SOCR 330 (Genetics) - Exam 1, Set 3

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how is genetic information coded?

*in triplets (codons)*

genes to proteins

*post-transcriptional* and post-translational modifications contribute to the *production of more than one protein from a single gene*


-*RNA polymerase moves along the template strand* -RNA transcript is synthesized in the 5' to 3' direction -as it travels, the polymerase unwinds the DNA helix ahead of itself and the DNA rewinds behind it

two of the most conserved sequences among eukaryotic promoters

-*TATA box* (most common sequence: TATAAA, located between -25 and -30 base pairs from the transcription site) -*CCAAT/CAAT box* (consensus sequence: GGCCAATCT, located between -60 and -100 base pairs from the transcription start site)

eukaryotic transcription

-*multiple polymerases* > RNA pol I, RNA pol II, and RNA pol III -general transcription factors (GTFs) bind to the promoter first and help recruit the appropriate RNA polymerase forming the "transcription initiation complex" -pre-mRNA (primary transcript) requires *processing* into mRNA before translation -mRNA is exported to cytoplasm for translation > transcription and translation are always separate events (takes place in different parts of the cell)

prokaryotic transcription

-*one RNA polymerase* makes all RNA types -RNA polymerase binds directly to promoters -mRNA is ready to be translated right after transcription -closely-coupled transcription possible > has the advantage of *speed* -mRNA can be translated immediately (even before transcription is finished)

what is the most common start codon?

-AUG (codes for Methionine) -the first codon in the mRNA that gets translated

RNA processing

-addition of 7-methylguanosine cap *(5' cap)* -addition of 3' *poly-A tail* -intron removal *(splicing)*

RNA splicing

-introns are removed by a complex structure called a *spliceosome* > consists of 5 snRNAs associated w/ proteins, forming small ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) -spliceosome recognizes and cuts at specific sequences found at 5' and 3' splice sites

Termination: intrinsic mechanism

-inverted repeats in DNA (downstream of stop codon) -when transcribed, RNA folds and forms a *"hairpin"* shape -RNA polymerase then encounters poly-A series -RNA polymerase pauses and dissociates -new RNA transcript released -*there are other forms of transcription termination*

RNA editing

-involves altering the mRNA sequence to generate alternative protein products -RNA editing may include the insertion, deletion, and base substitution of nucleotides within the mRNA

role of promoters

-needed to initiate transcription -contain sequences that are *recognized* by the *RNA polymerase* and also by the *transcription factors* in eukaryotic cells -located upstream of the *transcription start site*(where transcription starts, position +1)

alternative splicing

-process by which particular exons of a gene may be included within or excluded from the final mRNA produced from that gene -same pre-mRNA is spliced in different ways in different tissues / developmental stages, generating different mRNAs (and different proteins) -alternative splicing generates a tremendous amount of proteomic diversity

why do introns exist?

-regulate alternative splicing -regulation of gene expression -can contain functional non-coding RNAs -indirect effect as buffer of mutations -many more reasons that we are still learning about


-the *RNA polymerase holoenzyme is a multi-subunit enzyme* (core [5 subunits] + sigma factor) that binds to the promoter -*core* enzyme has polymerase activity -*sigma factor* recognizes and binds to promoter region containing the -35 and -10 boxes > allows the core enzyme to position in the right place to start transcription

which codon sets up the reading frame?

-the *start codon* -all subsequent codons are read in order until a *stop codon* is encountered on the mRNA

how many possible reading frames are there when reading a single-strand nucleotide sequence into a set of consecutive, non-overlapping triplets?

-three possible reading frames -these three reading frames will specify proteins with *entirely different* amino acid sequences

how many stop codons are there and what do they do?

-three stop codons -terminate translation

promoter consensus sequences in prokaryotes

-two short DNA sequences located at the -10 and -35 positions from from the transcription start site -*the more closely the sequence at the -10 and -35 boxes resemble the consensus sequence the stronger the promoter will be*

stages of transcription in prokaryotes

1. Initiation 2. Elongation 3. Termination

Poly-A tail

100-250 adenines added to the 3' end of pre-mRNA immediately after transcription (poly-A polymerase)

the genetic code

a set of *rules* used by living cells to translate the information encoded in the genetic material into proteins

the basic building block for a polypeptide structure is...

an amino acid

weak promoter

little RNA polymerase binding > low levels of transcription

strong promoter

lots of RNA polymerase binding > high levels of transcription

5' cap (7-methylguanosine cap)

methylated guanosine (guanine + ribose) added to 5' end while transcription is in progress

what are amino acids joined by to form a polypeptide?

peptide bonds

in eukaryotes, specific sequences at a promoter region are recognized by what?

recognized by both *transcription factors* and *RNA polymerase*

what is the code when most amino acids are encoded by more than one codon?

the code is *degenerate*

what is the code when consecutive amino acids are specified by consecutive codons?

the code is *over-lapping*

what is the code when the same genetic code used by almost all organisms on Earth?

the code is *universal*

open-reading frame (ORF)

the sequence between *start* and *stop* codons

promoters in eukaryotes

these promoters are much more complex and diverse

how many steps are there in the splicing process?

two steps: 1. the 5' end of the intron is cleaved and attached to the branch point to form a lariat 2. the 3' end of the intron is cleaved and the two ends of the exon are spliced together

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