Spanish2 study guide test

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Possessive adj. and pronouns


Examples of familiar affirmatives and negatives of tú

Correr - corre más rápido; no corras más rápido Llenar - Llena el tanque; no llenes el tanque. Salir - Sal ahora; no salgas ahora. Descargar - Descarga ese documento; no descargues ese documento. Levantarse - Levántate temprano; no te levantes temprano. Hacerlo - Hazlo ya; no lo hagas ahora. (Venir) No vengas... Ven (Hacer) Haz.... no la hagas (decir) no me digas... di (tener) no tengas... ten (Apagar) no apagues... apaga

Irregular tú commands

Dar - no des Estar - no estés Ir - no vayas Saber - no sepas Ser - no seas (No pongas) - don't put

Affirmative tú commands

Hablar - habla Guardar - guarda Prender - prende Volver - vuelve Pedir - pide Imprimir - imprime

Negative tú commands

Hablar - no hables Guardar - no guardes Prender - no prendas Volver - no vuelvas Pedir - no pidas Sacar - no saques Apagar - no apagues Almorzar - no almuerces

Irregular tú commands

Irregular tú commands: Decir - Di Hacer - Haz Ir - Ve Poner - Pon Salir - Sal Ser - Sé Tener - Ten Venir - Ven


used to indicate: -Destination (toward, in the direction of) [we are leaving for cordoba on saturday] -Deadline or a specific time in the future (by, for) [he will fix the car by friday] -Purpose or goal (for, used for) [it's a tire for the car] -The recipient of something (for, considering) [I bought a printer for my grandfather] -Comparison with others or an opinion (for, considering) [for a young person, he is too serious; for me, this lesson isn't difficult] -In the employ of......... (for) [Sara works for telecom Argentina]


used to indicate: -Motion or a general location (around, through, along, by) [we passed by the park and along the river] -Duration of an action (for, during, in) [i was in brazil for a month] -Reason or motive for an action (because of, on account of, on behalf) [dad arrived home late because of the traffic] -Object of search (for, in search of) -Means by which something is done (by. by way of, by means of) [did you talk to the police by (on the) phone] -Exchange or subsitution (for, in exchange for) [I gave him money for the VCR, thank you for the Cd] -Unit of measure (per, by) [jose was driving 120 kilometers per hour]

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