Sociology Test Chapters 17, 16, 11

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the rate of death in a particular population


which of the following countries has the highest life expectancy? a. nigeria b. united states c. israel d. south africa


85% of deaf people choose to marry others who share their language and culture, thereby practicing ___. a. endogamy b. exogamy c. homogamy d. adrogyny


a characteristic of marriages in which partners are limited to members of the same social group or caste

exponential population growth

a constant rate of population growth applied to a base that is continuously growing in size, producing a population that grows by an increasing amount with each passing year


a culturally approved relationship, usually between two individuals, that provides a degree of economic cooperation, emotional intimacy, and sexual activity


a form of marriage in which a man may have multiple wives


a form of marriage in which a person may have more than one spouse at a time


a form of marriage in which a woman may have multiple husbands


a form or marriage in which a person may have only one spouse at a time

common-law marriage

a relationship in which partners live as if married but without marriage's formal legal framework is referred to as ___. a. inappropriate b. civil marriage c. common-law marriage d. a domestic partnership


a relatively large, dense, and permanent settlement of socially heterogeneous individuals

common-law marriage

a type of relationship in which partners live as if married but without the formal legal framework of traditional marriage

population growth and density

according to julian simon, to what do we owe the rapid rise in living standards and technology? a. population growth and density b. capitalistic innovation c. imperialism and colonialism d. military-industrial complex

issuing directives rather than explanations

according to some studies, which of the following is characteristic of working-class or low-income child-rearing styles? a. valuing initiative b. teaching critical-thinking skills c. directly nurturing development and learning d. issuing directives rather than explanations

health care

activities intended to sustain, promote, and enhance health are referred to as ___. a. health care b. well-being c. preventative medicine d. exercise

health care

all those activities intended to sustain, promote, and enhance health


an institutionalized system for the scientific diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illness


an institutionalized system for the scientific diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illness is known as ___. a. health b. health care c. medicine d. public medicine

higher rates of home ownership

as we move from the inner zone to the outer circle in ernest burgess's concentric zone hypothesis, which of the following changes are we likely to see? a. increased population b. decreased class status c. higher rates of home ownership d. higher rates of crime

population momentum

china's population continues to grow despite the fact that its fertility rate has fallen below the replacement rate. what phenomenon best explains this growth? a. immigration b. population momentum c. adoption d. baby boom

social problems: mental illness, crime, and juvenile delinquency

early urban sociologists based in Chicago mainly focused their studies on which types of urban phenomena? a. social cohesion: integration, neighborhood ties, and subcultures b. social problems: mental illness, crime, and juvenile delinquency c. transportation and technology d. space and the built environment


families characterized by parents living with their biological children and apart from other kin are referred to as ____. a. traditional b. biological c. nuclear d. extended

agricultural surplus

food beyond the amount required for immediate survival

social epidemiology

how structural factors affect health

divorce and remarriage

in postindustrial societies, serial monogamy describes which of the following? a. marriage to more than one person b. divorce and remarriage c. extramarital affairs d. marriage to only one person

net migration

in-migration minus out-migration

antimiscegenation laws

laws prohibiting interracial sexual relations and marriage


living together as a couple without being legally married

preventive medicine

medicine that emphasizes a healthy lifestyle that will prevent poor health before it occurs


metropolitan areas or cities with total population of 10 million or more

global cities

metropolitan areas that are highly interconnected with one another in their role as centers of global political and economic decision making, finance, and culture

domestic (or family) violence

physical or sexual abuse committed by one family member against another


scientific study if the distribution and determinant (risk factors and causes) of health related states in the population

extended families

social groups consisting of one or more parents, children, and other kin, often spanning several generations, living in the same household

nuclear families

social groups consisting of one or two parents and their biological, dependent children, living in a household with no other kin

sick roles

social roles rooted in cultural definitions of the appropriate behavior of and response to people labeled as sick

life expectancy

the average number of years a newborn is expected to live based on existing health conditions in the country


the change in the socioeconomic composition of old and poor neighborhoods with the remodeling of old structures and building of new residences and shops to attract new middle and high income residents

treadmill of production

the constant and aggressive growth needed to sustain the modern economy

rate of natural increase (RNI)

the crude birthrate minus the crude death rate


the extent to which a person experiences a state of mental, physical, and social well-being


the federal health insurance program for all people age 65 and older, regardless of income or medical history, is called ___. a. medicaid b. medicare c. social security health care d. elderly insurance

crude birthrate

the number of births each year per 1000 women

age-specific fertility rate

the number of births typical for women of a specific age in a particular population

crude death rate

the number of deaths each year per 1000 people

age-specific mortality rate

the number of deaths typical in men and women of specific ages in a particular population


the number of live births in a given population

sexual division of labor in modern societies

the phenomenon of dividing production functions by gender and designating different spheres of activity, the "private" to women and the "public" to men

serial monogamy

the practice of having more than one wife or husband, but only one at a time


the rate of illness in a particular population

public health

the science and practice of health protection and maintenance at a community level


the science if population size, distribution, and composition


the science of population size, distribution, and composition is defined as ___. a. ethnography b. population studies c. demography d. demographics

population momentum

the tendency of population growth to continue beyond the point when replacement rate fertility has been achieved because of the high concentration of people of childbearing age

urban renewal

the transformation of old neighborhoods with new buildings, businesses, and residences

urban growth machine

those persons and institutions that have a stake in an increase in the value of urban land and that constitute a power elite in cities

global consumer class

those who actively use technology, purchase consumer goods, and embrace the culture of consumption


two or more individuals who identify themselves as being related to one another, usually by blood, marriage, or adoption, and who share intimate relationships and dependency

the rate of illness

what is the definition of morbidity? a. the rate of death b. the rate of illness c. the rate of incidence of aliments d. the number of people who seek medical attention is a given period of time


when two or more people live together and have a legally or normatively recognized relationship, this is an example of which of the following social institutions? a. adoption b. marriage c. family d. household

the extent to which a person experiences a state of mental, physical, and social well-being

which of the following best represents the sociological definition of health? a. the extent to which a person experiences a state of mental, physical, and social well-being b. access to medical care c. the extent to which a person is free from illness or able to perform day-to-day tasks d. a institutionalized system for the scientific diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illness

industrial revolution

which of the following caused a radical growth in urbanization beginning in the 18th century? a. industrial revolution b. agricultural revolution c. information revolution d. american revolution

the U.S.

which of the following countries spends the most per capital on health care? a. norway b. switzerland c. japan d. the U.S.

white women

which of the following groups has the highest life expectancy? a. white women b. african american men c. african american women d. white men


which of the following groups is least likely to marry outside their own race or ethnicity? a. asians b. hispanics c. blacks d. whites

cultural emphasis on romantic love

which of the following is a reason why the U.S. divorce rate is persistently high? a. increasing stigma related to divorce b. women's declining economic independence c. cultural emphasis on romantic love d. no changes have been made to divorce laws

it helps to explain the lack of urgency or mobilization in the face of environmental threats

which of the following is characteristic of the treadmill of production? a. environmental concerns take precedence over political and economic agendas b. it helps to explain the lack of urgency or mobilization in the face of environmental threats c. governments overstate the problem d. it does not require energy resources


which of the following is seen as a unique threat to public safety in the U.S. compared with other modern countries? a. unsafe workplace environments b. unsanitary food c. violence d. accidents

the rate for african american babies is consistently twice as high as it is for white babes

which of the following is true of infant mortality in the U.S.? a. the rate for african american babies is consistently twice as high as it is for white babies b. the rate is lower than in similarity developed countries c. the rate is lower for young teenage mothers d. there is no relationship between social class and infant mortality

the U.S. marriage rate exceeds that of most other modern societies

which of the following is true of marriage in the U.S.? a. on average, women are older than men at their first marriage b. people are choosing to get married earlier in life c. the U.S. marriage rate exceeds that of most other modern societies d. rate of marriage have increased

it is the second major cause of mortality in the U.S.

which of the following is true of obesity? a. rates do not vary much by gender and ethnicity b. over 50% of adults between the ages of 20 and 74 are obese c. childhood obesity is on the decline d. it is the second major cause of mortality in the U.S.


which process is most likely to displace longtime low-income residents from the neighborhoods? a. gentrification b. urbanization c. urban renewal d. population momentum

sexual division of labor

women being relegated to homemakers which men obtain wealth, status, and independence is an example of which phenomenon? a. cohabitation b. personality stabilization c. common-law marriage d. sexual division of labor


the concentration of people in urban areas

age-specific fertility rates

which is the preferred measure for demographers to estimate future fertility? a. crude birthrates b. age-specific fertility rates c. age-specific mortality rates d. life expectancy

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