Sports medicine notes

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Sports nutritionist

A health care specialist who designs special diets with the goal pf emhamcing athletic preformance

physical therapist assistant

A health care specialist who works with pysical therapists to assist in developing treatment plans for the rehabilitation of injury

Physician Assistant

A mid-level health care practitioner who works interdependently with physicians to provide diagonistic and therapeutic

Team doctor

A physician who specializes in sports medicine and helps the athlete maximize fuction and minimum time away from sports

Certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS)

A specialist who designs and implements safe and effective strength and conditioning programs

National Strength and Conditioning Association certified personal trainer

A specialist who designs and implements safe and effective strength and conditioning programs for individual clients


A specialist who provides conservative management of neuromusculoskeletal disorders and fuctional clinical conditions

sports psychologist

A specialist who works with athletes to recover from serious injury through emotional support

Athlete's circle of care

All individuals involved in care of the athlete; may include coaches, parents, cerified athletic trainer, family doctor, school nurse, school nurse, ect

Physical therapist

Health care specialist who is responsible for preforming treatments that require special training in therapeutic excersizes

Role of coaches

Teach activities in which the athlete participates, the coach is kinda like a trainer

Family doctor

The primary physician in the care of the athlete

Sports medicine

The study and application of scientific and medical knowledge to aspects of exercise and injury prevention

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