Sociology Midterm 2021

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Symbolic Interactionalism

micro level communication and interaction

sociological average

most people, many people, NEVER 100%

Social action: value rational

motive is NOT rational but behavior is


negative harm or divide... a social fact that causes disunity

what pushes a society from mechanical solidarity to organic solidarity?

population growth

What was Weber's topic?


Legitimate power

power you follow willingly (charismatic, traditional, legal-rational)

Illegitimate power

power you have to be coerced or forced to follow (money, violence)

What was Harriet Martineau's topic?

powerless v powerful, alignment and the point of social structure should be to promote happiness

what did Al Farabi say

ppl need/crave human or social interaction

Generalized Other

predict reactions of other people, not anyone specific, producing how people will judge or perceive you

Where is the root of male dominance?

private property and state = root of inequality is male dominance in the home

Surplus value

profit made by the bourgeoisie when they sell the products of the proletariat


proletariat do NOT own the products of their labor... bourgeoisie treat proletariat like part of a machine... alienation filters down to individual and it feels dehumanizing


punishments (formal and informal)

critical race theory

race and ethnicity

conflict theory

rich and poor

Difference between roles and status

roles=situational, status=stays with you


rules (formal and informal)


see, touch, interact

What was DuBois's topic

segregation... separate cultures will develop because of it

what holds us together at lower levels

shared emotional bonds


shared sense of right and wrong


shared set of beliefs and rituals around the sacred and profane

Gender roles

situationally expected behaviors based on masculine/feminine expression


situationally required behavior

Power Elite

small group of powerful people control social institutions for their benefit


social expression (taught to "act" like a certain gender)


social facts based on difference in sex or gender

biological determination

social facts caused by our bodies

Social construction

social facts do not exist outside of society = they are created by society... social facts are rooted ONLY in society

What was Durkheim's topic?

social solidarity

Historical materialism

social structure of a society depends on the economy of that society


socially created categories based on physiological phenotype

what parts of society are social structure

society institutions organizations-ish

What did the Frankfurt school say sociology was equivalent to? What does social structure promote? how should sociology be used?

sociology = activism social structure promotes inequality sociology should be used tp promote human well-being

Collective representation



system of economics based on markets and private ownership


take in or accept or agree w/ the social structure


the ability to utilize your will over others despite resistance (authority)

class consciousness

the awareness of your position/rank in society

what prevents unity?

the competition for scarce resources (togetherness abated or destroyed)

The Other

the default is masculine while the feminine is the alternative or the other

what did marx and engels say

theres 2 classes, bourgeoisie and proletariat

social theory

a way of organizing social facts (makes piles of social facts that relate to social theories)

The looking glass self

Have idea of ourselves, we project it, ppl respond/give feedback, we change behavior bc of that. Creation of your identity or statuses through interactions / feedback

What was Mead's idea

I vs Me, how ppl learn to interact

Stages of interaction in childhood

Imitation stage, play stage, game stage

What is the one big thing that holds together small town societies and the one that holds together big city societies?

Small: homogeneous/sameness Big: heterogenus: different and interdependent

What was C Wright Mills's topic?

The Power Elite

Social solidarity

a sense of connection or unity shared btwn most members of society

What type of system is Status

a stratification system


any group that on average has less power, less wealth

social harm / problems

any negative effects felt by individuals bc of problems in the social structure

social facts

any pattern of belief or behavior common among multiple people

Agents of socialization

anything or anyone that teaches

means of production

anything used to make material goods

Double consciousness

awareness of both societies on either side of veil, usually by minorities

Social action: emotional

based on emotions

Social action: traditional

based on habit/history





at higher levels, how is unity created?

bonds/cohesion need to be planned and forced

Social action: instrumental rational

both motives and behavior is rational

sociological imagination

brainstorming social facts (who what where when why how)

De Jure (segregation)

by law

social facilitation

change ur behavior based on audience... the audience effect

Ex of ways of organizing social facts (SOCIAL THEORIESSSS)

conflict theory critical race theory feminism power functionalism symbolic interactionalism


confusion, anger, isolation, or negative feelings due to formlessness (not knowing the norms). opposite of social cohesion.

Sacred object

connects the sacred and profane... they are profane objects you believe have a connection to sacred


control or choice by the individual



What is social action

deliberate interactions w individuals or small groups

Difference between deviance and crime

deviance= norm breaking, crime= law breaking

Achieved status

earned through behavior (ex celebrity, doc, mother, drug addict)

What are the 4 social action categories

emotional, traditional, value rational, instrumental rational


everything (all social facts) serves a purpose and works for the whole, even crime. everything has a manifest and latent function

Manifest function

explicit or designed purpose

ex of institutions

family education gov economy science/med religion


fun-loving spontaneous footy I don't care part of you

De Facto (segregation)

happens anyway

Collective effervescence

happiness or contentment or unity tat you feel from participation in rituals

Latent function

hidden or unintended purpose


human bodies or genetics determine social facts


ideas and philosophy

Play stage

imaginative play (play teacher, princess), children learn roles


impartiality. lack of emotions or judgement

class false consciousness

incorrect awareness or identification with a different class


inequality or LAYERS or hierarchy


internalized reactions of others "don't do it you will be judged"

what was Crenshaw's topic?


Formal sanctions


Organic solidarity

keeps together larger societies

Mechanical solidarity

keeps together small societies


large scale / broad patterns of behavior that serve a purpose

Informal sanctions

laughed at

Formal norms


Imitation stage

learn basics of interaction, imitate others




legal rational power = small bits of power spread throughout an organization to serve a purpose

synonym of Authority

legitimate power


level of prestige / respect given to ppl. it's a stratification system based on prestige and respect

dramatalogical analysis

life is a stage

what was Cooley's topic

looking glass self


looks and interactions like a play or improv = stage role = costumes

On what terms can you judge any society?

on how they treat the powerless not the powerful

what parts of society are social action

organizations-ish groups individual

Game stage

organized sports and games = rules

The veil

physical segregation leads to separate societies which lead to mental segregation; distorted veil btwn societies


physical separation

Ascribed status

placed upon you

What is the feminine mystique

the feminine is mysterious or unknowable so therefore ppl shouldn't even try to figure it out; a way of dismissing women bc males can't understand them.. bitches be crazy

What was Betty Friedan's topic?

the feminine mystique

what do the stages of interaction lead up to

the generalized other

What was Engels's topic?

the origin of the family, and male dominance

social structure

the parts of society you cannot directly interact with


the scientific study of social life, social change, and social causes and consequences of human behavior

Collective consciousness

the shared ideas/thoughts/beliefs of most people in society

What entity in society can legitimately use violence

the state or agents of the state (root of gov power is violence)

What does marxism say abt proletariat

they will violently overthrow bourgeoisie


things society holds as being worthwhile/desirable


to act logically or scientifically


to friedan, women should have the right to choose anything

Iron Cage of Rationality

too much rationality is bad and life becomes robotic... you need a balance btwn logic and emotion


unbendable or uncompromising morals

What is Khaldun's big idea


social cohesion/solidarity

unity, closeness or togetherness felt by people



Informal norms

unwritten rules

how is patriotism used

used at societal level, designed to foster a sense of community

wealth vs income

wealth=own income=earn


when determining position in a stratification system you have to look at multiple factors simultaneously not one at a time


when the social structure behaves as it should w proper goals surrounding encouraging happiness (when not encouraging happiness, it's out of alignment)

De beauvoir

women should not have unlimited choice

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