Spanish Civil War

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A fascist party that was founded in 1933 by Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera.

Manuel Azana

Became president of the Spanish Republic in 1936 after Zamora was removed.Saw that the Republicans needed order to stay in power but did not make many real attempts to unite them. When the Spanish Army generals declared their revolution in July, decided that the best plan would be to arm the people which confirmed the right's fears of communism from the left. G overnment introduced measures that transferred right-wing military leaders such as Francisco Franco to posts outside Spain, outlawed the Falange Española and granted Catalonia political and administrative autonomy.

left-wing Republicans (Spanish Civil War)

Communists, Socialists, Liberals, Anarcho-Syndicalists, Basques, Catalans, Marxists, and republicans (duh)

Primo De Rivera

Creator of the Falange

Why did the Republicans lose?

Lack of effective central command and control, political infighting, insufficient arms and materials, mainly defensive fighting, nationalists made effective use foreign aid (German Condor Legion, Moroccan soldiers)


Major Spanish trade union, historically affiliated with the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party. Left wing.


National Confederation of Labour. A revolutionary, anarchist organization during the Spanish Civil War, the CNT directly opposed Fascism and worked with the POUM militia until propaganda surfaced and led them away from unification. Left Side.

Civil Guard

Nationalist police

right-wing Nationalists (Spanish Civil War)

Rich, army, high command, Church, landowners, monarchists(Pro King/Queen), fascist party (Falange), Carlists (Pro King/Queen), CEDA(Church)

What caused the Spanish Civil War?

Spain was a deeply divided country that was politically torn between right-wing Nationalist and left-wing Republican parties. Economically, country had been deeply hit by the Great Depression after the Wall Street Crash. Partly due to this turmoil, in 1929 the military dictatorship that had ruled Spain since 1923 collapsed. In 1931 the King abdicated after the Republicans came to power. Followed a period where the two political rivals had periods in power as the elected government. The country was so divided and unstable that in 1936 the army rebelled and forcibly removed the Republicans from power. Civil war ensued.


Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right A Catholic conservative force, thought it was a defence of the principles of Christian civilization and as an organisation, formed to protect religion, family, and property.

Francisco Franco

Spanish general whose armies took control of Spain in 1939 and who ruled as a dictator until his death (1892-1975)


Supported the claim of the descendants of Don Carlos (the uncle of Queen Isabella II) to the throne of Spain. They wanted a return to a "traditionalist" ultra-Catholic monarchy.


This movement, influenced by Georges Sorel, focused on creating one large industrial union and using strikes to gain worker power.


Workers' Party of Marxist Unification. Spanish communist political party. Right wing.


a Spanish town that was brutally bombed and was full of innocent civilians it was supposed to encourage fear, Picasso painted a famous painting capturing it


a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Popular Front

an electoral coalition and pact signed in January 1936 by various left-wing political dudes

Alfonso XIII of Spain

assumed power in 1902. Became increasingly autocratic and in 1909 was condemned for ordering the execution of the radical leader, Ferrer Guardia, in Barcelona. He also prevented liberal reforms being introduced before the First World War. Blamed for the Spanish defeat in the Moroccan War (1921) Alfonso was in constant conflict with Spanish politicians

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