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(blank) occurs when group members conduct a discussion in front of an audience

A panel discusion

(blank) is a direct comparison of dissimilar things, usually with the words "like" or "as"

A simile

(blank) is a discussion in which a number of individuals presents individual speeches of approximately the same length on a central subject before the same audience.

A symposium

(blank) leadership behaviors include establishing agenda, giving and soliciting information and opinions, offering internal...


Ethos is

The ability to convince the audience of your competence, good character, and charisma

Which of the following is a characteristic of a healthy group?

The group aims to excel.

Compromising is a maintenance-oriented role.


The first thing a group should do is get to know one another.


When we know other people are available to cover for us, we may slack off.


You should approach the oral report of a group works as you would any other speech.


interviews contain different kinds of questions


In terms of ageist language, which of the following is NOT true of the United States?

U.S culture tends to exalt the elderly

All of the following are ways that you can show your audience that your speech will benefit them EXCEPT

You will show them be distracted from sad thoughts

"To inform my audience on how natures most violent windstorm, the tornado develops" would most likely be a topic when speaking about

a process or procedure

Speeches about people include all of the following EXCEPT

a speech about a cartoon character

What kinds of ideas make the best topics for concept speeches

abstract ideas

During the phase of Monroe's motivated sequence, the speaker asks the audience to support and act on their policy


Most subjects become interesting is (blank) the audience

adapted to

Which of the following is NOT a common mispronunciation error?

adding necessary sounds

"For too long, American leadership has waffled and wiggled and wavered" is an example of


Which of the following is NOT a content and design pointer

always look at the content with your audience

Which of the following is NOT part of syllogism

an introduction

being able to put yourself in the shoes of the audience members will allow you to

anticipate their questions

Used well, words can cause an audience to feel intensely, overcoming their (blank)


which of the following is NOT a way to demonstrate confidence during an interview?

arguing to show self-assurance

When you ask your audience to reject an idea because of a flaw in a person associated with that idea you are using a(n)

argument ad hominem

Infographics are composites of all of the following EXCEPT


Which of the following is NOT a way your audience can respond non verbally?

asking questions

Which of the following is a slippery slope fallacy

asserting that one action will set in motion a chain of events

Which of the following is NOT a way to ensure you neither give the audience too little or too much information

assume knowledge

presentations recorded and played back at another time are (blank)


answering question (blank) makes it possible for audience members to remember how you answered a question

at the end

Every member of a group must pursue all of the following EXCEPT

attempting to take leadership positions within the group

A(n) (blank) is a mental set or predisposition that leads us to respond to evaluate people, places, things, or events positively or negatively


(blank) are classified along a continuum ranging from positive to negative, with neutrality at the midpoint


The most commonly used (blank) is one that combines descriptions with graphics


(blank) and change characterize our lives


(blank) order works well for speaking of processes and procedures because it naturally reflects he sequence, approach, or series or steps used from start to finish in making or doing something


If your speech was to explain the history of an event, you probably choose to use a (blank) sequence


When delivering a speech that focuses on a process or procedure, you will probably find it most useful to arrange your ideas in either (blank) or (blank) order

chronological, topical

which of the following is not a from of online presentation?

class presentations

the interviews (blank) finds the parties reviewing the main points covered


(blank) questions can be answered with the simple yes, no, or a few words


Under most conditions, gestures should

coincide with verbal content

a group member can perform any of the following roles EXCEPT


For language to work, there must be a (blank) understanding about what the words we are using mean to others.


All of the following characterize a small group EXCEPT

communication through electronic media

In a question of policy speech where you quickly reviewed the need for change and moved on to a consideration of your plan and its viability, it is likely you would use a (blank) format

comparative advantages

Letting your arms hang naturally and loosely at your sides rends to make you appear


With the advent of (blank) generated graphics, technology is helping transform ordinary presentations into extraordinary speech making events


Describing "home" as a place of warmth and safety would be the (blank) meaning


The (blank) meaning is variable and subjective


What audience members do carry with them in their heads is the (blank) meaning of words


Persuasive speakers seek change that can result in all of the following EXCEPT

contradiction of a position

the interview format works best when the interviewee is a (blank) source


John looks very distant and closed off as he is giving his speech. Of of the following, what is John likely doing with his gestures?

crossing his arms

Of all of the facial cues you exhibit, none does more to affect your relationship with your audience than the presence or absence of

eye contact

Which of the following is NOT an example of paralinguistic cues?

eye contact

Audience members rely on a speaker's (blank) to reveal what's behind the speakers words

facial cues

A (blank) is a statement that direct observation can prove true or false


Propositions of (blank) are conclusions asserting that something does or does not exist, is or is not true, or is or is not valid


Adequate preparation is only essential to leading a meeting


Any expressionless face is okay when giving a speech, especially a serious one


If you and the audience already share similar attitudes it is actually more difficult a tasks to persuade them


If you are not speaking, you are not communicating


If you speak on an event, you should have personally witnessed it so you have credibility


It is beneficial to have a single, all purpose gesture


It is effective to pass photographs around the room


Pauses are perceived the same in all cultures


Putting a game face on means acting tough or phony


Q&A sessions are really only advantages to the audience.


Reasoning that unites two or more events to prove that one or more of them caused the other is referred to as logical reasoning


The appeal to popular opinion is also known as the false dilemma


Using simple words will make you seem simple


When we change or reinforce another's attitudes, beliefs, or values (with or without coercing or manipulating them), we practice persuasion ethically and successfully


Words have always had the same definitions


a pitch should always be done in a team.


a speaker should not allow questions during a presentation


once you have reached the interview stage, you don't need to be as concerned about your resume


the asynchronous online speaker has real interactions with the audience


you should avoid pauses before answering questions


We measure attitudes along a (blank) continuum


Saying Usain Bolt "run like the wind" is an example of of using (blank) language


adhere to protocol when fielding questions means you should answer

first question submitted first

For both men and women, the vocal cue of (blank) has the stereotype of being masculine, sluggish, cold, and withdrawn


Q&A sessions accomplish all of the following EXCEPT

give audience members the opportunity to heckle the speaker

Our (blank) pitch is the level at which we speak most often


Which of the following is NOT a mood you would express through a slower speaking rate


Which of the following are reasoning fallacies

hasty generalization

Each of the following can be a specific task of a working group EXCEPT

having a friendly chat

A human being can be an effective visual aid in all of the following EXCEPT if

he or she distracts the audience

By displaying main ideas on a computer projection, chart, poster, overhead, transparency, or slide, you

help your listeners follow your presentation

(blank) voices are frequently associated with helplessness, nervousness, and tension


One of your prime speech making objectives is to translate your (blank) into language your listeners will understand and respond to


which of the following is not true regarding fidgeting

if your whole body is on camera do not gesture

(blank) serves as extended examples to add more drama to messages


Signaling when you are about to hit a main point with one, two, or three fingers is an example of a(n)


which of the following is NOT a way in which small group communication differs from giving a speech?

in a speech, you will always know if your audience disagrees...

(blank) reasoning is reasoning that relies on observation and specific instances or examples to build a case or argument


The (blank) is a conclusion we draw based on fact


which of the following is a task-oriented role?

information seeking

(blank) credibility refers to how receivers perceive you before you speak


When you (blank) an emotion you diminish your facial expressions so that audience members will judge your behavior as more acceptable


When you (blank) an emotion you exaggerate your facial expressions to reflect the degree of expression you believe audience members expect you to exhibit


The strength of the positive or negative attitude is referred to as its


the word (blank) comes from the french word "entrevoir" meaning "to meet"


which of the following is not true of interviews?

interviews conducted in a conversational manner usually appeal less to audience members than strictly Q&A interviews.

Which of the following is NOT one of the key criteria for deciding whether or not to use a presentation aid

is it exciting?

Which of the following is NOT a question to ask yourself when using the reflective thinking framewrok?

is the group deemphasizing inquiry?

which is not true of a presentation delivered asynchronously

it allows for audience participation

which of the following is not true regarding personally soliciting questions before presentation?

it allows the audience to take control

the right answer to the question of whether questions should be part of the presentation itself is

it depends

which of the following is not true of a brief?

it is typically ten to twelve minutes in length

The importance and relevance the attitude has for its holders is called

its salience

(blank) refers to special words or technical terms used and understood primarily by those who share a profession or trade


A physician who is giving a speech to a group of non-physicians and continuously uses advanced medical terminology would be making a mistake by using


preparing your responses to potential questions is (blank) preparing the presentation itself

just as important as

A speaker who (blank) an audience is usually perceived more positively than than one who (blank)

leans toward, leans away from

speaker may loose grounds if their answers

leave receivers confused

Audio and video clips can help make a speech all of the following EXCEPT

less credible

negative group roles

limit the groups abilities to realize the groups goals

Generally, in the United States, we consider a voice that is too (blank) as intrusive and aggressive


Generally, in the United States, we consider a voice that is too (blank) as meek, hesitant, and less credible


(blank) voices are stereotypes as more mature, sexier, and stronger


which of the following is not a way in which you can research the job and position?

make assumptions based on similar companies and jobs.

When you (blank) an emotion you to try to replace one emotion with another to which you believe audience members will respond more favorably


which of the following is not true of roles in meetings?

members only preform task roles

Meaning exists in

minds of people

A (blank) can be used if your visual aid is too large to bring to your presentation, too small to be seen, or too dangerous, valuable, or fragile, to carry around


the (blank) of a panel is presenting to guide the conversation


Which of the following is NOT a need according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs


When you say words in a (blank) during a speech, it means you are not happy


Audiences process (blank) percent of all the information we receive through our sense of sight

more than 80

online presenters often use

more visual aids than live presenters.

According to the Greek philosopher Aristotle, what make one person more persuasive than another are all of the following EXCEPT


When delivering a persuasive speech, we use to select our subject all of the following EXCEPT


When you (blank) an emotion you suppress your real feelings so as to suggest greater inner strength and resilience to listeners


Even as you approach the speaker's stand, you are sending what types of messages to your audience?


Researches have discovered that the bulk of message's personal and connotative meaning is communicated via

nonverbal delivery

if an audience member asks a question you don't like, you should do any of the following except

not answer the question

mediated screens call for

nuanced nonverbal expressions

(blank) questions are broader, offering more freedom in answering them.


at which stage in the interview is a rapport built?


Our (blank) pitch is where our voice functions best and where we have extensive vocal variation up and down the scale


Remember people are most interested in

other people

Pitch, volume, rate, articulation, and pronunciation are all examples of

paralinguisitc cues

rather than obfuscate or multiply confusion (blank) each question asked of you to determine if you understand what the listener would like to know


Which of the following is NOT suggested for the use of presentation aids

pass around your visual

a speaker can solicit questions from the audience in advance by

passing out note cards for audience members to jot down questions

One way to slow the pace of you speech is to (blank)


which is not true of a presentation delivered synchronously?

people can watch it repeatedly

which of the following is not necessary for a meeting?

persuading your coworkers

(blank) is the deliberate attempt to change or reinforce attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors


(blank) or color copies (when enlarged so everyone can see them) also make effective visual aids


in an online environment speakers can integrate al of the following except

physical presence

A (blank) is a simplified version of an infographic


a (blank) is similar to a persuasive presentation in a business setting


a question and answer (Q&A) session

plays an integral role in most business and professional talks

(blank) rely solely on audio and can feature a single speakers, two speakers, perhaps using the interview format, or a panel.


A proposition of (blank) might ask receivers to take action to remedy an existing situation or solve a perceived problem


A question of (blank) includes what you think should be done


For some, though certainly not all individuals, being (blank) means using word that convey respect for and sensitivity to the needs and interests of different groups

politically correct

(blank) has become a presentation staple


Speeches to persuade can take all of the following EXCEPT

present facts about a way of thinking

which of the following is NOT true of online presentations?

presenting online constraints your presentation to...

which type of question introduces a topic or area for exploration?


We measure beliefs along a (blank) continuum


Your movement while speaking in front of an audience should be


Conveying the right amount of information can be done through all of the following EXCEPT

racing through the speech

(blank) is the speed at which you speak words


The (blank) represents potential counterarguments at times offered during the initial argument


When you put a (blank) in your speech, you lead your audience to consider an irrelevant issue instead of the subject actually under discussion

red herring

what should you do if someone asks an irrelevant question?

reframe the question to focus on your goal

The purpose of using presentation aids is to (blank) your spoken words


Unless you convince the audience members that your presentation has (blank), the information you offer will far on deaf ears


The purpose of using presentation aids is not to (blank) your spoken words


the (blank) shows a summary of what you have learned or accomplished


Rephrasing an idea in different words to more fully explain it is referred to as


A (blank) refers to a group making a decision that is riskier than an individual working alone would have been comfortable making.

risky shift

The third phrase of Monroe's motivated sequence is


if an audience member asks a question that you do not know the answer to, how should you respond?

say you will need to look into he answer

which question are also known as probing questions?


during an interview in addition to asking the questions you prepared in advance, make sure that you ask

secondary questions

Which of the following is step five of the reflective thinking framework?

select the best solution

Which of the following is NOT a mood you would express through a quicker speaking rate


the S in S.T.A.R. refers to


the following acronym refers to S.T.A.R

situation, task, action, result

A speech about an event focuses on all of the following EXCEPT

something that never happened

Proxemics refers to

space and distance

A (blank) or physical framework enables you to discuss one major component of the object at a time


Which of the following is NOT an organized pattern that would lend itself to a speech on an event or a person


When it comes to articulation, you should ideally

speak the sounds distinctly

A speech on the Great Wall of China would most likely be a

speech about an object

Categories in which informative speech are divided include all of the following EXCEPT

speeches about causes and effects

Which of the following is NOT an informative speaking category

speeches about decisions to be made

Well-designed graphs can help speakers with all of the following EXCEPT to

spin evidence in their favor

Terms such as "female doctor" or "male nurse" are examples of


going viral means that a video

spreads rapidly

which of the following is not true of panel discussions?

the panel discussion is often memorized.

which of the following is NOT an advantage of webinar?

the presenter doesn't adjust the webinar content during the session

Audience members are better able to concentrate on what you have to say when

they are attracted by the sound of your voice

Which of the following is NOT a reason for your receivers to question your honesty and integrity

they disagree with your ideas

Which of the following is NOT true regarding visual aids

they make it harder to be concise

Which of the following is NOT true regarding body movements

they should be random to keep your audience engaged

panel presentations find you an (blank) other people discussing a subject

three or four

Symposiums are designed for all of the following EXCEPT

to persuade audience members to act in a certain manner

the purpose of a forum is

to provide a medium for an open discussion between the group and an audience.

to work effectively together the first thing group members need to do is

to spend some time sharing their school and work schedules.

If most of you audience members are neutral toward your topic, your primary task is

to supply them with reasons to care and evidence that substantiates your position

A (blank) format allows you to divide your subject into groups or major categories


A speech in which you enumerated and discussed, in turn, key aspects of the idea would be following a (blank) order


online presentations are

totally dependent on technology fo their delivery

Communication theorists C.K. Ogden and I.A. Richards model of the tenuous relationships among words, thoughts, and things is known as the (blank)

triangle of meaning

Statistics are helpful in all of the following EXCEPT

tricking people into seeing your side

A proposition of value represents your assertion of a statement's worth


A speaker who makes receivers feel overly fearful in order to accomplish his or her goals often ends up escalating the legitimate fears of receivers


A speakers message is easier to follow if the presentation has a discernible structure


A speech about an idea is also known as a concept speech


A speech about an object can cover anything tangible


A symbol stands for, or represents, something else


Antithesis involves presenting opposites within the same or adjoining sentences


Attitudes and beliefs work in concert


Before using an animate visual aid, consider in advance the kinds of problems it could create for you and your listeners


Describing water with "plip, plop, plop" is an example of onomatopoeia


Different words that describe the same event can evoke very different responses


Examples and illustrations can be real or hypothetical


For male speakers, one stereotype of increased pitch variety is femininity


If you believe that you can best achieve the goals of your persuasive presentation by describing an issue as worsening over time, you would use spatial organization


If you don't have a neutral dialect, this doesn't mean your dialect is "bad"


In order for your speech to remain with your audience after you have finished speaking, you must make it memorable


It is common to use a topical organization to organize speeches on questions of fact


It is important to explain complex concepts to minimize your chances of being misunderstood


Kinesics refers to body language


Most subjects become interesting if well adapted to the audience


Our habitual pitch is the level at which we speak most often


Our optimal pitch is where our voice functions best and where we have extensive vocal variation up and down the scale


Pathos is the ability to develop empathy and compassion in others


Persuasion is usually a step by step process


Presentation aids are often clearer than speech itself


Proxemics refers to space and distance


Studies suggest that audience members attribute more meaning to nonverbal communication than to words


The adequacy of your voice influences audience perceptions of your credibility as a speaker


The amount of space between presenters and receivers can create a sense of immediacy or distance between them, depending on how far apart they are.


The focus of articulation is on the production of speech sounds, whereas the focus of pronunciation is on whether the words themselves are said correctly


The words you use can help shape the desired response from your audience


There are nearly unlimited number of topics about which we can share information


Visual aids can help make your speech more persuasive


Visual aids can lend an air of professionalism in your speech


We measure attitudes along a favorable-unfavorable continuum, and beliefs along a probable-improbable one


When preparing visual aids, you should minimize purely decorative design elements


When you are speaking on a proposition of value, your task is to justify your belief or opinion so that your receivers accept it too


You communicate to your audience before you even begin speaking


You make a hasty generalization when you are too quick to draw and inference and thus jump to a conclusion based on too little evidence


You should have a contingency plan in case the equipment fails


You should plan to use the personal pronouns I, us, me, we, and you in your speech


Your claim is a debatable conclusion or assertion; it is the proposition or thesis you hope to prove


a question and answer session should not terminate without warning


an answer should never be a put-down


an organizations culture influences the nature of the reports


every participant shares responsibility for a meeting with the meetings leader


if you are seated you should gesture sparingly


just as with face to face interviews, the online interview format works best when the interviewee is a credible source and the interviewer is well prepared


most single person online presentations are kept brief because of the tendency for receivers to become bored.


soliciting questions prior to speaking lets the speaker adapt to the talk


some members of the audience may ask you questions that you don't like


sometimes if a question occurs to you as an audience member, you find it difficulty to maintain your concentration on what the speaker is saying


speakers in both face to face and digital environments may enhance their presentations with presentation aids such as powerpoint


story telling is a powerful promotional tool


trainers give workshops on virtually any subject


video accentuates facial cues


your conduct during a meeting can detract from your professional image


All of the following constitutes presentation software for creating visual aids EXCEPT


Ideally for purposes of clarity, pie graphs should contain from (blank) to (blank) clearly labeled "slices" or divisions


The focus of your attention should go to the members of the audience who are


Your clothing and grooming are all of the following EXCEPT

unimportant for speechmaking

All of the following are ways in which you can be memorable EXCEPT

use solely verbal means of communication

Which of the following is an acceptable gesture?

using fingers to show numbers

A question of (blank) includes evaluation of a person, event, situation, or action


The question "what is moral?" would be best answered by a proposition of


(blank), sometimes referred to as core beliefs, are enduring and deeply ingrained indicators of what we each feel is good or bad, right or wrong


what is the connection between video and facial cues

video accentuates facial cues

Today's audiences are more attuned to messages that have (blank) appeal than to ones appealing solely to their ears


which of the following is not included in the equipment essential for creating, distributing, and viewing online presentations?

visual aids

Which of the following is NOT true regarding pronunciation?

wait for a real audience member to point out an error in pronunciation

On the day you give your speech, be sure to

walk deliberately to the front of the room

The (blank) is a logical and persuasive relationship that explains how you get to your claim from the data you offer


Which of the following is true

we remember 10% of what we read

Which of the following is true?

we remember 30% of what we see

speaking ability influences all of the following EXCEPT

weather you persuade your coworkers to do what you want them to

a(n) (blank) is a conference held online that is viewable by invited guests with a web connection


can include a single speaker a panel, a group collaborating in real time across time zones.


Attitudes can differ in all of the following EXCEPT


The persuasive speaker must be able to answer which of the following questions

what exactly am I trying to reinforce or change in my receivers

All of the following are wrong choices of words that contribute to audience's boredom or confusion during your speech, EXCEPT

words that are easy to understand

which of the following is NOT an advantage of group work?

working in a group facilitates the separation of resources.

Audience members will perceive you as more credible if

you adapt your dialect

holding Q&A sessions at the presentation end has all of the following benefits EXCEPT that

you might go over time with your presentation and not answer any questions

Which of the following is NOT true regarding audio clips

you should avoid mixing visual and audio clips together

If what you do with your body is inconsistent with what you say, your listeners will tend to believe your

your body language

Which of the following is NOT something that audiences form opinions on based on your body language?

your evidence

In addition to what you say, which of the following does NOT communicate something about you almost immediately

your past

every question deserves an answer that demonstrates

your respect for the questioner

What should you NOT consider first when choosing a presentation aid

your sense of humor

(blank) contact for a bond between speaker and the audience


Which of the following is NOT a verbal filler

"In conclusion"

All of the following are ways to use plain and unbiased language EXCEPT

"dumbing down" your content

which of the following is NOT question you should ask an interviewer in an interview?

"what is the worst part about his job?

The average rate at which we speak is between (blank) words per minute

125 and 175

which of the following is not a component of the oral group report?

A Q&A session

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a healthy group?

Decisions are made by a group leader.

Which of the following is NOT a suggested question to ask yourself regarding the sound of your speech?

Do I sound like a famous speech-maker?

which of the following is not a stage groups generally move through?


A forum doesn't require full audience participation.


Leadership should be the exclusive possession of a single group-member in order to avoid confusion.


The dynamics of a groups development generally do not affect the outcomes the group is able to achieve.


Which of the following is not considered a small group?

Four friends preparing to go to a movie

All of the following are true of sexist language EXCEPT that

It suggests that the sexes are equal but different

(blank) is a unified system of symbols that permits us to share meaning


(blank) leadership behaviors include the expression of agreement and support, the reduction and release of group tensions, the resolution of differences of opinion and group conflicts, and the ability to...


Most people have grown accustomed to (blank) speech, and prefer to listen either to it or to someone who sounds just like they themselves do


One way to convince audience members to accept or act on your proposition is to demonstrate for them that a current situation has created an inconsistency in their lives and that you can help them restore their lives to a (blank) state


Like the line graph, the (blank) graph is useful for comparing and contrasting two or more items or groups


questions asked by audience members may do all of the following EXCEPT

be stated so poorly that you don't have to answer them

Which of the following is NOT a way to make your speech as clear and easy to follow as possible

be vague so that your audience really has to think

Which of the following is an appropriate time to pause in your speech?

before starting

which is not an appropriate way to responds to someone who interrupts with a question?

berate them

Kinesics refers to

body language

which of the following is not a type of report regularly presented in organizations

book reviews

online presentations can be imbedded into all of the following EXCEPT


People in western cultures tend to rely on which of the following form of reasoning?

both inductive and deductive

in an interview which of the following is true?

both interviewers...

which of the following is generally acceptable clothing color for online presentation?


how should you end your Q&A session?

by thanking the audience

The positions we take on the issues of the day and our efforts to convince other of our correctness

can have a real impact

Speeches about objects lend themselves to all of the following EXCEPT

cause and effect formats

the Q&A session, while enjoyable, can also be quite


When you used (blank) reasoning, you move from the general to the specific


Which of the following is a step of the Reflective Thinking Framework?

define the problem

Which of the following is step one of the reflective thinking frame work?

define the problem

The (blank) meaning is the word's dictionary definition


(blank) credibility refers to how receivers perceive you while you are speaking


If we value honesty over deception, we classify honesty as


A(n) (blank) is a speech pattern characteristic of group of people from a particular area or of a specific ethnicity


When we talk about ideas, audience members may have (blank) interpretations of the concepts or words we use


Framework helps group members avoid (blank) the tendency to conclude discussions prematurely

early concurrence

(blank) are nonverbal symbols that have direct verbal translation and are widely understood by the members of a culture


(blank) is a speakers ally


The fourth tier of Maslow's hierarchy of needs focuses on our

esteem needs

While they may make it easier for speakers to handle unpleasant subjects, (blank) often also make it harder for audiences to develop a clear and accurate perception of what the speaker is saying


Parallelism includes the repetition of all of the following EXCEPT


What do you use to persuade receivers of the truth of your position of fact


Both real and hypothetical (blank) and illustrations are used to support facts a speaker wants audience members to accept


(blank) are numbers summarizing a group of observations


We can often summarize a group of observations with


when you answer a questioner with "let me approach the question this way " you attempt to

stay on course

Persuasion is traditionally a (blank) process

step by step process

if you are giving a business presentation and your boss interrupts you with a question, what must you likely do?

stop and answer it

When you ignore another's position by using an inequivalent, distorted, exaggerated, or misinterpreted argument to substitute for it, you are depending on a

straw man

which of the following is not an interview format that you should experience?


which of the following is a recommendation for successful brainstorming sessions?

suspend judgment

The (blank) stands for, or represents, something else


presentations delivered in real time are


which of the following is a way to respond to an audience member who interrupts with a question that will be answered later in the speech

tell the audience that you will answer it shortly

Hold your hands stiffly at your sides will likely make you look

tense and uncomfortable

(blank) credibility refers to how receivers perceive you after you have finished speaking


(blank) should be fair, unbiased, appropriate, and from a recognized expert


for an online presentation to work well, both presenters and users must fulfill all of the following technology requirements EXCEPT having access to

text editing

when a specific individual asked you a question, you should address your answer to

that person and the entire audience

Pathos is

the ability to develop empathy and passion in others

Logos is

the ability to use logical proof to demonstrate the reasonableness of arguments

You should regulate your volume to reflect all of the following EXCEPT

the demographics of the audience

The ideas that some attitudes are negative and some are positive is referring to

the direction

In order for your speech to remain with your audience after you have finished speaking, you must convey to you listeners

the enthusiasm you have for the subject

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