Sociology Final Study Guide

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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 is sometimes called ________ for its most noted advocate, and represents large-scale federal reform of the United States' healthcare system.

"ObamaCare" Healthcare in the United States looks different today than it did just a few years ago—a result of changes in policy, such as the Affordable Care Act (PPACA or ACA or "ObamaCare").

Hispanic Americans have a wide range of backgrounds and nationalities; their segment of the U.S. population that self-identifies as Hispanic in 2013 was recently estimated at ________ of the total (U.S. Census Bureau 2014).


The Seneca Falls Convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York in ________ It was the first women's rights convention which advertised itself as "a convention to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of woman"/\.

1848 Considered the first women's rights movement, this convention had both women and men in attendance, at the middle of the 19th century.

Name the group whose ancestors did not come here by choice.

African Americans Most African American ancestors were brought here as slaves.

________focuses on collective action rather than collective behavior, addressing the processes associated with crowd behavior and the life cycle and various categories of gatherings.

Assembling perspective The assembling perspective focuses on crowd behavior and collective action based on a shared interest. It also focuses on the lifecycle of gatherings.

_____focuses on collective action rather than collective behavior, addressing the processes associated with crowd behavior and the life cycle and various categories of gatherings.

Assembling perspective The assembling perspective focuses on crowd behavior and collective action based on a shared interest. It also focuses on the lifecycle of gatherings.

People standing in line at the post office would represent which type of crowd?

Casual Casual crowds consist of people who are in the same place at the same time but who are not really interacting, such as people standing in line at the post office.

Although the Kinsey scale was developed in 1948 to explain a continuum of human sexuality rather than a simple dichotomy, why do most Americans still subscribe to the notion that a person is either gay or straight, with no in-between?

Children are socialized in a heteronormative society. From an early age, children are socialized to believe that the default and preferred sexuality is heterosexuality, and that anyone who is not heterosexual is homosexual.

The ________ was characterized by boycotts, marches, sit-ins, and freedom rides as demonstrations by a subordinate group that would no longer willingly submit to domination.

Civil rights movement The Civil Rights Movement was a time of civil discourse and demonstration where citizens expressed their distaste for discriminatory laws and practices in the United States, leading to political and social change.

The primary controversy over the ________, from the standpoint of teachers, parents and students, and even administrators, is not so much the standards themselves, but the assessment process and the high stakes involved.

Common Core Common Core has created controversy that the emphasis is placed more on the assessment process and less on the standards.

________ view education as a means of widening the gap in social inequality.

Conflict theorists Conflict theorists are interested in the widening gap in social inequality seen in schools.

____ seek to preserve existing norms and values.

Conservative movements A movement might seek change that is conservative, which means they want to preserve existing norms and values, such as a group opposed to genetically modified foods.

________ seek to preserve existing norms and values.

Conservative movements A movement might seek change that is conservative, which means they want to preserve existing norms and values, such as a group opposed to genetically modified foods.

________ is a term that refers to a reduction in one's ability to perform everyday tasks.

Disability A disability refers to a reduction in one's ability to perform everyday tasks.

_______ is the unjust treatment of a category of people simply because they belong to that category while ________ is when someone has a preconceived opinion that isn't based on reason or experience

Discrimination; prejudice Discrimination occurs when people are mistreated, which is often based on prejudice.

Identify the following example of white privilege.

Eli, a white student attending Michigan State, is coming driving home from a party at college. He pulls up to a drunk-driving checkpoint where police are stopping people and asking them for their IDs. Having not consumed alcohol that evening, he has a reasonable expectation that the police will look at his ID and let him pass without further questioning. Not being suspected of committing a crime simply based on the color of your skin is a form of white privilege.

________ demonstrate that like many other institutions of society, educational systems are characterized by unequal treatment and opportunity for women.

Feminist theorists Feminist theorists focus on the ways that educational systems prevent women from achieving a full measure of social equality.

________ believe that education equips people to perform different functional roles in society.

Functional theorists Functionalists contend that education equips children to perform functional roles through both manifest and latent functions.

________ occurs through four major agents of socialization: family, education, peer groups, and mass media. Each agent reinforces gender roles by creating and maintaining normative expectations for gender-specific behavior.

Gender socialization Gender socialization is a process of reinforcing gender roles and expectations through the people and media a person interacts with.

________ refers to a system in which groups of people experience unequal access to basic, yet highly valuable, social resources.

Gender stratification Gender stratification places the value of one gender over others, giving them greater access to valuable social resources.

The U.S. Census from 2008 shows that 16.5 percent of respondents reported being of ________descent; the largest group in the country You Answered


Immigration from ________ and ________ continued well into the late 19th century and early part of the 20th century, at which time the immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe began to arrive in larger numbers.

Germany and Ireland German immigrants were mainly well-off political refugees that came over and were able to settle in large groups in the Midwest. Irish immigrants were not as well-off, many of them escaping the Potato Famine.

The best example of socialized medicine is in ________, where the National Health System (NHS) gives free healthcare to all its residents and has done so since the 1940s..

Great Britain

There are wide differences among the various origins that make up the Hispanic American population, as well as different names for the group itself. The 2010 U.S. Census states that ________ refers to a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race.

Hispanic or Latino he labels "Hispanic" or "Latino" refer to a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or of other Spanish culture.

Historically, the most recent large-scale Asian immigration has come from ________ and ________.

Korea: Vietnam Following the Korean and Vietnam wars, there has been a steady increase of immigration from these countries to America.

________ is considered to be a legally recognized social contract between two people, traditionally based on a sexual relationship and implying a permanence of the union.

Marriage Marriage is a legally recognized social contract between two people, traditionally based on a sexual relationship and implying a permanence of the union.

________, especially those who are here illegally, are at the center of a national debate about immigration. Myers (2007) observes that no other minority group (except the Chinese) has immigrated to the United States in such an environment of illegality.

Mexican Americans The current national debate on immigration revolves around those who are entering the United States illegally through the southern border of Mexico.

Native Americans once numbered in the ________ but by 2010, they made up only________ of U.S. population (U.S. Census 2010).

Millions; 0.9 percent Native Americans once had a much larger population, with an existence of many tribes, numbering in the millions.

The funding tie-in of ________ has led to the social phenomenon commonly called "teaching to the test".

No Child Left Behind No Child Left Behind determines funding for schools based on their ability to keep students achieving on their grade level and results in many schools "teaching to the test" to maintain their funding

According to research, men and women in the ________ have the lowest rates of divorce while those in the ________ have the highest.

Northeast; South Men and women in the Northeast have the lowest rates of divorce. The South has the highest rates of divorce for men and for women.

________ was a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court which allowed racial segregation in schools and introduced the phrase "separate but equal" into the U.S. lexicon.

Plessy v. Ferguson upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation.

________ offers a solution and states how it will be implemented.

Prognostic framing Prognostic framing offers a solution and states how it will be implemented.

_______ focuses on mismatches between anatomical sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation, not just division into male/female or homosexual/hetereosexual. By so labelling their discipline, scholars reject the effects of labeling; instead, they embraced the term and reclaimed it for their own purposes.

Queer theory Queer theorists reject the labels traditionally associated with sexual orientation, and claimed the term queer for their own use.

________ is a process used by real estate agents to direct prospective homeowners toward or away from certain neighborhoods based on their race

Racial steering When realtors show persons areas and neighborhood based on the color of their skin, this is known as redlining.

___ is a way to explain movement success in terms of the ability to acquire resources and mobilize individuals.

Resource mobilization theory Resource mobilization theory is a way to explain the success of social movements in terms of their ability to acquire resources and mobilize individuals.

________ is a way to explain movement success in terms of the ability to acquire resources and mobilize individuals.

Resource mobilization theory Resource mobilization theory is a way to explain the success of social movements in terms of their ability to acquire resources and mobilize individuals.

Cross-national research on sexual attitudes in industrialized nations reveals that normative standards differ across the world. For example, several studies have shown that ________ students are more tolerant of premarital sex than are________ students.

Scandinavian; U.S. Of industrialized nations, Sweden is thought to be the most liberal when it comes to attitudes about sex, including sexual practices and sexual openness, while the U.S. is far less liberal, with less comprehensive sex education in schools.

The ________of the women's movement began in the early 1960s in the United States, and lasted through the early 1980s and drew attention to a host of issues, including the Equal Rights Amendment, which was defeated by anti-feminists.

Second Wave The second wave of the women's movement was more inclusive of social class and women of color, and advocated for many social changes, including the civil rights movement, the gay rights movement, and the farm workers' movement.

The focus of ________ theory would be on the inequalities of gender, social class, education, race, and ethnicity.

Social conflict assess the interaction based on conflicts around issues of gender, social class, education, race, and ethnicity rather than consensus.

________ highlight the role of power in family life and contends that the family is often not a haven but rather an arena where power struggles can occur. This exercise of power often entails the performance of family status roles such as the enforcement of rules from parent to child.

Social conflict theorists Social conflict theorists examine how social institutions, such as marriage and family, reproduce systems of inequality at a larger societal level. They study power struggles that can occur as people play out their roles in families.

________ defines a family as "a group of two people or more, one of whom is the householder, who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption and are residing together."

The U.S. Census Bureau The U.S. Census Bureau defines a family as "a group of two people or more (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together."

Research presents evidence that homosexual and bisexual individuals are treated differently than heterosexual individuals in schools, the workplace, and the military, and experience frequent discrimination. Which of the following is an example of progress toward removing a systematic discriminatory practice?

The repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in the armed forces.

In the United States, ________ has the highest rates of divorce and ________ has the lowest.

Washington, DC; Hawaii Our nation's capital, Washington D.C. has the highest rates of divorce and Hawaii and the lowest.

Alfred Kinsey was among the first to conceptualize sexuality as

a continuum rather than a strict dichotomy of gay or straight. The Kinsey scale of human sexuality bears his name, and people can score anywhere on the scale from a zero (exclusively heterosexual) to a six (exclusively homosexual).

The increase in our senior population as baby boomers begin to retire, which will in turn change the way many of our social institutions are organized, reflects ________ that impacts all other aspects of society.

a population trend

Education is ________ through which a society's children are taught basic academic knowledge, learning skills, and cultural norms.

a social institution Social institutions, such as education, provide children with the basic knowledge, skills, and cultural norms for the country's culture.

The difference between the terms "Arab" and "Muslim" is that Arab refers to ________ and Muslim refers to ________.

an ethnicity; a religion The term "Arab" refers to ethnicity whereas the term "Muslim" refers to a person who practices Islam.

Analysts have determined that the nations and city-states ________ had several things in common, such as well-established standards for education with clear goals for all students, and teachers recruited from the top 5 to 10 percent of university graduates each year, which is not the case for most countries.

at the top of the educational rankings The nations that rank in the top for their education system had multiple similarities contributing to student success.

According to the American Psychological Association, individuals usually become aware of their sexual orientation

between middle childhood and early adolescence. Between middle childhood and early adolescence, individuals start becoming aware of what kinds of people attract them, and in what ways.

The United States prides itself on being the land of the "free,"

but it is rather restrictive when it comes to its citizens' general attitudes about sex compared to other industrialized nations. In the United States, attitudes condemn premarital sex, homosexuality, sex before the age of 16, and extramarital sex, all to a greater degree than other industrialized nations.

According to the American Psychological Association, there is no scientific consensus why a person holds a heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual orientation. Research has been conducted to study the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation,

but there has been no evidence that links sexual orientation to one factor. Sexual orientation is likely a complex combination of factors, which may be unique to each individual.

What is considered "normal" in terms of sexual behavior is based on the mores and values of the society. Individuals are socialized to sexual attitudes

by their family, education system, peers, media, and religion. Each of these systems is a vehicle for socialization to sexual attitudes in a given society.

People standing in line at the post office would represent which type of crowd?

casual Casual crowds consist of people who are in the same place at the same time but who are not really interacting, such as people standing in line at the post office.

The discussion on the performance of ________ versus public schools is hotly debated with many studies being completed. Research indicates that they do not always outperform public schools.

charter schools Charter schools were designed to help improve student performance but have not been found to always outperform public schools.

According to Pierre Bourdieu, members of the upper and middle classes have more ________ than do families of lower-class status.

cultural capital The French sociologist Bourdieu looked at how cultural knowledge serves as a currency that helps us navigate a culture.

Our education system socializes us to our society. We learn ________ which are reinforced by our teachers, our textbooks, and our classmates.

cultural expectations and norms We learn cultural expectations and norms as well as cognitive skills in our education system.

A growing concern today is the ________ that students encounter with college attendance.


________ is a term that refers to a reduction in one's ability to perform everyday tasks.


Cultural capital has three forms; ________ refers to the form of knowledge that resides in each of us.

embodied state The embodied state of cultural capital is the knowledge within us or that we seek out on our own.

Social movements have a life cycle, they ________. All social movements go through this cycle.

emerge, grow, and in some cases, die out. Sociologists have identified that social movements have a lifecycle—they emerge, grow, and in some cases, die ou

Social movements have a life cycle, they ________. All social movements go through this cycle.

emerge, grow, and in some cases, die out. Sociologists have identified that social movements have a lifecycle—they emerge, grow, and in some cases, die out.

The ________ emphasizes the importance of social norms in crowd behavior.

emergent-norm theory The emergent-norm perspective emphasizes the importance of norms in shaping crowd behavior, especially norms that shift quickly in response to changing external factors. Norms develop and are accepted as they fit the situation.

Which of these terms refers to the situation when a subordinate group is forced by a dominant group to permanently leave a certain area or country?

expulsion Expulsion is the act of a dominant group forcing a subordinate group to leave a certain area.

The ________ helps to explain the different processes that occur in families over time. Sociologists view each segment as having its own structure with different challenges, achievements, and accomplishments that transition the family from one to the next.

family life cycle The family life cycle refers to a set of predictable steps and patterns that families experience over time.

A ________ refers to the family into which a person is born.

family of orientation A family of orientation refers to the family into which a person is born

A ________ refers to the family into which a person is born.

family of orientation A family of orientation refers to the family into which a person is born.

Some groups find it best to join together to maximize their impact. When social movements link their goals to the goals of other social movements and merge into a single group, a ________ occurs.

frame alignment When social movements link their goals and merge into a single group, a frame alignment process occurs, and the ongoing and intentional recruitment of participants helps maximize the impact of the movement.

Social organizations worldwide take stands on such general areas of concern as poverty, sex trafficking, and the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food are examples of a

global level social movement. Global social movements have worldwide presence and take stands on such general areas of concern as poverty, sex trafficking, and the use of genetically modified organisms.

It is important to note that ethnic minorities, including African Americans, Mexican Americans and Native Americans, ________ than whites.

have higher rates of diseases and causes of mortality African Americans also have higher incidence of several other diseases and causes of mortality, from cancer to heart disease to diabetes. In a similar vein, it is important to note that ethnic minorities, including Mexican Americans and Native Americans, also have higher rates of these diseases and causes of mortality than whites.

It is important to note that ethnic minorities, including African Americans, Mexican Americans and Native Americans, ________ than whites.

have higher rates of diseases and causes of mortalityh African Americans also have higher incidence of several other diseases and causes of mortality, from cancer to heart disease to diabetes. In a similar vein, it is important to note that ethnic minorities, including Mexican Americans and Native Americans, also have higher rates of these diseases and causes of mortality than whites.

The________ refers to the type of nonacademic knowledge that students learn through informal learning and cultural transmission.

hidden curriculum The cycle of rewarding those who possess cultural capital is found in hidden curriculum, or the nonacademic knowledge learning informally.

Opponents of ________ counter that homeschooled children miss out on the opportunity for social development that occurs in standard classroom environments and school settings.

homeschooling Homeschooling opponents argue that students miss out on key areas of social development when not in the school environment.

Underlying indications of ________ may be socialized in boys and girls based on tasks assigned to them at home or school, and by toys that are purchased for them to play with.


Feminist sociologist Patricia Hill Collins developed ________, which suggests that we cannot separate the effects of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and other attributes.

intersection theory Coined by sociologist Patricia Hill Collins intersection theory suggests we cannot separate the effects of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and other attributes.

Social scientists today maintain that when it comes to "race," it

is not biologically identifiable and racial categories have been arbitrarily assigned. Race is considered to be a social construct that has arbitrarily assigned based on physical features.

Single, or never-married, individuals are found in higher concentrations in ________

large cities or metropolitan areas. Single, or never-married, individuals are found in higher concentrations in large cities or metropolitan areas, with New York City being one of the highest.

The second most common mental disorders in the United States are

mood disorders

The second most common mental disorders in the United States are

mood disorders.

Accurate statistics on intimate partner violence are difficult to determine because ________.

nonfatal intimate partner violence often goes unreported. Accurate statistics on IPV are difficult to determine, as it is estimated that more than half of nonfatal IPV goes unreported.

Adherence to masculine and feminine gender roles continues in occupational tendencies later in life because

occupational roles are examples of typical U.S. male and female behavior, derived from our culture's traditions. Occupational roles come from traditional gender roles passed down through our culture's traditions.

Today, in the United States, ________, and the District of Columbia require comprehensive sex education classes in schools. You Answered

only eighteen states

Male dominated jobs ________ although they require the same level of skills and training.

pay more than female dominated jobs The pay gap is real, and women are paid less for working the same jobs as men in male-dominated fields.

Which of these terms represents the ideal of the United States as a "salad bowl" where a mixture of different cultures is accepted and tolerated with each culture retaining its own identity and being valued equally with mutual respect on the part of all cultures, both dominant and subordinate?

pluralism Pluralism is the ideal of the United States as a "salad bowl:" a mixture of different cultures where each culture retains its own identity and yet adds to the "flavor" of the whole.

In the top-ranking countries, limited access to resources did not necessarily predict low performance, compared to the United States. Analysts also noted what they described as ________, those students who achieve at a higher level than one might expect given their social background.

resilient students

The focus of ________ theory would be on the inequalities of gender, social class, education, race, and ethnicity.

social conflict Social conflict assess the interaction based on conflicts around issues of gender, social class, education, race, and ethnicity rather than consensus.

According to ________, society is a struggle for dominance among social groups, like women versus men, that compete for scarce resources.

social conflict theory Social conflict theory is based on the premise that society pits groups against each other in competition rather than cooperation.

One critique of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is that it will create a system of ________ medicine, a term that for many people in the United States has negative connotations lingering from the Cold War era and earlier.

socialized One critique of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is that it will create a system of socialized medicine, a term that for many people in the United States has negative connotations lingering from the Cold War era and earlier.

Today, in the United States, some of the key predictors for student performance include

socioeconomic status and family background. While today's public schools are positioned to remedy equality gaps, students from more affluent areas and from high-income families perform better.

According to the ________, health is vital to the stability of the society, and therefore sickness is a sanctioned form of deviance.

structural-functional theorists According to the functionalist perspective, health is vital to the stability of the society, and therefore sickness is a sanctioned form of deviance.

The term ________ can be used interchangeably with the term minority, while the term ________ is often substituted for the group that's in the majority.

subordinate group; dominant group These terms are a more precise term used to describe the social nature and level of control the groups have in society.

Schools face an issue of ________, in that most high school teachers perceive students as being prepared for college, while most college professors do not see those same students as prepared for the rigors of collegiate study.

teacher effectiveness The level of teachers' skills and their ability to prepare students for college is an ongoing issue.

Research has demonstrated that "one of the strongest and most consistent predictors of a person's morbidity and mortality experience is ________.

that person's socioeconomic status (SES) One of the strongest and most consistent predictors of a person's morbidity and mortality experience is that person's socioeconomic status (SES).

Health care disparities between racial and ethnic groups are based on

the level of healthcare that these racial/ethnic groups receive. The level of healthcare that these groups receive accounts for the health care disparities between racial and ethnic groups.

In today's world, some degree of education is necessary for people in most countries. Due to population growth and ________ in the next 30 years, more people will receive formal education than in any prior period of human history.

the proliferation of compulsory education UNESCO has calculated that more people will receive education and more countries will require children to have formal education.

A person's sex, as determined by their biology, does not always correspond with their gender. Therefore,

the terms sex and gender are not interchangeable The terms are not interchangeable because sex is determined by biology and gender is a social concept.

Transgender individuals who attempt to alter their bodies through medical interventions such as surgery and hormonal therapy are called

transsexuals. Those transgender individuals who seek to align their bodies with their inner gender may be referred to as transsexuals, undergoing medical intervention to alter their bodies.

Research has established that marriages enter their most stressful phase

upon the birth of the first child. Research has established that marriages enter their most stressful phase upon the birth of the first child.

A societal privilege that benefits people who are white in a way that goes beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white individuals under the same societal, political, or economic circumstances is known as ________.

white privilege. The idea of white privilege is that people of color do not experience the same baseline as people who are seen as being white, they don't have the same advantages and are not treated equally.

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