Sport Managment Unit 2

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What are the essential skills for sport management and marketing agency personnel?

Figure 11.1 summarizes these skills: Technical skills (e.g., excellent written communication skills, legal knowledge in related fields, comprehension of marketing, promotion, public relations), people skills (e.g., listening skills, ability to network), and organizational skills (e.g., strategic planning, supervisory skills, ability to design and manage projects).

Explain how the luxury tax penalties differ in MLB compared to the NBA

For MLB, first offenders must pay a 20 percent penalty on anything over the predetermined guideline; second offenders pay 30 percent, and third offenders pay 50 percent in addition to receiving draft pick and other financial penalties. For the NBA, the penalties are based on the amount the team goes over the cap. They can range from US$1 to US$3.25 per US$1 over. After the team reaches the US$3.25 rate, the amount will increase US$0.50 for every US$5 million over the cap.

Why was a governing body needed?

For safety of students participants

How has the passage of Title IX affected participation rates in high school sport?

Participation among girls jumped from 294,015 to 1,300,169 in two years, it was a 500% increase

What role did president Theodore Roosevelt play in the development of college sport in the US?

President Theodore Roosevelt, like many other Americans, was concerned about the violence occurring in college sport in the early 1900s. Because college football coaches and university administrators were not able to come up with a way to intervene to make football safer, Roosevelt stepped in to facilitate discussions that eventually led to the formation of the NCAA.

What three future challenges will the professional sport segment of the sport industry face?

Professional sport teams and leagues will face a variety of challenges, but three major challenges are constant disputes between labor and management—usually regarding salaries—staying competitive in an industry that is affected by the substantial growth of new technologies, and finding ways to increase global popularity.

What are the major operational differences between public school and private school athletic departments?

Public schools operate primarily on local property taxes, whereas private schools operate on various funding and giving

Who are the clients (sport-related entities) for sport management and marketing agencies?

Talent, property, corporate brand, and media company.

How do the Power 5 confrences exert influence and control over decision making in the NCAA?

The Power 5 conferences are designated as autonomous conferences. This designation gives the Power 5 the opportunity to pass legislation that is favorable to their programs. Nonautonomous Divison 1 schools and conferences might not wish to adopt the same rules for a variety of reasons.

In what year did high school sport governance begin?

1888, Massachusetts Interscholastic Football Association

What career opportunities within community and youth sport are most attractive to you? Why?

Answers will vary but might include a number of those mentioned in the sidebar Austin Sports & Social Club, including operations director, financial officer, website manager, league coordinator, tournament coordinator, director of officials, marketing director, director of volunteers, facilities director, and risk management director.

Name several challenges in managing community and youth sport. Provide ideas to meet those challenges.

Answers will vary, but they might include alignment of goals with national sport policy, tension of goals between elite versus mass sport development, lack of financial resources, lack of human resources, lack of quality or trained coaches, lack of quality facilities.

5. What are the goals and outcomes associated with each community and youth sport sector?

Answers will vary, but they should include that in some organizations the goals are to increase access and opportunity—to maximize the number and diversity of participants. In other organizations, the goals and outcomes are more for advancing elite athlete development. Answers may also include examining the tensions in these goals, especially at the youth sport level.

7. Founded in 1960, IMG benefited from being the first and best-known sport management and marketing agency. What are the benefits of that legacy to the current Endeavor? What challenges might a company of Endeavor's scale and breadth face in the current competitive climate and industry landscape?

As a global powerhouse with a long history, Endeavor has a strong brand recognition, which can attract many potential clients. Having broad visibility across all segments of the industry provides benefits in intelligence gathering and client consultation. However, being a big organization means it may not be as nimble and quick in decision making as smaller agencies, which could pose a challenge in a fast-changing environment. In addition, as a full-service company, Endeavor's resources are spread over many areas, which leaves it vulnerable to specialty agencies that can focus on one niche function or service

What is the relationship between winning and a high coaching salaries, at least according to one study noted in the chapter?

As evidence in the sidebar Using Analytics to Hire Coaches, coach performance can be measured in a variety of ways. A simple analysis that winning should yield a higher coach salary may not be cost effectibe for a program and may not produce the results expected

Why are research and evaluation crucial roles performed by sport management and marketing agencies?

As the spending in various types of sport programs and sponsorship increases, the needs for accountability and justification for ROI have grown accordingly. Research and evaluation are necessary to provide the evidence whether or not a program was successful and money was well spent, which will provide helpful information for the future of the program.

What are the possible rules violations that athletic development officers need to be aware of? How do they try to reduce the likelihood of those violations?

Athletic development officers need to be aware that donors and others may be prone to offering athletes improper benefits. Developing educational materials for donors in terms of applicable NCAA rules and rules obligations is something that athletic development officers need to work on with compliance officers.

What are some of the perceived benefits of student participation in interscholastic sport to become part of the educational system?

Athletics support the academic mission of schools, are inherently educational, and foster success in later life.

8. What best practices are being promoted, and by whom, for health and well-being in youth sport?

Canadian Sport for Life is one example of an organization promoting best practices such as inclusion in sport across age, gender, ability, physical literacy level, background, and geographic location. Project Play is another organization promoting fun and more inclusive play for youth in the United States.

How are career paths similar and different at the national, state, district, and local levels?

Career Paths at the local and district levels tend to focus on grassroots-level positions such as coach, official, and athletic director. Career paths at the state or national level focus on administrative and coordination support positions for governing interscholastic sports.

What are the three categories of positions in professional sport organizations, and what are some examples of positions in each category?

Career opportunities in professional sport organizations can typically be classified under executive-level positions, player personnel, and business positions. Executive positions (e.g., CEO or COO, CFO, CMO, GM) are c leaders and managers with significant influence and power in the organization. Player personnel positions (e.g., medical and training staff, coaches, player education and relations personnel, video support staff, and stadium and facility staff) focus on players' physical development and health and well-being. Opportunities are also available behind the scenes in business positions (e.g. ticket sales, corporate sales, game experience, advertising, community relations, sports data analysis, hospitality)

What is the purpose of collective bargaining? Why is it important to the management of professional sport?

Collective bargaining allows players to negotiate pay as well as working conditions as a group. It is important to the management of professional sport because the negotiated contract applies to all teams within a league uniformly.

What are at least three examples of a participant sport delivery model across the life span?

Community sport includes public and private sports clubs and recreation centers. Youth sport can include public and private sport clubs, recreation, government-sponsored youth leagues, privately sponsored youth leagues, and school-based delivery

3. How would you define community and youth sport?

Community sport is defined as organized physical activity and sport across the life span that is based in community, school, and local sport organizations. Youth sport is defined as organized physical activity and sport for children and adolescents offered through schools, community organizations, or national sport organizations

What are some of the current issues in corruption that affect international sport?

Corruption in sport is not new, but current pervasiveness of poor governance and corruption scandals have heightened awareness of this issue. Corrupt practices that affect international sport include drug use and doping, cheating, match fixing, spectator hooliganism and violence, questionable governance practices, and commercial interests that take precedence over athletes' and participants' welfare. Many sport organizations, even at the international level, also operate without external oversight. In addition, former athletes or those with little experience in management have often overseen the administration of sport, and these organizations have been slow to adapt in order to protect certain self-interests.

Name some of the emerging economies that are becoming attractive hosts for international competitions. What makes them attractive?

Emerging markets in economies undergoing rapid urbanization and development (e.g., Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) are becoming attractive potential hosts for major global sport events. Developed economies have taken advantage of globalization to seek new opportunities internationally to promote their products and services to new markets. For example, among emerging economies, Asia is particularly attractive with its rapid economic growth and large population.

What are some examples of how you can apply ethical decision making to the activities of sport management and marketing agencies?

Examples include how to balance between advertising income from certain industries (e.g., spirits and tobacco) and its potential influence on youth, how to ethically recruit talent without violating rules and regulations, and how to treat clients fairly when interests of multiple clients conflict.

What are the three factors that served to redefine international sport? What was the effect of each?

Expansion of corporate sponsorships in Olympic Games, the shift in the balance of power in international sport, and increased popularity of soccer are three factors that redefined international sport. Today, corporate sponsorship is the second largest revenue source for the Olympic Games. A single nation or region no longer dominates specific sports, which increased the competitiveness and popularity of international events. Finally, with the increased popularity of football (soccer), new domestic leagues have been formed for men and women in several countries, FIFA started to organize the FIFA Women's World Cup, and new contenders emerged in the men's FIFA World Cup.

How many Division 1 athletic departments make a profit? Explain why it is difficult to accurately determine the profitability of athletic departments.

For the 2018-2019 academic year, none of the 1,082 institutions that submitted an EADA report indicated that their athletic programs ran at a loss and 422 reported revenues that exceeded expenses. When student subsidies are removed, 52 of the top 227 highest earning schools registered a profit. It should not come as a big surprise, however, that the vast majority of schools are not reporting profits; athletic departments are operating within a nonprofit model. Economist Andy Schwarz points out that this designation creates an incentive to hide (intentionally not disclose) profits or to spend excessively.

How is the management of professional sport different from the management of many nonsport organizations?

Four aspects of professional sport that distinguish it from other industries are the interdependence of professional teams to ensure the league's growth and survival, a unique organizational structure and governance, labor-management relationships (e.g. collective bargaining, free agency, salary caps, and player draft) not typical in nonprofessional sport settings, and the significant role electronic and new media play in driving the popularity of professional sport and generating revenue.

What are the different types of sport management and marketing agencies in terms of its scope of service?

Full service, general, and specialty

What are four distinct characteristics of European Club System, as discussed in The World's Obsession With Soccer?

In Europe, the focus is on win maximization rather than turning profit. Soccer clubs function as independent entities, and their financial challenges do not affect their respective leagues. They implement a promotion- relegation model that allows for an open system where a new club can join a higher division through a successful season in a lower division. Finally, multisport clubs exist that field teams in more than one sport.

What future changes do you see in terms of the media's influence at the high schol level?

In how coaches and student participants use social media formats that can be disruptive

What was the relationship between the NCAA and the NAIA in the 1970s? How has that relationship changed?

In the 1970s, the NAIA was considered a competitor of the NCAA. Over time, however, as the NCAA increased its power, the NAIA lost membership. The NAIA is about half the size of what it once was

The history of women's professional sport leagues is defined by many short-lived attempts to establish leagues. What factors contributed to the failure of many of these leagues?

In the 20th century, the failure of some women's professional sport leagues can be attributed to poor management or financial difficulties. Women's sports have historically received lower revenue from gate receipts and sponsorships compared to men's professional leagues, contributing to their financial challenges.

How do the different sectors of sport vary based on cultural and national contexts?

In the United States, community and youth sport is largely unregulated. In Canada, sport is governed by SportCanada, a unit of the federal government that sets sport policy and legislation. Sport Canada financiallysupports national sport organizations; in turn, these sport organizations are closely connected to provincial orterritorial, and local sport organizations with policy directives and operational support from organizations suchas Canadian Sport for Life, which sets national sport policy. It is supported by local community sportorganizations with policy directives and operational support from Sport for Life Canada. In Mexico, sport isgoverned by policy from CONADE and various NGOs with delivery at the local level.

What are some of the strengths and weaknesses in the various forms for delivering sport across the life span?

In your response, be sure to touch on the delivery format (e.g., league versus tournament, the target participants, sport(s) offered, competitive level, and if the delivery is mostly through paid staff or volunteers). Answers will vary.

What are some of the benefits of bringing functions such as sponsorship in-house instead of outsourcing them to sport management and marketing agencies?

Internal sport or sponsorship groups can function as gatekeepers in reviewing incoming opportunities and information. As a part of the corporation, in-house operation can make communication and collaboration with other internal business units (e.g., advertising departments and PR departments) easier. As a result, in-house operation can give more control to the company.

What is the definition of international sport? What factors are considered in determining whether a sport fits this definition?

International sport refers to organizations, events, and governance structures that consistently perform their functions on a global stage. Two factors considered are the context in which these entities function and regularity of their actions on the global stage.

Why is the ECAC such an unusual conference?

It is the largest conference in the united states with 300 teams from 16 states and it includes teams in Divisions I, II, and III

How is labor managed in professional sport?

Labor is managed in five ways: Baseball's antitrust exemption, collective bargaining, free agency, salary caps, and the player draft.

Owners of professional sport teams are faced with the challenge of generating sufficient revenue to meet player salary demands and high operating costs. Discuss major revenue sources for professional sport teams and leagues?

Major sources of revenue for many professional sport teams comes from corporate sponsorships and gate receipts. Some teams also generate revenue by negotiating local TV contracts to broadcast their regular- season games and granting merchandise and apparel manufacturers the right to use their names and logos.

What skills, experiences, and competencies would help aspiring international sport managers prepare for the job market?

Many of the core skills and competencies required by sport managers also apply in the international context. However, some key areas may prove useful in helping to prepare for a career in international sport. In terms of experiences, study abroad program provide opportunities to develop essential knowledge and understanding of other languages, cultures, and customs. Volunteer roles and internships at international mega events or organizations also provide valuable learning experiences and assist in establishing global industry networks. Importantly, international sport managers also need to understand how sports operate internationally. They must also be receptive and sensitive to cultural differences and be able to communicate in different cultural settings. The ability to speak another language may be advantageous. Finally, the ability to think critically and apply ethical decision making are of increasing importance.

List and discuss three historical figures that broke color barriers in professional sport.

Moses Fleetwood Walker and his brother, Weldy Walker, became the first African Americans to play in MLB for the Toledo Blue Stockings. In 1947, when MLB was reintegrated, Jackie Robinson broke baseball's modern color barrier when he was signed to the Brooklyn Dodgers. In 1946, Kenny Washington reintegrated the NFL when he was signed by the LA Rams. In 1950, Chuck Cooper broke another color barrier when he became the first African American to be drafted to the NBA by the Boston Celtics. Willie O'Ree integrated the NHL when the Boston Bruins signed him in 1957.

What are the key differences in education, background, and preparation between ADs working in Division I compared to ADs working in Divisions II and III?

Several key differences exist between and among athletic directors by divisional affiliation. While approximately one-third of Division I and one-fourth of Division II and III ADs earned a degree in sport management, Division I ADs are much more likely to hold degrees in business and law. In contrast, ADs working in Divisions II and III are more likely to have degrees in physical education or education. In addition, 75 percent of Division III ADs have coaching experience, while 70 percent of Division I athletic directors have no high school or college coaching experience.

How has social media influenced the work of sport managers in the various sectors of community and youth sport?

Social media has become an expected element of sport participation. Use of it by individuals and sport organizations has been helpful in promoting sport and highlighting accomplishments of individuals and organizations. One drawback is that not everyone can or does use social media, thus limiting access and equity for some individuals. Further, information about individuals and organizations is difficult to control, making misinformation and blatant abuses common.

What are three efforts the IOC has put forward to address sustainability within the Olympic Movement?

Some of the efforts put forward by the IOC to address sustainability are development of the Sport and Environment Commission; incorporation of sustainable development in sport and the Olympic Games to the Olympic Charter; adoption of Agenda 21 providing policy guidelines for the Olympic Movement; creation of a sport, environment, and sustainable development guide; and finally the requirement of including a section in each city's bid book related to the environment and sustainable games.

How are specialty agencies different from full-service sport management and marketing agencies?

Specialty agencies specialize in a specific type of service or cater to a specific stakeholder clientele. On the other hand, full-service agencies offer a broad array of services and touch all or most of the four stakeholder groups.

What functions do sport management and marketing agencies perform?

Strategic planning and management; sponsorship licensing solicitation; event creation; contract negotiation; marketing activation; CSR and grassroots programming; content development; financial planning and brand or legacy building; and research, insights, and measurement.

Why is mental health important for sport managers to consider?

The aim of a sport manager is to help and support athletes to reach their goals; in elite sport, they help them reach peak performance. It requires optimal mental health to do so. One major organization like the IOC hosted a consensus meeting in 2018; in 2019, it published a statement in which the expert panel emphasized that management should be involved in both treatment of affected individual athletes and optimizing environments in which all elite athletes train and compete. As international elite athletes and role models (e.g., Michael Phelps) admit mental health challenges, it has become standard among the different national federations and major sport clubs to extend support systems to their athletes. This chapter elaborated on the measures taken in Japan to better manage athletes' health. At the beginning of 2020, a group of international experts and researchers held a consensus meeting, and adapted a holistic model to the Japanese context. After gathering necessary information from athletes and coaches, a new management system was formed to support mental health and well-being of high-performance athletes. This new system will serve as a point of contact and a center to assist high-performance athletes in Japan.

What are the challenges facing agencies today?

The challenges are many; examples include uncertainly in client base, in house venues outscoring, conflicts of interest, mergers and acquisitions, labor unrest, and economic challenges

What are some of the underlying factors that caused interscholastic sport to become part of the educational system?

The need for sport specific standards, rules, and policies

What are some of the ways the media have affected interscholastic athletics?

They have brought more attention to interscholastic sport at the regional and national level

In relation to other levels of sport competition in the US, where do interscholastic athletics rank in size and scope.

They rank number one among other sport sectors in the US

How are college and university athletic departments addressing issues of diversity and inclusion?

This question will require students to go to a select college or university athletic department website or choose a group of schools from a particular conference to examine whether an athletic department has a committee or task force on diversity and inclusion, who is on that committee, the kinds of programming and educational outreach that is done, and who within the athletic department oversees diversity and inclusion efforts.

How has new media changed the way sport fans consume content?

Through the NFL Sunday Ticket, DirecTV, and streaming on phones, fans can watch games anytime and interact with teams and players on social media. New media also allows fans to choose their preferred way to watch sports and continue their fandom.

How have advances in the recruitment of athletes and a focus on more globalized marketing affected international sport?

Today, professional leagues recruit foreign talent throughout the world, which resulted in expansion of international sport. The leagues use the influence and appeal of the foreign players to expand to new markets; through the sale of broadcasting rights, team merchandise, and other product extensions overseas, they have become worldwide brands.

How are access to—and equity in—sport complex issues across different communities both in North America and globally?

Traditionally sport has been offered to those who play more traditional or mainstream forms of sports and those with the power and privilege to afford and control those sports. Recent Sport For All movements in North America and globally have promoted access and equity across a variety of factors to enhance sport participation and physical literacy in more equitable and inclusive ways. The sidebar Sport for All—Any Human, Anywhere, Any Time offers an interesting example of addressing equity and access in a global sense through SDP initiatives.

What are some of the continuing challenges of female athletes and women's sports in international sport?

While Title IX and the focus on women's rights for decades resulted in a slow but steady growth in participation opportunities for women in sport, some challenges and obvious discrepancies still exist in coaching, official, and leadership positions. Countries with strong patriarchal views do not approve of women's participation in sports and women struggle to find a seat at the leadership table. A couple encouraging developments came from Norway and Australia in 2017 and 2019, respectively, through Women's National Football Team players achieving equal pay and conditions; However, this advance is the exception more than the rule. Women continue to be under-represented and not given the same opportunities as coaches and leaders; therefore, it is vital to acknowledge and pay attention to women's competence.

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