Speeding Exam
T/F You must slow down & make a lane change if possible when approaching a stopped emergency vehicle?
T/F You tend to drive toward what you're looking at, focus on the road ahead to avoid target fixation.
What was the leading contributing factor in deaths?
Inclement weather attributed to how many deaths in 2017?
In 2017, how many deaths were attributed to speed crashes in Utah?
T/F You need to slow down & move over for emergency vehicles only at night or during inclement weather?
Most actions connected with aggressive driving are illegal, such as?
Running red lights & stop signs, Speeding, Unsafe lane changes, and Tailgating
If posted speed limit is 65mph, in what driving conditions may the posted limit not be the safest speed at which to travel?
Snow packed, Fog, Wet roads
T/F At 41% speeding is one of the 5 leading contributing factors in traffic deaths on Utah highways?
T/F In a minor collision, if both cars are drivable and there are no serious injuries. call 911 and move to the next exit.