There are 3 numerals in the rating scale, what do each of the numerals represent?
1st numeral- endomorphy 2nd numeral- mesomorphy 3rd numeral- ectomorphy
Average somatotype for males
Average somatotype for females
What did the original somatotyping scale go up to? What is the other most widely used somatotyping scale? What does it go up to?
Sheldon's somatotyping scale goes up to 7, the Heath-Carter Somatotyping scale goes up to 12 to accommodate extreme body types
Qualities of these three things are assigned by an individual to their own body in terms of personalized standards
Size Shape Attractiveness
Primary determinants of body appearance
Skeleton Muscle Fat
What can you tell about the correlation of the intensity of a sport and somatoplot distribution?
The higher the level/intensity of the sport the lower the variation in body types (somatoplot distribution)
Body Image
The picture an individual has of his/her own body which they form in their mind.
Who developed somatotyping? Describe it.
W.H.Sheldon 3 primary groups of body build 1. Endomorphy- relative predominance of soft roundness 2. Mesomorphy- relative predominance of muscle, bone, and connective tissue 3. Ectomorphy- relative predominance of linearity and fragility
Problems with somatotyping
doesn't tell you anything about a person's height or about body proportionality
Females are more_______ and less __________ than males
endomorphic mesomorphic
endomorphic mesomorph
Both male and female athletes are more _________ and less _______ than non-athletes of their same age
mesomorphic endomorphic
mesomorphic endomorph
quantitative description of an individual's present structure and body composition
Sexual dimorphism
when distribution of the male physique types differs from that of female physique types
__________ method of somatotyping has been extensively used on athletes
What's the heritability% for each of the three primary components of body build
Mesomorphy- 85% Ectomorphy- 65% Endomorphy-28%