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explain L'ovolah ul shomrah

- to serve and protect - links to the idea of stewardship - idea is built off the jewish law central on the shabbat day of rest and also the shimtan the sabbatical year - which requires the land to be rested every 7 years. - Jews believe environmental core is critical as god is the creator and his adherents are called to care for this creation

belief of rational humanism

- that human progress through rational thought could be utilised to better quality of life - supports use of reason compassion equality morality and ethics to build better future.

what is atheism a product of

- the enlightenment movement in 17th century - E.G Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution contributed to radical progress as drive of Atheism

mishneh torah contains

- three books - Book of knowledge to deal with belief study of torah and repentance - Thirteen books which contains jewish ritual like shabbar and civil law - Notion of the messiah contains time which jewish messiah would walk through earth

moses maim is a

theologist philosphers rabbi physician

relevance today gfp

wexner foundation - trains jewish leaders in the united states to promote rational reasoning within the confines of spiritual that reflect the teachings of the guide for the perplexed


worship of multiple deities = individual personalities E.g. Ancient Egypt

immigration 1945-1970

- End of WW2 = immigration from europe which results in growth in - Catholic and introduction of Orthodox and Judaism - Judaism remained fairly steady at 1%

what led to mabo case

- 1970's QLD Gov took away rights of Mer people - Mabo took this to court and lost - Ended up in High Court which decided in favor of Meriam people = 3rd June 1992 - Gave back ownership and recognize principle of Native Title

NSW Ecumenical Council

- 1982 with 16 churches - Auspice of NCCA - Allows different churches to reflect upon theology in united way - Local initiatives to promote ecumenism - Unite denominations so churches have platform to address social justice issues - E.g House of Welcome

national council of churches

- 1994 was formed with Catholic + 14 other churches (Anglican, Greek Orth, Rom Cath) - Mission statement = Express the uniting will of Christ and work together towards fulfillment of mission and common interest - Common prayer, missions, sacraments

Interfaith Prayer services:

- 1996 John Paul II held in The Domain - 2001 Prayers for Peace after 9/11

Columban Centre for Christian Muslim Relations:

- 1997 - Operated in ACU - Foster relationships with Muslim community - Address misconceptions and stereotyping - Abraham Conference

example of christianity and religion

- 2001 Pope issues apology 7 years before Gov - "Through your closeness to the land you touched the sacredness of man's relationship with God" John Paul II

stolen gen

- Aboriginal children removed 1900-1972 by Gov to assimilate to european society - Couldn't learn or fulfill ritual responsibilities - Many suffered maltreatment, sexual exploitation, inhumane working conditions and degrading forms of humiliation in their adopted homes - Loss of language, land, culture, identity, purpose - Aboriginal children removed from their homes between 1900 and 1972 by government and church missionaries in attempt to assimilate them into european society

new age religions have aspect of

- Adopt elements of Eastern Religions - Astrology, numerology, paganism - Stray from traditional religious practices - Liberal and freedom

islam and reconciliation

- Aus Fed of Islamic Councils and Buddhist Peace Fellowship made statements of support - Islam history of interaction with Ab and Torres Strait Islanders


- Belief that evidence supposed to prove existence of God is insufficient - If there is enough evidence in future such matters could change - Believe existence in God is still a possibility


- Belief that natural occurrences could be attributed to spirits = spirits dwell within trees, rocks etc - E.g Aboriginal Spirituality and Shinto

custom of veiling at wedding

- Bride is veilied as rebecca was before isaac, the groom lifts the veil to confirm his wife as unfolded in the story of Leah and Jacob in Gen

aims of ifd

- Build tolerance - Strongly promote issues such as equality and peace - Means of mediation and community interaction - Unifying of beliefs and not conversion yet tolerance

obligations to the land and people

- Cannot separate land from spirituality = Inextricably connected, never broken apart - Land is a physical medium in which dreaming is lived out - Rituals on land connected to sacred sites where the dreaming rite occur - Land is the meeting point where tribe derive identity is their relationships

immigration 1970's - 1990's

- Change in government policy = end of White Australia Policy - Start of targeted immigration from Asia - In addition Vietnam War + Civil War - Results immigration from Vietnam and Philippines - Results in growth in Christianity → Catholics Introduction of Buddhism and Islam

denominational switching

- Changing within christian denomination - More common in protestant denominations which has seen growth from 90's - 2011 - Their target audience is 15-30yr olds with revolving door system

christianity and reconciliation

- Churches think Aboriginal beliefs aren't incompatible with Christian faith - Church of Reconciliation in Redfern - Incorporation of smoking ceremonies, music, art, Aboriginal ministries

examples of ifd

- Columban Centre for Christian Muslim Relations - Affinity intercultural Foundation - Interfaith prayer service

interfaith dialogue

- Cooperation between people of different religious traditions - Building affirmative relations between people of different religious traditions

importance of dreaming for LRM

- Dreaming and land = inextricably connected = needs to be expressed - Land = birth and provides for all their needs and shaped by Ancestors in dreamtime - Identity tied to land and without land cannot access sacred sites or ancestors - Fulfill totemic responsibilities - Land Rights Movement = Legal process in place enabling Indigenous to claim NT = connecting with land

positives of mishneh torah

- Easy way to understand law in search for him - Book teaches how to act in all situations - Contributed to development yet did not endear to traditionalists who thought there would be excessive reliance on code leaving aside talmud and torah

what is scientific humanism

- Emphasis on science and technology to address issues of poverty, social inequalities and global issues faced by contemporary societies. - Sir Julian Huxley first director of UNESCO founded it

principles of atheism

- Everything has evolved by a natural scientific process without supernatural intervention - No god or ultimate reality = humanity has no goal = no afterlife - Failure of evidence to prove existence of transcendent reality - Reactive philosophy that denies existence of God

examples of nsw ecu councils

- Formation of Uniting Church in 1997 - Most signficant ecumenical movement in Aus history - UCA represents 1.1million Aussies - 3rd denomination

what did wik decision provide

- Gave Wik peoples right to camp and hunt on land as well as rituals and ceremonies - Focus of legislation = transfer from Fed Gov to State Govs power to upgrade Leasehold Title to Freehold Title = extinguishing NT - Amendments = 10 point Plan

explain god is creator ethic

- God is the creator of all things in the universe - It is good and perfect and was a set balance. - This is a biocentric view that highlights that human and animals have a close relationship

Affinity Intercultural Foundation: 2001

- Group of young aussie muslims who wanted to extend interaction between muslims and aussies - Integration, tolerance, understanding through dialogue and education

rise of materalism

- Growth of materialism is influence on rise of new religions - Materialism offers little acknowledgement of spiritual dimension in human - Many traditional religions seem to be caught in accumulating wealth - Poverty and unemployment can be reasons to seek newer religions to solve ecological and economic problems - Fear we are wasting irreplaceable resources to build wealth and power

halakalah and haggadah for sources

- Halachah is concerned with legal matters and refers to jewish religious law - Contained in first 5 books (Torah) and takes form of series of obligations prescribed by 613 mitzvot and many of these mitzvot have an impact on jewish environmental ethics - Aggadah is non legal tradition and in context of jewish environmental ethics it includes discussions on environmental issues such as cutting down trees; anecdotes and folklore

Disenchantment with 'traditional' religious practice and guidance

- Hierarchical structures of power don't allow them to have a say - Traditional religions are communities of ageing populations - Traditional rituals don't provide significant involvement - Traditional religions are constitutions of the past not answering modern issues

what did high court decide for wik

- High Court decided NT + Pastoral leases = co-exist - Dispute = NT claims over rided

meaning and purpose for individual

- Human activities = search for understanding of greater questions - Significant questions = origin, purpose, destiny of humankind - Religion attempts to set down guidelines to answer those while providing coherence - Not straightforward answers - Framework for meaning and direction - Belonging in community - Ritual practices = strengthen relo w deity = renewing bond

beliefs of a humanist

- Humans have control over their own destinies since supernatural intervention is impossible - Human endeavour, experience, intelligence and compassion are foundations for all moral values

religious contribution to human dimension

- Important role on a personal and societal level - Meaning and purpose to person - Assisted to bind society = affirming entrenched traditions - Provided counter cultural criticism regarding inequality by status quo - Social level contribution = paradoxical one

impacts of NSW Ecumenical council

- Removes discriminatory and sectarian attitudes - Moves Aus to multiculturalism - Uniting voice for issues - Commitment to social justice


- Represent nation, clan and family group - Totems are preordained - Link individual to world around them as well as responsible to protect it - Responsibilities to a totem provide purpose for one's identity within kinship

scientfic progress

- Science and tech are moving too quick without consideration to consequences - Developments like cloning divert humans from natural purpose - Misuse of science and tech cause disruption - To combat progress of science they turn to simple lifestyles - Holistic medicine and popular psychology

positives of gfp

- Influential because assisted in search for him - Find harmony and differentiation between jewish theology and philosophy - rational basis of torah teachings crucial enabling judaism to stand threat of philosophy - Cultivated society adherents engaging with intellect and reason instead of blind faith


- Involves justice, recognition, healing - Moving forward to a better understanding of the past and how it affects indigenous people today - Honoring first australians and adopting practical methods to address disadvantages - Improving indigenous peoples future

judaism and reconciliation

- Jewish groups hold week of prayer for reconciliation every year - Union for Progressive Judaism voiced support for wik decision - 2000 Executive Council for Australian Jewry urged Ausgov to implement recommendations made by national inquiry into separation of ab. Children from families

application L'ovolah ul shomrah

- Link to climate change - Resting the land can reduce the amount of carbon emissions and promotes safeguarding and protection of the environment - Jewish ecology coalition - Jewish national fund support - The australian environmental association - who have a current focus on rural australia and water conservation

separation from land

- Loss of identity which is connected to land and Dreaming - Disruption of one's purpose - Cultural practices and ceremonies cant be carried out - Unable to draw on spirituality from ancestor spirits - Loss of land leads to burden of not being able to fulfill ritual responsibilities

importance of marriage

- Marriage is for companionship, love and intimacy Gen 2:18 and 22-25 - Procreation is just one purpose of marriage but it is considered a gift - Marriage has an obvious impact on the couple as it reflected their sense of commitment to each other, god and their faith

growth of ecoligical awareness

- More aware of damage that current lifestyle has on environment - Turning to new religions to engage in stewardship of planet - Traditional religions may neglect environmental protection

liturgical sources for environ ethics

- Most evident through prayer life of jew - Aleinu prayer gives thanks for adonais creation while acknowledging the repair for the world and holy empire - Links directly to Tikkun Olam while calling believers into state of action and healing - Actions reflected in reforestation, animal breeding programs and repairs of damaged/polluted landscapes.

mystical sources for environ ethics

- Mystical streams known as kabbalah present significant opportunity from immersion in ethical ways of thinking in a post industrialised world - Awareness that 'all is one. All is self' recognising the unity and oneness of all creation - Provides direct spiritual and moral link back to ancient religious sources - Prominent thinkers like Maimonides or Abraham provide important contribution

seek in ethical guidelines

- New tech and environmental issues, people seeking alternatives - Due to traditions being too slow in addressing issues of global warming or cloning

two examples of new age rel

- Numerology = divine relationship between numbers and events, corresponding to cosmic vibration. - Astrology = zodiac originating in ancient babylon, 12 signs mirror constellations.

1990's onwards

- Ongoing global conflicts in middle east and africa - Globalisation - Immigration from countries like iraq suan malaysia = increase in islam - Introduction of hinduism

talmud as a source for environ ethics

- Oral tradition recorded in talmud by jewish scholars between 2-5 centuries CE - Second source of environmental ethics - Talmudic literature employs halakalah and haggadah which have implications for jewish environmental ethics


- Persons moiety determined by mother's side or father's side - People who share same moiety are considered siblings

tenakh sources for environ ethics

- Principal and authoritative source for jewish environmental ethics - Provides principles to determine ethics of current as well as emerging environmental issues like nuclear pollution and global warming - Contains halakalah and haggadah

social cohesion

- Religion reinforces traditional beliefs = forcing social cohesion = affirming beliefs + practices


- Religion should not interfere with the running of society - Due to increasing pluralism there is no mono faith - Materialism and individualism spirituality is ignored - Greater trust in science and belief in supernatural is contradictory to beliefs

religion and social justice

- Religious groups have been campaigning for social justice, equality and advocating rights that have been marginalised - Often forefront of campaigns addressing issues = poverty global conflict, economic inequality - Values of peace equality and tolerance derive from sacred writings and leaders

religious dissonance

- Religious traditions see a limited role for interfaith dialogue → Quran legitimises killing of Non Muslims = George Pell → Totally subjective dismissal of one of the world great religions = Keysar Trad

seek for personal fulfillment

- Seeking alternative ways to traditional religious to attain personal fulfillment - E.g. yoga, tai chi, crystals - Traditional religions seem distant or structured thus aren't personal


- System of networks of relationships that govern interactions and responsibilities - Elder bob randall = refers to kinship as completeness of the oneness - Governs land dancing ceremonies hunting parties and raising children

custom of chuppah at wedding

- The bridge and groom stand under a chuppah (canopy), symbolic of their living together. - The chuppah represents the covering of God and the new home for the couple after marriage - Seven blessings are recited under the chuppah

importance of sacred texts n marriage

- The marriage rite does not rely on the use of sacred texts to make present the ethical teachings about marriage to any significant extent - Various rituals are derived from the Hebrew scriptures and these assist the practicising Jew in maintaining a knowledge of certain parts of the Torah and other parts of the Hebrew Bible.

seek to clarify their relo w society

- Traditional religions don't cater for various needs of people - When individual seeks clarification in new religion it gives them sense of empowerment in community = more involvement and worth

efforts of reconciliation

- Walk for Reconciliation on 27th May 2000 - 250 000 people walked across Sydney Harbour - Sorry Day 2008 - National Apology - Applied pressure to Government from religious attitudes and organisations - 2015 Gov = Abbott Gov = held dialogue with indigenous leaders to look at prospect of including indigenous people in Aus constitution

social transformation's paradoxical role

- Whilst it can be used to uphold traditional institutions, values and practice it is used as tool which criticises the very structures, customs and beliefs of its own societies

positives of commentary on mishnah

- accessible - written in vernacular - shows study of torah and talmud strengthening communities - links oral torah with core texts


- action of depriving someone of possessions inlcluding property and land - regards the forced removal of aboriginal people from the land as a result of White Australian Government policies

describe gfp

- address relo between religion and philosophy to demonstrate jewish beliefs have rational thought - Divided into three which addresses nature of god - Written in context of resurgence of classical philosophy presenting threat he aimed at guiding those who adhered torah and studied philosophy -

describe philosophy of humanism

- based on belief that since there is no evidence to prove supernatural beings then this life and world only matters

commentary on the mishnah is the

- beliefs - comprehensive commentary on tractates of the mishnah - accentuated importance of history of talmud - formulated 13 principles regarding main three -

4 major literary works

- commentary on the mishnah - book of commandments - mishneh torah - guide for perplexed

define the dreaming

- complex concept that incorporates the entirety of aboriginal spirituality and culture. embracing the creative era long past of the ancestral beings as well as present and future - encompasses metatemporal aboriginal view of creation and explains how their identity is connected to the land ancestors and spiritual beings in an inextricable way.

book of commandments positives

- composed in vernacular - accessible tool as pre text to mishneh torah - makes judaism more relevant to every day - simplistic

contract in jewish wedding notes

- contract known as ketabuh drawn between two people - spells out several matters like obligations of partners, issues relating to inheritance, support for children and provision for wife for divorce - similar to prenupital agreements - often are physically very elaborate works of calligraphy and displayed at wedding

background of moses maim

- fatimid caliphs allowed jews to practice religion - father passes after arrival in fostad - brother david lost at sea with familys fortune - 1183 appointed as physician at court of sultan - richard lionheart of england sought medical services - 1204 passed away and buried in holy city of tiberias

outline jewish ethics

- focus on relo btwn god and humans and chosen people - covenant understood as framework governing relo btwn god and people - covenant at heart of ethics - basis for laws articulated in mitzvot

book of commandments summary

- lists 613 dictated in torah - divided them into positive and negative - compartmentalizes extensive halakhic study - simple version of of jewish faith and laws - applies judaism to everyday

sources to determine environ ethics

- liturgical - mystical - halakalah and haggadah - talmud - tenakh

separation from kinship groups

- loss of language, oral tradition, beliefs, laws, rituals, - Separation from groups = destruction of kinship system - Ruined critical part of passing on dreaming stories, practices and responsibilities - Displaces from spirituality and identity - Policies led to degradation in communities - Assimilation made people forget about heritage as well as forced removal

contribution of commentary on mishnah

- made Jewish law (and beliefs) easily accessible without large amounts of study of Talmud - 13 principles of faith - Jewish creed is still used and found in most Jewish prayer books → Orthodox

charter for weddings

- marriage is ideal state - the way to emotional and spiritual fulfillment - basic social institution in judaism - provides physical fulfilment in form of sexual expression - personal relationship and holy covenant bound by contract

money to indicate marriage notes

- not to purchase as slave but to exchange as a willingness to give and recieve - mishnah suggests copper coin of no value is sufficient yet this has turned into giving of rings w two witnesses

time of marriage

- over 18 - take place on any day except shabbat and festivals - usually sunday and in arvo

what are jewish ethics based on

- primarily on the laws and teachings that have been handed down in the tenakh and more importantly the torah - Essence of judaism of ethical teachings is Genesis story in which god creates all.

intro to major literary works of moses maim

- prolific writer of important works in fields of jewish law medicine philosphy - mainly written in vernacular (arabic) - contribution ot growth of judaism bc venarcular - also the responsa (teshuvot) collection of correspondence between him and other authorities - took jewish law and applied it to situations and codes it for audiences applying it to situations.

participants of wedding

- public ceremony - couple make vows publicly - two witnesses families and friends - rabbi usually officiates or any other observant jew - minyan is required to be present for the blessing

what is kiddushin

- refers to betrothal - more binding than concept of engagement - arrangement to marry with specification of terms and process involved - couple are committed to each other and personal status has changed

what is nissuin

- refers to process itself - the legal act where a couple declare they are married and accept each other as partners

ceremonial life

- rites of passage, passing info, facilitating personal connections, facilitating spiritual connections - links between people land and identity - ceremonies represent present part of time and passing on and maintaining beliefs and practices and connects to kinship - acknowledge a creation event - show the metaphysical presence of the dreaming world in the real world.

historical context moses maim

- sephardic jew (from spain) - family dervies from judges and education - leadership in community - 1148 fanatical almohads islamic sect invaded spain - Family given option of exile death or conversion they fled from spain and morocco - After years of displacement maimon family settled in fostad near cairo egypt

contribution of Moses Maimonides to Judaism

- sought to consolidate jewish communities in the face of the dual threats of persecution from muslim communities - challenges of classical philosophy by advising jewish communities on significant areas of controversy and with his literary works - Encourages study of sacred texts - developed the 13 articles of jewish faith which would become basis for many jewish credla statements

place for marriage

- synagogue or outside but always under chuppah

describe the mishneh torah

- systematic codification of halakhic law - Extensive commentary on talmud cover ethical conduct civil laws marriage and poor

scripture tikkun olam

- talmudic principle where it states 'see to it that you do not destroy my world for if you do there will be no one else to repair it

the torah and talmud on marriage

- torah gives little guidance regarding the procedures for marrying - Talmud explains the form of the marriage rite ensuring the key beliefs about marriage are made present in the rituals - Talmud specifies the role played by the ketubah in the marriage rite reinforcing the belief that marriage is a holy covenant a contractual relationship.

customs at wedding

- veiling - chuppah - ring and declaration - glass smashing

thoughts of not marrying

- very important - it is rare someone would choose a life of celibacy and is discouraged especially for the men. - talmud suggests that a person without a wife is not a complete person and that their life is without vibrancy, joy and love

describe responsa

- wrote various responsa to answer numerous queries which were directed to him from jews from all over the world - deal with a broad spectrum of issues ranging from religion philosophical problems to matters dealing with the jewish law and to explanations of complex torah passages

what are the principle ethics

1. God is the creator 2. Bal Tashchit 3. L'ovolah ul shomrah 4. Tikkun Olam

why does Judaism consider marriage to be a religious obligation for three major reasons

1. To bear children in fulfillment of Gods blessing Gen 1:28 2. To provide a strong foundation for one's dealings with society 3. And to establish family life in a loving home. Indeed jewish people consider the home to be like a 'little temple' Ezekiel 11:16 where family members find rest and serve each other with love and compassion.

years of moses maim


year commentary of mishnah composed


what year was guide for perplexed written in


mishneh torah composed in

12 century

book of commandments written in

12th century

relevance today of MM

Maimonides participation and involvement in interfaith dialogue has influenced contemporary jewish involvement in interfaith initiatives such as the Jewish Muslim Christian Association

orthodox view on mamimonides' texts

Orthodox jews closely study the work of maimonides in yeshivot (study) all around the world

what are people interested in for new age rel

Search for meaning, individual fulfillment and spirituality

zionists views on maimonides' texts

Zionists have a high regard for him because he declared that it is a mitzvah to take possession of israel and to live in it.

when was christianity established as a major rel in aus

first census after 1945 which was 1947

2011 census facts

Aboriginal people make up 2.7% of Aus population and 20% of prison population 20% unemployment rate amongst indigenous australians Suffer drug induced mental disorders at 5 times the national average rate Schizophrenia at double the national average expectation Life Expectancy= Men 69 yrs old Women 73 yrs old Suicide rate is double the normal Australian

scholar comment on L'ovolah ul shomrah

Daniel Fink: theologist- the sabbath is a tangible reminder that the creation is worth more than any monetary considerations.

application for bal tashchit

Deforestation Noah project - plants trees and promotes recycling Jewcology blogs, books, lectures, initiatives,

three waves of immigration were

1945-1970 1970-1990 1990+

how was uniting church formed

1977 several Australian churches united to create Uniting Church = congregational union of australia + methodist church + presbyterian church

mabo decision

1992 Mabo Decision = Terra Nullius overturned because Aus was occupied at time of settlement

what was the wik decision fighting for

1996 Wik People, Cape York argued that NT claim didn't extinguish with pastoral leases

when did catholicism make its first drop

1996 as a percentage of pop

contemp example of mishneh torah

2019 both orthodox and reformed study mishneh torah

maimonides on bal tashchit

Jews are prohibited to destroy articles of food they also cannot waste water

contribution of gfp

Legacy lives on with organisations such as the Wexner Foundation that trains Jewish leaders in the United States to promote rational reasoning of jduaism stemmed from GFTP

liberal and reform views on maimonides text

Liberal and reform jews have a high regard for the philosophical works of maimonides

when was native title passed

22nd Dec 1993, Government passed Native Title Act in response to Mabo.

relevance today for mishneh torah

BINA Jewish Education CEntre in Bondi - daily classes on the torah and talmud also includes the Mishneh Torah - practical implications these have on adherents daily life. - These classes run every day except friday and saturday. - These are known as jewish wisdom for life classes

scripture for god is creator ethic

Gen 1:1 Gen 1:26 Lev 14:1

scripture L'ovolah ul shomrah

Gen 2:15 Ex 20:8 Deut 11:15

custom of smashing glass at wedding

Groom smashes glass under right foot to symbolise the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem

arabic name for guide for perplexed

Moreh Nevukhim

joint statements

Need for Peace in Middle East by jewish and islamic communities

gov policies

Protection 1869-1901 Assimilation 1901-1950 Integration 1964-1972 Self determination 1970- present Multiculturalism 1972-present

Positive effects of social cohesion:

Provides communities with continuity and certainty Continuity is good for immigrants

application tikkun olam

Recycling and waste management Food and repair Pollution

Negative effects of social cohesion:

Reinforce values that may be unjust Authorising unjust situations

what is land rights movement

Religious and political movement of Aboriginal peoples to secure rights to their land and ensure continuation of their spiritualities which are inextricably connected to the land.

explain tikkun olam

Repair the world - requires jewish adherents to actively work towards repairing any ills in the world. - Jews aim to build a sustainable world and to reduce the unequal distribution of wealth and resources

scholar quote for god is creator ethic

Scholar solomon 1989 - Judaism consistently values human life. They are still respectful for all living things

scripture for bal tashchit

Talmud - shabbat - 140b Deut 20:19

responsa name


what is native title

The communal and or individual rights or interests of Aboriginal people or Torres Strait Islanders in relation to water or land

custom of ring and declaration at wedding

The groom places ring on bridges finger with declaration 'you are consecrated to me with this ring according to the law of Moses and Israel'

proof of native title

Their identity Traditional language Connection and responsibility to country Social and cultural system Ongoing spiritual connection to the land

explain bal tashchit

This principle highlights the need to not destroy or waste god's creation. In Judaism needless destruction is prohibited

how do couple indicate theyre married

Three ways according to Mishnah (kiddushin 1:10 that a couple may indicate theyre married - Money, Contract or Sexual Intercourse

why need ifd

To fight secularism 9/11, multiculturalism, Bali Bombs, ISIS Melb Attacks

application for god is creator ethic

Treatment of animals Organisation JIFA jewish initiative for animals have focus on animal testing

what was the precursor for the land rights movement

Wave Hill Walk Off in 1966, Wave Hill mob went on strike

language of gfp



belief in one god = all powerful and ever present

how was native title handed down

by mabo decision

13 Principles of Faith

found within jewish prayer book and are recited as a part of the Yigdal (morning prayer) at every orthodox synagogue services

what did european settlers bring

christian churches to aus = anglican roman catholic, methodists

aims of ecumenism

cooperation, tolerance and understanding

decline in christiantiy

decline in affiliation with christianity within aus population = secularisation = recognition humanist values equate with religious values

define atheism

doctrine which holds notion that no god or divine being exists and hence nothing divine exists outside of humanity

what time period fostered rational humanism

enlightenment period

two stages of jewish wedding

kiddushin Nissuin

what did the enlightenment period encourage (RH)

modern democracy and egalitarianism which is fundamental for RH


movement amongst christian communities to promote restoration of unity within christian denominations

what is leasehold title

right for someone to use land for limited period of lease and vacate at the end of period

book of commandments arabic name

sefer hamitzvot

Kaugnay na mga set ng pag-aaral

draft chapter 14 gene regulation in bacteria

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Concepts and Methods Used to Create Digital Animation

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Economics and Personal Finance- Module 1-40

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7.E.1.3 & 7.E.1.4 Air Masses, Storms and Predicting Weather

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