spath ch4-7

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understand process and want to accomplish goals. supportive. less ideas more decision making

response rate

# of ppl who completed surgery out of # who recieved survey

central tendency

(in a histogram) a measure of the middle or expected value of a data set

six sigma steps

*D*efine the problem *M*easure key aspects of process *A*nalyze the data *I*mprove the system *C*ontrol and sustain the improvement


*action is taken in reaction to a performance result* w/o knowing whether the result was caused by natural variation in process or unusual occurrence


- charters improvement team - provides initial improvement goals - monitors team progress - supports team


- manages discussions about process during team meetings by asking questions

team leader

-coord project assignments and comm w external parties - removes barriers - keeps project on track

performance improvement models

1) define the improvement goal 2) analyze current practices 3) design and implement improvements 4) measure success

lean principles

1) value- whats really important to customer and focus on that 2) value stream- ensure all activities are necessary and add value 3) flow- strive for continuous processing through the value stream 4) pull- drive production w/ demand 5) perfection-prevent defects and rework

creating and using surveys

1. Define the survey objectives. 2. Identify the people to be surveyed. 3. Select the survey population. 4. Construct the survey. 5. Test the survey and prepare the final draft. 6. Administer the survey.

pareto principle

80 percent italy's wealth belonged to only 20% of population. so , 80% of results come from 20% of the inputs.


learning best practices in other companies (exemplary orgs) for the purpose of using them in your own org.

plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycle

Deming model. most widely recognized


Formation of an opinion after consideration or deliberation. ex) weightless goals influence how I judge the numbers on the scale i see. 3 lb loss is good but goal is 5

Scatter diagram

Graphs used to show how *two* variables may be *related*

bar graph

Graphs used to show the relative size of different categories of a variable, with each category or value of the variable represented by a bar horizontal- more room

Performance expectations

Minimum acceptable or desired level of quality

1st meeting

Review improvement goals and project charter. Establish ground rules. Define time schedule for project completion.

improvement team

Team sponsor Team leader Team members Facilitator Recorder Timekeeper

data visualization

The communication of information clearly and effectively through *graphical* means

data analytics

The science of examining *raw* data with the purpose of *drawing conclusions* about that information


Used to gather quantitative and qualitative information .questionnaires: paper or electronic instruments that the .respondent completes independently interviews: conducted with the respondent face to face or over the phone

Cause and Effect diagram

Used to identify all possible causes of an effect (a problem or an objective (looks like fish bone). whats the effect and then whats causing that effect

force field analysis

Used to identify and visualize the relationships between significant forces that influence a problem or goal driving forces: for restraining: against

stakeholder analysis

Used to identify the individuals or groups that would be affected by a proposed process change for the purpose of gaining stakeholder support for the change

Quality story board

Used to summarize the major elements of a completed improvement project

Decision Matrix

Used to systematically identify, analyze, and rate the strength of relationships between sets of information. used for large # of decision factors

opportunity for improvement

a problem or performance failure

continuous improvement

analyzing performance of various processes and improving them repeatedly to achieve quality objectives


bar graphs used to show center, dispersion and shape of the distribution of a collection of performance data ex) ranking values of wait time. have to touch

normal distribution

bell shaped curve. most frequent occurring value is in the middle of the range


captures ideas, decisions, action items and assignments on a whiteboard for later for summary

performance targets

desired performance. 1) opinion 2) criteria 3) performance comparison

Planning matrix

diagram that shows the tasks needed to complete an activity, the people or groups responsible for completing the tasks, and an activity schedule with deadlines for task completion.

performance gap

diff between actual and expected performance

performance comparison

examinations of similarity/differences between expected and actual performance compare themselves to good businesses

flow chart

flow/sequence of events in a process or develop new process during solution stage ex) writing each step of the processes -high level- maps major steps -detailed- maps all steps -deployed- maps steps and ppl -top down- major steps on top, minor beneath

process variation

fluctuation in process output. important to reduce process variation to get desired results over time.

Qualitative tools

generate ideas, set priorities, maintain direction, determine problem causes and clarifying process. 5 whys.

Gantt chart

graphic planning matrix that displays project activities as bars measured against a horizontal time scale


group decision making technique used to reduce a long list of items and set priorities ex) which task is most important? what do we need to do first? which solution will work best? ex) nurses sticking dots on most important problems

improvement team

group of indv that work together to accomplish a specific improvement objective

quality improvement organizations

groups of doctors and hc experts who have a *contract w federal* and state govs to check and improve the care given to *medicare* and *medicaid patients*

5 whys

helps team dig deeper into the causes of problems by successively asking what and why until all aspects of the situation are reviewed and the underlying contributing factors are considered

statistical process control

identify and control performance. allows user to highlight variations in performance that should be investigated


interactive decision making technique designed the generate a large number of creative ideas -structured, unstructured and silent

time keeper

keeps track of time in project meeting

control chart

line graph that includes statistically calculated upper and lower control limits upper control lim: upper boundary data is on without need for change lower control lim: lower boundary data plotted can vary w/o need for correction

standard deviation

measure of dispersion if a collection of values

quantitative tools

measure performance, collect and display data and monitor performance


members want to be heard. participation increase. leader structure

Nominal voting

more structured multi voting to identify and rank issues using numbers (adding up values and number of votes)

problem statement

needs to write to solve problem for sponsor. description of the performance problem that needs to be solved. helps put boundaries

common cause variation

not from specific cause but *random*. always present in every process ex) takes longer to call/schedule diff types of surgery

Affinity diagrams

organize large amounts of language data (ideas, issues, opinions) generated by brainstorming into groupings on the relationship between data items. gain a better understanding of a problem and potential solutions

team member

participates in discussion, decision akin, gathering data, analyzing info, assisting doc and sharing results can include independent- person with no knowledge

performance trends

patterns of gradual change in performance. the average tendency of performance data to move in certain direction over time


performance expectations set by indv or groups


performance improvement approach aimed at eliminating waste

FADE model

performance improvement model by Organizational Dynamics Inc. *F*ocus *A*nalyze *D*evelop *E*xecute


performance improvement steps should be systematic- conducted using step by step procedures.


performance measures displayed to allow easy interpretation ex) group of performance measures, result from each period, and performance expectation

Pie charts

portray the contribution of parts to a *whole*

Root causes

primary and fundamental reasons for the undesirable performance.

Corrective action plan

proposed solution to fix a problem or process

process capability

qual/quant description of what a process is capable of producing

response scales

ranges of answers surveyer can choose

Six Sigma quality

rate of less than 3.4 defects per 1,000,000 opportunities. 99.99966% defect free

plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle

shewhart model

pareto charts

similar to bar graph except they sort performance data in order of decreasing frequency. show most most frequent problem in 1st bar, next in next bar etc. separate few major problems from many possible. data not perception. if solve 20% of problem can descrease 80% of the problem

tabular report

snap shot reports. dash board

radar(shape) charts

spider chart (shape). measures actual and expected performance


sponsor creates this showing goal, process, time frame, deliverables, measurables, project scope and team members


suitable for particular person, place or condition ex) change normal prof criteria bc this person has diabetes

rapid cycle improvement (RCI)

supports repeated incremental improvements in practice to optimize performance. 1st cycle followed by 2nd improvement cycle to eval effects of changes

Six Sigma

systematic, data driven improvement approach whose goal is the near *elimination of defects* from every product, process and transaction ex) higher the sigma level is operating, the higher the amount of error free output

improvement project

systematic. initiative set up to achieve performance improvement obj within certain time frame. all factors affecting performance examined. where when and why problem occurred


targets should have these characteristics *S*pecific *M*easurable *A*chievable *R*ealistic *T*ime-bound


team identity. project goals achieved. members take more responsibility leader is supportive


team meets and work together for 1st time. members want inclusion and acceptance leader helps them become aquatinted

analytic tools

team uses in project that will bring successful results

special cause variation

unexpected variation in performance that results from a *non random event* ex) 2 new ees not properly trained

workflow diagram

visual representation of movement of ppl, materials, paperwork or info during process ex) floor plan

process diagram

visual representation of the flow of indv steps activities in a process


waste. anything that does not add value to the customer. reduce as much as possible

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