Spanish Unit 6.6 Ayer hice... Unit Test
Read the following sentence in Spanish. Compro la gasolina en la estación de servicio. Substitute "la gasolina" with a direct object pronoun and explain why you used the pronoun you did.
(La) New sentence: La compro en la estación de servicio.
Which Colombian city is located in the center of the country?
Which of the following countries does not border Colombia?
Which of these activities are you most likely to do in el banco?
Cobrar un cheque
¿Dónde estuviste?
Estuve en el centro
In which of the following sentences does fui mean "I was"?
Fui estudiante.
Which famous Colombian won a Nobel Prize for Literature?
Gabriel García Márquez
Which Colombian city is known as the City of eternal spring?
Where can you go to see the Muisca Raft?
Museo del Oro
¿Bebieron los refrescos?
No, no los bebieron.
Which is the correct response to the following question? ¿Lees revistas?
Sí, las leo.
Which statement is not true about the people of Colombia?
There are no longer any existing indigenous languages in Colombia.
How do you say "downtown" in Spainsh?
el centro
Where would you go if you had an appointment with el médico?
el consultorio
Read the following sentence. "Lo comí." To which of the following nouns can lo refer?
el pan
Nosotros __________ al centro de Bogotá ayer.
Which of the following activities can you do at the Salitre Mágico in Bogotá?
go on amusement park rides
Which of the following activities can you do in Cartagena?
go to the oldest film festival in Latin America
Jorge ________ una pregunta.
Which of the following is most indicative of Gabriel García Márquez's writing style.
incorporation of fantasy elements in realistic settings
Which of the following would you put in el buzón?
la carta
Where are you most likely to go to llenar el tanque de gasolina?
la estación de servicio
Read the following list of items. los patines, la pelota, la pasta dental, el palo de golf. Which item does not belong in the group and why?
la pasta dental (toothpaste) because everything else is sports things.
Where is Cartagena located?
on the Caribbean coast
Ellos _______ un perro blanco.