SOCY1001 Final

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According to YMAY ch 7, what percent of the world's wealth is owned by what percent of the world's population?

50% of wealth owned by 6% of population

According to YMAY Chapter 6, which of the following is a good example of an informal social sanction?

A CU student is known for cracking sexist jokes, so his peers avoid him or don't laugh.

According to lecture, upon what is social order based?

All of these (familiarity, shared meanings, predictability)

According to the lecture, what is a/are are cause(s) of social change?

All of these can prompt social change (tech, discoveries, population)

According to YMAY ch 6, which of the following is NOT a consequence of policies based on deterrence theory?

All social groups experience equal supervision to try to prevent crimes.

According to YMAY ch 6, which of the following statements about types of crimes and their impacts are correct? A. Street crime is less prevalent than white collar crime. B. White collar crime is less prevalent than street crime. C. Street crime has a greater financial impact than white collar crime. D. White collar crime has a greater financial impact than street crime.

B, D

According to the Canvas reading,Jezebel at the Welfare Office," which of the following is true?

Being a 'good mother' is dependent upon an inequitable distribution of resources and following gendered social norms

According to lecture, the power of perspective (being able to look through different "colored lenses") lies in

Being able to switch lenses and see through multiple perspectives.

In Week 8 Recitation on deviance we talked about the social construction of deviance in relationship to mass incarceration. Which of the following arguments does NOT describe the social constructionist perspective on mass incarceration?

Black men are incarcerated at high rates, which is a reflection of the culture of black communities.

In YMAY ch 3, there are two pictures of people after hurricane Katrina juxtaposed. One is of a young Black man wading through chest-high water toting groceries; the caption proclaimed that the man had just been "looting a grocery store." The other is of a white couple doing the same thing, but the caption says they were "finding bread and soda at a local grocery store." Which of the following is NOT a good analysis of this juxtaposition?

Black survivors of hurricane Katrina engaged in more illegal activities than their white counterparts.

According to class discussions, which of the following is an example of bad faith?

Both of the answer options are examples of bad faith (pull out of poverty, gotta go to class)

According to lecture, why might sociology be a difficult lens to see the world through (making this a difficult class)?

Both the answer options were discussed as possible reasons sociology can be difficult to study for some people (kill off and not popular in US)

According to YMAY chapter 2, what factors are needed to establish causality?

Correlation, time order, ruling out alternative explanations

In the Week 6 reading on Canvas, "Transience and the Postmodern Self", Adler and Adler argue that each "seeker" and "manager" has no core self in the postmodern era.


In the Week 6 reading on Canvas, "Transience and the Postmodern Self", Adler and Adler argue that each "seeker" and "manager" has no core self in the postmodern era.

False, because their core self was identified as anchored in change

According to lecture, in order to achieve an objective perspective we must set aside our lenses like cultural biases and the limitations of language to see things clearly and accurately.

False, because we are always looking through some lens. The important thing is to recognize how that is shaping our view.

According to lecture discussions and the canvas reading "Families," kinship is defined as

Family relations either through genetics, adoption, or marriage

According to YMAY ch 3, which of the following terms might be used in an explanation of why the exploited working class does not rise up and overthrow their oppressors?


According to lecture, all of the following are true of the sociological definition of deviance EXCEPT

all deviant acts elicit formal or informal sanctions

According to lecture on the social construction of sexuality and gender, can we understand the behavior portrayed in art and literature of ancient Greece as homosexuality?

No, because the men came from different categories that were more important than gender to ancient Greeks

According to lecture discussions, I sit at the same seat at the counter of a diner every Wednesday for lunch. There is another person who eats lunch at the same time every Wednesday who always sits in the seat closest to me. Are we a group?

No, because we don't interact or have shared norms.

According to lecture on creating a just or fair society, one/some standard(s) for assessing equitable outcomes include which of the following ideas/values?

all of the descriptive options were discussed as possible standards

According to YMAY ch 2, what does reflexivity in social research entail?

analyzing and cricitically considering effects the researcher may be having in the research process

According to YMAY ch 9, the "new racism" couches its rhetoric justifying inequality in terms of __________ between groups rather than __________.

cultural differences; physical differences

According to lecture discussions and the canvas reading "Families," what is the 'second shift'?

The housework and childcare that must be done in addition to wage labor and is done primarily by women.

According to lecture discussions, which of the following statements is true?

The natural world is experienced and understood by humans primarily through the lens of culture.

According to YMAY ch 6, which of the following statements correctly describes the panopticon?

The panopticon is a metaphor that describes how surveillance, regimentation, and control operates in society and is mirrored by prisons.

According to lecture discussions, what would a structural functionalist say about the family's purpose in society?

The purpose of the family is to make sure there are people capable of continuing society into the future

According to YMAY ch 2 (reinforced in lecture), which research approach would formulate a hypothesis and collect and analyze data to test that hypothesis?


What does a sociological perspective focus on when attempting to explain human behavior

external influences like structure, culture, distribution of resources, etc

According to lecture, the Thomas' Theorem claims that

if something is defined as real, it is real in its consequences

According to lecture discussions on groups, let's say I am not an internet influencer (obviously), but I follow many on Instagram and other social media sites; I "like" their posts, look for clothes or products that they show in their posts and even try to make my posts look like theirs by making the same facial expressions or staging photos in similar ways. For me, what kind of a group are these internet influencers?

reference group

According to lecture and YMAY ch 7, ___________________ is an example of income and _______________ is an example of wealth.

rent that your tenants pay to you; the building you own that you rent out.

According to YMAY ch 6, Robert Merton's strain theory details responses to the strain of having no means to achieve goals put forth by society, such as economic success (making lots of money). If I am unable to make a lot of money in my conventional job, and so I just give up trying for promotions and raises and simply continue to play by the rules in my current job, I have become a . On the other hand, if I realize my current job is not making me any money so I start embezzling funds I have become an .

ritualist; innovator

As discussed in lecture on the definitions of race, one this these sociological definitions have in common is what?

social definitions of physical characteristics

According to YMAY ch 3, Pugh links the concept of _________________ with low-income parents and the concept of _________________ with middle-class parents.

symbolic indulgence, symbolic deprivation

According to the lecture, which of the following is a good example of Marx's idea of false consciousness?

A person living in poverty votes for Donald Trump because his policies favor tax cuts for the rich, and they believe that one day they will be rich.

According to YMAY ch 6, which of the following is NOT true about the death penalty?

African Americans commit disproportionately more crime than Whites while receiving, on average, appropriate penalties for their criminal behaviors.

According to YMAY ch 6, which is not an example of a total institution?


The Week 8 canvas reading (Capitalism, Class and Crime in America) asks why the state ignores certain types of crimes, especially white-collar crimes and corporate crimes. Which of the following is an answer they propose to this question?

Crimes among the corporate class tend in general to harm members of other classes.

YMAY ch 6 describes Pager's study on the effects of race and a criminal record on employment opportunities. She dispatched potential job candidates with similar resumes to apply for entry level service positions, but of different races and different criminal records. Which of the following was NOT one of Pager's findings?

Criminal record is more important in determining employment outcome than race.

According to YMAY ch 3, forgoing judgement or the assignment of value in considering differences between cultures exemplifies:

Cultural relativism

According to lecture, which of the following would Marx say about culture?

Culture is created and maintained by the ruling class to further their interests.

According to Week 8 canvas reading (Capitalism, Class and Crime in America), which of the following does NOT describe how crime and punishment supports the capitalist system?

Deterrence theory claims that the tough-on-crime policies that led to the era of mass incarceration are responsible for the dramatic drop in violent crime in the United States.

According to lecture (and YMAY ch 2), which of the following is NOT a key element in good social science research?

Doing whatever it takes to get a representative sample and a high number of research participants

According to lecture (and YMAY ch 1), what was at the heart of the conditions that gave rise to sociological thinking and theorizing in Europe?

Dramatic changes in social conditions

According to YMAY ch 3, what concept best describes an American traveler who becomes angered at the "slowness" of service in another country?


According to lecture discussions and the canvas reading "Families," which of the following is typical of the nuclear family?

Extended family does not live in the household

According to YMAY ch 6, which of the following theoretical perspectives views deviance as contributing to social cohesion?


According to Week 8 Recitation on deviance, which of the following is NOT a question a conflict theorist might ask about deviance?

How does the labelling of deviance contribute to increased social cohesion?

According to lecture, all of the following EXCEPT which one is a key question asked by sociologists

How has the evolution of humans led to current social arrangements?

According to lecture, which of the following statements best represents the structural-functionalist perspective on stratification?

Inequality exists in society so that the most qualified people are properly motivated to fill important roles.

According to the lecture, what does a symbolic Interactionist perspective on race and racial inequality focus on?

Internalized racism and micro aggressions

According to lecture, what would a structural functionalist perspective say about deviance?

It has benefits for society

According to the canvas reading on Making Systems of Privilege Visible which of the following statements is true?

Language can maintain the invisibility of privilege

According to YMAY ch 6 and Durkheim's normative theory of suicide, which of the following correctly pairs the the level of social integration/regulation with the resulting type of suicide?

Low social regulation, Anomic

According to YMAY ch 6 and functionalism, which of the following correctly pairs the type of social solidarity with the most common type of punishment prevalent in this form of social solidarity?

Organic solidarity, rehabilitative justice

According to the Week 7 reading on Canvas, what was the most important factor that made teams work at Google?

Psychological safety in the workplace

According to lecture and YMAY ch 9, which of the following statements is true?

Race is a relatively recent (less than 400 years) social invention.

According to recitation discussions on gender inequalities in social networks (and resulting wage and job opportunity differences) which of the following statements is true?

Regardless of the gender composition of your social network, if you are a man, you get better employment leads than women.

According to YMAY ch 5, if Jose goes to a training session for election volunteers in his voting precinct, and there are 15 participants and two trainers, this is an example of which kind of group?

Secondary group

According to Smith's canvas reading on the three pillars of white supremacy, what are the three pillars?

Slavery, genocide, and orientalism

According to Week 8 Recitation on Deviance, which of the following is NOT a good example of the results of stereotypes after slavery was abolished?

Stereotypes of black men as dangerous led to increased incarceration of this group, which kept white women safer.

According to Kivel's canvas reading on allyship, what does it mean to be an ally in light of injustice

Strategically and consciously working to dismantle systems that perpetuate inequality, even if the inequalities do not effect you

According to lecture discussions, which of the following is true about the concept of heteronormativity?

That it has been the dominate way to organize the family in the U.S., but there is plenty of evidence it is not necessarily "natural"

According to YMAY ch 7, what did historian Gregory Clark find in his research comparing social mobility in different societies at different times?

The United States has the least mobile among "rich" nations

According to the lecture, which of the following statements is true?

The concept of race is relatively new in human history and emerges with practices of colonization and slavery

According to YMAY ch 3 section 1 "Definitions of Culture", which of the following is NOT an example of cultural relativism?

Western culture prioritizes being on time, and in order for other cultures to be more efficient, it is important that they also prioritize being on time.

According to YMAY ch 6, __________ refers to crimes committed by a professional against a corporation, agency, or other business.

White-collar crime

According to lecture, the standard against which we'll be assessing US institutions, policies, and pratices as "fair" or "unfair" is

based upon widely agreed upon values of equality of opportunity and respect

According to lecture the perspective focuses on tensions between competing interest groups within a society while the perspective focuses on order and stability within society.

conflict; functionalist

According to text You May Ask Yourself chapter 1, W.E.B. DuBois' idea that Black Americans must always be aware of and act with both the expectations (script) of any American in mind as well as taking into consideration the possible reactions of prejudiced onlookers is known as

double consciousness

We watched a video in Week 7 recitation that featured Mark Granovetter. His work is important because he:

emphasizes how social network reproduces social inequality

According to lecture on gender inequalities, the refers to an invisible limit on women's occupational advancement; while the refers to men's accelerated promotion to the top of work organizations, especially in feminized occupations.

glass ceiling; glass escalator

According to lecture and YMAY ch 7, one category of social stratification is called the elite-mass dichotomy. C. Wright Mills and other conflict theorists see this consolidation of power among a small number of institutions and leaders as

harmful to the interests of the masses

According to lecuture, all of the following are examples of structure EXCEPT

individual attitudes

According to lecture, what is the starting premise of Critical Theories (including Critical Race Theory)?

inequalities are a result of of structured disadvantages build into social institutions

According to text You May Ask Yourself chapter 1, a comples group of interdependent positions that togethr perform a social role (purpose) and reproduce themselves over time is defined as a(n)


According to lecture, sociology questions our taken for granted assumptions about the social world. This practice was described as

making the familiar strange

According to YMAY ch 3, which of the following is NOT an example of an ideological framework?

material culture

According to lecture discussions, sociology's observation about the power of structural forces indicates that

non of the options was discussed as true according to a sociological perspective (free will, outside forces)

According to lecture discussions, traffic laws are part of ,while stop signs and traffic signals are part of .

non-material culture, material culture

According to lecture on Monday, what is a food desert?

places where access to fresh and affordable food is limited (distance and/or difficulty of travel)

According to YMAY ch 8, our (in the US) understanding of is that it involves physical characteristics that are perceived as significant and associated with 2 categories of people, while refers to a social position (status) and the accompanying social expectations and arrangements around those positions.

sex; gender

According to text YMAY chapter 1, symbolic interationism focuses on which of the following aspects of human life?

shared meanings

According to the Week One reading on Canvas, "Together We Construct Worlds," the most important factor in understanding humans' relationhip to their environment lies in

shared meanings

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