Sociology Practice Test

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According to Duff and Pearce (2013), what is one of the possible outcomes for children who do not learn healthy self-esteem and who have low interpersonal trust? a. inability to develop and maintain secure attachments b. low educational achievement c. depressive and anxious personality disorders d. inability to maintain stable social networks


Which of the following best describes the concept of sociobiology? a. the belief that social behaviour evolved from the need to reproduce and survive b. a theory that promotes the belief that socialization provides knowledge about normative sex roles necessary for procreation c. the belief that human behaviour is predicated upon survival of the fittest and that biological advantages that accrue to the strongest collection of genes d. the belief that human behaviour is controlled by genetics


Which of the following characteristics sociologically defines a low position in the social stratification system? a. a person who is receiving income assistance b. a person who belongs to a racial minority group c. someone who has little power, prestige, or wealth d. someone who has no fixed address or residence


Which of the following involves participating in material culture? a. attending a religious service b. driving on a highway c. going to the theatre d. studying a new language


A meritocracy is based on the idea that everyone has an equal chance to compete for higher-status positions. a. True b. False


An example of a total institution is a cloistered monastery that includes being faithful to vows of silence, meditation, and religious study. a. True b. False


Bill and Marta watch the evening news while they eat their dinner. However, while watching the relatively short news clips on TV, they also have their smartphones synced into the program. They are able to follow up on news stories for more in-depth coverage. What is the name given to the specific type of app used to accomplish this task? a. companion app b. secondary display app c. "buddy up" app d. enhanced display


Herman and Chomsky's theory concerning elite control over the news is known as "the propaganda model." a. True b. False


Media literacy enables a person to make informed choices about messages contained in the mass media. a. True b. False


Sociologists use the term "self" to refer to knowledge of ourselves as separate and unique persons whereas the term "self-concept" refers to the totality of various traits, feelings and values that underlie our own personalities and preferences. a. True b. False


Statuses are distinguished by the manner in which we acquire them. a. True b. False


The companies that dominate the mass media do which of the following on a regular basis? a. influence what topics we are interested in b. provide unbiased information c. give voice to the underdogs of society d. provide points of view on a single topic


Weber argued that life chances were influenced by factors such as gender. a. True b. False


Which of the following terms describes the ability of a person to grasp the connection between society and self? a. sociological imagination b. social evolution c. sociological revelation d. structural integration


A young woman works as a security guard for several years to pay her way through university. Then she starts a new career as a software analyst. Which of the following has she experienced? a. postmodernity b. intragenerational mobility c. intergenerational mobility d. structural mobility


According to the interactionist perspective, children are less likely to have influence over their parents due to struggles between human agency (a child's desire to be independent) and the unidirectional of socialization (normative expectations of parental discipline and control). a. True b. False


According to the text, what pronoun should be used in job postings to reinforce gender equality in society? a. s/he b. he or she c. he d. she


Canada is one of the few societies that has no identifiable value contradictions. a. True b. False


Jocelyn has been turned down for five jobs in the last two months. She believes the interviewers do not consider her because of the colour of her skin. What theoretical approach would be most effective when analyzing her situation? a. Interpretive b. Critical c. positive d. negative


The majority of the wealthiest people in Canada earned their income within the last 20 years. a. True b. False


The six largest American media-interest corporations have holdings of diversified media companies. According to the text, what specific name is given to this kind of corporation? a. diversified corporation b. conglomerate c. media mogul d. monopoly


The terms "social institution" and "social structure" are interchangeable. a. True b. False


What is the name given to the level of broad social forces? a. micro level b. macro level c. sociological level d. public level


Which of the following would most accurately describe India's caste structure? a. a gender-neutral system of stratification b. a mixed system of stratification c. an open system of stratification d. a closed system of stratification


Families are supposed to fulfill specific purposes and be responsible for particular guidance to young children in order to guide them into becoming productive adults and citizens. According to the text, from what theoretical perspective does this notion of the family emerge? a. symbolic interactionism b. feminist perspective c. functionalist perspective d. postmodern perspective


In discussions of social mobility, what term is used to refer to changes that occur within the same social location (for example, moving from one comparable job to another)? a. immobility b. static mobility c. horizontal mobility d. vertical mobility


In the Catholic Church, ordained priests all start their clerical careers at the same place; however, rising through the ranks is a competitive process based upon achievement. What kind of promotional structure is represented here? a. good works b. competency c. meritocracy d. self-sacrifice


Jason now owns his home, a vacation property, and a downtown retail space. As a result, what has he increased? a. his income b. his status c. his net worth d. his equality


Using Gilbert's model of class structure, Canadians commonly perceive themselves to be part of which class? a. capitalist class b. upper-middle class c. middle class d. working class


What does the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis argue? a. Language imprisons people. b. Language is common to both animals and humans. c. Language shapes how its speakers view reality. d. Language is less important than symbols in determining how we view the world.


What is the term used for services and programs designed to lesson financial burdens experienced by low-income groups? a. economic assistance b. employment insurance c. social safety net d. social structure


Which of the following beliefs would be considered true in a meritocracy? a. Most of us cannot go from poverty to wealth. b. Hard work and playing by the rules do not bring financial wealth. c. It is up to the individual to break the cycle of poverty. d. Structural factors affect the degree of success an individual can attain.


Which of the following descriptions correspond to the concept of social status? a. the behavioural components that accompany the combined effects of a person's socioeconomic position, level of education, sex, gender, age, and ethnicity b. a social position that is assigned to a person through compliance with social norms, values, beliefs, and social location Incorrect c. a recognized social position that exists independently of any given individual who may occupy it d. an acknowledged social position conferred upon an individual at birth, but influenced by variables such as socioeconomic station, level of education, sex, gender, age, and merit


According to Max Weber, what is the term for the social advantage conferred by a particular position? a. social wealth b. bureaucracy c. status set d. prestige


According to the text, which of the following was the wealthiest Canadian family in 2009? a. Weston b. Pattison c. Laliberte d. Thomson


Elliot is a third-year law student, a single father of two young children, and a part-time employee at the law library on campus. He has an evening shift scheduled at the library at the same time as an evening class final, his child caregiver is also studying for exams and cannot look after his children that evening, and he has final in his legal ethics class the day after this shift. According to the text, which two terms describe the role challenges Elliot faces as he attempts to manage all of these commitments? a. role confusion and role tension b. role identity conflict and role strain c. role strain and parenting role conflict d. role strain and role conflict


Ivan's family owns a chain of grocery stores. The family lives in a big house in a wealthy neighbourhood near Ivan's private school. Ivan is a member of the soccer team, takes piano lessons on Tuesdays, and joined the math club. What would Weber would argue is Ivan's biggest advantage in life? a. education b. broad skill set c. geographic location d. status


The pilot for a new television show included a character that helped a teenager obtain an abortion. Since a major shareholder on the television network's board of directors was anti-abortion, the show was not purchased. According to the text, what sociological approach could be used to analyze the influence of the shareholder? a. socialization b. monopolization c. functionalist framework d. conflict framework


What term is used to refer to movement up or down the stratification system? a. exchange mobility b. circulatory mobility c. horizontal mobility d. social mobility


Which of the following is NOT one of the core components of Cooley's "looking-glass" concept"? a. We imagine how we are judged by others. b. We imagine how others judge that appearance. c. We incorporate those judgments into our own sense of self. d. We reconcile those perceptions with our own self-identities.


Which of the following terms refers to customs and practices that occur across all societies? a. symbols b. beliefs c. norms d. cultural universals


Which province had the highest annual family income in 2011 (according to the census profile shown in the text)? a. New Brunswick b. Ontario c. Alberta d. Northwest Territories


According to the text, social facilitation is a formal structural model with hierarchical chains of authority, sets of procedures, and guiding protocols. a. True b. False


One of Maya's professors constantly uses the term "mankind" in place of the term "humanity." Why does Maya find this annoying? a. It masks the relationship between language and gender. b. Using the masculine form ignores women and makes them invisible. c. It standardizes language and makes it more objective. d. "Humanity" is a gender-exclusive term.


Ethnocentrism is based on the assumption that one's own way of life is superior to all others. a. True b. False


People are powerfully influenced by media messages because they think they are invulnerable to such messages. a. True b. False


A poor young man born in a coastal outpost in Newfoundland grows up and gets a law degree from a prestigious law school while waiting on tables in the cafeteria where his classmates eat. Eventually he becomes a top-notch lawyer and then premier of the province. Which of the following descriptions would sociologists use to describe his upward career path? a. equal opportunity b. social mobility c. social promotion d. meritocratic mobility


Mead's theory of the social self includes three stages of development. Which of the following is NOT one those stages? Select one: a. preparatory stage b. transitional stage c. play stage d. game stage


Once significant others are identified, they retain their importance for the individual's entire life. a. True b. False


Role conflict takes place within one status while role strain involves two or more statuses. a. True b. False


The "me" of Mead's (1934) theory of self reflects the spontaneous and unrestrained personal and social reactions. a. True b. False


What has the functionalist perspective on culture been criticized for? a. focusing on how societies meet their needs b. not acknowledging unfair treatment of some groups c. downplaying the role of stability and cooperation d. overemphasizing a micro-level analysis of society


According to the text, which of the following is the primary facilitator of culture? a. knowledge b. norms c. language d. culture


According to the text, which term best describes a social position obtained through personal actions? a. master status b. ascribed status c. achieved status d. meritocratic status


What kind of stratification system produces social mobility for meritocracy and achieved status? a. caste b. aristocratic c. open d. closed


What sociological label does the text give to people's capacity to make choices that then have an impact on other people and on the society in which they live? a. feminism b. freedom of choice c. agency d. individual opportunities


Which of the following is the term for a shared system of communication that includes spoken, written, and signed forms of speech as well as nonverbal gestures used to convey meaning? a. knowledge b. social reality c. language d. culture


If you were to use a conflict perspective to determine social inequality, which of the following concepts would you study? a. property ownership and control b. race and gender c. marital status d. desires and ambitions


Even before the discipline had a name, what were the early sociologists trying to understand? a. research methods b. changes in society c. early theory d. social myth


Every day when you get up out of bed, you brush your teeth, apply deodorant, then select and put on appropriate clothing. What are all of these actions examples of? a. formal norms b. folkways c. mores d. laws


Why is language so important in the construction of culture? a. It enables the transfer of knowledge. b. It is part of material culture. c. It makes subcultures possible. d. It enables the distinction of allophones.


Cultural values reflect only one individual's idea about what actions are considered right or wrong within his or her society. a. True b. False


Which of the following is the best example of a gender-neutral term? a. maid b. actress c. councilman d. flight attendant


Which of the following terms would a sociologist use to refer to specific behavioural expectations of any society? a. prescriptions b. values c. codes of conduct d. norms


According to the text, which of the following is NOT a core Canadian value? a. accommodation and tolerance b. support for diversity c. traditional beliefs d. compassion and generosity


According to Max Weber, what is social position based on? a. Education and other ascribed statuses. b. Subjective as well as objective criteria. c. Personal attributes such as attractiveness. d. Power and prestige, in addition to wealth.


Irene has been convicted of several instances of petty theft. She is one of a group of women who works as a group that targeted crowds at large events. Irene and three others of the group agreed to participate in a study that would attempt to reveal to the women themselves, and by extension to others like them, sociological understanding as to why they continued to commit these crimes despite the high likelihood of further convictions. Which sociological approach grounds this type of study? a. relational b. positivist c. interpretive d. critical


Which social theorist is credited with founding the conflict perspective? a. Émile Durkheim b. Karl Marx c. Max Weber d. George Herbert Mead


According to Karl Marx's ideas, which of the following is likely to happen to Carrie when she moves from designing, producing, and selling her own women's fashions to working as a seamstress for a large design company? a. class conflict b. alienation c. wealth d. anomie


According to the text, what term is used to describe an unequal distribution of resources including wealth, prestige, or power? a. division of wealth b. social inequality c. social structure d. social wealth


Group influence, as a socializing agent, is limited, weak, and often unilateral in effect. a. True b. False


Proscriptive norms state what behaviours are appropriate and acceptable. a. True b. False


In which of the following systems of stratification would a couple have the easiest time moving within social structure? a. socioeconomic b. slavery c. caste d. class


According to Emile Durkheim, anomie is most likely to occur during a period of rapid social change. a. True b. False


According to functionalists Davis and Moore social stratification is beneficial as it results in meritocracy. a. True b. False


Jackson is a 16-year-old who watches about 20 hours of TV per week. He is on par with other teenagers his age. a. True b. False


Role is the dynamic aspect of a status; while we occupy a status, we play a role. a. True b. False


The theory of bioecological human development includes the notion that micro- and macro-levels of influence and reciprocating interaction affect individuals who are also active social agents who in turn influence their and others' developments and live experiences. a. True b. False


The title "firefighter" was introduced to reduce gendered cultural constructions. a. True b. False


According to the text, what is the feminist perspective regarding the nature of families in contemporary society? a. Families are a significant location of disagreement based on traditional notions of heteronormativity. b. Families reinforce social stratifications. c. Families can reinforce traditional and existing social patterns. d. Families impede individual development of non-normative sexuality.


It takes the action of only one person to affect society at the macro level. a. True b. False


Maxine is a member of her high school drama club. She signed up to help organize props and work on the backdrops. Several club members are staying late after rehearsal to help finish this work. Maxine left early as she thought there were enough others to do the work and that nobody would notice her absence. According to the text, which of the following terms applies to Maxine's behaviour? a. role conflict b. social loafing c. non-conformity d. social facilitation


Social loafing is a concept that is comparable to the notion of "couch surfing" and "couch potato." a. True b. False


According to the text, which of the following corresponds to Mead's theory of the development of the social self? a. a theory that views human development as a dynamic process of reciprocal interaction in which individuals also play an important role in shaping their social environment b. the development of one's social skills relative to specific ethnic values and beliefs that help people know how act in small and large social situations c. humans have a unique capacity to act and react to others on the basis of shared meanings d. the sense of ourselves that we develop based on our perceptions of how others view us


According to the text, which theorist proposed the concept of the "looking-glass self"? a. Skinner b. Mead c. Cooley d. Watson


Nassir was upset at the one-sided news coverage of a rally he attended. The news on television showed only the police being bombarded by students and there was no mention of the police brutality that began the incident. Nassir decided to upload a video of the police attacking his friend onto YouTube. This is a demonstration of which role that YouTube currently plays online? a. It disrupts traditional forms of media. b. It is a widely popular source of information. c. It challenges commercial media. d. It is exploited by the mass media.


Which of the following studies appeared in the text as an example of socio-biological theories? a. the Feral Child Study b. the Human Genome Project c. the Minnesota Twin Study d. the Quebec-Ontario Genetic Multiple Birth Research Program


Janet has a learning disability and has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. According to the text, which of the following is most likely to be her experience in the workplace? a. She will be excluded from work because of her disability. b. She is unlikely to confront environmental barriers in the workplace today, given anti-discrimination policies. c. She will have fewer opportunities today than she would have had in the past. d. She is doubly disadvantaged as she will experience discrimination as a woman and as a person with a disability.


Cultures generally remain static. a. True b. False


Danielle loves using the mobile apps on her cell phone. She keeps track of the news, does her banking, follows her favourite celebrities, texts her friends, and plays games on the bus. She would prefer to use her apps than have dinner with her family. According to the text, Danielle's activities reflect which major concern associated with all of the electronic-mediated communication? a. reduced interaction in real life b. inability to distinguish real life c. improper grammar resulting from texting d. eye impairment from screen use


Karl Marx believed that class conflict is necessary in order to produce social change and a better society. a. True b. False


Michel Foucault argued that there are many discourses competing for an authoritative position in a society. a. True b. False


Mike is taking a sociology course titled Mass Media and Communications for the 21st century. His interest in this class emerges from his concern with how media might be negatively or positively affecting society through subtle messages embedded in a variety of media formats. What is the main intent of this course? a. media literacy b. mass media analysis c. media deconstruction d. critical multimedia research analysis


Nora Young's cultural concept of "self-tracking" includes creating digital records of various aspects of our life. a. True b. False


Postmodern theorists encourage consumers to do which of the following when exposed to the mass media? a. think critically about the messages taken in b. be aware of the mean world syndrome c. appreciate the influence of violence in the media d. control the short- and long-term effects of media exposure


Role strain always takes place within one specific status. a. True b. False


Statuses exist independently of the specific people occupying them. a. True b. False


The concept of social comparison refers to how individuals evaluate themselves in terms of appearance, merit, and abilities in relation to others. a. True b. False


What do sociologists call the tools and techniques humans use that are taken from nature? a. material culture b. legal sanctions c. biological instinct d. social values


What kind of impression about social mobility and social class do viewers get from popular television game shows that "give away" large sums of money? a. Upward social mobility is possible and available with little effort or time. b. Downward social mobility is likely, especially without time and effort at maintaining one's lifestyle. c. Upward and downward social mobility are never the result of life chances. d. Winning game shows is a popular strategy to achieve upward social mobility.


Feminist theorists have commented on the differential treatment of girls and boys in families. Clearfield and Nelson (2006) noted different parenting styles between mothers of daughters and mothers of sons. According to the text, what different parenting styles did mothers display towards daughters relative to sons? a. Mothers spoke to and interacted with sons and daughters equally but differed greatly in the context of both verbal and physical interaction given to girls versus boys. b. Mothers spoke to and interacted more with daughters than with sons and were less likely to respond with tenderness if a male child displayed distress or encountered a minor physical trauma. c. Generally, mothers of sons were quicker to transfer caregiving of sons to the fathers or alternative caregivers (i.e., day care workers) with little emotional display and displayed more reluctance to leave daughters with others and were more emotive (long hugs, tender kisses, reassurances of love, and quiet whispers that mom would be back as quickly as she could). d. Mothers of sons were quicker to administer strict discipline in public while being less willing to be seen administering strict discipline to daughters.


Jack and Jill have used blocking technology to prevent their children from watching inappropriate, violent television at home. The technology helps Jack and Jill control the amount of violence to which their children are exposed. According to the text, what might these parents be trying to protect their children from? a. television fatigue b. mean world syndrome c. disruptive socialization d. violent consumerism


Social structure is the framework of cultural elements and social patterns in which social interactions take place. The structural guidelines operating within social institutions provide context for all of our social interactions. Which of the following is NOT one the guidelines noted in the text? a. norms b. interpersonal trust c. values d. social patterns


Which of the following is an example of a counterculture? a. Hutterites b. hippies in the 1960s c. nuns living in a convent d. Italian Canadians


Which of the following is an example of ethnocentrism? a. respecting cultural differences no matter what b. assuming democracy is the best social model c. finding what others eat intriguing and interesting d. seeing other religions as on a par with your own


Which of the following statements would a conflict theorist agree with? a. Popular culture may be the "glue" that holds society together. b. Popular culture is often constructed by the mass media. c. Popular culture may be dysfunctional if it undermines core cultural values. d. Popular culture may help us temporarily forget the problems we face in everyday life.


According the text, which of the following best describes the concept of the "looking-glass self?" a. an individual's sense of who he or she is based on perceived similarities to and differences from others b. the portion of a person's identity and sense of self that renders him or her unique and distinct from the generalized other c. the sense of ourselves that we developed based on our perceptions of how others view us d. an individual's sense of self developed through socialization and interactions with primary caregivers


According to the text, what is the estimated poverty line for Canadians? a. It is an income level below which one is eligible for welfare payments. b. It was estimated to be lower than $40,000 income for a family of four people. c. It is the amount at which a family spends 63 percent or more of their income on the basic necessities. d. It is the amount at which a family spends 35 percent or more of their income on the basic necessities.


Allyson and Jennifer own and run a clothing design and manufacturing shop in a mid-sized city in Western Canada. They market a particular style of adult clothing that caters to adults who spend much of their days in wheelchairs. They recently made the decision to stop advertising in print-based magazines and have moved their marketing and advertising needs strictly to digital copies of magazines. According to the text, which trend have the owners recognized? a. Advertising to a smaller but very select audience will result in more sales. b. Digitized copies of magazines reflect a growing environmental shift away from print copies. c. Print magazines sales have been declining while digitized copies with smaller markets are increasing in popularity. d. People who purchase their specialized clothing designs are more likely to shop and order online.


The producers of a weekly Italian community news program want to expand and broadcast every day. The Canadian television station that currently makes time available for the show denies them further time even though the station is not meeting the content standards set for Canadian broadcasters. Which organization will have the responsibility of enforcing the standards? a. Canadian Heritage b. the Italian-Canadian Congress c. the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission d. the federal government


What is the term for the belief that the behaviours and customs of any culture must be viewed and analyzed by the culture's own standards? a. cultural xenocentrism b. diversity in practice c. cultural relativism d. reverse ethnocentrism


According to the text, signs of disapproval are often conveyed through use of which communication strategy? a. yelling b. intonation c. interrogation d. nonverbal means


According to the text, what does the term "class system" refer to? a. It is a definition of living standard and expectations. b. It is an assessment of people's differing physical capabilities. c. It is a justification for inequality, prejudice, and discrimination. d. It is an open stratification system based on the economic ranking of people.


According to the text, which of the following corresponds to a perspective known as radical behaviourism? a. a school of thought that emphasizes free will, observable phenomena, and claims that all behaviour is learned from the environment b. the belief that human behaviour is controlled by a blend of genetics and the environment (the nature-nurture debate) c. the belief that human social behaviour is predicated upon the biological drive to procreation and survival d. an emphasis placed on how learning is a function of the consequences that follow behaviour


According to the text, which of the following corresponds to the bioecological theory of human development? a. a belief that all behaviour is controlled by genetic makeup b. the theory that human behaviour is organized around the integration of genetic factors and environmental forces c. the theory that promotes the belief that human social behaviour emerged from a distinct need to reproduce, survive, adapt, and thrive d. a theory that stresses the importance of human agency and views human development as a dynamic process of reciprocal interaction in which individuals also play an important role in shaping their environment


According to the text, who is most at risk for heart disease? a. a wealthy man who smokes half a pack of cigarettes each day and uses his treadmill occasionally b. a middle-income man who eats a good diet and jogs twice per week c. a working-class man who works out every day and eats a vegetarian diet d. a poor man who lives on income assistance, walks everywhere and often relies on a food bank


Gary has watched many violent movies and television shows so he no longer cringes at watching people get stabbed multiple times. What theory would best explain his lack of reaction to such acts of violence? a. reductive theory b. observational theory c. desensitization theory d. cultivation theory


If a functionalist analysis of the mass media is done, what would be the focus of the work? a. how the media is used to promote the ideas of a few powerful people b. how the media is interpreted by individuals c. how the media disrupts old practices and creates new practices d. how the media contributes to the maintenance of stability in society


Jolene texts her boyfriend that she is running late. She ends the text with "XO." According to the text, what label can be given to the "XO"? a. technological change b. an informal norm c. diffusion d. a symbol


Matthew was moving from Saskatoon to Vancouver to start a new job with an architectural firm. He had never driven in Vancouver before and he was using a smartphone app to see an up-to-date map of the area while also getting spoken directions as well. According to Tomi T. Ahonen, what is the term assigned to Matthew's use of his smartphone? a. digital multitasking b. app surfing c. amplified mapping d. augmented reality


Which assumption does the Davis-Moore thesis on meritocracy make? a. We experience conflict between those who own the means of production and those who work for wages. b. We have an equal distribution of valued goods in our society. c. We have considerable social mobility in our society. d. We can advance based on experience, skills, and education.


Which of the following best describes the concept of biological determinism? a. the belief that social behaviour evolved from the need to reproduce and survive b. a theory that promotes the belief that socialization provides knowledge about normative sex roles necessary for procreation c. the belief that human behaviour is predicated upon the learning that determines future responses d. the belief that human behaviour is controlled by genetics


Which term refers to socially sanctioned patterns of social inequality that exist in society and are based on distinguishable attributes such as race, age, gender, income, or occupation? a. social mobility b. social striation c. social position d. social stratification


Keith Nicholson, a Calgary resident, has worked all his life at low-paying jobs. Until recently, he lived in housing for low-income earners, but the government sold his housing development to a private real-estate company and the new owners raised the rent. Now Keith lives on the street and in shelters. Which term best classifies Keith in his financial situation? a. working poor b. relatively poor c. capitalist pauper d. absolutely poor


Language is the primary facilitator of culture because it enables us to pass knowledge on from one generation to the next. a. True b. False


In the "looking-glass self" concept, the influence of others on our personal and group identity is both direct and certain. a. True b. False


Individuals with a mental illness may become homeless, but homeless individuals will not become mentally ill. a. True b. False


According to Duff and Pearce (2013), which of the following are two significant attitudes that children learn from primary caregivers and parents? a. self-reflection and self-esteem b. compassion and kindness c. self-reflection and interpersonal trust d. self-esteem and interpersonal trust


Brittany is a third-year student and Walker is in his final year of Engineering. They met at a public lecture and have been dating ever since. According to the text, their mutual attraction is embedded within a sociobiological stance such that a male seeks a young attractive female (symbolizing fertility) and a female seeks a male based on perceived power and capacity to support her and any children they may have. a. True b. False


For Karl Marx, class position is determined by people's work situation, or relationship to the means of production. a. True b. False


According to Hughes (1954), individuals can have more than one master status at any given time and those statuses can operate simultaneously but be relevant only in certain situations. a. True b. False


Countercultures are subversive subcultures, but they rarely pose a serious threat to social stability. a. True b. False


A young man from a humble inner-city background works part-time to get a good education, starts a high-tech company, earns millions of dollars, buys the local NHL franchise, and later becomes a member of Canada's parliament. What term best explains why he was able to take this career path? a. social ambition b. social mobility c. downward mobility d. status gain


Marx and Weber had identical definitions of classes. a. True b. False


To which sociological theory is the work of Michel Foucault linked? a. skeptical modernism b. manifest postmodernism c. affirmative discourse d. poststructuralism


A proportion of the poor in Canada are made up of the working poor. a. True b. False


What can we conclude about the impact of caste and stratification systems? a. Both impact the potential for social mobility. b. Both limit people's life chances equally. c. Both allow upward social mobility. d. Both impact gender in similar ways.


A gang in a poor neighbourhood had an initiation ritual that involved committing a "break and enter" in a wealthier neighbourhood. One of the new initiates was convicted of similar crimes as a young offender. After apprehension by police, he was charged and convicted. What is the term used to describe reconviction of further criminal behaviour after initial convictions? a. reactive offending b. recidivism c. secondary offences d. reoffending


High culture in Canada includes symbols such as maple syrup, Canadian beer, and poutine. a. True b. False


According to the text, for what purpose are Canadians increasingly using the Internet? a. to make their laptops more productive b. to multitask regardless of where they are c. to reach a large audience d. to substitute for traditional media


Mother Teresa and other people whose life work is primarily to help the less fortunate rank highly on which of the following dimensions? a. wealth b. power c. prestige d. income


What did Karl Marx argue about class relations? a. The bourgeoisie consists of those who must sell their labour to those who own the means of production. b. The proletariat consists of those who own the means of production. c. Class relationships involve inequality and exploitation. d. Wealth, prestige, and power are not important in determining a person's class position.


Jonathon, a registered nurse, was shopping for scrubs for his new job at an elderly care home. He normally would purchase brightly coloured scrubs with vivid eye-catching patterns but he purchased scrubs according to the dress code at the home that stated that employees were to wear subtly patterned pastel-hued fabrics. Which of the following best describes Jonathon's behaviour? a. Mead's concept of the "I" b. Charmaz' concept of social identity c. Watson's theory of behaviourism d. Mead's concept of the "me"


Media can play a role in connecting us to each other in ways that make us more socially aware and responsive to each other, our communities, current events, and many social issues. Into which theoretical framework does this role fit? a. feminist b. postmodern c. holistic d. functionalist


Samantha recently graduated from postsecondary education with a degree in commerce and business. She has tattoos that cover both of her arms. During an employment interview, she learned that the firm's policy regarding body art stipulated that she cover her tattoos when dealing with clients. Which of the choices below best reflects the connections between personal experiences and larger sociocultural forces? a. society and gender norms b. society and body image c. society and risk taking d. society and workplace norms


Bill can't get a job, even though he has a strong resume. He is unemployed because of the recession, not because he is lazy or unskilled. C. Wright Mills would say this explanation was made by a person who has a certain theoretical understanding-which one? a. sociological functionality b. sociological imagination c. functional deviance d. scientific revolution


According to the text, which of the following statements best describes mores? a. informal norms that may be violated without serious consequences b. norms that are not considered to be highly essential to the stability of society c. norms based on cultural values and considered crucial to maintain social control d. learned patterns of behaviour that can vary markedly from one society to another


Which theoretical framework examines how social order is maintained? a. Conflict b. Critical c. Interactionist d. Structural functionalism


Critical theory focuses on what factor influencing social processes? a. Negativity b. Problems c. self-interpretation d. Power


According to the text, what label is given when people come to accept cultural norms and follow them without even being aware that they are doing so? Select one: a. internalization of norms b. unconscious culture c. unconscious norms d. cultural acceptance


According to the text, which theorizing focuses on the ways that people come to understand themselves, others, and the world around them? a. interpretivist theorizing b. critical theorizing c. positivist theorizing d. feminist theorizing


Significant others play an important role in our socialization a. True b. False


Hospital lotteries are organized to raise funds for much-needed medical equipment, renovation or replacement of aging facilities, and other needs identified by these major medical institutions. A change in federal funding practices left provinces scrambling to fulfill the financial needs of hospitals. Hospital lotteries were developed to address those needs. According to structural functionalists, what term would describe the lack of funds to properly run and maintain hospital functions? a. manifest b. reactionary c. federal shortfall d. dysfunctional


According to sociologists, what is the term used to describe the framework of cultural elements and social patterns in which social interactions take place? a. social structure b. social continuum c. sociological perspective d. sociological imagination


According to the text, social stratification exists in all societies, in some form. a. True b. False


Postdisciplinarity refers to research done after the social sciences were divided into disciplines. a. True b. False


According to the text, what is the term that highlights NOT only your self-perception as a unique individual but also your membership in groups? a. personal-social identity continuum b. primary-social identity characteristics c. personal-auxiliary identity traits d. primary-social traits


According to the text, what is the term used to describe the process by which individuals acquire knowledge about the roles accompanying a specific social position before taking on that social position? a. anticipatory socialization b. ancillary specialization c. adaptive socialization d. anticipatory specialization


A large oil company also owns a chain of print and broadcast news media. At one of its gas stations there is a large fuel spill, which leaks into a nearby harbour. This incident caused significant environmental damage, yet nothing was reported about it in the company's news media. What kind of media activity is represented by the absence of reporting this news in the company-owned papers, and on its radio and television stations? a. biasing b. framing c. controlling d. obscuring


According to Tomi T. Ahonen, email is the "new" 7th mass media. a. True b. False


According to the text, what is the basic premise that underlines interactionist theories relative to the development of the self? a. The manner in which children learn to differentiate between right, wrong, and following rules of etiquette and fairness at play will depend on the range of significant others in his or her social world. b. The way that people identify and label a person can affect that person's self-perception. c. Human beings act toward things on the basis of the meanings those things have for them. d. The theory that views human development as a dynamic process of reciprocal interaction between individuals.


According to the text, what term do sociologists use to refer to an individual's sense of who he or she is based on perceived similarities to and differences from others? a. individual personality b. self-concept c. social network d. psycho-social individual


According to the text, what is one of the main structural factors that can lead to fluctuations in poverty? a. the economy b. family size c. education level d. skill level


According to the text, what is one of the major foci of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission? a. to encourage communications that serve the interests of Canadians b. to encourage ethnic community solidarity c. to encourage global distribution of Canadian television shows d. to encourage diversification in programming


According to the text, which of the following describes Mead's play stage of childhood development? a. Children learn to take on the role of others. b. Children imitate the behaviour of others. c. Children learn to take into account several different roles simultaneously. d. Children learn to differentiate between right, wrong, fairness, and following rules of etiquette and fairness at play.


Dorothy Smith proposes that since men and women experience different positions in society, they form different life perspectives. a. True b. False


Factors such as social stratification, inequality, race, ethnicity, and gender affect opportunities available to a person. What label did Max Weber give to these factors? a. life chances b. life opportunities c. individual opportunities d. individual chances


Feminist theory, like the conflict perspective, draws attention to both the "darker" and "brighter" sides of society. a. True b. False


If we care about what "people" think about us, what is the sociological label for these "people"? a. the generalized other b. the significant other c. the general public d. the significant public


Judging another culture exclusively by the standards of one's own culture is called ethnocentrism. a. True b. False


Which of the following best describes Marx's prediction for capitalism? a. Widespread proletarian protest would end in a revolutionary upheaval. b. There would be a settlement on a social contract between workers and owners. c. Increasingly profitable capitalism and a growing petite bourgeoisie would prevail. d. There would be increasingly ineffective protests by workers against their exploitation.


Which of the following best describes the concept of personal identity? a. the portion of a person's sense of self that renders him or her unique from others b. an individual's sense of who he or she is based on information from parental figures c. the knowledge of how to respond appropriately to socialization processes that integrate society's norms, values, beliefs, and tradition into a sense of self d. the part of a person's sense of self-concept resulting from membership in various social groups


Which of the following is the most likely reaction when a person violates a folkway? a. an informal sanction b. a formal sanction c. a positive sanction d. a prescriptive norm


According to the text, Canada's response to poverty has been nonexistent. a. True b. False


According to the text, the family and mass media share equal influence as agents of socialization. a. True b. False


According to the text, what are the specific measures of a person's socioeconomic status? a. Regardless of ascribed status, it is based on meritocracy. b. It measures people's income, education, and occupation. c. It represents assessments of social position. d. It measures one's social standing in a given society.


According to the text, which of the following has occurred over the past two decades? a. A single worker's real wages have not increased. b. The gap between rich and poor families is growing wider. c. National unemployment rates have gone unrecorded. d. Income inequality has increased, but only a little.


According to the text, why is it so hard to study the media influence in society? a. because there are too many media to obtain a comprehensive study b. because media exposure is different for every individual c. because people do not accurately report the influence of the media d. because media-specific studies are of more relevance


What do sociologists call intangibles produced by intellectual or spiritual development and the meanings people attach to the use of artifacts in a given culture? a. material culture b. nonmaterial culture c. biological instinct d. social values


What is the assumption that one's own culture and way of life are superior to all others? a. group superiority b. ethnocentrism c. the authoritarian personality d. self-centredness


Which of the following best describes the concept of status set? a. the most influential combination of statuses in an individual's life b. the sum total of all of the statuses held by a person at a given time c. the sum total of the combination of ascribed and achieved statuses available to a person in a society d. the combination of statuses that is assigned to a group as signifiers of ethnicity, language, sociocultural heritage, and cultural tradition


Which of the following is NOT one of Blumer's (1969) assumptions attached to the symbolic interactionist perspective? a. Human beings act towards things on the basis of the meanings the things have for them. b. The subjective and objective meanings attached to symbols and objects are more personal than interpersonal c. The meaning of things is derived from social interactions. d. These meanings are handled and modified through an interpretive process.


Which of the following is a functionalist likely to argue about culture? a. Societies that share a common language are unlikely to have dysfunctions. b. Societies in which people share a common language and core values are more likely to have consensus and harmony. c. A group's values, norms, and taboos are biologically transmitted from one generation to another. d. Values and norms help create and sustain the privileged position of the powerful in society while excluding others.


Which of the following is the best example of a taboo in Canadian society? a. picking your nose in public b. having sexual relations with someone from within your own family Correct c. driving at the speed limit d. dating an individual from another ethnic background


David takes a job at the auto plant and begins to feel like a commodity at work, as his creative talents are so removed from the vehicles he has a hand in producing. What would Karl Marx suggest he is experiencing? a. class conflict b. anomie c. alienation d. exploitation


Josh sits in the cafeteria at lunchtime, but does not eat. According to the text, which of the following behaviours is he exhibiting by not eating? a. He is following cultural privacy norms. b. He is challenging a taboo. c. He is breaking a folkway. d. He is undermining hypocrisy.


Punk rockers espoused values that were anti-establishment. Punkers shunned regular employment, took drugs, and wore garish clothes. The lyrics to their songs railed against the established order. According to sociologists, what kind of group has such antisocial values? a. a youth culture b. a subculture c. a counterculture d. a protest culture


The richest 20 percent of Canadian households control what percentage of the country's wealth? a. between 0 and 14 percent b. between 15 and 20 percent c. between 30 and 49 percent d. between 25 and 30 percent


Earle, a 20-year-old university student, has recently renewed his public library account. He also borrows books from the university library system. He borrows on average 8 to 10 books per month. According to the text, with which research findings does his behaviour correspond? a. Earle has developed the skill of speed reading due to the vast amount of written information that young readers encounter in the digital age. b. Research shows that young readers are not yet convinced of the monetary value of e-readers and e-books. c. Young readers prefer the choice and availability of print books as opposed to being constrained in choice of reading material from a particular e-source. d. Young readers prefer print books to e-books.


Chris, a dentist, furthered his education to become an orthodontist and has an annual take-home pay of around $200,000. Evaluated together, these three factors are a measure of what type of status? a. socioeconomic status b. accumulated social status c. collective status sets d. meritocratic social status


Forty percent of Canadian students are likely to be at differing times the victims of and aggressors in bullying. a. True b. False


Net worth is defined as the difference between your combined salary and assets minus your debts. a. True b. False


What have some critics argued about Canada's low income cut-off line? a. It does not reflect all "typical" household expenditures. b. It disproportionately represents visible minorities as poor. c. It can't account for the ups and downs of the economy. d. It unfairly makes Canada look bad internationally.


What is the term used by sociologists for a group of people who share a distinctive set of cultural beliefs and behaviours that differ in some significant way from that of the larger society? a. a subculture b. a nonmaterial culture c. a contraculture d. an ethnic neighbourhood


Which of the following is an example of nonmaterial culture? a. an act of kindness b. a train c. a flash drive d. a house


Which of the following perspectives is credited to psychologist B.F. Skinner (1938)? a. radical behaviourism b. biological determinism c. radical socialization d. sociobiology


Which of the following statements best reflects the relationship between Karl Marx and Max Weber on class and stratification? a. Weber added to Marx's insights, offering a multidimensional view of class. b. Marx added to Weber's insights, offering a multidimensional view of class. c. Weber's emphasis was narrow, compared to Marx's focus on several class dimensions. d. Both Marx and Weber saw similar futures for capitalism and the social system, yet Weber was more specific in his analysis.


After working at a minimum wage job for three years, Catherine has decided to apply to the local polytechnic school to receive training to be a medical laboratory technician. She checked various job websites across the country and discovered that there was a significant shortage of lab techs and that she would have no trouble finding work. According to structural functionalists, Catherine's choice pertains to what kind of functionality? a. latent b. manifest c. purposeful d. socialized


Alycia was a member of the LGBT group in her high school. She joined to be with students who had similar sexuality and gender identity-based interests. She also was a member of the school's Talent Night committee. She organized a group of musically talented LGBT members to perform a mix of pop songs. According to the text, what aspect of herself was Alycia drawing from when she joined the LGBT group and then joined the school's Talent Night committee? a. complex personality b. self-concept c. sexual identity d. psycho-social identity


Near Kitchener, Ontario, are peaceful communities of Mennonites who practise their religion, live apart from mainstream society, wear their own style of clothes, and practise farming with minimal mechanization. What term do sociologists apply to people living this lifestyle? a. foreign culture b. subculture c. counterculture d. subversive culture


Postmodern theorists believe that we need to create clearer distinctions between disciplines and additional grand narratives to explain social life. a. True b. False


Poverty in Canada is randomly distributed, with each person having about the same chance of ending up poor. a. True b. False


Regardless of where we come from, we are free to become whoever we want, however we want. a. True b. False


The conflict and structural functionalist perspectives are broad enough in their theoretical bases that they can accommodate both macro- and micro-level concepts. a. True b. False


Women in Alberta today earn wages comparable to those of their male counterparts. a. True b. False


The exchange of wedding rings is a tradition that goes back many centuries and is a wedding custom of numerous different nations and religious groups. Historically, the wedding ring is connected to the exchange of valuables during the ceremony rather than a symbol of eternal love and devotion and is a vestige of when marriage was a contract between families. In contemporary times, it is a supposed to represent the symbol of eternal love between two people and serves as a visible marker of being in a marriage. Which sociological perspective is concerned with the nature of the meanings attached to artifacts and symbols? a. Feminist b. Conflict c. Interactionist d. Functional


There is a small group of people in town who seem to have all the money and make all the rules. The rules they make (especially around employment) are intended to ensure they continue to have all the money. Which theoretical perspective would be most effective to analyze the activities in this town? a. structural functionalism b. feminist theory c. conflict theory d. Anomie


What does "thinking critically" mean? a. It means to criticize what is written. b. It means Marxist theory is applied. c. It means to summarize, evaluate, and respond to information. d. It means something written is wrong.


Which Canadian sociologist is credited with the conceptualization of standpoint theory? a. Harriet Blondeau b. Margaret Neuman c. Dorothy Smith d. Beatrice Williams


Which of the following best explains why those who break mores are more severely sanctioned than those who break folkways? a. Informal norms may not be violated without serious consequences. b. Breaking a more is universally offensive. c. Mores are based on cultural values and are needed to maintain social control. d. All mores are considered taboos and subject to severe sanctions.


Jarred has a wife and two sons. He works full-time at minimum wage. Which of the following best reflects his family's financial situation? a. His family is a lot better off than they would have been 20 years ago. b. His yearly income is approximately 20 percent above the poverty line. c. His income keeps the family just above the poverty line. d. His income places him among the working poor.


Suppose Jack and Annie's parents were teaching them about living in a meritocracy. What key lesson would the children need to learn? a. Their position in the stratification system depends strictly on their ascribed statuses. b. They must justify their wealth by working hard. c. All members of society equally share resources. d. Their own share of societal resources is based on their qualifications and effort.


According to the text, which of the following best defines an individual's auxiliary traits? a. the range of traits that are assigned to a person because of his or her ethnic appearance b. stereotypical assumptions about an individual based on group characteristics c. characteristics presumed to accompany a specific master status d. a person's socioeconomic status, education, ethnic, gender, and age


According to the text, which of the following describes Mead's game stage of childhood development? a. Children learn to take on the role of others. b. Children learn to imitate the behaviour of others through observation. c. Children learn to take into account several different roles simultaneously. d. Children learn to differentiate between right, wrong, fairness, and following rules of etiquette and fairness at play.


Based on Canada's low-income cut-off lines, what percentage of income spent on food, clothing, and shelter categorizes an individual or family as poor? a. more than 90 percent b. more than 72 percent c. more than 63 percent d. more than 45 percent


Which of the following is composed of large-scale organizations that use print or electronic means to communicate with large numbers of people? a. popular media b. social media c. mass media d. alternative media


Ivana almost never uses the phone because she prefers using email to send messages. What is the common term sociologists use for this kind of interaction? a. electronic mediation b. electronically mediated socialization c. electronically mediated conversation d. electronically mediated communication


Jocelyne was constantly re-evaluating her appearance and her status among various social groups in her workplace. She had a diagnosis of clinical depression and her prescriptions included anti-anxiety medication. According to the text, relative to Cooley's concept of the social self, which of these terms most accurately describes Jocelyne's self-perception? a. She has a weak social identity. b. She has a strong "looking-glass self-orientation." c. She has a pervasive sense of "anomie." d. She is unable to reintegrate her perceptions of the "looking-glass self" into a functional social self-identity.


James never went to high school and works as a janitor. His son, Fred, is going to university and will be a lawyer by the end of next year. Fred is an example of what kind of occupational mobility? a. education based b. status based c. intragenerational d. intergenerational


Students in primary school are expected to address their teachers as "Mr.," "Mrs.," or "Ms. [surname]" rather than by their first names. When students follow the rules and refer to their teacher as "Miss May" for example, with which of the following sociological terms are they performing consistently? a. conferred status b. role expectations c. expected norms d. good manners


The interactionist perspective pertains to what area of social activity? a. communication b. Conflict c. resource management d. social action


The meaning of a particular image emerges from the interaction between the characteristics of the image and an individual's interpretation of the image. a. True b. False


Behaviours, appearances, and thoughts that are readily accepted by a society are given which of the following sociological labels? a. popular b. normative c. acceptable d. proper


In a sociological sense, the term "status" refers only to high-level positions in society. a. True b. False


In which city was the first Canadian newspaper printed? a. Montreal b. Halifax c. Ottawa d. Toronto


Which of the following best describes the concept of ascribed status? a. a social position obtained through personal actions b. a social position conferred at birth c. a social position that exists independently of any given individual who may occupy it d. a social position acquired through mastery of social skills relative to specific ethnic values and beliefs that help people know how act in small and large social situations


According to the text, what is the Canadian Multiculturalism Act intended to reflect? a. the laws of Canada b. the policies of Canada c. the mores of Canadians d. the core values of Canadians


According to the text, what part of Canadian culture is hockey? a. a norm b. a symbol c. an activity d. a material part


According to the text, which theory states that repeated exposure to television violence results in cumulative effects on viewers? a. violent theory b. desensitization theory c. cumulative theory d. cultivation theory


The combined income of a construction labourer, and his wife, a waitress, is $40,000. They have two young children. After buying food, clothes, and medicine, and paying rent, utilities, car payments, car insurance, gas, and taxes, they have less than 10% of their income remaining. Which of the following statements categorizes these people, according to Canada's estimated poverty line? a. Their combined family income is considered adequate for a family of four. b. They are living from paycheque to paycheque but above the poverty line. c. They are classified as among the low middle class. d. They are living below the estimated poverty line.


Tiger Woods suffered a significant fall in status after his extramarital affair was discovered. He is still among the highest paid athletes, but he has not performed at his previous level of success. In sociological terms, what does he hope to gain by reclaiming his title as "number-one golfer in the world"? a. mediated status b. public status c. economic status d. social status


Canadians may believe that they are law abiding, but will routinely fail to wear a seat belt or slow down in school zones. What does this demonstrate? a. a discrepancy between ideal culture and real culture b. the difference between Canadians and Americans c. the differences between a law and a more d. a discrepancy between cultural universals and value contradictions


Which of the following intellectuals is noted as the first academic to recognize the significance of combining empirical research and theory as a productive method of studying the social world? a. Auguste Comte b. Karl Marx c. Max Weber d. Emile Durkheim


According to the text, what do we call collectively shared criteria by which we determine whether something is right or wrong? a. sociology b. values c. theory d. functionalism


Jane and Josh both went to get their haircut and they both got brush cuts. Mutual friends had a much stronger, negative reaction to Jane's haircut, telling her she looked awful and should grow her hair back. Josh was told he looked good. Using a feminist sociological framework, how could this difference in reactions be explained? a. Gendered interpretation is necessary because society is gendered. b. Expectations regarding behaviour are gendered because society is gendered. c. Conflict will confirm that society is gendered. d. Style is gendered regardless of other gender changes in society.


"Beauty is skin deep," while a common and seemingly innocent expression, is a notion that underlines the billion-dollar beauty and fashion industry. It has profound and prolonged effects upon girls' and women's self-image. According to Foucault, the wide acceptance of this expression has become part of what social phenomenon? a. an elite corporate discourse b. an unpopular discourse c. an elite discourse d. a popular topic of debate


According to the text, which sociological framework believes that social change has created inescapable chaos and meaninglessness? a. conflict framework b. interactionist framework c. skeptical postmodern framework d. affirmative postmodern framework


The text discusses a variety of criteria for norms of different types. Which of the following statements regarding norms is accurate according to the text? a. All norms are of equal importance. b. Mores are the least important type of norm. c. Norms have specific behavioural expectations. d. Taboos are a less serious type of folkway.


What name is given to a way of understanding a particular subject or social phenomenon? a. social statement b. postmodern topic c. Discourse d. Interaction


Who is considered the first female sociologist? a. Beatrice Potter Webb b. Jane Addams c. Harriet Martineau d. Marianne Weber


"You don't really mean to chew with your mouth open, do you?" What function does this statement serve? a. It constructs cultural norms. b. It encourages rational action. c. It creates cultural discomfort. d. It enforces a proscriptive norm.


In Paul's first year of undergraduate study, he learned about various marriage, partnership, and child rearing practices in his anthropology class. His religious beliefs and values were challenged as he reviewed the wide variety of cultural customs and practices relative to these sociocultural practices found across the globe. He could not accept that other cultures had valid forms and practices that were different than his own. What type of thinking was Paul using? a. politically correct thinking b. higher belief and values thing c. higher-order thinking d. lower-order thinking


"I think everyone should learn English so that everyone in the world can communicate more efficiently." This statement is a reflection of which social phenomenon? a. ethnocentrism b. globalization c. linguistic authority d. linguistic dominance


Dorothy Smith, a Canadian sociologist, contends that women's positions have been overlooked or ridiculed. She suggests that feminist theory and practice is predicated upon listening to women as they describe their life experiences. By what name is her feminist theory known? a. stand-alone theory b. standpoint theory c. relational feminist theory d. feminist socialist theory


The discipline of sociology is flexible in regards to what types of corresponding disciplines and social interactions are included in its comprehensive nature. a. True b. False


What term is used for groups that strongly reject the central aspects of the dominant society's values and norms and seek alternative lifestyles? a. subcultures b. countercultures c. contracultures d. infracultures


Your personal choice is made independent of outside influence. a. True b. False


According to C. Wright Mills, what do sociologists try to do? a. They try to relate individual troubles to higher divorce rates. b. They try to understand individual troubles as unconnected to each other. c. They try to relate individual troubles to higher rates of suicide. d. They try to understand individual troubles in a broader historical perspective.


According to the text, various sociological approaches are linked to specific theoretical sociological perspectives. Some of these theoretical perspectives are focused on the individual as the main element of society. Which level of society is featured in this perspective? a. critical level b. positivist level c. macro level d. micro level


The difference between disciplines such as sociology and anthropology is less apparent in the 21st century. According to the text, what is this phenomenon called? a. dual disciplinarity b. interdisciplinarity c. multidisciplinarity d. postdisciplinarity


According to conflict theorists, ideology is a tool used by the elite to maintain their position of dominance in society. a. True b. False


According to the text, which of the following is a core Canadian value? a. accommodation and tolerance b. pay equity and employment equity c. honesty and justice d. kindness and love


Near Niyamgiri Mountain in eastern India lives the Dongria tribe, a people who worship the mountain and have developed an eco-friendly lifestyle that includes honouring ancient and highly productive agricultural traditions. What term best identifies the Dongria lifestyle? a. culture b. nation c. society d. community


The downside of cultural relativism is that it may be used to excuse customs and behaviour that violate basic human rights. a. True b. False


What might Tanis learn if she is "thinking critically" as she reads a text? a. The author may have a biased view. b. The author may have made a mistake. c. The author may be rude. d. The author is a woman.


According to Marx, the proletariat comprises those who own and control the means of production. a. True b. False


According to the text, which theorizing explores the role that power plays in social processes, and emphasizes the importance of knowledge being tied to emancipation? a. interpretivist theorizing b. critical theorizing c. positivist theorizing d. feminist theorizing


At the macro level, critical thinking can be detached from social action and kept within the academic and intellectual silos of higher level educational institutions. a. True b. False


Gender socialization research concludes that males and females are perceived and treated in an identical fashion in North America. a. True b. False


What do we call viewing the world from the perspective of one's own culture? a. primary process thinking b. neo-tribalism c. ethnocentrism d. cultural bias


Which of the following are informal norms that are based in accepted tradition and demonstrate respect for the generalized other? a. informal sanctions b. taboos c. folkways d. respect for religious sites


According to George Herbert Mead, what do we develop as we pass through all of the main stages of socialization? a. social awareness b. social savvy c. a significant other d. a generalized other


George Herbert Mead and Herbert Blumer are credited with pioneering work for which sociological perspective? a. Critical b. Feminist c. Functionalist d. interactionist


Culture is the sum of the social environment in which we are raised and continue to be socialized throughout our lives. a. True b. False


Which of the following statements regarding cultural universals is NOT true? a. Cultural universals include appearance, activities, institutions, and customary practices. b. The specific forms of cultural universals are constant from one time to another. c. The specific forms of cultural universals are constant from one group to another. d. Sociologists are in agreement that cultural universals are the result of functional necessity.


Large sociocultural forces can influence how families and individuals construct their lives. New concerns about the supervision of school-aged children emerged as a social phenomenon as more women entered the work force in the mid-20th century. Which of the following social agents contributed to the rise of the "risk society"? a. social science research b. media c. psychologists d. education experts


Large-scale social movements are often informed by a conflict theory framework. What is the term coined by Karl Marx that describes the connection between scholarship and action by some groups aimed to end their subordination? a. reactiveness b. praxis c. academic intervention d. autonomy


Postmodern sociology emerged after which significant historical event? a. after World War I b. after World War II c. after the collapse of the Soviet Union d. after 9/11


To complete his undergraduate degree, Paul had taken a variety of courses for his major and to fulfill his elective requirements. Over the course of his university experience, he had taken courses that facilitated the development of a valuable new practise of thinking that required effort to develop and nurture. By what name is this new form of thinking known? a. critical assessment b. critical thinking c. critique of thought d. cynical assessment


Which of the following is the best example of a proscriptive norm? a. standing during the national anthem b. giving up your seat on a bus to a pregnant woman c. wearing clothing d. texting in class during a lecture


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