SpEd 5354

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of instructional strategies and techniques. Assigning a peer to assist with note taking will best support the student, since he is unable to write independently.

96) Eric is a 14-year-old student who uses a motorized wheelchair. Eric tested on grade level for reading and writing but tested two grades below level for mathematics. His writing was assessed orally because of difficulty with fine-motor control. His speech therapy goal is to improve pronunciation, and his occupational therapy goal is to improve fine-motor control, so that he can grasp a pencil to write. Which of the following activities will best support this student? A. Giving the student nonverbal prompts to improve on-task behavior B. Allowing the student to write directly on the test, rather than on an answer sheet C. Assigning a peer buddy to assist him with taking notes D. Permitting the student to use noise-canceling headphones to eliminate background distractions

115) Which of the following statements are true examples of differentiated instruction for preschool students? For each description, indicate whether it is or is not characteristic of differentiated instruction for preschool students Description Flexible grouping of students 1. Yes or 2. No Teach the lesson to each student individually 3. Yes or 4. No Use centers for independent practice 5. Yes or 6. No

Correct Answer: 1, 4, 5 Creating flexible groupings and a differentiated classroom environment can be overwhelming because it requires multilevel planning for Whole-group instruction (to introduce new concepts and skills) Small-group instruction (to provide further targeted instruction) Centers (to allow for independent practice) Allow yourself and your students time to practice and manage these new routines. Start slowly by focusing on the elements of differentiated instruction that are already in place. For most preschool teachers, this includes learning centers where you can set the stage for independent exploration and practice. At the centers you will also be able to monitor children's learning and make necessary adjustments that will promote increased levels of success and/or interest.

104) Which of the following theoretical approaches includes stimulus-response associations made by the learner? A. Behaviorism B. Cognitivism C. Social learning theory D. Constructivism

Correct Answer: A Behaviorism refers to observing behaviors that are a direct response to stimuli.

32) Students in Mr. Steeger's first-grade class are often asked to participate in classroom decisions. They recently voted on where in the classroom to place a new plant and which book to read during a read-aloud. Which of the following is the most likely benefit to students of this type of classroom? A. Increased self-esteem B. Increased on-task behavior C. Improved peer relationships D. Greater sense of responsibility

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of planning and organizing the learning environment. This answer is correct because students need to participate in the decision-making process from an early stage to build their self-esteem. Creating opportunities for students to make decisions gives them more control and a sense that the classroom belongs to them.

48) Examiners attempting to identify a student with learning disabilities tend to focus on the discrepancy between A. ability and achievement test scores, with ability being greater than what is indicated by achievement test scores B. ability and achievement test scores, with achievement test scores being greater than demonstrated ability C. curriculum-based assessment (CBA) and achievement test scores, with CBA results being greater than achievement test scores D. curriculum-based assessment (CBA) and achievement test scores, with achievement test scores being greater than CBA results

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of a critical conceptual component of learning disabilities. This answer is correct because a discrepancy between a student's standard ability or intelligence and standardized achievement test results is one of the primary characteristics of a student with a specific learning disability.

13) What is the most important information gained from conducting a functional behavioral assessment? A. Causes of the behavior B. Student strengths C. Behavior consequences D. Skill deficits

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of a functional behavioral assessment (FBA), which helps to identify the causes of a behavior.

29) Joan, a high school junior, has a specific learning disability (SLD) in reading. Which of the following goals would be appropriate for her Individualized Transition Plan (ITP)? A. Researching postsecondary schools B. Learning to do her own laundry C. Looking for an apartment D. Making a four-course dinner independently

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of an Individualized Transition Plan (ITP). Joan is a junior in high school and will need to plan for her education after high school.

2) Having students keep track of their own behavior and then giving them rewards for appropriate behavior is known as A. contingency-based self-management B. functional assessment C. reality therapy D. ecological assessment

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of approaches to classroom management. Contingency-based self-management makes students responsible for managing their own behavior and rewards them for appropriate behavior.

92) Which of the following best defines the purpose of a criterion-referenced test? A. To measure a student's mastery of specific knowledge and skills after a unit of study B. To determine a student's reading level for instructional grouping purposes C. To rank a student's performance when compared with other students who took the same test D. To use a rubric to document a student's performance in conjunction with teachers' observations

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of assessments. Criterion-referenced tests are designed to measure how well a person has learned or mastered a well-defined and specific body of knowledge, such as whole-number computations.

120) Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are most likely to A. have an obsessive interest in a single object or topic B. have delayed fine motor skills and difficulty with written assignments C. be unable to sit still for long periods of time D. be unable to walk unassisted

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of characteristics and defining factors of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which is characterized by problems with communication and repetitive patterns of thought and behavior.

15) In a full-inclusion model, services to students with disabilities are available in A. general education classrooms B. resource rooms C. self-contained classrooms D. charter schools

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of different classroom models. In a full-inclusion model, the special education teacher works with the general education teacher in the general education classroom.

99) Eric is a 14-year-old student who uses a motorized wheelchair. Eric tested on grade level for reading and writing but tested two grades below level for mathematics. His writing was assessed orally because of difficulty with fine-motor control. His speech therapy goal is to improve pronunciation, and his occupational therapy goal is to improve fine-motor control, so that he can grasp a pencil to write. Which of the following classifications is most likely to be documented on Eric's Individualized Education Program (IEP) ? A. Cerebral palsy (CP) B. Specific learning disability (SLD) C. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) D. Cognitive impairments

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of information found in an IEP. Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that permanently affects body movement and muscle coordination.

24) Many students with disabilities receive instruction in social skills because A. social skills are crucial for success in an inclusive classroom B. they are unable to benefit from educational training C. teachers in general education focus primarily on instruction in social skills D. social skills are easier to teach than academic skills

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of instruction in social skills, which often serves as the basis for educational success in the inclusive classroom.

3) Mark is a tenth-grade student with a severe visual impairment. He is in an inclusive geometry class with the support of a special education teacher. Which of the following strategies would be most beneficial in helping Mark understand the concept of three-dimensional figures? A. Providing manipulatives of the objects B. Providing large-print materials C. Using raised-line drawings of the figures D. Color coordinating the sides of the shapes

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of instructional strategies. Manipulatives provide a tactile representation of mathematical concepts.

75) Mitch is a college-bound high school senior with learning disabilities. His Individualized Education Program (IEP) indicates that he uses a tape recorder in his English class and a calculator for taking tests in Algebra 2. These accommodations are examples of A. assistive technology B. personal computing support C. remediation D. self-management

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of materials necessary for students with special needs. Assistive technology, such as a tape recorder or a calculator, allows the student to access grade-level materials.

47) Paula is a sixth-grade student with Down syndrome. She is an attentive student who enjoys learning new things in school. Although her expressive speech and language development are more like those of an 8 year old, her receptive language skills are more like those of a 10 year old. Paula reads at the third-grade level. Which of the following support services is likely to be most beneficial for Paula? A. Speech therapy B. Physical therapy C. Occupational therapy D. Massage therapy

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of related services. A speech therapist would help Paula improve in the areas of expressive and receptive speech and language development.

11) Which of the following is the best example of a summative assessment? A. Having students independently complete a set of ten word problems B. Working with students to complete a set of word problems C. Questioning students about the problems in order to revise instruction for the following day D. Providing word problems before beginning a new unit of study

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of summative assessments, which are cumulative, independent activities that test students' subject matter knowledge.

85) According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which of the following is one of the major disability categories? A. Hearing impairment B. Neurological impairment C. Down syndrome D. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of the basic characteristics and defining factors of the major disability categories under IDEA. IDEA lists thirteen different categories, including hearing impairment.

59) Cedric is a fourth grader who is having difficulty keeping up with reading tasks. His parents want to know more about possible special education services. They have made an appointment with Cedric's teacher and the special education teacher who works with fourth-grade students. The likely first step the school will take is A. prereferral screening and in-class observation B. formal testing and evaluation for learning disabilities C. having the parents meet with the principal to discourage them from seeking special education services D. ordering audio books for all of Cedric's fourth-grade texts

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of the classification procedure from its outset. Prereferral screening and in-class observations are necessary before testing.

17) Of the following, which student would receive services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act? A. A student who requires related services B. A student who requires special education C. A student who is not successful in the resource room D. A student placed in an out-of-district school

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of the major legislation that affects the field of special education. This answer is correct because a student who does not require special education is not entitled to the rights and protections of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and, therefore, receives services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

42) Which of the following is most appropriate for identifying students with learning disabilities? A. Response to intervention (RTI) B. Functional behavioral assessment (FBA) C. Individualized education program (IEP) D. Curriculum-based assessment (CBA)

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of the referral and identification process for students with disabilities. Response to intervention (RTI) is a system designed to identify students at risk for poor academic and behavioral outcomes, so the school can develop strategies to help the students succeed.

77) The most frequently occurring permanently disabling birth defect, characterized by an abnormal opening in the spinal column, is called A. spina bifida B. cerebral palsy C. muscular dystrophy D. multiple sclerosis

Correct Answer: A The question tests knowledge of various physical disabilities. Spina bifida is a developmental birth defect caused by the incomplete closure of the embryonic neural tube. Some vertebrae overlying the spinal cord are not fully formed and remain unfused and open.

101) The major purpose of functional curricular approaches for students with more severe intellectual disabilities is to A. teach the students the most critical skills for participating in society B. teach the students the health education curriculum C. teach the students to apply for college or postsecondary education D. teach the students how to develop a transition plan

Correct Answer: A The question tests understanding of a functional curriculum, which emphasizes skills related to daily living in order to prepare students to function in society.

70) Paul is a ninth-grade student who is educated in an inclusion classroom for biology. He has a hearing impairment co-occurring with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Which of the following accommodations is most appropriate for Paul when he takes the state standardized test? A. Allowing frequent breaks B. Having the test read aloud to him C. Providing large-print materials D. Allowing Paul to respond in the test booklet

Correct Answer: A The question tests understanding of testing accommodations. This answer is correct because attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by difficulty focusing, and frequent breaks are an accommodation for students who cannot concentrate for long periods of time.

71) Which of the following is an example of a behavior that can best be addressed by a functional behavioral assessment? A. Susan uses profanity, teases her classmates, and raises her voice to a level that is disruptive to the entire math class. B. Susan has scored failing grades on the first three math assessments of the year. C. Susan is lazy and unmotivated in math class. She does not put in the effort that is expected of someone with her intelligence. D. Susan is having difficulty writing essays in English class

Correct Answer: A The question tests understanding of the uses of a functional behavior assessment (FBA). An FBA is used to identify problem behaviors and help a multidisciplinary team choose interventions to address the behaviors.

27) What is the primary purpose of a formative assessment? A. Checking student progress so that instruction can be adjusted B. Determining whether students can pass the standardized test C. Gauging student learning based on the curriculum D. Recording mastery of a concept

Correct Answer: A The question tests understanding of the uses of formative assessments, which are used to provide feedback so that instruction can be adjusted based on the needs of the students.

6) Which of the following topics should be included when evaluating the quality of life of a 19-year-old student with severe disabilities? A. Social inclusion B. Adaptive behaviors C. Sensory functioning D. Educational needs

Correct Answer: A There is a growing consensus that the core qualities of life include emotional, physical, and material well-being, social inclusion, and human rights.

83) Federal safeguards in IDEA require parental consent before beginning which steps in the IEP process? Select all that apply. A. Initial evaluation B. Reevaluation C. Initial provision of services D. Monitoring student progress

Correct Answer: A, B, C The question tests knowledge of the steps in the IEP process. According to federal safeguards in IDEA, (A), (B), and (C) all require parental consent.

5) Which of the following behaviors are most likely to be associated with a student who exhibits passive-aggressive behaviors? Select all that apply. A. Pretending to be in agreement with others B. Performing poorly on written tasks C. Damaging intimate relationships D. Failing to comply with teacher requests

Correct Answer: A, B, C The question tests the knowledge of passive-aggressive behaviors, of which (A), (B), and (C) are all examples.

58) Special education teachers are expected to hold highly qualified status when teaching which of the following? Select all that apply. A. Core academic subjects B. Alternate achievement standards C. Multiple subjects D. Primary grades

Correct Answer: A, B, C The question tests understanding of the meaning of highly qualified status. These options are correct because teaching these subject areas requires a teacher to be highly qualified.

105) Which of the following are important considerations in the process of evaluating a student for evidence of an emotional behavior disturbance (EBD) ? Select all that apply. A. The referring teacher B. The age of the student at the onset of the problem behavior C. The setting in which the problem behavior is exhibited D. The treatment to be used

Correct Answer: A, B, C The question tests understanding of the process of evaluating a student for emotional and behavior disturbances (EBD). These options are all correct because they are considered in the evaluation process.

26) Which of the following are characteristics commonly exhibited by students who have acquired a traumatic brain injury (TBI)? Select all that apply. A. Pronounced inconsistencies in performance B. Responsiveness to incentive-based behavioral plans C. Inappropriate responses in social situations D. Deficits in problem solving and abstract thinking

Correct Answer: A, C, D Children who sustain TBI may experience a complex array of problems, including the following: pronounced inconsistencies in performance, inappropriate responses in social situations, and deficits in problem solving and abstract thinking.

62) Which of the following is a benefit to all students of an inclusion classroom? A. All students, regardless of ability, exhibit increased intelligence B. All students, regardless of ability, show an improvement in social skills and self-esteem C. General education students in an inclusion classroom have higher test scores D. Students with disabilities in an inclusion classroom demonstrate improved self-help skills

Correct Answer: B Research indicates that all students, regardless of ability, show an improvement in social skills and self-esteem as a result of being in an inclusion classroom.

89) A student with a cochlear implant most likely has a primary classification of A. visual impairment B. hearing impairment C. traumatic brain injury (TBI) D. intellectual disability

Correct Answer: B The question addresses understanding of assistive devices. This answer is correct because a cochlear implant is a device that transmits sounds as electric impulses, thus providing a sense of sound to a person who has a hearing impairment.

67) A history class in the resource room is studying ancient Egypt. The students are building pyramids and rectangles out of gelatin blocks to investigate which shape is stronger. Which of the following intelligences does the lesson address? A. Auditory-musical B. Visual-spatial C. Intrapersonal D. Naturalist

Correct Answer: B The question addresses understanding of teaching strategies using Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. Building models out of gelatin blocks stimulates spatial intelligence.

33) Chelsea, a student with mild hearing loss, often has difficulty following the teacher's directions in class, particularly when the teacher is doing work at the blackboard. Which of the following suggestions is the most appropriate first step for the teacher to try to help Chelsea understand directions? A. Repeating all directions directly into Chelsea's ear B. Providing directions to Chelsea while facing the entire class C. Providing an interpreter for Chelsea D. Having another student write down all assignments for Chelsea

Correct Answer: B The question identifies issues that many students with mild hearing loss may face. Turning away from a student with a mild hearing loss may break down communication significantly, so the teacher should face the class while giving a lecture or providing directions for a task.

19) The number of times a student engages in a particular behavior is referred to as A. latency B. frequency C. topography D. duration

Correct Answer: B The question relates to managing student behavior. The definition of frequency in relation to behavior is the number of times a particular behavior occurs.

9) A student who has a severe visual impairment will soon join a fourth-grade class. Which classroom strategy is most likely to benefit the new student? A. Allowing students to form flexible groups that can change as needed B. Giving verbal descriptions of classroom activities C. Slowing the pace of the lessons D. Writing all directions on the board

Correct Answer: B The question tests knowledge of classroom strategies and techniques. The new student, who is blind, will benefit from verbal descriptions of the activities taking place in the classroom.

38) Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a school district is required to inform parents of any change to a child's educational placement according to the requirements of A. due process B. procedural safeguards C. the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) D. adequate yearly progress (AYP)

Correct Answer: B The question tests knowledge of federal safeguards relating to parents. The parents' right to prior notice requires school districts to give parents of a child with disabilities notification when a referral is made for assessment — an Individualized Education Program (IEP) team meeting is scheduled, an evaluation is planned, an IEP is to be written or revised, or the child's educational placement is to be changed.

87) A ninth-grade science class that includes students with a specific learning disability (SLD) is working in pairs to complete a lab experiment on how friction is created. Which of the following activities involves student participation? A. Teacher-directed activity B. Cooperative learning activity C. Study skills activity D. Self-management activity

Correct Answer: B The question tests knowledge of instructional strategies. Cooperative learning is the use of small groups in which students are allowed to work together and share knowledge.

80) Jazmine is a third-grade student in a self-contained classroom. She has a specific learning disability (SLD) and is a visual learner. Which of the following strategies is aligned with Jazmine's primary learning style? A. Seating her near the teacher B. Having her use graphic organizers for writing C. Having her use manipulatives for mathematics D. Assigning a peer tutor to help her with note taking

Correct Answer: B The question tests knowledge of instructional strategies. Graphic organizers represent ideas and relationships visually, and since Jazmine is a visual learner, they will accommodate her primary learning style

60) To be eligible to receive special education services under Part B of IDEA, students must be in which of the following ranges? A. Infant through grade 5 B. Ages 3 to 21 C. Pre-K through grade 5 D. Grade 6 through grade 12

Correct Answer: B The question tests knowledge of legislation. This answer is correct because it correctly identifies the ages of students protected under Part B of IDEA.

21) Kemberly is a twelfth-grade student who is deaf. She uses an FM monitor in the classroom in addition to the services of an interpreter. Which of the following is most appropriate for her computer class? A. Having the interpreter sign all auditory cues from the computer for Kemberly B. Programming visual cues on the computer for Kemberly C. Providing Kemberly a touch screen D. Allowing Kemberly to skip computer classes

Correct Answer: B The question tests knowledge of providing access to the curriculum through technology. Programming visual cues on the computer for Kemberly will allow her to work as independently as possible while providing her with the assistance that she requires.

31) A resource room teacher is most likely to ask an occupational therapist for help with A. counseling a high school student with learning disabilities about applying to college B. teaching a student with muscular dystrophy how to paint with a brush C. talking to parents about their genetic risk of having a seriously ill infant D. arranging a play-therapy group for young students with disabilities

Correct Answer: B The question tests knowledge of school-based occupational therapy, which promotes health and well-being through occupation and enables people to participate in everyday activities.

100) Which of the following conditions can be prevented by proper prenatal care? A. Down syndrome B. Fetal alcohol syndrome C. Sickle-cell anemia D. Multiple sclerosis

Correct Answer: B The question tests knowledge of the basic characteristics and defining factors of disabling conditions. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition caused when a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, which passes through the placenta and harms the fetus developmentally.

72) Which of the following is most associated with seizures? A. Cystic fibrosis B. Epilepsy C. Autism spectrum disorder D. Sickle-cell anemia

Correct Answer: B The question tests knowledge of the basic characteristics and defining factors of the major disabilities categories. Epilepsy is characterized by seizures caused by imbalances in the brain.

46) Randi is a 12 year old who scores within the average range for her age on a standardized test but is significantly below grade level in reading and writing and is at grade level in math. The profile is most consistent with a classification of A. intellectual disability B. specific learning disability C. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder D. autism spectrum disorder

Correct Answer: B The question tests knowledge of the characteristics of and the process of identifying disability categories. A discrepancy between ability and achievement is one of the primary characteristics of a student with a specific learning disability.

119) Jeff's Individualized Transitional Plan (ITP) includes activities such as filling out applications, working at an after-school job working with an electrician, and receiving tutoring in functional reading skills. Jeff's long-term goal is most likely to A. attend a four-year college B. obtain skilled or semiskilled employment C. live in a group home D. work in a sheltered workshop

Correct Answer: B The question tests knowledge of transition planning. Jeff's planned activities will most likely lead to skilled or semiskilled employment and independence.

79) Abby is a second-grade student with autism spectrum disorder and fine-motor difficulties. She has been learning self-help skills, including dressing, toileting, and feeding herself, with help from an occupational therapist. Which of the following accommodations would be most beneficial to Abby when she is attempting to self-feed? A. A visual schedule depicting each step of the process B. An adapted spoon and universal cuff attached to her wrist C. A walker to allow Abby to walk through the lunch line independently D. Headphones to block out noise from the cafeteria to allow concentration

Correct Answer: B The question tests understanding of accommodations. Using an adapted spoon and universal cuff is appropriate for the fine-motor deficits identified in the scenario and would be most beneficial when teaching Abby to feed herself independently

95) Brett's resource room language arts class is studying the Inca and Aztec peoples. The students were assigned to make a compare-and-contrast matrix of the Inca and Aztec peoples. Because Brett is unable to write, he is using the computer to complete the assignment. Which of the following computer software programs is most likely to benefit Brett? Brett? A. Concept-development software B. Voice-recognition software C. Communication software D. Text-reading software

Correct Answer: B The question tests understanding of assistive technology devices. Voice-recognition software allows a student to use a computer by speaking into a microphone, which decreases the student's need to use fine-motor skills.

109) A severe visual impairment is most likely to affect a child's development in which of the following ways? A. Heightened sensitivity to smells B. Delayed gross motor skills C. Improper phonetic pronunciation D. Poor sleeping habits

Correct Answer: B The question tests understanding of human development and behavior. A visual impairment affects the way an individual perceives and responds to the world, often causing a delay in motor skills.

45) Which of the following strategies involves dialogue with students about what they are doing well and where they need to improve? A. Active engagement B. Elaborated feedback C. Advanced organizing D. Progress monitoring

Correct Answer: B The question tests understanding of instructional strategies and techniques. Elaborated feedback is a strategy that involves dialogue with students about what they are doing well and where they need to improve.

54) Which of the following learning tools will be most beneficial to help Angie, a second-grade student with autism, learn how to use a schedule? A. An audiotape with step-by-step directions B. A visual schedule including picture symbols C. A written schedule with simplified wording D. An ink stamp to mark each completed activity on a chart

Correct Answer: B The question tests understanding of instructional strategies and techniques. Students with autism tend to be visual learners who benefit from using visual supports and picture symbols.

76) Ms. Mahoney is a third-grade resource room teacher. Many of her students have behavioral disorders. She has the rules posted on the wall and uses a system of rewards and consequences. Which of the following is an important part of any behavior modification plan that uses rewards and consequences? A. Allowing students to choose which rules to follow B. Delivering rewards frequently and immediately C. Allowing students to pick their own consequences D. Enforcing consequences at the end of the day

Correct Answer: B The question tests understanding of managing student behavior. Rewards promote recurrence of positive behaviors.

4) Alyse, an eighth grader with a severe cognitive impairment, has been continually commenting that she is hungry. In an effort to stop her commenting, her teacher begins to place snacks on Alyse's desk throughout the school day. After several days, Alyse stops stating that she is hungry. The elimination of Alyse's behavior is the result of A. punishment B. satiation C. desensitization D. extinction

Correct Answer: B The question tests understanding of managing student behavior. Satiation is decreasing or eliminating an unacceptable behavior as a result of continued and increased reinforcement of the behavior.

64) Ms. Hart is a special education teacher in a resource room. After giving the students with learning disabilities a vocabulary list, she changed an end-of-unit test to have fewer options and to include a word bank. This is an example of A. an accommodation B. a modification C. a related service D. an instructional strategy

Correct Answer: B The question tests understanding of modifications to the curriculum. Requiring students to know fewer vocabulary words for the test will reduce the amount of material that the students have to master.

16) One of the most critical educational components of providing an appropriate learning environment for a student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is to A. allow the student to self-select activities because of an inability to communicate B. create a carefully structured environment with established routines and procedures C. allow the student to be isolated from the rest of the class D. expect the student to follow classroom rules because of a need of socialization skills

Correct Answer: B The question tests understanding of planning and the learning environment. This answer is correct because students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) need a highly structured environment with predictable routines to minimize disruptive and distractive behaviors.

53) The most likely reason for administering the entire Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery, Third Edition, to a student is to evaluate for A. intellectual disability B. learning disabilities C. serious emotional disturbance D. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Correct Answer: B The question tests understanding of the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery, Third Edition, as well as an understanding of typical testing in the identification of learning disabilities. This answer is correct because the test can provide a discrepancy score between ability and achievement, which is typically a major component of the diagnosis of learning disabilities.

56) An IEP that ensures a student is working on goals and objectives that are aligned with state benchmarks and that promotes participation in the general curriculum is considered to be A. transition based B. standards based C. an initial IEP D. based on reevaluation

Correct Answer: B The question tests understanding of the components of an IEP. A standards-based IEP includes goals that are aligned with the state's academic content standards for a student's assigned grade level.

103) Which of the following is the best example of information that is included in the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) section of a student's IEP? A. Marty will accurately complete eight out of ten multiplication word problems by first highlighting important information in each word problem. B. Marty can compute fifteen multiplication facts in random order in one minute but demonstrates difficulty solving applied math problems when given extraneous information. C. Marty is given extended time, graph paper, highlighters, and breaks during mathematics tests. D. Marty receives two hours per week of supportive instruction in the area of mathematics in a resource room setting.

Correct Answer: B The question tests understanding of the components of an IEP. The PLAAFP identifies Marty's current strengths and weaknesses.

107) Which of the following is the most important step to take before referring a student for special education services? A. Documenting recommendations for student placement for the following year B. Documenting interventions implemented by teachers C. Documenting student response after behavior occurs D. Documenting student test scores

Correct Answer: B The question tests understanding of the referral and identification process. Before a student can be recommended for placement for special education services, there must be evidence showing that a response to intervention (RTI) has been implemented and documented.

82) Alan is an eighth-grade student classified with an intellectual disability. Testing shows that Alan is functioning at a third-grade level in all academic areas. He receives instruction in the resource room. Which of the following is an appropriate goal for Alan? A. Writing a five-paragraph essay with no more than six grammatical errors B. Using correct end-point punctuation when writing sentences C. Correctly multiplying two fractions with different denominators four out of five times D. Identifying major economic factors affecting the United States economy

Correct Answer: B The question tests understanding of writing appropriate goals. This is the correct answer because using punctuation is appropriate for a student functioning at a third-grade reading level.

102) Which of the following types of assessments provides data such as percentile level, stanine scores, and standard scores? A. Curriculum-based B. Formative C. Standardized D. Rating scale

Correct Answer: C Standardized assessments are formal tests that provide percentiles, stanine scores, and standard scores.

50) Which of the following best describes a testing accommodation for a student who has difficulty remaining on one task for a long period of time? A. Allowing the student to dictate answers to a scribe B. Permitting the student to record answers directly into the test booklet C. Administering a test in several timed sessions D. Providing a computer for the student to use to record test answers

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of accommodations. This answer is correct because a student who has difficulty remaining on task for a long period of time will benefit from taking a test in several timed sessions.

23) Which of the following is an essential component of an Individualized Education Program (IEP)? A. Class schedule B. Grading policy C. Annual goals D. Instructional strategies

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of an Individualized Education Program (IEP), which must include a statement of annual goals that meet the needs of the student with a disability.

52) Which of the following is an appropriate accommodation for a student who, following a traumatic brain injury, has difficulty with memorization? A. Providing the student with tests in large print B. Reducing the number of test questions C. Dividing work into smaller sections D. Providing the student with pencil grips

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of appropriate accommodations for students diagnosed as having a traumatic brain injury. Students with this diagnosis may have memory problems, difficulty paying attention, impulsiveness, poor organizational skills, and difficulty reasoning abstractly.

10) The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales is most likely to be used in the identification of A. gifted and talented students B. learning disabilities C. intellectual disabilities D. fragile X syndrome

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of assessment tools. The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS) was designed to assess personal, social, and adaptive functioning of handicapped and non-handicapped persons from birth to adulthood.

25) Dimitri, a ninth-grade student with an emotional behavioral disorder (EBD), has difficulty transitioning between classes. He often arrives late for his classes, which interferes with the instruction given in the class. Which of the following interventions is most appropriate for Dimitri? A. Arranging a conference to inform Dimitri's parents that he is habitually late to his classes B. Planning social skills lessons to emphasize the importance of being punctual in school C. Establishing a behavioral plan that will allow extra time for Dimitri to go from one class to the next D. Asking Dimitri to leave the classroom each time the behavior occurs in front of his peers

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of behavioral intervention plans. This answer is appropriate because students with EBD often have trouble transitioning between activities, and giving Dimitri extra time will help him get to his classes on time and reduce his frustration and anxiety.

30) The statement "Given a verbal description, students will correctly identify types of mountains four out of five times" is most appropriate in which of the following sections of a lesson plan? A. Guided practice B. Materials C. Objectives D. Summary

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of elements of a lesson plan. Performance objectives list observable behavior, a standard for a given behavior, and the condition under which the behavior will be performed.

8) A student who has a severe visual impairment will soon join a fourth-grade class. Which of the following activities is most likely help students empathize with their new classmate? A. Listening to a story with their eyes closed B. Picking a number out of a hat without looking C. Finding the pencil sharpener while wearing a blindfold D. Writing a list of everything they like to eat

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of how to provide a supportive classroom environment. Trying to locate an object blindfolded simulates the difficulties experienced by an individual who is blind, therefore cultivating empathy with the new student, who has a severe visual impairment.

35) A teacher who sets explicit goals for each lesson, presents a logical sequence of tasks, gives clear directions on how to do each task, models the task, engages the student in guided practice, asks frequent questions, gives feedback, and does not move on to the next task until the student masters the one at hand is using A. a metacognitive approach B. a diagnostic-prescriptive method C. direct instruction D. cooperative learning

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of instructional methods. Direct instruction is the explicit teaching of a skill set using lectures and demonstrations of the material.

113) Diana v. State Board of Education (1970), Larry P. v. Riles (1972), and Lau v. Nichols (1974), influenced the drafting of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and addressed the issue of A. zero reject B. expulsions C. nondiscriminatory assessment D. out-of-state schooling

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of precedents that have influenced special education legislation. The rulings in Diana v. State Board of Education, Larry P. v. Riles, and Lau v. Nichols helped establish the principle of nondiscriminatory assessment of students from diverse cultural backgrounds.

68) Which of the following goals will most likely be included in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for an eighth-grade student who has autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? A. Writing a paragraph using transitional phrases B. Remaining seated while completing independent work C. Using eye contact when speaking to the teacher D. Raising his or her hand before answering a question

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of setting appropriate goals for a student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by poor social interactions, so individuals with this disorder may have difficulty understanding facial expressions and maintaining eye contact.

61) Which of the following types of information is generally the most useful in making decisions about instruction for a student with a disability? A. Scores from standardized tests B. The category of the disability C. Curriculum-based assessment D. The amount of time the student spends in the resource room

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of specific information needed to design individualized instruction. Curriculum-based assessment tells the teacher how the student is performing on the current curriculum under the current teaching conditions and is the most relevant.

81) Which of the following would be most indicative of a receptive language disorder? A. A student uses the same words and phrases over and over again in different situations. B. A student hesitates before talking and rarely initiates conversation. C. A student looks at other students to see what they are doing when directions are given. D. A student cannot hear the teacher unless the teacher raises his or her voice.

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of speech and language disorders. This answer is correct because a student who is looking for visual cuing to do a task is having difficulty processing spoken (receptive) language.

65) About 80% of all speech disorders are characterized by difficulties with A. fluency B. delayed speech onset C. articulation D. voice

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of speech disorders. A difficulty with articulation is one characteristic of a speech disorder.

51) A curriculum that focuses on teaching functional and independent living skills, utilizes augmentative communication and assistive technology, and provides extensive support in the classroom is most likely used with students with A. learning disabilities B. emotional or behavioral disorders C. multiple and severe disabilities D. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of student characteristics and learning needs. Students with multiple and severe disabilities require a curriculum that is technology based and provides extensive support in the classroom.

88) Multiple-modality activities are recommended for inclusive classrooms. Which of the following is a multiple-modality activity for a unit on rocks? A. Asking students to bring in three rocks from the neighborhood and tell the class where they found them B. Having students read a story about a mountain climber's experience climbing Mount Everest C. Allowing students to touch and feel rocks and discuss their observations with a partner D. Assigning students to read a chapter of the textbook and answer comprehension questions

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of teaching strategies. Touching and feeling rocks and discussing observations with a partner addresses multiple learning styles, so that visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learners all have access to the same information.

39) The classification of severe intellectual disability is determined primarily on the basis of A. an IQ of 40-55 B. perinatal complications C. an IQ of 20-35 D. postnatal complications

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of the basic characteristics of intellectual disability, which is determined by an IQ score.

93) Danny is a twelfth-grade student who has been diagnosed with Tourette syndrome and epilepsy. Both conditions are controlled with medication. Danny is functioning at grade level with his peers. Which of the following statements best describes the most appropriate services for Danny? A. Danny's diagnosis requires an Individualized Education Program (IEP). B. Danny requires a paraprofessional to assist him in his course work. C. Danny is covered under Section 504 because he does not require special education services. D. Danny should be placed in inclusive classes for all academic courses.

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of the major legislation that affects special education. Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, if a student has a disability but requires neither special education nor related services, the student may qualify for protection under Section 504.

20) John is a new second-grade student in a special education class. He has a Section 504 accommodation plan because he frequently has seizures. John just had a tonic-clonic seizure in the classroom. Which of the following steps should the special education teacher take first? A. Teach the class what a seizure is and describe expectations for student behavior if John has another seizure B. Have the classroom assistant walk John to the school nurse to be checked C. Document the seizure and inform the necessary school personnel and the student's family D. Encourage the student to go to physical education now that the seizure is over

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of the role of a special education teacher. A seizure must be documented, and the necessary school personnel and the student's family must be informed.

91) Ms. Jones teaches students with severe and multiple disabilities. She is teaching some of her students to feed themselves and is teaching others self-help skills. Which of the following professionals should she contact for assistance? A. A physical therapist B. An adapted physical education teacher C. An occupational therapist D. A case manager

Correct Answer: C The question tests knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of professionals who deliver related services. This answer is correct because an occupational therapist helps individuals become more independent by improving work, play, and self-care skills.

111) Which of the following is an appropriate functional writing skill to teach a high school student with an intellectual disability? A. Writing in cursive B. Writing an essay for a college application C. Filling out job applications D. Spelling basic sight words

Correct Answer: C The question tests understanding of a functional curriculum. Learning to fill out job applications is an appropriate functional writing skill for a student with an intellectual disability.

66) An inclusive high school English class is writing short stories. Eli, who has dysgraphia, is working with the special education teacher on his second draft. Which of the following accommodations will be most beneficial to Eli? A. Writing the story on yellow paper so there is less glare on the paper B. Using a dictionary to check the spelling of new words C. Typing the story on a computer so that it is easier to proofread D. Being given a starting prompt to help begin the writing process

Correct Answer: C The question tests understanding of accommodations for a student with dysgraphia, a learning disability that affects the motor skills involved in writing. Typing the story will help Eli to reread it as often as necessary and also help him monitor his spelling and grammar.

118) Pamela is a tenth-grade student who was injured in a car accident over the summer. She is now experiencing severe headaches, memory loss, and slurred speech. According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), her disability falls into which disability category? A. Specific learning disability (SLD) B. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) C. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) D. Other health impairment (OHI)

Correct Answer: C The question tests understanding of the major disability categories. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is damage to the brain caused by a violent impact.

63) Maria is a 17-year-old with a physical disability. She also has speech and vision problems. She has applied for a part-time job that would require her to take the public bus to and from work. Which of the following is the first step for the teacher to take in helping Maria prepare for this job? A. Teaching Maria to sign her name so she can cash her paychecks B. Discussing the limitations of her disability C. Teaching Maria to read a transportation schedule D. Getting Maria a cell phone

Correct Answer: C The question tests understanding of the process of transitioning to employment. This answer is correct because Maria needs to learn the bus route to become independent.

69) Kayla is a third-grade student who has been struggling academically and has started acting defiantly and refusing to complete assignments. Her parents suspect that she has a learning disability. Which of the following professionals is most likely to administer the assessments to evaluate Kayla? A. Her teacher B. A private medical doctor C. The school psychologist D. The school guidance counselor

Correct Answer: C The question tests understanding of the referral and identification process. This answer is correct because the school psychologist conducts cognitive assessments that measure a student's intellectual abilities.

49) Ms. Brown taught a lesson on multiplying two-digit numbers to her students in a self-contained classroom. Then the students completed a math worksheet. Ms. Brown notes that most of the students had more than half the problems incorrect. Which of the following should Ms. Brown do next? A. Pair the students with regular education students who will act as peer tutors. B. Give the students another math worksheet the next day to see if they improve after doing their homework. C. Reteach the lesson another way to see if the students can improve their understanding of the topic. D. Go on to the next lesson in the book because time is limited.

Correct Answer: C The question tests understanding of using data to modify instruction. This answer is correct because a strategy of effective teaching is to modify instruction when the students show a lack of understanding.

94) Jaylen is a ten-year-old child with a severe intellectual disability. She is unable to communicate verbally but indicates choices by touching tangible items of interest or by using a communication board. Jaylen's teacher wants to create a set of reinforcers to encourage her to participate in class activities. Question: Which of the following is the best way for the teacher to choose reinforcers for Jaylen? A. Conducting research to determine the most effective reinforcers B. Meeting with the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team to recommend reinforcers C. Observing Jaylen interact with a variety of reinforcers D. Providing Jaylen with a standard set of classroom reinforcers

Correct Answer: C The student should be allowed to indicate preferences when given an array of possible reinforcers.

114) Mr. and Mrs. Chin are unable to attend their daughter's Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting at school. Which of the following is an acceptable alternative for a face-to-face meeting? A. Having the meeting take place without them B. Making sure all the professionals are present C. Holding a phone conference with the parents for the meeting to take place D. Postponing the meeting until the parents can attend

Correct Answer: C This question tests knowledge of federal laws. A phone conference with the parents is an acceptable alternative to a face-to-face meeting

28) Ms. Reardon teaches a fourth-grade resource room and is attending back-to-school night, where she meets her students' parents to inform them about what she will be doing in her class throughout the year. Which of the following is information that she would want to gather from the parents at this meeting? A. The parents' marital status B. The number of children living at home C. The parents' cell phone numbers and email addresses D. The parents' work addresses

Correct Answer: C The question addresses the ability to encourage communication with parents. Having the correct phone numbers and email addresses will foster communication between the teacher and the parents.

37) Click on a choice and drag it to a box. Keyboard Instructions To select an item for drag and drop press the space bar an you will be given a list of drop zones. Use the Tab to move to the item you want to move. Select the item you want to move with the Spacebar. Use the Up and Down cursor keys to select a target in the context menu. Press Enter to move the item to the target list. Question: A kindergarten teacher planning phonological awareness activities for the year must ensure that the activities match the phonological awareness continuum. Place the following levels of phonological awareness in the correct order of development. A. Syllable awareness B. Onset and rime C. Listening and rhyming D. Phoneme blending First - Second - Third - Fourth -

Correct Answer: C, A, B, D The correct sequence is Listening and rhyming, Syllable awareness, Onset and rime, and Phoneme blending. This is correct because generally children develop the ability to notice, hear, identify, and manipulate words and word parts, including phonemes, syllables, and onset and rime, in that specific order.

73) Amber was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at the age of seven. The local school district decided to place Amber in a private school for children with ASD even though the family did not agree with the decision. Question: Which of the following actions is the most appropriate for the family to take? A. Moving to a different school district where Amber will be placed in an inclusion classroom B. Deciding to homeschool Amber to avoid conflict of interest with the school district C. Accepting the school district's authority and agreeing to its decision D. Requesting a due process hearing against the school district for inappropriate placement

Correct Answer: D The parents may request a due process hearing if they do not agree with the school's decision to place Amber in a private school.

12) Martha is an eleventh-grade student with spina bifida. She uses a motorized wheelchair and has limited fine motor skills. Her testing indicates her cognitive and language skills are on grade level. Which of the following accommodations is most likely to benefit the student in her inclusive history class? A. Allowing Martha to use a laptop computer to take notes B. Requiring Martha to learn less material for mastery C. Providing Martha raised-line paper to improve her handwriting D. Providing Martha copies of notes to limit her need for writing

Correct Answer: D The question tests knowledge of accommodations. This answer is correct because the student has limited fine motor skills and will have difficulty taking notes

55) The purpose of self-monitoring is to allow students to A. record their own negative behaviors on a daily basis B. assess the behavior of other students C. imitate the appropriate behavior of other students D. assess their own behaviors in need of improvement

Correct Answer: D The question tests knowledge of assessments. This answer is correct because the purpose of a self-monitoring strategy is to allow students the chance to assess the steps necessary for improving behavior.

7) Bruce and Lou, who sit next to each other, distract each other in the classroom. The teacher has tried rewarding them for appropriate behavior, but their behavior has not changed. The teacher then changes their seating so that they are on opposite ends of the classroom. They now rarely distract each other. This is an example of A. manipulating the consequent stimulus B. using the Premack principle C. ignoring inappropriate behavior D. manipulating the antecedent stimulus

Correct Answer: D The question tests knowledge of behavioral approaches. Manipulating the antecedent stimulus means taking away the cause of the problem to change the behavior.

78) John is a ninth-grade student who has been identified as having an orthopedic impairment from cerebral palsy. Which of the following accommodations is most appropriate for John during his inclusive science class? A. Seating him near the teacher so he can hear the lectures more clearly B. Allowing him to take frequent breaks during the science class C. Providing him with large-print versions of all materials D. Allowing him to use a computer with word-prediction software to take notes

Correct Answer: D The question tests knowledge of classroom accommodations for a student with a physical disabilities. Students with cerebral palsy often have difficulty writing, so using a computer with word-prediction software will allow John to be independent and take notes using minimal key strokes, which will support his fine-motor delay.

106) Which of the following would most benefit a student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who has difficulty transitioning from one activity to another? A. Providing a peer buddy to stand in line with the student B. Allowing the student to be line leader C. Using a loud, clear voice when directing students to change activities D. Giving the student a visual schedule of classroom events

Correct Answer: D The question tests knowledge of classroom management. A visual schedule of upcoming activities will help a student with autism spectrum disorder to transition smoothly from one activity to the next.

34) Adapting existing vocal or gestural abilities and static symbols or icons and using technological devices for speech and language are all examples of A. assistive technology B. blissymbols C. synthesized speech D. augmentative communication

Correct Answer: D The question tests knowledge of different methods and materials necessary for communication. Augmentative communication is an approach that encompasses many different methods to build or augment communication.

117) A psychoanalytic approach to evaluating behavior disorders is most likely to explain such disorders as resulting from A. an individual's self-concept B. learned inappropriate behaviors C. neurological abnormalities D. early traumatic experiences

Correct Answer: D The question tests knowledge of different theoretical explanations of behavior disorders. A psychoanalytic approach addresses internal motivations and feelings, which are shaped by early childhood experiences.

14) Anthony has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and is in a fourth-grade resource room. Which of the following classroom strategies will best help Anthony focus during class? A. Reminding Anthony to stay on-task B. Allowing Anthony to answer questions aloud instead of writing his answers C. Providing Anthony with large-print materials D. Seating Anthony in an area with fewer distractions

Correct Answer: D The question tests knowledge of instructional strategies. Seating the student away from distractions will help him stay on-task.

97) Eric is a 14-year-old student who uses a motorized wheelchair. Eric tested on grade level for reading and writing but tested two grades below level for mathematics. His writing was assessed orally because of difficulty with fine-motor control. His speech therapy goal is to improve pronunciation, and his occupational therapy goal is to improve fine-motor control, so that he can grasp a pencil to write. Which of the following assistive devices is Eric most likely to require for working on a small-group activity that involves a computer? A. Computer screen magnifier B. Communication board C. Personal amplifier D. Joystick mouse

Correct Answer: D The question tests knowledge of options for assistive technology.A joystick mouse is an alternative to a standard mouse that will accommodate the student's fine-motor difficulties.

43) Juan is a tenth-grade student in an inclusive biology class. While working with a partner during a lab activity, Juan uses inappropriate language and pushes the lab materials to the floor. This behavior has not been witnessed by the biology teacher in the past. Which of the following responses is the most appropriate way to respond initially to Juan's behavior? A. Sending Juan to the office B. Calling Juan's parents after school C. Giving Juan an in-school suspension D. Speaking to Juan after class about his behavior

Correct Answer: D The question tests knowledge of responses to inappropriate classroom behaviors. Speaking to Juan after class is an important first step for the teacher to understand why Juan is behaving inappropriately.

36) To be identified as having an intellectual disability, a child must demonstrate significantly below average intellectual functioning and A. a discrepancy between ability and achievement B. genetic abnormalities C. seizure syndrome and brain dysfunction D. related limitations in two or more areas of adaptive skills

Correct Answer: D The question tests knowledge of special education classifications of an intellectual disability, which is characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors, with onset before the age of 18.

44) The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a A. civil rights law to prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability B. federal program to provide funds for removing architectural and transportation barriers for individuals with disabilities C. federal law that sets deadlines for states to expand testing requirements and guarantee that every teacher is qualified in his or her subject area D. federal program that authorizes aid for special education and related services to children with disabilities

Correct Answer: D The question tests knowledge of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It defines the act as a federal program that authorizes aid for special education and related services to children with disabilities.

22) Which of the following is a procedural safeguard included in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)? A. Students can be tested for classification only at the request of a parent. B. An IEP must be reviewed every year. C. Students must be present at all IEP meetings. D. Parents have the right to examine all educational records.

Correct Answer: D The question tests knowledge of the federal safeguards of the rights of parents, which include the right to participate in all meetings, examine all educational records, and receive written notice regarding placement.

108) The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that school districts always provide which of the following to all children with disabilities? A. Extended-school-year services B. Modifications to the curriculum C. Free accommodations for children with physical disabilities D. Education in the least restrictive environment

Correct Answer: D The question tests knowledge of the requirements of IDEA. This answer is correct because education in the least restrictive environment is a requirement of the law.

98) Eric is a 14-year-old student who uses a motorized wheelchair. Eric tested on grade level for reading and writing but tested two grades below level for mathematics. His writing was assessed orally because of difficulty with fine-motor control. His speech therapy goal is to improve pronunciation, and his occupational therapy goal is to improve fine-motor control, so that he can grasp a pencil to write. What accommodations are most appropriate for the student for taking tests? A. Reading test questions aloud to help the student overcome reading difficulties B. Offering testing in a separate room to eliminate the distractions caused by other students C. Providing a large-print test that the student can read more easily D. Having a scribe write the answers that the student gives orally

Correct Answer: D The question tests understanding of appropriate testing accommodations. The student is unable to write independently and would need a scribe to write his answers.

74) Which of the following is the most appropriate use of assistive technology that a teacher can implement for a student with low vision? A. Tape recording a lesson for the student B. Providing earphones for the student to use to screen out extraneous noises C. Allowing the student to use pencil grips to record notes during instructional time D. Enlarging books on a large screen so the student is better able to see the materials

Correct Answer: D The question tests understanding of assistive technology. Enlarged materials will allow the student to participate in classroom activities.

18) Mr. Jackson and Ms. Stern cooperatively teach an inclusive high school geometry class. While Mr. Jackson is reviewing homework with the class using an interactive whiteboard, Ms. Stern provides small-group instruction for several students who expressed difficulty with completing the homework assignment. This style of collaborative teaching is an example of A. shared teaching B. cooperative learning C. station teaching D. alternative teaching

Correct Answer: D The question tests understanding of collaborative teaching approaches. In alternative teaching, one teacher teaches the class while the other teacher pulls out a smaller group for remedial, supplemental, or enrichment activities.

90) A student with an articulation disorder lacks confidence speaking in a large-group setting. Which of the following instructional techniques will be the most effective to provide an opportunity for the student to participate meaningfully in a class discussion? A. Modeling the skill to be learned B. Connecting the objective to the student's prior knowledge C. Providing a note-taking template D. Using a think-pair-share activity

Correct Answer: D The question tests understanding of grouping formats. Think-pair-share is a cooperative discussion strategy in which students think about their answers and discuss them with a partner prior to sharing with the whole group.

41) Ms. Dackrey, a fourth-grade inclusion teacher, just finished reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone with her students. She groups students by learning styles and assigns each group different tasks. This strategy is best described as A. direct instruction B. small-group instruction C. reflective activities D. differentiated instruction

Correct Answer: D The question tests understanding of instructional strategies. Differentiated instruction allows teachers to vary instruction by using different activities that address several learning modalities and ability levels.

112) David is a fourth-grade student with a specific learning disability in reading. David has just completed a set of reading assessments, and his scores indicate that he is reading at an end-of-first-grade level. He demonstrates strengths in comprehension skills and uses context clues to help him decode text. His reading fluency is determined to be his primary reading weakness. Based on these assessment results, which of the following objectives will best meet David's current learning needs in reading? A. When presented with a list of 50 second-grade-level sight words, David will read 45 of the words accurately. B. When presented with a second-grade-level nonfiction text, David will identify three of the typical features of nonfiction texts. C. When presented with a second-grade-level fiction text, David will summarize the events of the story in sequential order. D. When presented with a second-grade-level fiction text, David will read at a rate of 120 words per minute.

Correct Answer: D The question tests understanding of learning objectives. Reading at a rate of 120 words per minute specifically addresses reading fluency.

57) Rafael has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). One of his testing accommodations is to test in a separate room with the special education teacher. Which of the following is a reason for this accommodation? A. The other students will not hear the test being read aloud to Rafael. B. Rafael can read the test aloud to himself without distracting other students. C. The special education teacher can give Rafael cues about the answers. D. Rafael will be able to concentrate better without distractions.

Correct Answer: D The question tests understanding of testing accommodations. A separate testing environment will help students who have difficulty focusing, such as students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

40) Martin is a third-grade student who has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Martin's parents have asked the special education teacher for suggestions to improve behaviors at home. Which of the following is most appropriate for the special education teacher to recommend to his parents to use at home? A. Allowing Martin to stay up until he indicates that he is tired B. Playing math games with Martin to strengthen his multiplication skills C. Allowing Martin to play computer games to increase eye-hand coordination D. Setting clear rules, expectations, and consequences for Martin's behaviors

Correct Answer: D The question tests understanding of the impact of disabilities at home. Parents of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) need simple guidelines to follow.

84) Juliet, a high school student with a specific learning disability (SLD), plans to enroll in a graphic arts program after she graduates from high school. Which of the following goals is most appropriate as part of her Individualized Transition Plan (ITP)? A. Finding a part-time job as a salesperson B. Learning to tell time C. Researching community-living programs D. Taking computer classes

Correct Answer: D The question tests understanding of transition planning for a high school student with a specific learning disability (SLD). Juliet should have goals that move her toward her plans to enroll in a graphic arts program, and computer classes will help her develop the prerequisite skills necessary for the program.

110) According to IDEA, a student must be included as a member of the IEP team to A. give consent for initial evaluation B. recommend a change of placement C. develop a functional behavior assessment D. consider postsecondary goals and transition services

Correct Answer: D The question tests understanding of who is included in the IEP team and why. This answer is correct because a child with a disability must attend the IEP team meeting if a purpose of the meeting is to plan postsecondary goals for the child and transition services required for supporting the child in achieving those goals.

116) Marcus, an 8-year-old boy with a specific learning disability (SLD), has difficulty with learning addition and subtraction facts, simple word problems, and games that require logical reasoning. Which of the following disorders is described above? A. Dysgraphia B. Dyslexia C. Dyspraxia D. Dyscalculia

Correct Answer: D This question tests knowledge of different learning disabilities. This answer is correct because dyscalculia involves the inability to understand the meaning of numbers and quantities. Students with dyscalculia cannot understand basic operations of addition and subtraction. They may not understand complex problems such as multiplication, division, and more abstract problems. Because they do not understand math concepts, they do not remember and cannot build on them to master more complex problems.

86) Ben is a fifth-grade student who has difficulty controlling his impulses. He often calls out in class, interrupts other students, and walks around the classroom without permission. Which of the following is an example of a natural consequence? A. Ben calls out in class, and the teacher reprimands him. B. Ben gets out of his seat, and the teacher tells him to write 50 times, "I will stay in my seat." C. Ben calls out comments during a discussion and is sent to the principal's office. D. Ben continually interrupts his

Correct Answer: D This question tests understanding of how to manage student behavior. Natural consequences are situations that provide a penalty for inappropriate behavior without conscious action being taken. A student who continually interrupts a group may irritate the other students enough that they ask for him to be removed.

1) What is the purpose of a cognitive assessment? A. To analyze emotional development B. To calculate adaptive behavior C. To test fine motor skills D. To measure intellectual ability

Correct Answer: D The question tests understanding of the uses of assessments. Cognitive assessments test how well an individual solves problems, interprets information, and recalls information, which are all part of intellectual ability.

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