Speech chapter 20 vocabulary
a group during its meetings
executive session
a kind of meeting or part of a meeting open only to group members
a motion to reexamine a motion that has already been passed or defeated
main motion
a proposal that asks the group to take action
subsidiary motion
a proposal to adjust or fine-tune a main motion
a set of special rules agreed upon by the members of a group
parliamentary procedure
a system of rules followed in formal meetings, based on ideas developed in the British parliament
orders of the day
an agenda or list of topics to be discussed during the meeting
incidental motion
any proposal change how a meeting is being run
old business
business not completed in a previous meeting
presiding officer of a meeting or origination
privileged motion
proposal to resolve an urgent problem other than the main motion
new business
subjects brought up for the first time in a meeting
the minimum number of members that must be present in order for a group's decisions to take effect
order of precedence
the relationship of motions to each other
the written record of an organization's meeting
to change a motion by adding and/or removing words
to close a meeting
table a motion
to set aside a motion for the time being
call for the question
to take intermediate vote on a motion