Software Testing Midterm Questions
This CMMI level has a characteristic of using quantified data for making decisions. It also analyzes and improves processes based on data
In JUnit, which annotation indicates that a method should run before the entire test
Before the whole class once
@BeforeClass Public static void setUpOnce{ system.out.println("Hello"); }
In JUnit, which annotation indicates a method to be a test case?
readfile example
@Test public void testReadFile() throws Exception{ File file = new File("./message.txt"); List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(file, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); System.out.println(lines); }
This type of testing is end-to-end testing done by the users
Unchecked exceptions: CodingBat
Arithmetic exceptions: Checked
In the AAA style of Unit testing. AAA stands for
Arrange - _Act__- Assert
The conjuction effect makes you
Ascribe a higher likelihood to combination events rather than to either single event
Test most expensive
Assert.assertEquals("Bugatti", ds.getInventory().getSize().getMostExpensive());
A defect in code manifests as a
You execute a test script and the actual behavior is not what you expected, to resolve the dissonance you decide to modify the script to match the software behavior. What are you succumbing to?
Cognitive dissonance
___ refers to the tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms ones's beliefs or hypotheses
Confirmation bias
In JUnit, to compare floating point values, the ____ refers to the maximum difference between expected and actual for which both numbers are still considered equal.
Verification is
Ensuring that the product is built correctly
Validation is
Ensuring that the right product is built
Testing in and of itself improves quality of the software.
The later a defect is found the more inexpensive it is to fix it
This is a latent error in the software waiting to be manifest through specific usage scenarios
Always (,) for Assert.assertEquals(expected,actual)
For double value, add delta value like 0.01 Assert.assertEquals("495677", ds.getInventory().getAverage(), 1);
Public void testLoadfromWeb(){ Create dealership : Dealership ds = new Dealership(); Grab url and paste Ds.loadInventoryFromWeb(paste url); Assert the inv into loading Assert.assertEquals(9, ds.getInventory().getSize());
How to load from web
When a developer marks a bug as "no repro", what does that mean?
It means the bug is not reproducible and some clarification is needed
Which of the following does NOT lead to the resolution of a dissonance?
Punish the person who gave you the dissonant belief (shoot the messenger)
Software testing pertains to___
Quality control
__ is about defining and assessing the adequacy of software
Software quality assurance
Define software testing.
Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors
public final void writeObject(Object x) throws IOException
The above method serializes an Object and sends it to the output stream.
Notice that for a class to be serialized successfully, two conditions must be met −
The class must implement the interface. All of the fields in the class must be serializable. If a field is not serializable, it must be marked transient.
public final Object readObject() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
This method retrieves the next Object out of the stream and deserializes it.
Enforcing coding standards is an example of a SQA practice
In JUnit, the pattern is: assertEquals(expected, actual)
The goal of QA is to improve development and test processes so that defects do not arise when the product is being developed
serialization example
import*; public class SerializeDemo { public static void main(String [] args) { Employee e = new Employee(); = "Reyan Ali"; e.address = "Phokka Kuan, Ambehta Peer"; e.SSN = 11122333; e.number = 101; try { FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/employee.ser"); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fileOut); out.writeObject(e); out.close(); fileOut.close(); System.out.printf("Serialized data is saved in /tmp/employee.ser"); } catch (IOException i) { i.printStackTrace(); } } }
exception ex
public class VehicleTooCheapException extends Exception { private int price; public void setPrice(int price) throws VehicleTooCheapException { if(price < 50000){ System.out.println("Vehicle is priced too low"); throw new VehicleTooCheapException(); } this.price = price; } }
exception example
public class VehicleTooOldException extends Exception { private int modelYear; public void modelYearIs(int modelYear) throws VehicleTooOldException { if (modelYear < 2010) { System.out.println("This vehicle is way too old! (nah not really)"); throw new VehicleTooOldException(); } this.modelYear = modelYear; }