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Semi peripheral countries are ________ industrialized.

Somewhat. They exploit peripheral countries and are themselves exploited by core countries.

The tertiary sector of the economy refers to ________, rather than physical goods.

Services. It involves services such as health, education, entertainment, etc.

Polygamy is where a marriage involves more than one ______.

Spouse. For example, a man with three wives is practicing polygamy. Polygamy can be broken down into polygyny and polyandry.

In a ___________ system of distribution, the value of goods and services are based on supply and demand and uses money as a medium for trade.


_____ is the confusion that arises when social norms conflict or don't even exist.

Anomie. The concept of anomie was first proposed by Emile Durkheim, who stated that rapid social change led to a condition of normlessness. Later, Robert Merton expanded on the idea in his anomie theory. He believed that there is often a gap between socially accepted goals and the means to accomplish them. In American society, becoming wealthy is a major goal, but many do not have the means to become wealthy and end up turning to deviance.

_______________ published a book called The Power Elite. He stated that a small group of military leaders, politicians, and business leaders cooperate and form a "ruling class" in America.

C. Wright Mills. His theory forms the basis for the Power Elite model of political structure in the United States. This is in contrast to the Pluralist Model, which says that power is dispersed throughout many competing interest groups.

According to Max Weber, charismatic authority is based on the ability to influence others through exemplary or extraordinary _________ attributes.

Character. Many politicians have some degree of charismatic authority. Much of Hitler's power was thought to be based on charismatic authority--leaders of religious cults are often charismatic.

Marx believed that social stratification was a result of the _____ structure--the exploitation of the "have nots" by those who have, or the power of the bourgeoisie over the proletariat.

Class. Karl Marx's explanation for many aspects of society was the conflict between classes--the conflict of interest between the bourgeoisie (those who had the power and wealth), over the proletariat (the laborers).

A key idea of Marx's theory on how society would progress was that eventually the discontent laborers would overthrow their employers to form a _________ society of economic equals.

Classless. Karl Marx believed that capitalist society consists of two classes, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, who are in constant conflict.

__________ behavior refers to group behavior which can be either short-lived spontaneous public expressions of feeling, or long-term public expressions aimed towards achieving specific goals.

Collective. Collective behavior includes mass hysteria, panics, crazes, fads, fashions, and rumors. Collective behavior is rarely random, and usually lacks institutional backing--it's a collective response to changed culture or social circumstances.

_____ was the first to develop the concept of "sociology."

Comte. Auguste Comte first used the term "sociology" to refer to the scientific study of society. He defined the Law of Three Stages which are three stages societies progress through: theological, metaphysical, and positivist or scientific

The __________ zone growth theory is a model of city growth where cities grow in a series of rings, each characterized by a different group of people and activity.

Concentric. The Concentric Zone model of city growth with the center of the city being the central business district. Zone 4, which is near the edge of the city, was defined to contain the middle and upper class residences, with the working class and poor in between the business district and zone 4.

Karl Marx believed that class ________ marks all societies, the classes being defined by who owns the means of production.

Conflict. The bourgeoisie own the means of production, and are in conflict with the proletariat, who do not.

The ________ perspective focuses on the negative and conflicted nature of society.

Conflict. The conflict perspective encourages social change, and sees social order as something that is imposed by the rich and powerful on the weak and poor. It looks for the conflict in any situation, not the function--those who own the means of production vs. those who do not, those who get all the benefits vs. those with few benefits, etc.. A sociologist using the conflict perspective often sees competition for resources.

Social control refers to the ways of getting people to _______ to norms.

Conform. It includes methods such as persuasion, teaching, and force. Informal social controls are based on approval or disapproval of people whose opinion matters to the deviant. Formal social controls involve people who are in a position to enforce norms.

Gustave Lebon proposed the _________ theory which stated that being in a crowd frees the individual members of feeling responsibility or social restraint.

Contagion. Gustave Lebon came up with the Contagion Theory to explain unconventional collective behavior. Members of a crowd feel anonymous, and free of social restraint and responsibility, and therefore do whatever the group is doing.

The ___________ Theory states that a number of like-minded individuals coming together forms a collective action--the individual motives resulted in the collective action, not some separate "collective mind of the crowd."

Convergence. Convergence Theory is very different from the Contagion Theory, which proposes that the crowd becomes something like a wild animal, just going with the flow of the crowd and not thinking for themselves.

Traditional authority comes from long-held _______--people follow not because of the leader's qualifications, but because that's what people have always done.

Customs. A king is a good example. He wasn't chosen for his position based on his qualifications--he is probably king because his parents were royalty.

In a __________ government, the people have a right to participate in government, and ultimately hold the authority over how they are governed.

Democratic. A democratic government gives the people a voice in how the government works, in contrast to an authoritarian or totalitarian government, where the rulers make all decisions and tolerate no opposition.

________ is any behavior which violates social norms, and can either be criminal or non-criminal.

Deviance. It varies depending on the norms for a society. In American society, things such as alcoholism, public nudity, stealing, and cross-dressing are considered deviant.

A stigma is a "mark of social ________," where the person's deviance is recognized by others.

Disgrace. Many people engage in acts which could be considered deviant by their society, but manage to keep it secret. As long as these people are not stigmatized, or marked deviant, they tend to consider themselves normal.

_________________ is how work is divided among people in a social group or organization.

Division of labor.

Core countries are the ________ capitalist industrialized countries.

Dominant. According to Wallerstein, core countries are the most advanced industrialized countries and they exploit peripheral and semi peripheral countries.

_______________ proposed the differential association theory to explain how people learn deviance.

Edwin Sutherland. The idea behind this theory is that people learn deviant behavior, like other behavior, from their interaction with others. For example, juvenile gangs provide an environment which encourages criminal behavior, and members learn deviance as they conform to the group's norms.

Ralph Turner and Lewis Killian proposed the _____________ theory, which states that new norms are created by a few individuals, and the whole crowd soon adopts the new norms.

Emergent-norm. For example, if several people in a crowd start chanting a person's name, and the rest of the crowd soon follows--this is because a new norm, or expected behavior, was created.

The barter system is a form of distribution in which goods or services are _________ directly for other things which are considered to be of equivalent value.

Exchanged. This was the primary form of distribution before money became a medium of trade. For example, a woman might trade three chickens to have a neighbor forge her a pot.

The _________ rate is calculated by dividing the number of births in a year by the number of women aged 15 to 44.

Fertility. Actually, you multiply that number by 1000 to get the fertility rate but the basic thing to keep in mind is that the number of live births is divided by the number of women between 15 and 44.

Max Weber believed that authority is ultimately granted by those being governed--the people must believe in the ruler or leader's __________.

Legitimacy. Legitimacy is where the people being led believe that the leader has a legitimate right to command. Max Weber differentiated between three different ways of getting legitimacy--traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority.

Karl ____ defined false consciousness as a social condition in which the working class possess a distorted perception of the reality of class and its consequences.

Marx. According to Marx, this "false consciousness" occurs when the working class fails to recognize themselves as a class and the adversarial relationship between workers and capitalists.

A ___________ is a region made up of several large cities and their surrounding areas in sufficient proximity to be considered a single urban complex.

Megalopolis. A megalopolis is created when the suburbs surrounding several metropolises grow and merge together, forming one continuous urban complex.

A caste system of social stratification allows little social ________--people are born or married into a certain position.

Mobility. A good example of the caste system is in India, where it is nearly impossible to change your status in life. This is in contrast to the class system, where positions depend on achieved status--i.e. the United States' social stratification is of the class system.

Resource ____________ theory focuses on the ability of members of a social movement to obtain resources and mobilize people to advance their cause.

Mobilization. Resources include money, time, skills, mass media access, and materials. Resource mobilization theory places a great deal of emphasis on the acquisition of financial resources from individuals, organizations, elites and governments.

A social ________ refers to collective activities which are set on causing or preventing changes in society.

Movement. An example of a social movement is the civil rights movement, or the temperance movement, etc..

The American sociologist William J. Goode, theorized that changing family patterns were ___ a simple effect of one cause, industrialization.

Not. Goode's book, World Revolution and Family Patterns, noted a trend in industrialized societies toward nuclear family households. He called these smaller family units the "western conjugal family system." He was reluctant to say that industrialization caused these changes but did indicate that industrialization or the ideologies associated with industrialization could support or help such change.

A _______ family consists only of a mother, father, and their children.

Nuclear. On the other hand, in an extended family, people in a nuclear family live with other families such as grandparents and relatives.

An authoritarian government is one in which the people being governed have little or no say in government's operations--the rulers are dictators who do not tolerate __________ to their authority.

Opposition. The three main types of government are authoritarian, totalitarian, and democratic.

In exogamy, marriage occurs _______ of specific groups.

Outside. An example is in American culture, one must marry with someone outside of his family. This is in contrast to endogamy, where one marries within a certain group. An example is marrying someone of the same race--this is often an encouraged form of endogamy.

A family where the majority of the authority is vested in the father is known as a __________.

Patriarchy. This is opposed to a matriarchy, where the mother has the authority.

David Riesman believed that a _________ Model of power exists in the United States, where power is dispersed through many competing interest groups.

Pluralist. In this model, power is dispersed among interest groups and no one can dominate society's decision-making process because of the diversity of interests among the people.

________ is a form of polygamy, where a man has several wives at once.

Polygyny. This is in contrast to polyandry, where a woman has several husbands at once.

____ countries that are exploited for their cheap labor and raw materials are classified as peripheral countries.

Poor. Peripheral countries are primarily agricultural, found throughout Africa, Latin America and Asia. They sell raw materials and labor to core countries and they buy finished products from the core.

The family of ___________ is the group formed in adulthood by people when they have children.

Procreation. In American society, when a child is born, he typically lives with his family of orientation, which consists of his parents and any brothers or sisters. Once he grows up and has children of his own, he lives with his family of procreation, which consists of his children and spouse.

________ legal authority is based on rational grounds and usually a body of laws which have been legally enacted or contractually established.

Rational. For example, in a company, a person is required to acknowledge management's authority as long as he is an employee.

In the primary sector of the economy, people are directly involved with extraction and cultivation of natural _________.

Resources. It includes activities such as hunting, gathering, farming, and mining.

The word ______ refers to religious symbols, objects, and rituals.

Sacred. Something which is sacred is holy, or related to religious objects, rites, or practices. This is in contrast to things which are profane, or nonreligious in subject matter, form, or use.

The _________ sector of the economy is where raw materials are turned into manufactured goods.

Secondary. It includes mills and factories, and turns raw materials into things such as fuel, clothes, automobiles, etc.

Weber was focused on the origins of man-made culture, and his view on social stratification was that due to class, ______ situation, and parties being a source of conflict and change, there was no foreseeable end to stratification.

Status. Max Weber believed that differences in a person's opportunities for income, how other people assess that person's status, and the forming of parties to acquire social power, are all unavoidable sources of social stratification.

A ____________ government is one in which the rulers exercise absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life.

Totalitarian. A totalitarian government takes the level of authority of the government one step further from an authoritarian government. In a totalitarian government, the rulers regulate every realm of the people's life.

________ mobility involves moving from one social level to another, instead of moving within the same social level.

Vertical. Vertical mobility can either be upward or downward. An example of upward mobility might be moving up the corporate ladder, whereas downward mobility would be the opposite--i.e. going from wealth to poverty. This is in contrast to horizontal mobility, which would be a change in status within the same social level--i.e. switching from one janitorial job to another.

According to ___________'s world systems theory, the world economic system must be understood as a single unit, not a collection of independent countries.

Wallerstein. According to this theory, the world is divided into three unequal economic categories: core, periphery and semi periphery.

Matrilocality, patrilocality, and neolocality indicate _____ newlyweds will live.

Where. Matrilocality happens when they live with the wife's family.

The economic dependency ratio is the number of people in the total population who are not in the total ____ force.

Work. The largest component of the dependency ratio is made up of those under 16 but the fastest growing component consists of those over age 65.

The family of orientation is the group into which a person is ____.


_______ can refer either to something as broad as human association, or more narrowly--a group of people living in a certain geographical area who share a common culture.


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