical Christianity is characterized by a focus on

hegemonic masculinity

Disney films often portray their male heroes as strong, aggressive, and competitive. This is an example of

Children of divorced parents today are considerably less likely to divorce than were children whose parents divorced in the 1970s.

How are children of divorced parents today different from children of divorced parents in the 1970s?

Cities might shrink because people can live anywhere and still work at the same job

How could the Information Revolution affect urbanization?

It used machines to produce more goods, more efficiently.

How did the Industrial Revolution create "work" in the modern sense?

Interviews allow respondents to speak in their own words, which can reveal their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

How do interviews give "voice" to people who may never have been heard before and offer privileged access to authentic experiences, private worlds, and true selves?

Homeschooled students perform significantly better, on average, than public school students

How does the academic achievement of homeschooled students compare to that of public school students?

Weber believed that wealth, power, and prestige all affected a person's social class.

How is Max Weber's idea of social class different from Karl Marx's?

A sociological definition must be broad enough to encompass all varieties of religious experiences.

How is a sociological definition of religion different from a commonsense, everyday definition?

10 years

How large is the gap in life expectancy between the richest 1 percent of women and the poorest 1 percent of women?


Identify the means of enforcing norms that include positive and negative versions

a feeling rule

If a bride is upset on her wedding day because her family members don't seem excited enough for her, what might sociologists argue family members are violating?

The rules are applied unequally, and those with power or influence are punished much less harshly than others

What might a conflict theorist conclude about deviance if an upper-middle-class white college student is sentenced to rehab for the same drug crime that a lower-class Black man is sentenced to jail for committing?

periodically enter a cycle of loving contrition

What sort of actions do abusive partners take to keep their partners in the relationship?


What sort of pollution is responsible for global warming?

boomerang kid

What term applies to a child who leaves home at eighteen but later returns for at least a short period of time?

agent of socialization

When Sam won a major award for her career achievements, she thought back on who had the most influence in shaping who she had become and thought of the powerful role her parents and siblings had in her life. Sam's experience is quite common, since the family serves as the most significant or influential ________ in societies around the world

role exit

When Vivica's child was born, she became a mother, and she found it necessary to stop attending college. Therefore, she was no longer a student. In sociological terms, her leaving college would be described as a

the experimental group is administered the independent variable, while the control group is not

When conducting experiments, how is the experimental group different from the control group?

culture leveling

When cultures that were once distinct become increasingly similar, they are experiencing the phenomenon of

Young people may commit crimes that are more visible and, therefore, are arrested more often

Which factor makes sociologists question the relationship between youth and crime?

vector organisms

Which of the following carry and spread pathogens in geographic locations around the world?

the French revolution and the instability that followed it

Which of the following historical events influenced Auguste Comte's concerns that society needed to be guided by thinkers who understood social laws?

Women are less likely to have low-birth-rate babies

Which of the following is a benefit backed by research for women that use doula services?

hiring other women to do domestic work

Which of the following is a strategy that some middle- and upper-class women have used to balance the demands of work and home?

Society shapes the individual, and the individual shapes society

Which of the following is accurate about the process of socialization?

Society shapes the individual, and the individual shapes society.

Which of the following is accurate about the process of socialization?

anti-abortion advocates demonstrating in front of a family planning clinic

Which of the following is an example of a culture war?

the family

Which of the following sources of socialization forms the foundation for all other socializing agents?

People who work in bureaucracies may feel alienation as a result of being treated in terms of roles, rules, and functions rather than as individuals

Which of the following statements about bureaucracies is true?

finding ways to recognize individual effort

Which of the following strategies could be used as a way to minimize social loafing?


Which of the following terms is used for a person who is stripped of voting rights, either temporarily or permanently?


Which of the following terms is used to represent the most conservative group within any religion?

Hebert Spencer

Which of the following theorists is credited with coining the phrase "the survival of the fittest"?


Which part of sociology can likened to a zoom lens on a camera?

the superego

Which part of the mind would Freud have described as being like a type of conscience that punishes misbehavior with feelings of guilt?

"I feel comfortable in all sorts of neighborhoods."

Which response would you LEAST expect to find on the survey if a sociologist measured group cohesion within a neighborhood and found a high level of group cohesion?


Which term is used to describe a person whose chromosomes or sex characteristics are neither exclusively male nor exclusively female?

The victims are relatively powerless.

Why are child and elder abuse likely to go unreported?

Family begins the socialization process before there are any other competing influences

Why does the family have such a powerful impact as an agent of socialization?

It can help people become aware of the connections between their own lives and the larger course of history.

Why is it beneficial for everyone, even people who will never take a sociology class, to develop a sociological imagination?

New technology makes it much more common to interact with someone without being physically in the same place.

Why is it increasingly difficult to use sociological models that assume interaction involves copresence?

They believe that if sexual orientation is something we are born with, then discrimination against gays and lesbians is much less acceptable

Why might LGBTQ rights groups emphasize that homosexuality has a genetic origin?

She represents the exception rather than the rule

Why might someone resist treating Oprah Winfrey as the ultimate symbol of the American Dream?

It was considered symbolically appropriate to punish the part of the body most directly connected with the crime.

Why was having a hand cut off a typical punishment for a pickpocket in colonial America?


__________ health care makes ill patients more comfortable and prepares them for the end of life.

complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)

__________ is a group of medical treatments, practices, and products that includes practices like acupuncture, homeopathy, hypnosis, and meditation as well as traditional healers like shamans.

A lobbying organization created to advocate on behalf of universities

__________ is/are an example of a special interest group

internalized racism

__________ occur(s) when minority group members are prejudiced against themselves or their own group.


During the COVID-19 lockdowns in the spring of 2020, Tana had much fewer social interactions than before, and she began to feel disconnected from society. A sociologist would say that Tana was experiencing

white people

During the rise of suburbanization in the 1950s and 1960s, __________ were most likely to move away from the urban core to the suburbs.

normlessness or a loss of connections to the social world

Durkheim theorized that the rapidly changing conditions of modern life lead to anomie. What is anomie?

The Irish were once considered to be a separate race

In the 1900s, there was a strong prejudice against Irish immigrants and their descendants. What does this tell you about the history of the Irish in the United States?

Religion provides morals, values, rules, and norms for participants.

In the Sermon on the Mount of the Christian New Testament, believers are told, "Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them." Of which of the functions or dysfunctions of religion does this remind you?

speech and gestures

Observers determine someone's socioeconomic status when meeting them for the first time by their

her translation of the work of Auguste Comte into English

Of the following options, which was probably Harriet Martineau's most important contribution to the development of sociology as a discipline?


T/F The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the preexisting inequalities in service work, while also exacerbating them.


T/F The process of gender socialization tends to emphasize heteronormativity


T/F The sick role, which consists of the actions and attitudes expected of ill individuals, is most associated with structural functionalist Robert Merton


T/F The upper class represents just 1 percent of the U.S. population, but it has more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent.


T/F There have been many societies throughout history with no social stratification


T/F White nationalism is the belief that a nation should be based on white identity, which would be found in religion, politics, economics, and culture.


T/F With the rise of the credential society, unschooling has become less popular.

included many insurance reforms and aimed to increase the number of Americans receiving health care.

The 2010 Affordable Care Act (commonly called "Obamacare")

creates, maintains, legitimizes, and controls medicine in the United States

The American Medical Association


The new graduate students in a university program often gather after class for beer and pizza. What is it an example of if one new graduate student doesn't like beer or pizza but accompanies the group anyway because he wants to make friends?

people per square mile

Urban density is measured by the number of


Very few people in the United States today marry outside their own socioeconomic class, which suggests that there is a high degree of

cultural imperialism

Western companies are powerful enough to impose their products on markets worldwide because of their economic strength. This phenomenon is known as

Other Latino tenants were able to find places to rent in the area

What could be seen as evidence of individual discrimination if a landlord was found guilty of discriminatory practices for refusing to rent to a Latino tenant?

conflict between social groups

What did Karl Marx state is the catalyst for social change?

emotional labor

What do sociologists call it when people's jobs require them to manage their feelings as part of their official duties?

People who are connected to social networks are more likely to be affected by them

What does it mean that social networks can influence people through contagion?

Language can structure our perception of reality

What does the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis propose?

the complex interaction between hereditary traits and social learning

What does the nature vs. nurture debate help us understand?

the sandwich generation effect

What is it called when individuals must care for both their own children and their elderly parents?

cultural relativism

What is it called when someone has the ability to understand another culture in terms of that culture's own norms and values without reference to any other culture's standards?


What is one common reason why victims of domestic abuse stay in abusive relationships?

Powerful cultural stereotypes discourage them

What is one reason that interracial relationships are still relatively uncommon even though anti-miscegenation laws have been struck down?

to make it easier for students from underserved backgrounds to enter college

What is the goal of early college high schools, according to the textbook?

the struggle between groups over power and control

What is the real source of racism according to conflict theory?

The self is shaped by society, but society is also shaped by the self.

What is the relationship between the self and society according to symbolic interactionism?


Émile Durkheim's study on suicide found that not only did suicide rates increase when the economy slumped, they also increased when the economy boomed. Which of Durkheim's concepts explains why both positive and negative economic conditions could increase suicide rates?


A(n) ________ status is earned

hypergamy; hypogamy

Although "like usually marries like," ________ is more common for heterosexual women, whereas ________ is more common for heterosexual men when class boundaries are crossed in marriage.

an act of individual resistance

Although it may not seem like much, when an office worker brings in a plant to brighten up their cubicle they are engaging in


Boys are __________ times as likely to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) than girls are.

the saturated self

Kenneth Gergen coined the term ________ to describe the type of self that results from exposure to more points of view and sources of information.

the Chicago School of sociology

Symbolic interactionism was established by

The use of the word "queen" reminds us that women are more likely than men to live in poverty

"Welfare queen" is an insulting term for a woman who is accused of cheating the government by collecting welfare payments. There is no "welfare king" insult. What sociological truth is contained in the phrase "welfare queen"?

middle class

"White collar" workers employed in technical and lower-management positions belong to the

dysfunction; promotes sexism

"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church." Many people still look to passages from the Christian Bible, like this one, to justify gender roles. Conflict theorists might argue that this is a __________ of religion because it __________.


A set of assumptions, theories, and perspectives that make up a way of understanding social reality is a(n)

virtual community

A ________ consists of group members who share information and advice, provide support to one another, and have common interests, but never meet in person

These ideas come from teachers and fellow students expressing admiration

A college student plans to attend graduate school because she thinks of herself as having excellent critical thinking skills and a brilliant mind. Where would Charles Cooley's theory of the looking-glass self suggest that she got these ideas?

school vouchers

A common objection to __________ is that they will drain funds from vulnerable public schools and cause them to deteriorate further


A dishonest judge must pretend to be an honest judge, but even an honest judge must play the role of "honest judge" for an audience in order to interact and work with others effectively. This performance is an example of what theoretical perspective?

treadmill of production

A government continues to privatize once public environmental resources, such as forests. This government does so to grow its revenue stream while the private companies who gain ownership of the forest continue deforestation at exponentially higher levels, permanently eliminating most of the country's trees, all in the name of greater profit margins. What is this an example of?


A heterosexual couple raising their children in the same household is defined as a(n) __________ family.


A high school decides that its band should wear uniforms. The school only buys uniforms in three sizes to be more efficient and forces each student to pick the size that comes closest to fitting. What does this exemplify?

doesn't seem to care about negative sanctions

A man is listening to loud music and singing along in public. The people around him glare and frown at him in hopes that he will stop. The man ignores them, which indicates that he

way schools socialize children into gender roles

A math teacher writes problems featuring male characters who are always given an occupation, like Bob the janitor or James the lawyer, but the female characters are always given carework jobs, like nanny, or have no occupation. This is an example of the


A nightclub has several types of employees and each has a specialized task. Bartenders make drinks, bouncers check identification, bussers clear away used glasses, and so on. Bouncers can get their friends in for free, unlike the other employees. The club is a bureaucracy in many ways, but there is at least one significant element of bureaucratic organization missing. What is it?

gender identity

A person's self-conception of being male or female based on their association with masculine or feminine gender roles can be defined as

horizontal social mobility

A reporter who covers the police beat at a newspaper changes careers. They become an editor of nonfiction books and are paid the same salary as they were at the newspaper. What have they experienced?

shows how death has been medicalized

About two-thirds of patients die in medical settings like hospitals instead of at home. This statistic is important because it

the power elite

According to C. Wright Mills, a small and unified group of people occupy the highest positions of the major economic, political, and military institutions and exercise tremendous influence in American social life. What does he call this group?

in objective and instrumental terms

According to Georg Simmel, city dwellers relate to one another

paying workers less than the value of what they create

According to Karl Marx, surplus value comes from

the rise of extremist religious beliefs that can grant a sense of control to people who feel powerless

According to Mark Juergensmeyer's book Terror in the Mind of God, what accounts for the rise in religious violence across the world?

the criminal justice system has a racial bias

According to a study, Black defendants on trial for murder in Pennsylvania were 40 percent more likely to receive the death penalty than white people convicted of similar crimes. This indicates that

game playing involves learning to anticipate and coordinate with other players' actions

According to the symbolic interactionist George Herbert Mead, playing organized games is important for an older child's development of the self because

a part of our culture and, as such, are learned rather than inborn.

Although many people believe that expectations for personal space are inborn, members of many cultures are accustomed to noticeably less personal space than those of others. This helps demonstrate that people's expectations for personal space are

conflict theory

American criminologist Richard Quinney theorized that capitalism—and the exploitation and oppression of the working class—make deviant and even criminal behavior nearly inescapable for workers. The ruling class can make laws that target the poor. When the poor act out against repression, they become targets for law enforcement, while the rich and powerful remain free to do what they like. Quinney's theory falls under which sociological perspective?

reproductive organs

An example of a primary sex characteristic is


An example of extrinsic religiosity would be

value-free sociology

An ideal whereby researchers identify facts without allowing their own personal beliefs or biases to interfere is known as


An individual believes the advancement of science and technology will solve problems and improve everyone's life. Based on this belief, they can best be described as a


Andrew was convicted of attacking an Uber driver. The judge sentenced him to three years in prison with the justification that Andrew is a threat to others and the public needs to be protected from him. This is an example of which type of justification for punishment?

the second shift

Arlie Hochschild's study of two-income families found that women were much more likely than men to do the majority of the unpaid labor inside the home, even after a full day's work outside the home. What term do sociologists use to describe this extra labor?


As children get older, which agent of socialization tends to replace parents as their most intense and immediate influence?


As the process of __________ develops, we will be less likely to treat someone who has a mental health issue as having something they should just "deal with" alone. We will instead be more likely to think of the issue as having to do with a disease.


Before the United States invaded Iraq, about 5.5 people out of every thousand would die each year, according to a controversial study published in the British medical journal The Lancet. After the invasion, that number rose to over 13. This study was attempting to measure


Changes in the importance of socialization's different agents might occur over time within a society. Identify the major agent(s) of socialization that is/are less important to adolescents now than in the late 1800s.

culture wars

Clashes over values in the United States, especially as represented by liberals and conservatives in the mass media, have been termed

mainstream culture once approving of behaviors that are now considered deviant

Coca-Cola was initially marketed in the 1860s as a patent medicine, which was designed to offer the energy boost of cocaine without the vices of alcohol. The new beverage was invigorating and popular. Today, however, cocaine is not just banned, but widely demonized. This is an example of

Women do the work of the labor force without direct compensation and serve as an inexpensive "reserve army" of labor when needed

Conflict theorist Friedrich Engels noted there were two ways in which capitalists benefited from maintaining a patriarchal family structure. What are they?

feminization of pverty

Denise is a single mother of three who works a full-time job cleaning an office building. She makes $9 per hour and struggles to find childcare for two of her children who are not yet in school, often paying neighbors to watch her children. Despite her full-time employment, her family is struggling to survive. What sociological concept does Denise's situation exemplify?

form a hypothesis

Imagine you are a sociologist who wants to study how people decide what to include in their dating app profiles and the role of gender in these decisions. You've already conducted a thorough literature review on this topic. What is the next step in the scientific method?

the just-world hypothesis

In "The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation," Drew Westen argues that advocates of health care reform turn many people against universal health care when they talk about it as a way to help the "uninsured" or "underinsured." This is because there is an underlying assumption that poor people are getting what they deserve. What do sociologists call this assumption?

"He has never permitted her to exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise."

In 1848, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott organized the Seneca Falls Convention to address the issue of equal rights for women. The convention produced a Declaration of Sentiments, which laid out a list of injustices done to women by men. Which of the following do you think was first on their list given your knowledge of the first wave of the women's movement?

being a Christian is an unofficial requirement for the presidency

In 2008, the Obama family's search for a church to attend in Washington, DC, was big news. A sociological analysis of the national curiosity about the president's church might argue that

For many people, primary sex characteristics do not define gender

In April 2015, Olympic gold medalist and former "World's Greatest Athlete" Caitlyn Jenner announced that "for all intents and purposes, I am a woman." Jenner discussed transitioning with Diane Sawyer in a special two-hour edition of the ABC News show 20/20. In the interview, Jenner stated, "As of now, I have all the male parts, but I still identify as female." What does this tell you about gender identity?

hostility toward an out-group

In Los Angeles, you may see cars sporting a bumper sticker that reads, "My favorite teams are UCLA and whoever's playing USC." What is this an example of?

It helped her set aside preconceived notions about Vodou to understand it on its own terms

In Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn, Karen McCarthy Brown studied practitioners of the Vodou religion living in the United States. However, she went far beyond the usual role of scientific observer and became a member of the religious group she was studying. She also gave her key informant veto power over certain elements of her work. Why would this be helpful?


In Soviet Russia, it was a common practice to edit old photographs to reflect the current political mood and to treat the doctored photos as representations of reality rather than as modifications of it. For example, Stalin's friends who turned into his enemies were cut out of pictures with him. These pictures were examples of


In an authoritarian regime, a well-known political agitator has been sentenced to house arrest for thirty days because the government fears the possibility of them inciting a riot or other disturbance. What is the logic of this punishment?


Norms are enforced in everyday settings by


In the novel The Human Stain by Philip Roth, a professor at a college in the Northeast is forced into early retirement after he is accused of racism. The charge turns out to be ironic when the reader learns that the professor has a secret: The professor was born to African American parents and has been covering up his heritage and living as a white man his whole adult life. Of what is this an example?


In the past, a woman in North Carolina would be found guilty of "lewd and lascivious association" if she lived with her boyfriend. Her behavior today would be known as

There is no way to see what other people look like in online interactions

In what way does the internet have a democratizing influence on society?


In what year did the Supreme Court rule that laws against interracial marriage were unconstitutional?

when the differences between the in-group and the out-group are sharply defined

Individuals always feel loyalty toward their in-group, but under what circumstances would this loyalty be particularly strong?

Yes, because organizations like the American Medical Association set policy and shape definitions of health and illness throughout the nation

Is medicine in the United States a social institution?

an expressive task

Jian calls his parents in Seattle every April to wish them a happy wedding anniversary. What kind of task is he doing?

Brave New Families: Stories of Domestic Upheaval in Late Twentieth-Century America

Judith Stacey's Brave New Families explored the ways in which families adapted to meet the challenges of a postmodern society. They did so by creating innovative family structures that looked very different from the "traditional" family. Which of the following would you think was the full title of Stacey's book?

suffer from depression

Julie is a lower-class American who lives in public housing, did not finish high school, experiences lapses in employment, and has a hard time paying her bills. Julie is twice as likely as people who are not living in poverty to

false consciousness

Karl Marx believed that most people accept the status quo of society and deny the truths that perpetuate inequality. What is the term that he used to describe this concept?


Karl Marx thought intellectuals should not just theorize about the social world but also attempt to improve it. What is the term he used to describe this idea?


Kim's mother died from ovarian cancer and her father died from colon cancer. Genetic testing was recommended to determine if Kim had Lynch syndrome, which would increase her risk for both cancers. The testing was completed and found to be positive. Even though she has no symptoms, Kim has been officially marked as high-risk and now inhabits a

It failed to protect the biographical anonymity of Humphreys's participants.

Laud Humphreys wrote his dissertation on anonymous homosexual encounters in the men's rooms of public parks. To gather data, he acted as a lookout for his participants, but he also secretly noted license-plate numbers as the men left so he could get their names and addresses. He picked about fifty of the men the next year and, claiming to be performing a health survey, interviewed them in their homes. His descriptions of the interviews made it possible for many of the men (and their families) to recognize themselves when the dissertation was published. Why do many sociologists consider this research method to be unethical?


Laura Scott describes U.S. society as __________, suggesting that U.S. cultural values support childbearing and child-rearing as the normative and preferred practice.

The American Dream is an ideology

Manohla Dargis called the movie The Pursuit of Happyness "the same old bootstraps story, an American Dream artfully told, skillfully sold. How you respond to this man's moving story may depend on whether you find Mr. Smith's and his son's performances so overwhelmingly winning that you buy the idea that poverty is a function of bad luck and bad choices, and success the result of heroic toil and dreams." What idea is being expressed here?

gender role socialization

Many expectant parents get a sonogram to find out the sex of their babies, and they only start decorating the nursery after learning the sex. This is an example of

a nonacademic use of research methods

Many kitchen tools today are made with easy-to-grip silicone handles, which are a vast improvement over old wire tools that were often painful to use. Although the advantages of silicone over wire might seem obvious, kitchenware makers were unaware of the problems with wire tools until they hired ethnographers. Ethnographers visited people at home, observed how they worked in the kitchen, and were able to determine what sorts of things could be sold to them. This ethnography is an example of

structural mobility

Many people became instant millionaires during the so-called dot-com boom of the late 1990s, although we usually think of social mobility as a result of individual effort. This is an example of

34 million

More than __________ people have died from having contracted HIV/AIDS since the virus was first identified in the early 1980s.

a constructionist perspective

Most sociologists argue that gender is a social construction, and they acknowledge the possibility that binary male-female categories are not the only way of classifying individuals. This perspective is called

It points to a flaw in the way the government calculates the poverty line, as the standard is uniformly applied without regard to regional differences

One cost-of-living indicator shows that a salary of $40,000 in Santa Barbara, California, is equivalent to $14,000 in Wichita, Kansas. This is primarily because of the cost of housing, which is much less expensive in Wichita. What does this difference say about how the federal government calculates poverty?

She is a "consequential stranger" who bridges the gap between primary and secondary groups.

One of the baristas at José's local coffee shop always greets him by name. She often asks how school is going and seems to care about his answer. How would we characterize José's relationship with the barista?

give the wrong answer

Only 25 percent of subjects in the Asch experiment were "independents" who refused to


Ori got food poisoning at his favorite restaurant and was treated right away. This type of illness would be classified as

the culture of poverty

Oscar Lewis was the first to suggest that the poor develop a way of life with fundamentally different values and goals because they are excluded from mainstream social life. Consequently, they are much less likely to join the middle class. This way of life is usually called

structural mobility

People are optimistic that the jobs lost during the COVID-19 pandemic will be replaced with others. However, even if the optimists are right, the shift in the economy may permanently alter the social class status of many people. When large numbers of people move up or down the social ladder as a result of large-scale events affecting the economy, this is called

People who identify themselves through personal characteristics might care less about the common good

People today are more likely to identify themselves through personal characteristics than through group membership or affiliation. Why is this cause for concern to some sociologists?


Social mobility that occurs over the course of an individual's lifetime is called ________ mobility.

some social roles are better suited to one gender than the other

Regarding gender, structural functionalists generally believe that


Researcher Christine Williams studied patterns of occupational sex segregation by examining the ways large-scale social structures create the constraints within which individuals live their lives. Which type of analysis would this research fall under?


Researchers have determined that living anywhere close to heavy traffic is associated with higher incidence of


Rey's right arm was amputated when she was a child due to complications from cancer. Even though she is more comfortable without it, she will often wear her prosthetic arm when she is in public in order to avoid people staring at her or asking questions about her amputation. This is an example of

strain between socially approved goals and the means of achieving them

Robert Merton developed structural strain theory to explain why deviance occurs. What is the cause of the strain suggested by the name of the theory?

preventive medicine

Sami exercises daily, eats lots of fruits and vegetables, does not smoke, and has yearly checkups with their doctor. Sami is participating in

an opinion leader

Singer and celebrity Beyoncé endorsed Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election. Based on the extent that people pay attention to her and care about what she says, Beyoncé could be considered

Individuals associated with a group feel a shared identity and have ongoing social relations

Sociologically, what is the difference between a group and a crowd?

influence that peers can have as agents of socialization

Sociologist C. J. Pascoe, in their ethnography of high school boys titled Dude, You're a Fag, found that boys often use homophobic slurs toward each other to define masculinity for themselves and other boys. This is an example of the

see if a particular tie is strong or weak.

Sociologists who study social networks and employment pay attention to the frequency with which a person has been in contact with each member of their social network to

large-scale institutions; individual interactions

Sociology can be defined as the systematic and scientific study of human society and social behavior from ________ to ________.


Some conservative groups have organized to campaign for crackdowns on illegal immigration and limits on legal immigration because they are concerned about how the United States will be changed by nonwhite immigrants. This means that they are against

emotions are not solely personal, because the expression of emotions can also be social and cultural.

Some researchers have argued that in highly individualistic cultures, such as that of the United States, the emotion of shame is usually triggered by individual actions. However, in more collectivist cultures like Japan's, shame is linked to groups. This would seem to indicate that

the interactions of team members off the field

Some students at a college form an intramural softball team. They play other teams from their school and from the area every Sunday in a conveniently located park. What might a sociologist consider if they wanted to determine whether the team was a primary group or a secondary group?


T/F A husband who keeps all his family's money in his bank account and gives his wife a weekly allowance might be considered guilty of domestic abuse.


T/F A person who is not prejudiced may still participate in discrimination.


T/F According to the Data Workshop's "Does TV Reflect the Realities of Race?," minorities had more than twice as many lead roles in the 2014-2015 season as they did in the 2011-2012 season.


T/F Capitalism and socialism are two examples of political systems throughout the world.


T/F Conflict theory argues that, although religion is sometimes an oppressive force, it can also sometimes act as a liberating force


T/F Cultural appropriation benefits the minority group by taking that group's symbols and turning them into a commodity for profit


T/F Deprivation amplification involves disease risks being increased or amplified by genetic factors.


T/F Gendered differences exist between cultures.


T/F Health and illness are impacted by social class, race, and gender inequality.


T/F Sociologists often engage in the process of "othering" the people they study even when they study their own cultures.


T/F Some sociologists suggest that, like extreme poverty, extreme wealth should be thought of as a social problem


T/F Stereotype promise leads to positive performance outcomes, whereas stereotype threat is a result of the fear of performing poorly.

shifted the economy toward the production of knowledge and services

The Information Revolution changed the nature of work and the economy because it has

two or more individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption who share a household.

The U.S. Census Bureau defines "family" as

Moving from welfare to work did not substantially increase income levels; it simply shifted the poor from welfare to low-paying jobs

The Welfare Reform Act ended the concept of entitlements by requiring recipients of welfare to find work within two years of receiving assistance. How has this changed the lives of the poor?

Moving from welfare to work did not substantially increase income levels; it simply shifted the poor from welfare to low-paying jobs.

The Welfare Reform Act ended the concept of entitlements by requiring recipients of welfare to find work within two years of receiving assistance. How has this changed the lives of the poor?

comparative-historical research

The Yale sociologist Kai Erikson wrote a book called Wayward Puritans, in which he drew on court records from colonial Massachusetts. He learned that the rate of out-of-wedlock births was much higher than it is now and that the amount of alcohol consumed per capita was higher as well. What research methodology was Erikson using?

steam engine

The ________ helped to bring about the Industrial Revolution.

it brings people together

The adhan is the Islamic call to prayer that is recited five times each day. This means that, in theory, five times each day every Muslim is doing the exact same thing at the exact same time. What function or dysfunction of religion does the adhan help bring about?


The attempt to reconcile global economic growth with environmental protection is called


The belief that all Irish are drunks is an example of

an essentialist perspective

The belief that women are better suited to be homemakers because they are naturally more caring and emotional than men is expressed by which perspective?

switch to a manufacturing enconomy

The change that caused people to migrate to cities from rural areas at high rates was the

culture wars

The controversy surrounding Colin Kaepernick's choice to kneel during the national anthem in protest of racial oppression and inequality is an example of which of the following concepts?

fifth grade

The point in children's school careers by which gender norms become firmly established is

her husband

The radio played a news story about the murder of a twenty-five-year-old married woman with one child. Who would you expect the police to first investigate for the crime?

women's equal access to employment and education

The second-wave feminist movement was associated with the issue of

moral holiday

The slogan "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" is an example of


The sociologist Mitch Duneier wrote his ethnography Sidewalk about street vendors in New York City's Greenwich Village. While writing the book, Duneier was particularly concerned that the people he was studying would alter their behavior when he was present, especially since his background was different from their own. This caused him to think critically about his activities and role as a researcher. What do sociologists call this?

the new ecological paradigm

The study of human populations and their impact on the natural world is called


The wealth gap involves the unequal distribution of prestige or social honor that some individuals receive for being members of particular groups.

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