Sprains, Strains, and Fractures

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Types of fractures (12)

- Open - Closed - Bowing - Depressed - Greenstick - Longitudinal - Impacted - Spiral - Transverse - Comminuted - Blowout - Stress

What to do for a dislocation

- don't move the joint: could put it in a sling or splint (attempting to move or jam a dislocated bone back in can damage blood vessels, muscles, ligaments, and nerves) - ice: reduce swelling and control internal bleeding - get medical help- see doctor

When should you also call 911 for fractures?

- if you suspect they've broken a bone in their head, neck, or back - the fractured bone has pushed through their skin - they're bleeding heavily


- leave the joint in position found and move it as little as possible - check pulse before and after splinting - splint above and below the fracture

Recovery for dislocations

- rehab: restore joints range of motion and strength - surgery: if blood vessels or nerves are damaged, dislocated can't be replaced, or recurring dislocations occur

Types of splinting (3)

- vacuum splints, air splints - ace bandage (sling) - creative splints (magazine, boards, sticks, pens, etc.) if no pulse is found, call EMS right away - do not waste time splinting

Statistics of fractures

1. 40% of fractures happen at the home (22% inside and 18% outside) 2. Approx. 6.3 million fractures happen each year in the U.S.

What are the four types of knee sprains?

1. ACL 2. MCL 3. PCL 4. LCL

What are the three types of ankle sprains?

1. Inversion: most common, foot turns inward 2. Eversion: less common, foot turns outward 3. High ankle sprain: pretty much exactly like eversion

What are the three types of strains?

1. Mild 2. Moderate 3. Severe

Compression: sprains and strains (5)

1. after icing, use an elastic wrap for compression 2. compression reduces swelling and increases the absorption of fluids 3. start below (away from the heart) then injury and work upwards (towards the heart) 4. Start tight and get looser as you go upward 5. leave it on at all times, except when icing and sleeping

Ice: strains and sprains (6)

1. apply ice right after injury 2. reduces pain and muscle spasms 3. causes constriction of blood vessels thus reduces swelling 4. crushed ice is best but anything will work 5. apply 15-20 minutes at a time (longer may cause frostbite) 6. apply 3-4 times a day for the first 3 days (72 hours)

What are the causes of dislocation? (4)

1. by a fall or hard blow to the joint 2. common in contact sports 3. sports involving falls 4. rheumatoid arthritis

Elevation: sprains and strains (2)

1. elevate the injured area above the level of the heart 2. decreases internal bleeding

Symptoms of a broken bone (5)

1. intense pain in the injured area that gets worse when you move it. 2. numbness in the injured area 3. bluish color, swelling, or visible deformity in the injured area 4. bone protruding through the skin 5. heavy bleeding at the injury site

Rest: strains and sprains (3)

1. it is essential for proper healing 2. depending on the location and the extent of the injury it may mean using tape, wraps, splints, casts, and crutches 3. too much movement too soon after the injury may cause more tissue damage and increase swelling thus prolonging the recovery time

Sprain facts (2)

1. slow injury to heal because of lack of blood supply 2. surgery may be required

Treatment of fractures (5)

1. stop any bleeding: if they're bleeding, elevate and apply pressure to the wound using a sterile bandage, a clean cloth, or a clean piece of clothing 2. apply cold to the area: wrap an ice pack or bag of ice cubes in a piece of cloth and apply it to the injured area for up to 10 minutes at a time. 3. immobilize the injured area: if you suspect they've broken a bone in their neck of back, help them stay as still as possible. if you suspect they've broken a bone in one of their limbs, immobilize the area using a splint or sling. 4. treat them for shock: help them get into a comfortable position, encourage them to rest, and reassure them. Cover them with a blanket or clothing to keep them warm 5. Get professional help: get them to an emergency department for professional care

What are the signs and symptoms of dislocation? (5)

1. swollen 2. bruised or red 3. painful 4. difficult to move 5. out of place

Commonly strained muscles are...

1. thigh/quads 2. hamstring 3. calf 4. groin


A bone fracture in which one of the fragments is driven into another fragment

When can a strain happen?

A strain can happen doing any activity

Any muscle can be strained (True or False)


What does R.I.C.E. stand for?

R- Rest I- Ice C- Compression E- Elevation

What happens on an ACL sprain?

a pop inside your knee at the moment of injury. There is black-and-blue discoloration around the knee, and knee instability

What is a severe strain?

The muscle/tendon is partially or completely ruptured, often resulting in an incapacitating injury

Where do sprains usually take place?

Usually happens to ankles, knees, elbows, and/or fingers

What is another name for a strain?

a pulled muscle

What is the definition of a fracture?

a complete or partial breaking of bone

What is the definition of a dislocation?

a complete or partial displacement of a bone from normal position in a joint

What is an open fracture?

bone is sticking through the skin

What is a longitudinal fracture?

bone splits along its length

What does a ligament connect?

bone to bone at joints

What is a comminuted fracture?

consist of 3 or more fragments @ fracture site or crushed

What is a bowing fracture?

fracture in children where the bone bends but doesn't break

What is a spiral fracture?

have a S-shaped separation

Where are dislocations most common?

in the shoulder, hip, knee, elbow, ankle, fingers, and toes

What happens on an LCL sprain?

knee pain and swelling, knee buckling toward the inside

What happens on an MCL sprain?

knee pain and swelling, knee buckling toward the outside

What happens on a PCL sprain?

mild knee swelling, with or without knee instability, mild difficulty in moving the knee

What is a depressed fracture?

occurs in flat bones such as the skull

What is a transverse fracture?

occurs in straight line

What is a blowout fracture?

occurs to wall of eye orbit as a result of a blow to the eye

What is a greenstick fracture?

simple break which one side of bone is broken while other side is bent

What is the definition of a strain?

tearing of muscles, tissues, or tendons

What is a closed fracture?

the bone does not break through the skin

What is a moderate strain?

the muscle/tendon is overstretched an slightly torn, which results in some loss of function

What is a mild strain?

the muscle/tendon is slightly stretched or pulled

What is the definition of a sprain?

the tearing (complete or partial) or stretch of ligaments

What is a stress fracture?

tiny cracks in bone, occurs from overuse or repetitive application

A dislocation is different than a seperation (true or false)


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