Socrative Review: Exam

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Identify the person in this image?

Lord Horatio Nelson

The most important consequence of the Battle of Austerlitz was ANapoleon abandoned the Continental System BNapoleon believed he could not be defeated CThe French navy controlled the sea DSpanish nationalism defeated Le Grande Arme

Napoleon believed he could not be defeated

Napoleon was an Italian T/F


What is happening in this image?

Tennis Court Oath

What strategy did Czar Alexander I use to defeat Napoleon in Russia? Aendless negotiations Bguns and cannons Cfrontal attack Dscorched-earth policy

scorched-earth policy

Who was the Austrian Foreign Minister that dominated the Congress of Vienna?

Klemons von Metternich

What was the slogan of the French Revolution?

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

Who was the Queen of France when the French Revolution began?

Marie Antoinette

Identify the person in this image

Maximilian Robespierre

The first French revolutionary legislature, made up primarily of representatives of the third estate and a few from the nobility and clergy, in session from 1789 to 1791.

National Assembly

Napoleon's laws were called _______________

Nepoleonic Code

The social and political system of France prior to 1789.

Old regime

What was Napoleon able to accomplish during peacetime? AHe set up government-run public schools BHe set up a comprehensive system of law CHe established a fairer tax code DAll of the above

all of the above

The National Assembly that ruled France from 1789 to 1791 passed laws that Abroadened women's rights to seek divorce and inherit property. Bdeclared all men and women to be equal. Celiminated women's right to hold property. Dmade divorce more difficult.

declared all men and women to be equal.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen guaranteed Athe abolition of monopolies, guilds, and workers' associations. Breligious toleration to French Jews and Protestants. Cequality before the law. Delimination of all barriers to trade within France.

equality before the law.

The three legal categories, or orders, of France's inhabitants: the clergy, the nobility, and everyone else.


The men elected to represent the third estate at the Estates General were primarily Abusinessmen. Bprovincial nobles. Cwealthy peasants. Dlawyers and government officials.

lawyers and government officials.

From 1792 to 1795, the second phase of the French Revolution, during which the fall of the French monarchy introduced a rapid radicalization of politics.

second revolution

Which of the following was an important goal of the Congress of Vienna? Ato execute Napoleon by guillotine Bto destroy France Cto establish Vienna as the new capital Europe Dto establish a balance of power in Europe

to establish a balance of power in Europe

What country hosted the Congress of Vienna


Napoleon second wife, Marie-Louis, was AFrench BPrussian CAustrian DEnglish


Where is Waterloo, today?


What group of people made up the 2nd Estate AClergy BNobility CEveryone else


A gathering of the nations of Europe that determined the political course of Europe in the aftermath of Napoleon.

Congress of Vienna

The Congress of Vienna was politically ____________ AConservative BLiberal CRadical


What group of people made up the 1st Estate AClergy BNobility CEveryone else

AClergy BNobility CEveryone else

British Admiral who was referred to as the "Napoleon of the Sea". Defeated the French navy at the Battle of the Nile and the Battle of Trafalgar. He was mortally wounded in the latter.

Admiral Horatio Nelson

What was the economic effect of Napoleon's Continental System? AFrench merchants and manufacturers profited from the monopoly they now held on continental trade. BBritish merchants and craftsmen lost their major market, deeply harming the British economy and the British tax base for its wars against France. CFrench artisans and the middle class suffered, for they were economically damaged by the blockade of Great Britain. DBritish merchants prospered, for the French merchants were now barred from British colonies.

French artisans and the middle class suffered, for they were economically damaged by the blockade of Great Britain.

A moderate group that fought for control of the French National Convention in 1793.


The empire over which Napoleon and his allies ruled, encompassing virtually all of Europe except Great Britain and Russia.

Grand Empire

Name of the radical political club behind the changes in 1792


How did the Concordat resolve the crisis over Catholicism in France in the Napoleonic era? AThe Catholic Church gained the right to practice religion freely, while the French state gained greater control over the nomination of church officers and church activities. BThe Catholic Church was again recognized as the state religion, which all citizens had to embrace or face prosecution under the law. CThe Catholic Church promised to promote French nationalism, while the French state agreed to abandon efforts to control church doctrine DThe Catholic Church reclaimed full authority over the appointment of church officials, while the French state gained the right to oversee church finances.

The Catholic Church gained the right to practice religion freely, while the French state gained greater control over the nomination of church officers and church activities.

What is the name of this painting?

The Death of Marat

What was the name of the conservative government that replaced the radical government of France?

The Directory

A political club in Revolutionary France whose members were well-educated radical republicans.

Jacobin Club

Who painted this ?

Jacques Louis David

What was the name of the 12 member radical group that enforced the radical phase of the Revolution?

Committee of Public Safety

The French Revolution should be considered one of the greatest events in the history of mankind. T/F


What was the goal of the Committee of Public Safety? ATo use dictatorial powers to respond to threats to France from without and within BTo establish a secret police force in order to institute the Reign of Terror CTo investigate the army in order to weed out disloyal officers and ensure its obedience to the Legislative Assembly DTo build a coalition of provincial leaders in order to suppress rebellions in France

To use dictatorial powers to respond to threats to France from without and within

In the wake of the Great Fear in the summer of 1789, the National Assembly restored order by Acalling up army and militia units to suppress the rebellious peasants. Babolishing all of the old noble and church privileges. Creducing taxes on agricultural products. Dpromising to reestablish the control on bread prices.

abolishing all of the old noble and church privileges.

What was Napoleon's Grand Empire? AAn enlarged France, a number of satellite kingdoms, and the independent but allied states of Austria, Prussia, and Russia. BAn enlarged France and the independent but allied states of Austria, Prussia, and Russia. CAn enlarged France, parts of northern Italy, and German territories on the east bank of the Rhine. DAn enlarged France and several satellite kingdoms, on the thrones of which Napoleon placed members of his family.

An enlarged France, a number of satellite kingdoms, and the independent but allied states of Austria, Prussia, and Russia.

A blockade imposed by Napoleon to halt all trade between continental Europe and Britain, thereby weakening the British economy and military.

Continental System

Napoleon's attempt to economically choke out the British was called the ___________________

Continental System

Identify the person in this image.

Czar Alexander I

What does D.O.R.O.M.A.C. stand for?

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

Name of the killing machine designed to behead people during the French Revolution


Which of the following correctly identifies Napoleon Bonaparte's background? AHe trained as a lawyer before joining the military. BHe won brilliant victories in Italy in 1796 and 1797. CHis campaign in Egypt was a great military success. DHe came from an impoverished Sardinian family.

He won brilliant victories in Italy in 1796 and 1797.

Napoleon's return from exile and his attempt to re-establish his rule in France, if not all of Europe.

Hundred Days

What did the 3rd Estate rename itself?

National Assembly

Napoleon's ill-fated attempted to dominate Portugal and Spain.

Peninsular War

The most radical and bloody stage of the French Revolution is called_____________

The Terror

What is happening in this picture? And where is it taking place? Who painted it?

The coronation of Napoleon Notre Dame Cathedral Jacques Louis David

The attack on the Bastille had what political effect? AThe National Assembly dissolved the monarchy and arrested the king for treason against the nation. BThe peasantry revolted in the Great Fear and attacked noble manors across France. CThe king's plans to reassert his authority were forestalled, permitting the National Assembly to continue its work. DThe peasantry revolted in the Great Fear and attacked noble manors across France.

The king's plans to reassert his authority were forestalled, permitting the National Assembly to continue its work.

As the Jacobins gained power, what was their reaction to women's political activity? AThey welcomed women as full political actors in their own right and with full civil liberties. BThey permitted women who agreed with Jacobin principles the right to full participation in political life. CThey permitted women to participate as passive citizens, without the right to vote but allowed to participate in public debate and gatherings. DThey banned all women's political activity, which they believed to be disorderly and a distraction from women's proper domestic duties.

They banned all women's political activity, which they believed to be disorderly and a distraction from women's proper domestic duties.

Why did members of the National Convention turn against Robespierre on the Ninth of Thermidor? AThey believed that Robespierre was soon to proclaim himself the new king of France. BThey believed that Robespierre intended to extend the ideals of the Revolution so that slaves would be freed and Jews accepted as full citizens. CThey believed that Robespierre might soon have them arrested and executed. DThey believed that Robespierre had betrayed the revolution by accepting bribes from Great Britain.

They believed that Robespierre might soon have them arrested and executed.

who painted death of Marat?

Jacques-Louis David

French civil code promulgated in 1804 that reasserted the 1789 principles of the equality of all male citizens before the law and the absolute security of wealth and private property, as well as the restriction of rights accorded to women by previous revolutionary laws.

Napoleonic Code

The period from 1793 to 1794 during which Robespierre's Committee of Public Safety tried and executed thousands suspected of treason and a new revolutionary culture was imposed.

Reign of Terror

The laboring poor of Paris, so called because the men wore trousers instead of the knee breeches of the aristocracy and middle class; the word came to refer to the militant radicals of the city.


A legislative body in pre-revolutionary France made up of representatives of each of the three classes, or estates; it was called into session in 1789 for the first time since 1614.

Estates General

What was the name of the representative body that met only when the King called them? HINT, they hadn't been called in 175 years! ANational Assembly BEstates General CDirectory DLegislative Assembly

Estates General

Napoleon's first exile was to St. Helena T/F


The fear of noble reprisals against peasant uprisings that seized the French countryside and led to further revolt.

Great Fear

What does the word plebiscite mean? Aan agreement Ba vote of the poeple Ca seizure of power Da public school

vote for the people

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