SPAN2330 midterm

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Conquest of the New World: Key Dates

-1492: Columbus arrived in the Caribbean -1504-14: expeditions in Central America and Southern US -1519-21: Hernan Coretes conquered the Aztec Empire -1532-3: Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incan Empire -1588: Defeat of Spanish Armada, fall of spanish empire, rise of english and dutch -1607: foundation of Jamestown Virginia, first English settlement -1620: Pilgrims in Massachusetts -1783: US independence

Dominican History

-1492: Columbus founds Santo Domingo, now the capital -1697: treaty divides island between Spanish (DR) and French (Haiti) -1791-1804: Haitian Revolution, slaves rise up and overthrow French -1822: Haitian government invades and occupies DR -1844: Haitian troops overthrown, independence -1916-24: US invades and occupies DR, citing government instability -1930-61: brutal dictator Rafael Leonidas trujillo dominates country until his assassination -1962: leftist Juan Bosch elected president -1965: US invades to drive out Bosch,, fearing "another Cuba" -1970s-president: corruption, debt, poverty drive emigration to US

Puerto Rican history

-1493: Columbus claims island for SPain, indigenous Taíno population wiped out by overwork and disease within decades -1898: Treaty of Paris: Spain cedes PR to the US, US sugar companies take over industry on the island -1917: Puerto Ricans are given US citizenship (just in time for WWI draft) -1947-51: Harry Truman grants partial self-government (constitution, election of governor) programs to bring Puerto Rican workers to US -1960s: US companies, especially pharmaceuticals, move to PR to take advantage of lower taxes. Many better jobs but emigration continues -2012, 2017, 2020: Plebiscites favoring statehood -2017: Hurricane Maria batters island, shows US response and mass emigration

Simón Bolívar

-1783: born in Caracas, orphaned at a young age -1803: marries, but widowed same year -1803-1807: time in Paris, political awakening -1808: Napoleon invades Spain, creoles create juntas -1813-14: First failed attempt to liberate Venezuela -1815: writes "Jamaican letter" -1817-1819: second campaign, liberates Venezuela and Colombia -1821-1824: final campaign, victory over Spain, liberation of Ecuador, Peru -1825-1839: governs Gran Colombia, Bolivia, until death caused by tuberculosis (or arsenic exposure)

Cuba before the revolution

-1898: US helps CUba win independence from Spain, but then takes over -1901: "independence" granted, but includes the Platt Amendment, which allows US to intervene whenever it chooses, maintains Guantanamo base, US companies dominate sugar industry -1925-33, 33-59: Cuba ld by dictators Machado and Batista friendly to US economic interests

Timeline of Guatemalan Civil War

-1944: Juan Jose Arevalo becomes president following the overthrow of Ubico and introduces social-democratic reforms, including setting up a social security system and redistributing lands to peasants -1951: Colonel Jacobo Arbenz Guzman becomes president, continuing Arevalo's reforms -1954: Land reform stops with the accession to power of Colonel Carlos Castillo in a coup backed by the US and prompted by Arbenz's naturalization of plantations of the United Fruit Company -1960-1996: Civil war pitting government against leftist rebels supported mainly by indigenous people

Guatemalan Civil War

-40% or more of 16 million Guatemalans are indigenous -23 different indigenous languages are still spoken, mostly Mayan sub-groups -60% of Guatemalans live below national poverty line (World Bank) -Richest 10% own almost 50% of wealth, poorest 10% less than 1% -In 1940s, the United Fruit Company owned millions of acres of most fertile landes, 85% unused (reserve)

Cuban revolution drawbacks

-Average pay: $20/month (not adjusted for cost of living) -Scarce suitable housing: aprox. 500,000 units short -Thousands of arbitrary arrests, >60 political prisoners, exact number unknown

Caribbean rhythms: Dominican Republic

-Bachata -characteristics: slower, romantic, high voice -instruments: electric guitar, bongos -artistics: Romeo Santos, Prince Royce, Juan Luis Guerra -Merengue -Characteristics: upbeat, fast, 1-2-1-2- rhythm, easier dance steps -instruments: tambora, guacharaca, piano, hors -artists: Juan Luis Guerra, Sergio Vargas

Mexico: Drug War timeline

-CFR "Mexico's Long War" -1971-R. Nixon declares "War on Drugs" -70s-2000s-rise of cartels under PRI, but not much violence -1994-NAFTA, Mexico becomes easier smuggling route from South America -2006-F. Calderón declares war on cartels, "decapitation" strategy, violence skyrockets. -2007-Merida Initiative-$3 billion in US aid & training -2012 to present-Presidents Peña Nieto and López Obrador promise change, but similar strategy, violence continues.

Spanish American independence

-Creoles: resent peninsulares, want control over affairs, free trade -some creoles inspired by the enlightenment ideas and the french revolution, others fearful of them -1808: Napoleon invades Spain, places brother on throne -Creoles create 'juntas' loyal to king, but most opt for independence by 1812 -Extended campaign- Simon Bolivar in North, San Martin in South from 1810 until final victory in 1824 -Post-independence: economies devastated, investment from Britain, competing caudillos fight for power -Slavery and gradually abolished everywhere but CUba and Brazil between 1820s and 40s, republicans with liberal constitutions, elections, but looks better on paper than in practice

Central America

-During Spanish colony, part of viceroyalty of New Spain (Mexico) and New Granada (Colombia) -1823: INdependence, creation of United Provinces of Central American, but divisions between regional leaders leads to breaking into separate countries -Early 1900s: US companies like United Fruit begin to buy up lands, control ports and rails, dictatorships of "Banana Republics" help control cheap peasant labor -Extreme inequality, with tiny wealthy elite and impoverished masses( with exception of Costa Rica) -In 1960s, guerilla movements inspired by Cuban Revolution form, leading to brutal civil Wars

Liberation Theology

-Fusion of Catholiciscm and class-based struggle -Precedents: Vatican II (1960), Conference of Latin American Bishops in Medellin, Colombia (1967) -Important figures: Rigoberta Menchú, Sandinista poet Ernesto Cardenal, Salvadoran ] Archbishop Oscar Romero (recently canonized), Pope Francis -Key intellectual contribution of Latin America, supported by grassroots religious groups in US, but criticized by John Paul II, feared by US government, revived recently by Pope Francis

Rigoberta Menchu

-Maya-Quiché woman -Father: activist, she layered joined a CHristian revolutionary group -Her story is "the story of all Guatemalans" -1982: dictates her 'testimonio' to Elizabeth Burgos, who writes I, Rigoberta Menchú -1986: narrator in prize winning documentary -1992: wins Nobel Peace Prize for bringing awareness about the CIvil war and help in bringing about peace negotiations

Pre-cursors to independence

-The Englightenment(1600s-1800s) -The American Revolution(1775-1783) -The French Revolution(1789-1804) -The Haitian Revolution(1791-1804)

Incan accomplishments

-The Sacred Valley -Much more than Machu Picchu, there's Boleto turistico that gives you a pass to Saqsaywaman, Pisaw and Ollantaytambo -Terrace systems and irrigation canals that are still in use today -Stonework unequalled anywhere at the time (Incas vs, incapaces), done without use of the wheel or iron -Road system of 25,000 miles connecting Cuzco to the four corners, used by chaskis (runners) -Quipus: System of knots, up to 2,000 cords, used to keep numerical records

Christopher Columbus

-clerk/weaver from Genova, Italy -interested in faster route to reach Asia, he knew that the world was round -Finally convinces Isabel and Fernando to finance a voyage in 1492 -Made 4 voyages, 1492,93,98,1502 -Jailed for 6 weeks in 1500 on charges of tyranny and brutality as Hispaniola governor -Died in 1506 not realizing he had discovered a new continent ("indians")

Based on the description of the Cuban Revolution in Modern Latin America, put these key events below in chronological order

1. Havana is a hub for American tourists and gansters under the Bautista regime 2. Herbert Matthews interviews Fidel Castro during his guerrilla campaign 3. an agrarian reform law expropriates farms over 1,000 acres and bans foreign ownership of Cuban lands 4. a group of CIA-backed Cuban exiles attempts an invasion on the island

Put these events before, during & after the Mexican Revolution, as described in Modern Latin America, in chronological order

1. The Diaz regime brings economic development but high inequality 2. Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata launch uprisings 3. Delegates write a radical new constitution 4. Lazaro Cardenas redistributes land and nationalizes oil production

Put the events below in chronological order based on when they are described in the article "The Dominican Republic and the United States: A Baseball History," with 1 being the first event mentioned and 4 being the last.

1. local Dominican teams play against groups of occupying US marines 2. Dominican professional baseball goes bankrupt under Rafael Trujillo academies are set up by scouts in the DR 4.Dominican "bat flips" become controversial in US MLB

Emigration from the Northern Triangle: Context

1960s-1980s: civil wars drive emigration -1990s: peace accords, return to democracy, but corruption, inequality and rise of drug trafficking -1994-2008: border crossers mostly Mexican men seeking work after changes brought by NAFTA -2014-present: majority now Central Americans, including many families and minors, mostly turn themselves in and request asylum -Policies: "catch and release" vs. remain in Mexico -Caravans: strategy to protect from cartels -Is there a crisis at the border? Yes and no, less people crossing total, but more children, asylum system overwhelmed and huge backlog (not enough judges or case workers)

According to the article "7 Immigration Myths and Realities," what percent of multilingual immigrants in the US speak English "well" or "very well?"


According to Modern Latin America, in colonial Perú white men outnumbered white women ______ leading to extensive mestizaje.

7 to 1

This is where Rigoberta Menchú's family had their own small plot of land.


Mexican Revolution (1910-1920)

An explosion of violence and repressed anger: -Diaz to Madero: "you've untied a tiger" -"la bola" = a fireball -a hurricane of rolling stone in novel The Underdogs (1915) -The creation of national coins: Madero, Villa, Zapata -A rapid succession of strongmen: Madero, Huerta, Carranza, Obregón, Calles, etc

As told in the Diamond chapter, the moment when the Spaniards decided to attack was when ________

Atahualpa threw a Bible on the ground

According to Modern Latin America, the vast majority of women in Mexico during colonial times were married


According to the Modern Latin America section on Nicaragua, US policy toward the Sandinistas was fairly consistent under presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.


According to the article "NAFTA Pros and Cons," the trade agreement led to a boom in Mexican agriculture.


According to the article about Obama's visit to Cuba, the US government benefitted much more from the visit than the Cuban government did.


According to the article on the Northern Triangle, the Trump administration eliminated all economic aid to Central America after 2017.


The "Introduction" section of I, Rigoberta Menchú states that Rigoberta rejects the Bible because it is a symbol of European colonialism.


Which one of these historic figures was a big fan of Simón Bolívar?

Harry Truman

Cuban revolution successes

Literary Campaign: from 23% in 1958 to >1% within a year -Universal free education: pre-school to PhD, highest per capita teachers and doctors in the world -Universal health care: -average life expectancy from 58 years in 1959 tp 79 now (more than US)

According to Modern Latin America, what was the most important event that sparked Latin American independence?

Napoleon putting his brother on the Spanish throne

Incan culture overview

Religion: Viracocha, Inti, Pachamama, orders of priests and priestesses -Political Hierarchy: Inca, nobles, comminers -Ayllu: Social unit of extended family, common lands and food storage -Agriculture: highland terraces -Llamas and alpacas: used for carrying loads, wool and food -Ceremonial foods: coca leaf, chicha (corn beer) -Instruments: sikus (pan pipes), quena (flute), charango

According to the article "Nicaragua in Crisis: What to Know," the root cause of the current political and economic turmoil in Nicaragua is related to losing aid from Venezuela.


According to the article on the charter city Próspera, people in neighboring areas are skeptical that the project will benefit them.


According to the author of the article on Puerto Rican statehood, becoming a US state could affect the island's economy in both positive and negative ways.


Many of the residents of the charter city Próspera will not actually live in Honduras.


Prior to the conquest, both Aztec society and Spanish society had rigid social hierarchies.


The article on Puerto Rican statehood describes how the US military used an island off the coast of Puerto Rico as a site to test weapons.


According to Modern Latin America, some independence leaders favored the idea of new, independent monarchies in places like Peru and Mexico.

True. San Martin proposed a monarchy in Peru. Iturbide temporarily made himself emperor in Mexico.

According to Modern Latin America, the independence struggle in Latin America had...

a mix of revolutionary and conservative goals

Which of these is NOT listed as a benefit of communism in the article "Pros and Cons of Communism in Cuba?"

an excellent transport system

The song "Jefe de jefes" by Los Tigres del Norte is about

being the leader of a cartel

Which one of these women was the least important in Simón Bolívar's life?

his mother María Concepción

Which of the following is NOT true about the 1954 coup d'état in Guatemala, as described in Modern Latin America?

it sought to reduce corruption in the country

In the "Introduction" section of I, Rigoberta Menchú, Elizabeth Burgos describes the first time she met Rigoberta. Which of the following is NOT true about the first meeting

it was on a very hot night

According to the article about race in the Dominican Republic, attitudes about race in the DR are affected by which of the following factors?

nationalism, immigration, racism

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor fueling popular discontent in the article "The Guardian view on Cuba's protests?"

proposed reforms to the education system

Which of these items was NOT mentioned by Rigoberta Menchú as a way people in her village defended themselves from the military?


Caribbean rhythms: Puerto Rico

salsa -originated in NYC, now PR epicenter -characteristics: syncopation, steps 1-2-3-pause -instruments: cow bell, congas, bongos, piano, horns -artists: Hector Lavoe, Celia Cruz, Marc Anthony, Victor Manuelle -reggaetón -Characteristics: electronic beat, rapping, autotune, sexualized lyrics and "perreo" dance style -artists: Daddy Yankee, Bad Bunny, J Balvin, Maluma, Karol G

According to Diamond, what factor explains both why Pizarro came to Cajamarca and why Atahualpa walked into a trap?


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