Software engineering

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In the exhibit what software process model is described? /fontan na skizze/

The Fountain model

Prototyping can be considered as:

A risk reduction activity which reduces requirements risks

What is a software process?

A set of activities whose goal is the development or evolution of software

Select the INCORRECT statement for the "Subsystem"

A subsystem defines the places where adaptations for specific functionality should be made.

Select the CORRECT statement for the "Subsystem"

A subsystem is a set of collaborating components performing a given task

What is NOT a project scheduling process activity:

Allocate risks to activities

Swimlanes take part in:

activity diagrams

What is NOT risk management process:

all answers are wrong

What is a cost reducing technique?

all answers are wrong

Select incorrect UML Class diagram:

all are correct

Draw connections between stages of incremental development

What type of specialist you need for working position with following characteristics: "he/she will concern with all aspects of computer-based systems development including hardware, software and process engineering":

system engineer

The waterfall model is only appropriate when:

the requirements are well-understood, and changes will be fairly limited during the design process

What is not a spiral model sector?

deployment and evaluation

Draw connections between stages of testing process

Select all scheduling problems:

productivity is not proportional to the number of people working on a task; estimating the difficulty of problems is hard; the unexpected always happens

A design pattern provides a scheme for refining: (Choose 3)

-The relationships software system -The relationships recurring structure of communicating components that solves a general design problem within a particular context -The subsystems or components of a software systems

Select what is correct for dynamic high-level languages:

-They include powerful data management facilities. -They need a large run-time support system.

What is true of the black diamond on the diagram?

-A Line item may only be included in one Order at a time -If an Order is deleted, its Line item instances are normally deleted

Select all UML diagrams which are Behavioral diagrams:

-Activity diagram -State-machine diagram -Use case diagram -Timing diagram

Select all UML diagrams which are behavioral diagrams: (Choose 4)

-Activity diagram -State-machine diagram -Use case diagram -Timing diagram

Select all staff selection factors:

-Application domain experience -Platform experience -Educational background -Adaptability -Personality

Risk effects might be:

-Catastrophic -Serious -Tolerable -Insignificant

The identification of design elements and their relationships can be further subdivided into the following steps: (choose 3)

-Define the system context -Describe the components and connectors -Identify the modules

Generic activities in all software processes are:

-Development -Evolution -Specification -Validation

The project cost varies depending on: (choose 3)

-Expierence -The requirements of system attributes such as performance and system reliability -The type of system being developed

What is NOT a generic software process model?

-Formal development -Reuse-orientation development

What are NOT advantages of explicit software architectures: (Choose 3)

-Increasing maintainability -System analysis -Using fine-grin components

What statements are true about 'Interfaces' in UML? (Choose 2)

-Interfaces are not directly instantiable. -A classifier may realize more than one interface, and an interface may be realized by DIFFERENT classifier.

Select all distributed system characteristics:

-Openness -Concurrency -Fault tolearance

Select all management activities:

-Proposal writing -Project planning and scheduling -Project costing -Project monitoring -Report presentations and one more: Personnel selection and evaluation

What can be captured by use cases? (choose 2)

-Requirements of the system -Behaviors offered by the system

Select all problems with natural language specification:

-Semantic They have Over-flexibility The same thing may be said in a number of different ways in the specification -They have Lack of modularization

What are software engineering methods?

-System models -Process guidance -Rules -Recommendations

Select all types of risk identification:

-Technology risks -People risks -Organizational risks -Requirements risks -Estimation risks

Put activities of reuse-oriented development in right order:

1. Requirement specification; 2. Component analysis; 3. Requirements modification; 4. System design with reuse; 5. Development and integration; 6. System validation

Select right statement

Software costs more to maintain than it does to develop

Which arrowhead shows that the message represents an operation call, rather than a signal?

The 3rd

Select the CORRECT statement for the "Architectural styles"

They are generalized computational models that are devoid of specific application domain function

Where to use UML Object Diagrams?

They can be imagined as the snapshot of a RUNNING SYSTEN at a particular moment.

"Constraints on the services or functions offered by the system such as timing constraints, constraints on the development process, standards, etc."

Non-functional requirements

How many of the three arrows outgoing from the diamond shape (as depicted in the exhibit) will be given values at one time in a well-defined activity diagram?


Select the correct "Software specification" definition:

The process of establishing what services are required and the constraints on the system's operation and development

What is a correct interpretation of following UML Use-case diagram:

The use case Logon exceeded describes a situation in which the usual scenario of Logon Failed is not performed.

Select all types of system requirements:

abstract functional requirements; system properties; undesirable characteristics

Select a statement that is not correct for components:

all correct

Order layers of OSI reference model:

application; presentation; session; transport; network; data link; physical

Peer to peer (p2p) systems:

are decentralised systems where computations may be carried out by any node in the network

What is correct for Batch sequential style?

coarse grained external access to input non-interactive

Select design process activities:

component design; architectural design; data structure design; interface design; abstract specification

Select all statements that describe components characteristics

components are deployable entities; components are language-independent

What is CASE?

computer-aided software engineering

Which is a type of software requirements?

user requirements

Select all parts of project plan structure:

work breakdown; project organization; project schedule; hardware and software resource requirements; risk analysis

What is not UML? (select all correct answers)

-UML can be used to record the resulting domain and design models, independent of the process -Choose an appropriate process for a particular project, independent of the modeling language

Risk assessment document is a result of:

risk analysis

What is part of debugging process:

-repair error; -locate error; -design error repair; -re-test

Select all factor influencing group working: (choose 4)

- Group cohesiveness - Group communications - Group composition - Group organization

The architectural description of a system must include: (select all needed statements)

- The specification of quality attributes -The description of the design in terms of software structures that will implement those properties.

What is true about UML stereotypes?

A stereotype is used for extending the UML language.

What is design?

Requirements specification about what the system will do.

What is the meaning of the subsets constraint in the diagram?

The collection of d is a subset of the collection of b for each C

Software architecture has two main aspects:

The control aspect The data flow aspect

What does the symbol in the exhibit represent inside UML 2.0 state-machine diagrams? /Servin Customer in an ellipse/

Composite state

What is Semantic data model?

'Entity-Relation-Attribute' model

Select all CORRECT statements for user requirements: (Choose 3)

- They describe functional requirements - They describe non-functional requirements - They are defined using natural language, tables and diagrams as these can be understand by users

What is UML (select all correct answers):

-UML is a modeling language, a notation used to express and document designs -UML proposes a standard for technical exchange of models and designs -UML defines a "meta-model", a diagram that defines the syntax of the UML notation

The basic architecture design process is composed of following steps: (select all needed)

-Understand the problem. -Identify design elements and their relationships. -Evaluate the architecture design. -Transform the architecture design

Which are valid relationships in Use Case Diagrams? (Choose 4)

-Use -Generalization -Include -Extend

Select all UML diagrams which are NOT structure diagrams: (choose 2)

-Use case diagram -Timing diagram

Select all generic software process models:

-Waterfall model -Evolutionary development -Component-based engineering

Broad category of the SW word

-applications -systems

What is one of the key challenges facing software engineering?

-heterogeneity; -delivery; -risk; -legacy; -trust

Non-functional requirements have 3 basic types:

-product; -organizational; -external

Select all correct statements about software engineering:

-software engineering is part of process concerned with developing the application and databases in the system; -software engineering is part of process concerned with developing the software infrastructure and control in the system

Select all statements that are NOT types of evolutionary development:

-spiral -incremental development

Project risks affect:

-the quality of the software being developed; -schedule or resources; -the performance of the software being developed

Requirements should be checking for:

-validity; -consistency; -completeness; -realism; -verifiability

Put activities of systems engineering process in right order:

1. Requirements definition 2. System design 3. Sub-system development 4. System integration 5. System installation 6. System evolution 7. System decommissioning

Connect project's risks and risk management strategies:

1. Staff illness - Reorganize team so that there is more overlap of work and people therefore understand each other's jobs 2. Organizational restricting - Prepare a briefing document for senior management showing how the project is making a very important contribution to the goals of the business 3. Underestimated development time - Investigate buying in components; investigate use of program generator 4. Recruitment problems - Alert customer of potential difficulties and the possibility of delays, investigate buying-in components 5. Defective components - Replace potentially defective components with bought-in components of known reliability

Technology is generally divided into five categories. Link categories with their correct descriptions

1. Tangible - Blueprints, models, operating manuals, prototyping 2. Intangible - Consultancy, problem-solving, and training methods 3. High - Entirely or almost entirely automated and intelligent technology that manipulates ever finer matter and ever powerful forces 4. Intermediate - Semi-automated partially intelligent technology that manipulates refined matter and medium level forces 5. Low - Labor-intensive technology that manipulates only coarse or gross matter and weaker forces

Ten employees in a department can submit an expense form to have their expenses repaid. The manager is required to approve the expense forms. How many actors have we described?

2 actors

Let us denote sending of p as !p and receiving p as ?p. Which trace defines the interaction N in the exhibit?

<!p, !q, ?q, ?p>

Select distribution of costs depends on the development model that is used

A - Long-life systems, В - Iteration development; C - Waterfall; D - Component-based development

The "Client-Server" model is:

A distributed system model which shows how data and processing is distributed across a range of components

Select all elements that are NOT parts of UML Activity diagram's notation:


Select all elements that are parts of UML Statechart diagram's notation:

Action State Transition Guard

Select the corrrect type of UML diagram:

Activity diagram

What is NOT a part of security SD3 model:

All answers are correct

Select the correct statement for the "Process":

All answers are correct statements

Select the correct statement for the "Best practice?"

All answers are correct statements.

Select the correct statement to the "Method"

All answers are correct statements.

Select the correct statement for 'Methodology':

All answers are correct.

What is correct assertion about 'state' as an element of UML State-machine diagram notation?

All answers are correct.

What is NOT a part of debugging process:

All answers are parts of debugging process. Or test & re-test

Select the Bloom's taxonomy level where professionals examine questions such as "Last five ways of increasing applications security and explain which ones have the highest security benefits. Provide references to support your statements."


Copyright law protects: (Choose 2)

Any work, that is fixed in a tangible medium of expression and which contains a modicum of originality The expression of an idea

The 10 steps are the cornerstone of structured project management (SPM). What is NOT a step of SPM?

Assign jobs to people

The main difference between COCOMO-81 and COCOMO-2 models is?

COCOMO 2 takes into account different approaches to software development and reuse.

What is a centralised control model?

Call-return model.

What is true about constraints in UML 2.0? (Choose 2)

Can be named Must be true to be satisfied

Select UML diagram that shows interaction between objects, but emphasize the structure required to support them:

Collaboration diagram.

What statement is NOT correct for the "Component based" development?

Components are less abstract than object classes

Select all cost pricing factors: (choose 4)

Cost estimate uncertainty Contractual terms Market opportunity Requirements volatility

When a customer uses a service to order books, the service contacts a commercial credit card validation service, an address verification service, and an internal client database. Assuming the Order Books process is modeled as one Use case at the system level, which actors would there be ?

Customer, Credit Card Validation Service, Address Verification service

"Constraint on the services of functions offered by the system such as timing constraints, constraints on the development process, standards, etc." is a description of:

Non-functional requirements

What is known as a fourth-generation language (4GL)?

Database programming language and environment OR The language + environment

Select all correct assertion about debugging (Choose 2):

Debugging involves formulating a hypothesis about program behavior then testing these hypotheses to find the system error. Debugging is concerned with locating and repairing these errors.

The first law of project managements says that there is a function of four variables that is constant. These variables are "Functionality", "Effort or Cost", "Quality" and : (select the correct statement) :

Delivery date

What statement is correct for software architecture:

Description of the software architecture is the output of architectural design process.

Select the INCORRECT statement for the "Design pattern"

Design patterns are sub-part of software patterns

What is a correct interpretation of following UML Class diagram:

Diagram shows that a university Department CAN contain lots of other Departments.

"Requirements that come from the application domain of the system and that reflect characteristics of that domain"

Domain requirements

What is NOT a description of viewpoint types

Engineers who have to develop and maintain the system

What is NOT a cost estimation technique?

Estimation by contractor productivity

What about event order is true for simple interactions? (choose 2)

Events are ordered from top to bottom of a lifeline in a simple sequence diagram The send event of a complete message comes before the receive event of the same message

Select the correct statement for the "Framework":

Framework is a partially complete software system that is intended to be instantiated

"Statements of services the system should provide, how the system should react to particular inputs and how the system should behave in particular situations."

Functional requirements

What is a main approach to concept reuse:

Generative programming

What is NOT correct for Pipe-and-Filter style?

High latency

Select all fundamental cost estimation questions: (Choose 3)

How much calendar time is needed to complete an activity? How much effort is required to complete an activity? What is the total cost of an activity?

Select a statement that describes a functional requirement

How the system should behave in particular situations

Order human needs in a correct manner - put roman numbers on the correct position in a pyramid:

I - Self-realization needs; II - Esteem needs; III - Social needs; IV - Safety needs; V - Physiological needs;

What is NOT a type of project's plan?

Integration plan.

Select the correct factor of increasing trend to outsource "offshore" the software development:

It does not matter that the supervision is retained, because the customer must always maintain a certain amount of supervision and coordination

Select a correct statement for the "requirement of software system"

It expresses the need and constraints placed on a product that contribute to the solution of some real-world problem

Select the correct statement for the 'Requirement'

It expresses the needs and constraints placed on a software product that contribute to the solution of some real-world problem.

Select the correct statement for the "Architectural design"

It identifies the sub-systems making up a system and the framework for sub-system control and communication

Select the correct statement for the 'Architectural topology':

It is a connected graph of components and connectors that describes architectural STRUCTURE. OR /all answers are correct/

What is TRUE about Software engineering?

It is concerned with theories, methods and tools for professional software development

Select the correct definition of 'Insourcing':

It is the use of consultants and contractors who work along with employees to deliver on projects and assignments.

Select the CORRECT statement for the "Detailed design"

It shows the inner structure of the main modules

What does an association specify?

Links between instances of associated types

Select the CORRECT statement for the "Milestone"

Milestone is the end-point of a process activity

Data flow diagrams may be used: (Choose 2)

Model the system's data processing/response to events Show the data exchange between a system and other systems in its environment

What is NOT a canonical building block for architecture design?


What is NOT a canonical building block for architecture design?


What is NOT strength of Layered systems?


What is an architecture and system characteristics?

Performance Security Safety Availability Maintainability

What is NOT a software engineering method:

Process constraints (descriptions of activities' constraints)

The effective software project management focuses on four P's: the People, the Product, the Process, the Project. "To develop a reasonable project plan we have to functionally decompose the problem to be solvable" describes:

Product-oriented activity

Complete the diagram of waterfall model description:

Requirment definition -> System and software design -> Implementation and unit testing -> Integration and system testing -> Operation and maintenance

Select the correct statement for the "Scenarios"

Scenarios are real-life examples of how a system can be used

What is NOT part of the SD3 model:

Secure in Development

What is not a key challenge facing software engineering?


Connect architecture and system characteristics with their descriptions:

Security - Use layered architecture with critical asserts in the inner layers Maintainability - Use fine grain, replaceable components Safety - Localize safety-critical features in a small number of sub-systems Availability - Include redundant components and mechanisms for fault tolerance Performance - Localize critical operations and minimize communications

Staff motivation is a complex and there are different types of motivation based on human need hierarchy. The characteristics "Provide communal facilities" and "Allow informal communications" are used to describe.

Social human needs

Why Use UML? (select all correct answers)

Standardized notation without sacrificing specialized model data Increased customer involvement /understanding of problem translation to product solution Common language that can be used from product conception to delivery, from system to detailed design levels

Select the correct statement for the "Algorithm"

Step by step procedure designed to perform an operation, and which (like map or flowchart) will lead to the sought result if followed correctly.

What is NOT a part of a structured set of activities required to develop a software system?


Which symbol depicts an Accept Event Action?

The 4th.

What is the correct statement for the "Software architecture":

The description of the software architecture is the output of architectural design process

What does the diagram in the exhibit show inside UML 2.0 class diagrams?

The diagram shows that a university Department CAN CONTAIN lots of other Departments

Select the correct statement for the 'Shrink-wrap' license:

The license agreements are attached inside the packaging of their products

Select the correct statement for the 'Click-wrap' license:

The license is included on the computer screen before the installation than on the box.

What is the principal use of system prototyping?

The principal use is to help customers and developers understand the requirements for the system

What is NOT a reason for users to decide to buy a new system software:

They are computer professionals

What is a correct a assertion for UML Interaction diagrams:

They demonstrate the behaviour of several objects when executing a single use case.

What is upper level CASE tools:

Tools to support the early process activities of requirements and design

In the exhibit what is the minimum number of threads that can be running during the execution of the activity diagram?


Lifeline is a part of notation of:

UML Sequence diagram.

In the exhibit, which use case does NOT need to be available to meet the goals of an actor using Use Case D

Use Case C

What is NOT correct about UML use cases?

Use case is a description of sequences of interactions performed by a given system to produce a result for an actor. (false because it is a sequence of actions...)

Which statement most accurately describes the UML concept of actors?

Users, external systems, or sensors may be actors

Which software quality process is described by "Are we building the right product"?


Which software quality process is described by "Are we building the product right?"


Connect terms with their description -

Verification - the software should conform to its specification Testing - it is concerned with locating and repairing these errors Validation - the software should do what the user really requires Debugging - it can show the presence of faults in a system

What is a state of system evaluation?

define system requirements; assess existing system; propose system changes; modify system

What is NOT a stage of component-based software engineering?

deployment and evaluation

What is the correct interpretation for the multiplicities in UML?

each Job is for one employer and one employee, each Company has any number of employees and each Person has any number of employers

Which relationship between two use cases, can be described as "the child use case adds to the existing functionality and characteristics of the parent use case"?


Function points are based on a combination of program characteristics.

external inputs external interfaces user interactions files used by the system

What is NOT an alternative of natural language specification?

form-based specifications OR tabular specification

Architectural styles are:

generalized computational models that are devoid of specific application domain functionality.

Sequence diagrams show:

how the different entities relate to each other

Create a Design Structure Matrix (DSM) for described system with following diagram: o x x x x o x x x o x x o x x x o x x o x x o

Connect the blocks with arrows /static & dynamic V&V/

Put in a correct order UML Class diagram notation elements (use picture below): A - association B - abstract class C - generalization D - multiplicity E - role name F - operation G - attributes

Draw connections between stages of system evolution

Put activities in right places on the picture: a. Problem definition b. Architectural design c. Review and Assesment d. Requirments Elicitation and Analysis

The number of defects in a program increases:

linearly with its size; exponentially with its complexity

Probability and seriousness of each risk should be assessing. What is not a probability?

middle; catastrophic

New software can be created by

reusing generic software, configuring existing software

What is concerned with identifying risks and drawing up plans to minimize their effect on a project?

risk management

Who should read system requirements?

software developer; system architect

Select a spiral model process activities described by next definition: "The process of establishing what services are required and the constraints on the system's operation and development"

software specification

What is a problem of evaluation development?

systems are often poorly structured; special skills (in languages for rapid prototyping) may be required

Distribution of costs depends on:

the development model that is used

Software engineers should use appropriate tools and techniques depending on:

the problem to be solved; the development constraints; the resources available

Select all correct statements for fat-client model:

the server is only responsible for data management; the software on the client implements the application logic and the interaction with the system user

The objective of managing software life cycle processes is to:

to implement new or better processes in actual practices, be they individual, project, or organizational.

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