Spiritual Self

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Masamang Loob

A person is said to be like this if he is of bad character. He relates negatively with others.

Magandang Loob

A person is said to be like this if he relates well and positively with others


According to them; Kalag (not normally seen by the human eye) Sometimes it comes out of the body and takes on a visible form such as that of an insect like a housefly or even a lizard. The kalag may leave the body voluntarily as when a person is asleep, according to the Visayans. When a person can see himself in his dreams, it means that his "other self" has left the physical body. - OBE.


An explanation of events based on the belief that certain individuals possess an innate psychic power capable of causing harm, including sickness and death


Another involuntary departure of the soul happens when it is lured or captured by bad spirit also known as?


Are anything you do in a repetitive nature.


Bagobos; soul


Bukidnons; soul


Creates a moral community. Provides rites of passage. Provides emotional support. Serves as a means to provide answers to ultimate questions. Agent of Social Change.


Described as the first expression of mans interior truth. It is the Christians acknowledgement and awareness of the true nature of the loob, and the richness or weakness of this loob as exposed by the light of faith. It becomes an active receptiveness an active listening to what God is revealing through one's loob. It is the recognition, acknowledgement, acceptance of this relatedness to God of our loob in an explicit manner.


Effective way for people to explain a personal misfortune without having to shoulder any blame to themselves. Provides an outlet for feelings of hostility and frustration without disturbing the norms of the larger group.

Experiential Values

Experiencing something or someone we value. The most important example of this is the love we feel towards another - family, friends, workmates, etc.


For them, the role of the soul is to give direction and wholeness to the man. But the body can stay alive independently of the soul while the soul itself, even when separate from the body, experiences material wants and needs


Forth soul; is the liberated soul of the dead. It is the soul that comes down to earth to visit its relatives and friends, asking them to pray or perform a duty it failed to do in life.


Frankl's most famous example is achieving the meaning by way of?


Further derives from kadduwa meaning "companion"

Ultimate End

Happiness/Salvation. Intellect Free Will will strive for this? All human actions, as they are performed with intellect and freedom, are all geared towards it. It is the union with God...

Viktor Frankl

He is a medical doctor, his wife, mother, father, brother were arrested and taken in a Nazi concentration camp. After a few years, he was the only survivor. Introduced Logotheraphy


Illusions; Oldest performing arts in the world which audiences are entertained by staged tricks of seemingly impossible using natural means. Paranormal; Among the most fascinating of ritual practices is application of the belief that supernatural power can be compelled to act in certain ways for good or evil purposes by recourse to certain specified formulas


Ilokanos; soul; inside physical body


Ilonggos; soul; alive

Attitudinal Values

Includes practicing virtues as compassion, bravery, a good sense of humor, and so on.


Inner self; is the core of one's person hood and where the true worth of the person lies. It is what makes one what he is and who he is as person. It is a term used to describe a person in relationship with others


Interior truth points to the core of one's person hood. It is made in the image and likeness of God; hence it is constituted by being related to God.


Is an organized system of ideas about the spiritual sphere, along with ceremonial practices; our way of relating with the supernatural or the divine


It is a quality of this which has its roots in the very heart of a person and which is given expression in the totality of one's life of interrelationship. This reminds us of Jesus in whom words and deeds are true manifestations of his kagandahang loob. This is why God's saving activity is described as kagandahang loob

Christian Prayer

It is our conscious personal communion with God, our father, in Christ Jesus. It is the fruit of the Holy Spirit working in our hearts, enabling us to turn to God and with confidence to call him our father. This prayer is always a free gift of God.


It travels outside the body should be free from accidents. Only when the soul has safely returned home would the owner be able to wake up. Whatever happens to it, it also happens in the physical body as well. It is also believed that another cause of the withdrawal of the soul from the body is when the body is maltreated. The soul voluntarily leaves the body in that sense. The soul can also leave the body involuntarily as in the case of a child who is frightened. The child becomes normal again the moment the kaluluwa rejoins the body.

Kagandahang Loob

Kindness, generosity, benevolence, helpfulness can be a very appropriate description of who God is for Filipinos. It connotes all that is good in someone which is an ideal among Filipinos


Life force of person: the vital force that characterizes a human being as being alive; the principle of life

Existential Vacuum

Life that is empty, meaningless, purposeless, aimless, adrift and son and seems to be responding to these experiences with unusual behaviors that hurt themselves others, society or all three


Manifested through external behavior and behavior in an authentic person stems from it.


Nonphysical aspect of person: the complexity human attributes that manifests as consciousness, thought, feeling, and will, regarded as distinct from the physical body. Feelings: a person's emotional and moral nature, where the most private thoughts and feelings are hidden. Sometimes regarded as subject to future reward and punishment. In essence: the deepest and truest nature of people or a nation, or what gives somebody or something a distinctive character.


Paranormal; avoidance or healing of illness in humans, seeking some luck where the outcome is in doubt or beyond factual influence. Illusions; captivates the audience with expert showmanship, promotes and advances the art of staged magic.


Psychotherapy based on acceptance of self: a form of psychotherapy that is based on helping clients to find sense of meaning and purpose in their lives.


Relating to the soul or spirit, usually in contrast to material things


Second soul; can leave the body when one is frightened; or it can be stolen from the body when the person goes to isolated places. If the soul fails to return, the owner becomes insane. Sacrifices and attendant ceremonies are held to lure back a lost. Stands for natural vigor. It also stands for mind or reason. It is our counterpart of what the Greeks referred to as psyche.


Soul proper; is the vital element in man. It can leave only after death. It is the Ilokano name presently used for the Christian soul.


Supra-meaning. It is the ultimate meaning in life. It is a reference to God and spiritual meaning.


Tagalog; soul


Third soul; Can leave the body during sleep and visit places which the person who owns it frequents when awake. If he wakes up, he may lose his self and become insane.


This doubling intensifies the nature of companionship so that it means "constant companion" or an inseparable partner, therefore an attached companion of the living person

Creative Values

This the traditional existential; idea of providing oneself with meaning by becoming involved in one's projects or better in the project of ones own life. It includes the creativity and passion involved in art, music, writing, invention, work and so on.


Unite people; Allay fear of the crisis prompt - collective action


Visayan; It has secondary meaning of "willpower". It is the intellectual and psychological capacity to dominate or persuade others to one's way of thinking.


Visayans; soul; willpower

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