Sports Medicine 2 Final Exam Study Guide

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The ratio of compression to breaths for a child is:


What degree of an AC Joint Separation is most severe?

3rd degree is the worst because the ligament completely tears leaving a deformity.

How long should you check for signs of breathing?

5 to 10 seconds.

What mechanism of injury most commonly could cause damage to the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and/ or hand?

Falling on outstretched hand.

What type of sprain would have the following signs and symptoms: one or more of the supporting ligaments are stretched, minor discomfort is felt, point tenderness at the site of injury, and little or no swelling?

First degree!

A pes planus foot is associated with?


Which of the following mechanism results in "Game Keeper's Thumb"?

Forced ABduction or hyper-extension.

What are the rotator cuff muscles?

Muscles that stabilize the shoulder: Supraspinatus muscle, Infraspinatus muscle, Teres Minor muscle, and Subscapularis muscle.

If active range of motion bothers an athlete in the evaluation, what structure is probably affected?


What are the main structures involved with epicondylitis?


When do you attach/ use an AED for an infant victim?


The ACL is the strongest ligament in the knee, yes or no?

NO, the PCL is the strongest.

If an athlete has a shoulder dislocation, is it okay for a student athletic trainer to relocate the injured joint?


What is the definition of a VALGUS force at the knee joint?

OUTside to INside.

What special test is performed to determine if there is a problem with the Iliotibial (IT) Band? (Normally it is tight.)

Ober Test.

The best way to check if a person is unconscious is to:

Tap them firmly on the shoulder and ask, "Are you okay?" loudly.

Avulsion fractures can occur when a ____________ pulls a piece of bone away from the insertion site.


The anterior drawer special test of the ankle tests the integrity of what ligament?

The Anterior Drawer Test tests the integrity of the anterior talofibular ligament.

What type of joint is the hip joint?

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint.

What is the main structure that is involved with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The median nerve.

Out of all the bones at the knee, which one is a sesamoid bone?

The patella.

What structures originate from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus?

Wrist extensors.

What structures originate from the medial epicondyle of the humerus?

Wrist flexors.

What is the correct way to use an epi-pen?

You jab it in the thigh, hold it in, take it out, rub the area for 10 seconds, and write the date or time on the pen.

What is the very first thing you should do when you see someone that might be in an emergency situation?

You should always check to make sure the scene is safe first.

What is another name for retro-calcaneal bursitis?


What muscles extend the wrist?

- Extensor carpi radialis longus - Extensor carpi radialis brevis - Extensor carpi ulnaris - Extensor digitorium - Extensor digiti minimi - Extensor indicis - Extensor pollicis longus

What should you do if someone gets a tooth knocked out?

1) Take out a first aid kit and apply PPE (Personal Protection Equipment), then begin cleaning the wound with saline or clean water. 2) Tell injured person to bite a gauze lightly to stop bleeding and call the dentist. 3) Place the tooth in a cup of milk or clean water.

The correct rate for giving compressions is at least _______ compressions per minute.

100 compressions.

What injury can occur when the hip and knee are flexed to 90 degrees and a force drives the femur posteriorly and superiorly?

A PCL (posterior collateral ligament) rupture.

A hip pointer injury is caused by a:

A blow or fall on the hip on the iliac crest.

What injury often results from a VARUS force that occurs at the knee?

A lateral collateral ligament rupture.

A sprain is an injury to what anatomical structure?

A ligament.

During the evaluation process, the athlete may describe that they felt or heard a "pop". This symptom normally describes what type of injury?

A torn ligament or muscle.

What is the most common mechanism of injury for an Anterior Shoulder Dislocation?

ABduction and external rotation.

The ________ is the main stabilizing ligament of the knee.

ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament)

When do you attach/ use an AED for a child victim?

After 5 cycles of CPR.

When do you attach/ use an AED for an adult victim?

As soon as you get the AED in possession.

What does AED stand for?

Automated External Defribulator.

What is the term for the bundle of nerves that run from the neck to the shoulder area that supply sensation?

Brachial plexxus.

What structure(s) are most commonly injured in a medial ankle sprain?

Deltoid ligament.

What muscle is most commonly bruised in the upper arm?

Deltoid muscle.

What muscles are responsible for ABDUCTION of the arm?

Deltoid muscles and Supraspinatus.

The structure that forms the "socket" of the shoulder joint is the:

Glenoid fossa or labrum.

The knee joint is what type of joint?

Hinge joint.

What is a complication of a quadricep contusion?

If a quadricep contusion goes untreated, a condition called myositis ossificans can occur; a calcification of muscle due to the injury.

What is the main mechanism of injury for a Lateral Ankle Sprain?

Inversion of a plantar-flexed foot.

What is another name for Patella Tendinitis?

Jumper's Knee

What is another term for "Tennis Elbow"?

Lateral epicondylitis.

If passive range of motion bothers an athlete in the evaluation, what structure is probably affected?


What does the acronym MCL and LCL stand for?

MCL: Medial Collateral Ligament LCL: Lateral Collateral Ligament

The shoulder has a high degree of _____ but a relatively low degree of ________.


What is another term for "Little Leaguers' Elbow"?

Medial epicondylitis.

What meniscus is more "C-shaped"?

Medial meniscus!

A strain is to what structure?

Muscles and tendons.

What is the main mechanism of injury that results in an Achilles Tendon rupture?

Overuse or excessive/ forced dorsi-flexion.

What muscle "unlocks" the knee so it can be flexed?


What muscle group at the knee is responsible for KNEE EXTENSION?

Quadricep muscles.

What are the main functions of the rotator cuff muscles?

Rotation of shoulder.

What degree of an AC Joint Separation has the following signs and symptoms: moderate separation of the AC ligament and mild to moderate deformity?

Second degree.

What muscle group at the knee is responsible for KNEE FLEXION?

Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus, Biceps Femoris, Sartorius, Gracilis, Popliteus, and Gastrocnemius. AKA~ the hamstrings.

What shoulder muscle is associated with a winging scapula?

Serratus Anterior muscle.

Metatarsal stress fractures are most commonly seen in what type of athlete?

Short distance and long distance runners, ballet dancers, or gymnasts.

In your evaluation, if you (Student Athletic Trainer) suspect a fracture at the shoulder joint, what would be the BEST treatment option?

Splint and refer.

What type of injury occurs when the breakdown of bone exceeds the repair/ laying down of bone?

Stress fracture.

What injury is the result of a contusion or bruise underneath the fingernail?

Subungal hematoma.

What are possible signs of heat exhaustion?

Sweating, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue; THIRST! ~Can quickly turn into heat stroke.

The anterior drawer and the Lachman's Test are special tests to determine what type of condition?

These two tests look for ACL tears/ ruptures.

What special test is used to determine whether or not the Achilles Tendon is torn?

Thompson Test.

The extensor pollicis brevis and the extensor pollicis longus muscles extend what structure?


What special test is performed to determine if there is a problem with the Gluteus Medius muscle? (Normally it is weak)

Trendelenburg Test.

What muscle(s) extend the elbow or arm?

Triceps and anconeus.

Where do fractures of the clavicle often occur?

Where is bends and dips.

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