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After World War 2

After what event in history did an explosion in medicine and nursing occur? It caused education to be upgraded and more college degrees were conferred.




An ancient Babylonian King, who in 2000 BC wrote a code of laws. These laws protected the sick by defining the legal limits of caregivers. Elevated status of nursing by establishing and maintaining standards.

The Vedas

An ancient sacred Hindu book, told of major and minor surgeries, nervous afflictions and urinary diseases


This was started by Martin Luther, an Augustinian monk. It was a religious movement designed to draw attention to widespread abuses and doctrinal disagreement among the leaders of the Catholic Church. These reformers were called Protestants and a new religious denomination was created.

Roman Catholic Church

For most of the Middle Ages, this held tremendous influence over the people and governments of all European countries. Church leaders determined appropriateness of healing practices and the credentialing of doctors, nurses, and midwives.

Public Health Conditions

John Howard changed this by public awareness to the deplorable nature to the life of the poor conditions. He worked to improve prison conditions.

Empirical Knowledge

Knowledge gained through observation and experience. It was disavowed by the church. Interest shifted from anatomy, physiology, and natural drugs to seek healing through religious intervention.


Pastor Fliedner opened a hospital in order to train nurses and at the point in time the modern nursing movement began in what year?


Pay and prestige of being a nurse in the Armed Forces was better than nursing in the civilian life. It caused more women to _________________. During the 20th century, women were becoming more assertive, independent, and interested in education.

Ignaz Semmelweis

Physician noted for pioneering antiseptic procedures, 1818-1865.

1800s in America

Physicians were poorly trained and treatments of disease included brandy, emtics(?), bleeding, etc. What time and place?

Male Nurses

Public Hospitals were created in Indian Culture but staffed by___________.


Refers to the structure, origin and process of the universe as viewed by the people of that culture.

Mosaic Code

Rest or sleep, hygiene and childbearing are part of these teachings?

Florence Nightingale

She began "modern nursing" at a time when society disapproved of educated upper class women doing work. Through her teaching, Nightingale changed nursing to a respected career. She was educated at the Kaiserwerth Institute in 1851.


She founded the first free public hospital. She divorced her husband, remarried, and became a Christian.


Since this was a sin, Fabiola's atonement was to take care of the sick.


That place had the first free public hospital.


The 1st Licensure Laws were passes in North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, and Virginia. In what year?

Communicable Diseases

The Mosaic Code required inspection of food, detection and reporting of disease, methods of disposal of excreta, feminine hygiene, and isolation of those with _______________.


The atribution of life to a non living thing.


The church influenced philosophy, politics, art, architecture, and daily life. Hence ______________ and universities were built.

Dark Ages AKA Early Middle Ages 476-1000

The church retreated behind their walls and religious orders of monks and nuns cared for the sick. Illness and diseases were viewed as punishments for the sick.

Evolution of Nursing

The development of nursing is difficult to trace, as all health care professions have similar roots. However, moral reasoning provides the historical basis for the creation, evolution, and practice of nursing. Etymologically "nursing" is related to our modem word nourish, to feed.

Paris, Lyon and Rome

The first hospitals were founded at monasteries in what cities?

Augustinian Sisters

The first nursing order of nuns that staffed the hospital in Paris.

Special Spiritual Gifts

The healers were thought to have these?

First Licensure Law

The law required a governing body to permit a person to practice nursing.

Early Christian Era 1-476

The most profound religious influence on healing beliefs and practices in Western civilizations occurred with the advent of this___________________.

Order of Widows and Order of Virgins

These Christians served the church and ministered to the sick as the earliest form of public health nursing.


These are the writings that have been preserved that identify specific nursing functions including bathing and use of splints and bandages, obtaining pulses, etc.


These began in 1096 and lasted nearly 200 years. They were military expeditions undertaken by European Christians in the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries to recover holy land from the Muslims. These were called Holy Wars.

Deacons and Deaconesses

These were equal and they both served the sick, poor, and aged. They provided cloth, food, shelter, buried the dead and this was considered works of mercy.

Military Nursing Orders

These were formed, which drew large numbers of men into the field of nursing. Hospitals were built close to the battle fields and knights who fought or care for the sick in these holy wars wore a bright red cross on the front of their uniform.

Sacred Ceremonies

These were performed by priests, priestesses, or shamans. These healers represented the embodiment of that cultures Gods on earth.


They adhered to principles of discipline, obedience, and devotion, a part of nursing for hundreds of years. Monastic nursing orders such as the Franciscan Sisters are still around.


They attributed to God's wrath and depended on God to restore health. Early _________ teaching incorporated health practices into the practice of religion.

Women Nurses

They cared for women and children from their own families or close friends and relatives. These doctors were capable of filling ????, fixing fractures, delivering babies, prescribing or administering drugs.

Isabelle Hampton Robb and Mary Adelaide Nutting

They developed a program at Columbia University to train teachers of nursing. These nurses believed that student nurses needed a balance of liberal arts and nursing education.

Respectable Women

They did not work in hospitals but rather Protestant and alcoholic women were given the chance to work in the hospital instead of going to jail.


They were subordinate, bearing and raising children, and were not permitted to be legitimate members of any profession.


They were well-bred, cultured widows or daughters of Roman officials who provided community health care, carrying food and medicine to people's home.


This and other religious groups offered opportunities for men and women to develop careers in nursing. Nursing was practiced by friends and relatives.

Indian Culture

This culture practiced health and healing principles. Their advances included sanitation practices, prenatal care and advances in surgery.

Spanish Flu

This epidemic prompted the passage of Smith-Hughes Act of 1917 which created vocation practices nursing programs through America.

Roman Catholic Church

This grew in power and the status of women declined. Church sanctioned nursing orders were the only legitimate means of practicing nursing and the Church was engaged in the elimination of lay female healers.

World War 1

This increased the need for nurses in the 20th century. Army and Navy Nurse Corps sought nurses with good moral character and professionalism for its School of Nursing.

An Early DN

This is mentioned in the New Testament i the Bible and is considered the first visiting nurse. Nursing uniforms originated from habits worn by them.

Hebrew High Priest

This person was the priest-physician, and health care practices were mandated by religious doctrine.

Bubonic Plague

This struck Europe during the middle ages and killed millions of people.

High Middle Ages


Dyadic Being

Both mother and father.


Corporations taking over

Cadet Nurse Corps

During WW 2, this was formed and federally funded programs formed to train military women and men.

5th Century BC

Greece was home to Hippocrates, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, who developed logical thought and rational treatment of illness. What era was this?

Benjamin Franklin

He built the first hospital in America in Philadelphia in the 1850s.

Manifestation of the Devine

In ancient cultures the entire planet was worshiped as the ______________. All living and non living things alike were alive, related, and living together in a sacred place.

Battle Field

Men and women cared for the same sex but only men were on the ____________________________ as nurses.

Catholic Nuns and Priests

Nursing was considered an inferior occupation provided by criminals and widows who frequently drank on duty and accepted bribes. These people immigrated to American to provide quality healthcare.


The _________ was involved with the scared elements of the earth and the spirit in healing practices.

400 AD

When did the deaconess movement peak in Turkey?

Masculine Nature

When the God's assumed a ___________________ healing roles were taken away from women and the "nurses" were slaves taking care of family members.

High Mortality Rates

Women began having babies in hospitals, and puerperal sepsis and infant mother this were very high.

Roman Catholic Church

Women who entered nursing orders donated their property to the _____________________, and devoted their lives to service.

3 Types of Healers

1 - Those who heal with a knife 2 - Those who heal with herbs 3 - Those who heal with sacred words a practitioner who healed with sacred words was healed as hailed as the lowest.

Renaissance and Reformation


Industrialization Era



20th century marked a period of great change. ____________ of nursing schools organized nationally, and graduated formed Alumnae Associations in order to establish STANDARDS FOR PRACTICE.

John Howard

A British philanthropist and social reformer. He believed that contaminated instruments and lack of handwashing were the cause of increased mortality. He required medical students to wash hands in chloride solution before tending to patients.

St Vincent de Paul

A French priest, established Sisters of Charity to care for the poor and sick. Aside from this nursing was dormant and dominated by medicine until about 1820.

Pastor Fliedner

A German Pastor that opened The Kaiserswerth Deaconess Institute, the first nursing school for deaconess.


A quest for knowledge, caused an intellectual rebirth that began the scientific era. This caused the scientific community to be liberated from the control of the Church, with advances in science and mathematics.

High Born Leaders

Catherine, Claire of Assisi, and Agnes of Bohemia, were all these. They renounced their heritage formed religious nursing orders, and worked with the poor and sick. They were devoted, obedient and unselfish in the performance of their duties.

Ancient China

Acupuncture was widely practiced. Medical diagnosis was made through a complex pulse theory and vast knowledge was know about drugs. Many of these practices are still used today. Who used these methods?

Legislative Reform

Changes in education and practice occurred due to social issues. These included temperance laws and antitrust legislation.

Roman Empire

As ____________________ declined, disease, food shortages, and war caused the social structure to deteriorate. During the period of chaos, learning all disciplines declined.

National League for Nursing Education

As a result of the licensure laws, in 1917, this was formed. It was an education committee which lead to the development of the nation wide system for the standard for Practical Nursing Requirements.

Caring and Curing

As a result of the renaissance, a separation was created between these acts and a nurses place was limited to the caring realm and has a lower status than the curing.

The Roman Empire

As the power of Greece declined, ________________ was the dominant power when Christ was born.


As this replaced agriculture, social conditions deteriorated. Cities grew large populations that brought poverty, poor hygiene, and disease. The sick, insane, poor, and homeless were put in asylums, poor houses, and prisons. The condition were deplorable which resulted in the death of many poor people.


During Industrialization Era, this country was nonexistent in secular institutions. The typical hospital nurse was distorted through Charles Dickens novels "Martin Chuzzlewit". Sairey Gamp and Betsy Prig were drunks.

World War 2

During this time in the 20th century, the demand for nurses increased again.

During the Dark Ages

During this time, empirical methods were thought to be products of devil worship. They believed that only God or the Devil had the power to cause illness or promote healing. So all healing methods had to be approved by the church.

Commandment of God

Early nurses believed that they were following this. Imitating Jesus by ministering to those in need and offered the only way for respectable way for men and women to be nurses.

Elizabeth Fry

English social reformer organized the Sisters of Charity in London to care for the poor.


Established military hospitals and friends and relatives performed nursing duties. As Christianity grew, nursing developed as a form of Christian charity, which taught caring for others.


He rejected the supernatural cause of disease and used a system of physical assessment, observation of symptoms, and record keeping. Holistic care is this patient centered approach. He is considered the father of modern medicine.

New England Hospital for Women and Children in Boston

In 1872, the first nursing school opened. What was it called?

Belview Hospital

In 1873, this hospital opened the NY training school which was patterned after the Nightingale School.


In 1914, this state provided that first law that provided practical nurses the option to be licensed. Thousands of self taught practical nurses were working but they could not use the title or be licensed. By 1938 NY required licensure.


In 1950, nursing practice areas were diverse and nursing research had begun and this term was coined.

Reigning Deity

In ancient times when the _____________________ had a feminine, bisexual or androgynous nature, women were leaders in the healing arts.


In some early sects, who was seen as a dyadic being?

Trinity Women

In the Christian sects, the ______________ were moved from sacred care giving to become ????? care givers.

Civil War

In the US, there were no formal programs to train nurses. This (from 1861-1865) drew attention to the need for trained nurses.


In this country, medicine was less developed, and hospitals did not exist until the early 1800s. Almshouses for the poor and pesthouses for contagious disease were established.


In what year did Ignaz Semmelweis observe that medical students who went from performing autopsies to delivering babies had higher infant mortality rates.

Holy Wars (Crusades)

Increased the need for hospitals and healthcare workers in the High Middle Ages.


Industrialization Era of these were dirty, unventilated places to die. Nurses used perfume to cover up foul odors. Pain, hemorrhage, and gangrene were rampant, and clients suffered infections and abuse.

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