SS- National Parties, Green, Democratic, Republican, and Libertarian

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Libertarian Party basic principles:

A government that governs best, governs less. Liberty and freedom come from government interference, free market economy, personal responsibility. Protects civil liberties and personal freedom. World peace achieved through policy of non-intervention world-wide and free trade.

Republican Party on Economy:

America's small businesses are the backbone of the U.S. economy. Need to remove burdensome government regulations, contract barriers and capital barriers. Favors free-market policies. Reduce federal debt and federal spending. This must be accompanied by increasing productivity, use of technology and long term government downsizing.

Green Party on Education:

Believe youth have the right to an education that is stimulating, relevant, engaging, and that fosters a natural desire to learn. Young people should have input into the direction and pace of their own education. Favor equal access to high-quality education in the public system. Feel the government must fund schools adequately and evenly. Against standardized testing and want to eliminate the "No Child Left Behind" law.

Democratic Party on Environment:

Committed stopping climate change, protecting U.S. natural resources and ensuring quality of air, water, and land. Favor investment in, and development of, clean energy technologies, renewable resources and promotion of energy efficiency. New, stricter fuel-economy standards. Encouraged EPA to take steps to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants. Created "Climate Action Plan designed to reduce harmful effects of climate change.

Republican Party on Education:

Does not like current school system. Parents are responsible for the education of the children. Support school "choice". Favor accountability measures. Favor merit pays for teachers. Against teachers unions. Favor federal block grants to states and the repeal of numerous federal regulations which they feel interfere with state and local control of schools.

Libertarian Party on Education:

Eliminate public education. Education of children is a parental responsibility. Education is best provided in a free-market, achieving greater quality, accountability and efficiency with more choices.

Green Party basic principles:

Environmentalism, social justice, non-violence, political organizing at a local level. Reduce corporate influence. Promotes "grass-roots" style of politics, people actively participate in government at all levels. Accountable government officials, not "big-money" coperate business interests.

Green Party on Environment:

Favor stopping runaway climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by 2020 and 95% by 2050 from 1990 levels. Favor strong international climate treaty. Must mandate clean fuels such as wind, solar, ocean, small scale hydro and geothermal. Want to convert farmers and ranchers to organic practices to avoid use of chemical/industrial materials in agriculture.

Democratic Party on Taxes and Government Finance:

Favor tax cuts to "middle class"/"working families" while ensuring that the wealthiest and corporations pay their fair share of taxes. Against tax cuts for the wealthy and do not believe in "trickle-down" economics. Want to make tax code fairer and simpler. Additional relief for companies that locate their jobs in the U.S.

Democratic Party basic principles:

Government should play a role in solving the nation's problems. People have obligations to each other and role in creating progress. All Americans should have equal opportunities to achieve their potential. Honor civil liberties embodied in first 10 amendments, government has no right to violate private matters abortions, sexual preference, and termination of life.

Republican Party on Taxes and Government Finance:

Government spending and regulation must be reined in. Favor simple, transparent, flatter tax system. Want to reduce marginal tax rates by 20% across the board; eliminate tax on interest, dividends and capital gains; eliminate the inheritance tax; repeal the alternative minimum tax.

Democratic Party on Economy:

Improve the economy want government to invest in rebuilding infrastructure, clean energy technology development, small businesses and education. Cut taxes on working families while have wealthiest Americans pay. The American Jobs Act created payroll tax relief, tax credits for small businesses and extended unemployment insurance and reformed the unemployment system to help get people back to work. Want to expand job training and job search assistance programs. Favors increased regulation of "Wall Street" and banking system to promote fair, transparent practices.

Green Party on Taxes and Government Finance:

Large amounts of money spent on the military is a waste of taxes, should be for environmental and social needs. Reduce income inequality. Taxes must be strongly progressive and the tax burden should be shifted from individuals to corporations. Create a fair, simplified tax system with no loopholes and other exemptions.

Republican Party basic principles:

Limiting the power of government to its constitutional principles and allowing individuals to make their own choices. Constitution interpreted narrowly, and close to original intent. Government has role to limiting particular behaviors in issues like abortion, gay marriage, termination of life.

Republican Party on Environment:

Must balance economic development and private property rights in the short run with conservation goals over the long run. Private ownership. Favor site and situation specific approaches to environmental laws and regulations applied in ways that support economic development and job creation.

Libertarian Party on Taxes and Government Finance:

People should keep what they earn. Repeal income tax and abolish the IRS. Oppose government requirements forcing employers to act as tax collectors.

Democratic Party on Gun Control:

Recognize that the individual right to bear arms is an important American tradition and will preserve American's Second Amendment right to own and use firearms. Reasonable regulation, effective enforcement of existing laws, strengthening the background check system. Assault weapons ban and closing the gun show loophole.

Republican Party on Health Care:

Repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Taking care of one's health is an individual responsibility. Return states to their rightful role of regulating local insurance markets and caring for the needy. Block Medicaid and other federal medical payment to the states. Competition is the most powerful factor in health care reform.

Libertarian Party on Gun Control:

The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives individuals the right to keep and bear arms. Property owners should be free to decide their own conditions regarding having weapons on their own property. Oppose any laws restricting, registering or monitoring the ownership, manufacture or transfer of firearms and ammunition.

Green Party on Economy:

The economy should serve people and the planet. Current system is flawed - based on endless growth leading to destruction of nature. Focus on promoting health, our relationships, our communities, our environment and peace and justice. Important that all people have a livable income - favor idea of "universal basic income".

Democratic Party on Health Care:

The government has a responsibility to ensure that all citizens have access, affordable, high-quality health care. The PPACA reduce the uninsured rate by one-third, bans insurance companies from capping and canceling coverage, no discrimination, people with private insurance get preventative services with no out-of-pocket costs.

Green Party on Gun Control:

Thoughtful, carefully considered gun control - such as that contained in the Brady Bill. Eliminate the gun show loophole that allows sale of weapons without a background check. Extend background checks to all private sale of firearms.

Libertarian Party on Environment:

To protect environment, need individual rights in resources and land, water, air and wildlife. Free markets and property rights will stimulate technological changes and behavioral changes. Environmental advocates and social pressure are the most effective.

Libertarian Party on Health Care:

Totally free-market health care system. People are free to pick levels of health insurance they want, level of health care, health care providers, medicines and treatments and all other aspects of health care. Free to purchase health insurance across state lines.

Libertarian Party on Economy:

Want a totally free-market economy with no government interference. A free and competitive market. Only proper role of government is to protect property rights, settle disputes and provide a legal framework. All efforts to redistribute wealth or regulate trade is improper.

Green Party on Health Care:

Want single-payer universal health care and preventive care for all - a national health care system provided by the government with universal coverage for all citizens. Health care is a right not a privilege.

Democratic Party on Education:

Want to overhaul the "No Child Left Behind" law and provide teachers with more professional support and resources while still holding them accountable. Support early learning programs such as Head Start. Committed to strengthening public schools and want to expand school options to low income youth including magnet schools, charter schools teacher-led schools and career academies.

Republican Party on Gun Control:

Want to uphold the right of individuals to keep and bear arms, a right confirmed by the Second Amendment. Support the individual responsibility to safely use and store firearms, and the right to obtain and store ammunition without registration. Support federal legislation allowing anyone with a state issued carry permit to carry in any other state that has such laws. Oppose federal licensing or registration laws.

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