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What facts show that the Inca were skilled engineers?

They built a long and complex road system with suspension bridges and they developed terraces to increase fertile land and conserve water.

How did knowing how to cut and stack stones help early Andean civilizations grow?

They built irrigation channels to carry water where it was needed.

How did the Inca build their empire?

They built their empire by taking over the lands of other people and owed their success to careful organization.

Why did some groups in South America continue to live as nomads after the development agriculture?

dug where seals good American environment They lived in ecosystems that were not suitable for farming.

What is a nomad?

A nomad is a person who moves from place to place instead of living in a permanent location.

What is a culture region?

A region defined by the share or similar customs, knowledge and beliefs of the people living there.

What was a 'chaski' in the Inca Empire?

A runner who carried messages

What was the Incan mita system?

A system by which people paid their taxes with labor.

What was a quipu?

A way of communicating using a series of strings tied with knots

How did terraces allow for the conservation of water?

Along with a level growing area, irrigation canals were dug where water from rain was collected and stored.

What was an ayllu?

An ayllu was a group of related families that pooled resources. It owned and distributed land and people shared the food they produced. Some of the food each ayllu produced went to the government and some went to the priests and gods.

Incan society was based on what 3 things?

Astrong government A unifying religion A class system

How was the Incan Government organized?

Below the Sapa Inca, there were 4 governors who each ruled a province. Below them, the society was grouped in multiples of 10. Each village was divided into groups of 10 families. They were organized into larger groups of 100, 1000 and 10,000 families. A government official was responsible for each group.

How were the people of the Andes able to create a civilization despite the region's harsh conditions?

Building terraces allowed them significantly to increase farmland. They learned how to domesticate Andean animals. A steady food supply allowed for a division of labor, which allowed for a complex society and civilization to develop.

Why did the Incas build terraces?

To improve travel and communication through the empire.

What is a hierarchy?

A hierarchy is a system for ranking members of group according to their importance?

Why did the Inca put such an emphasis on the mita system?

A large empire covering vast distances needed to be highly organized if the central authority was tomaintain control and help people in times of crisis.

How did domesticating crops change the lives of South American people?

Domesticating crops gave them more food at predictable times and groups that tended cro usually settled in one place.

What change made it possible for some early South Americans to settle in one place?

Domesticating crops.

. How dld domestication of crops and animals help civilizations grow and develop? What is this called?

Domestication of crops and animals allowed for more food production and allowed people to do other tasks to take care of their daily needs and improve their lives. Same made tools. Others made clothes Same built better shelters. This is called "division of labor." This allowed societies to develop, cities grow and become a complex civilization.

Native peoples of South America had 2 main ways of making a living. They were?

Farming Hunting and gathering

Which of the following was not a reason the Inca built an advanced network of roads? ad

For commoners to travel

Despite having little freedom, people under Incan rule benefited from

Government support during crises.

What was one effect of the development of agriculture in South America?

Groups began to settle in one place.

What were the consequences for groups agreeing to join thr inca?

Groups who joined kept their loca rules and customs but paid taxes in the form of labor/mira. They accepted in an authority and learned the language.

What great mistake did Huayna Capac make as a ruler?

He didn't appoint a successor, which led to a brutal civil war between his sons.

Why was Pachacuti important to the Incan empire?

He expanded the empire and developed a system of peaceful transfer of power. He also created the food distribution system and designed the capital city. and

What were 2 results of Pachacuti's rule?

He greatly expanded the empire. He conducted a peaceful transfer of power. He also created the emergency food system and designed the capital city. They built their empire by taking over the lands of other people and owes their success to careful organizations.

Which list shows the correct order in which some peoples in South America began to build a more stable food supply?

Hunt, fish, and gather plants; cultivate crops; domesticate animals; modify landscape to support settlements.

Where was the Incan Government centered?

In the city of Cuzco.

Who headed the Inca empire?

Inca empire was headed by a series of warrior-kings called Sapa Incas.

How many classes existed in the Incan society? What were they?

Incan society was divided into 2 large classes - nobles and commoners

The Inca did not develop what important technology?

Iron, Writing , Wheel for transportort

How did the development of agriculture change the lives of South American peoples?

It allowed them to settle in one place and grow food on a predictable cycle. They learned to domesticate (adapt for human use) plants and animals. Domestication of plants allowed them predictability.

How did the Incan government care for people?

It organized the production and storage of surplus food and clothing, kept records and distributed these items when needed.

In Incan society, who were commoners?

Most people were commoners and were divided into categories based on age and gender. Each category had its own work and duties.

Were the same crops grown in the Amazon Basin as in the Andes Mountains? Why or why not?

No. Because of different climates and soil conditions different crops would grow successfully.

How are quipus different from records kept by European and Asian societies at around the same time?

Quipus conveyed information through a pattern of knots on strings.

The social hierarchy of the Incas

Ranked people according to their importance.

Why does a large empire need a good road system?

Roads help unify distant regions of the empire under one government; makes communication, travel and trade easier.

Who probably was the greatest Sapa Inca?


Why did people stop being nomads?

People began to domesticate wild plants into crops. Instead of collecting and eating seeds, planted and tended them and started farming. Growing crops gave people more food at predictable times. People who tended crops usually settled in one place. Predictability allowed them to settle in one place. In addition to crops, people learned to raise llamas, alpacas, guinea pigs and other animals.

What did people share in a culture region?

People in the same culture region would share or have similar customs, knowledge and beliefs. They would have similar ceremonies marking marriage, birth, death and treat diseases in similar ways.

What are examples of how South American people adapted to different environments?

People living in the tropical rainforests hunted, fished and ate plants that grew there. People living along the coast ate fish, shellfish or seals from the ocean. People living in the Pampas hunted animals.

What was the mita system?

People paid taxes with labor. They paid this tax by working part of the year on government building projects like roads or government buildings. They also paid with farm labor.

The Incan empire expanded to what modern day countries?

Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Columbia, Argentina and Bolivia

How did domesticating crops change the lives of South American people?

Planting crops allowed people to stay in one place.

What are terraces? Why are terraces important?

Strips of level land built into hillsides or mountain that are planted with crops. They significantly increased the amount of land on hillsides and mountains where crops grown, which increase food production in areas with little flat land for agriculture. Terraces were used to preserve water.

Why was it necessary to create terraces in the Andes?

The Andes are mountains with steep slopes. Terraces created a level growing area the conservation of water.

Describe the Incan religion?

The Inca worshipped many gods. The most important was Inti, the sun god. The Sapa Inca was thought to be a descendent of Inti and a living god. As long as conquered people honored and worshipped the Sapa Inca they were allowed to continue to worship their own deities as well.

Which was the oldest civilization in Mesoamerica and South America?

The Norte Chico (by more than 2000 years!!!)

The Norte Chico civilization arose around the same time as what other civilization?

The ancient Egyptian civilization.

What physical feature dominate the Incan empire?

The forced their language on conquered people. Official messengers sped reports across the empire using a record-keeping device called a quipu, which was made of knotted strings. They were able to convey complex messages, like a system of writing.

How did the Inca unify their empire?

The forced their language on conquered people. Official messengers sped reports across the empire using record-keeping device called a quipu, which was made of knotted strings. They were able to convey complex messages, like a system of writing.

How did the Incan government control the labor of the people of the empire?

The government made people work on its building projects and farmland.

In Incan society, who were nobles?

The highest-ranking nobles were close relatives of the ruling family. They had the finest houses, held lower government positions and non-Incan local leaders were in this group. the best food and clothes and the held the highest government offices. The lower ranks of nobles

Why did people on the west coast of South America rely on seals and fish for food?

The land they lived on was heavily forested, was not good for farming and had little game to hunt.

What is an ecosystem?

The resources for food, clothing and shelter. Each ecosystem had different resources for food clothing and shelter.

Where did the Incas settle?

The valley of Cuzco (present day Peru).

What advantages do people gain from farming?

They can settle in one place, predict when they will have food allow for a division of labor, building of cities and the growth of a society or civilization and if enough food is grown it will allow for a division of lavor, biylding of cities and growth of a society or civilization.

What facts show that the Inca were skilled builders?

They cut stone blocks so precisely they fit together without mortar and some Incan buildings still stand today.

How did terraces help farmers living on steep hillsides of the Andes?

They increased the amount of fertile and arable land and conserved water.

Why did some South American people continue to live as nomads after other people began to farm?

They lived in environments that were not suited or conducive for farming.

How did early peoples in each South American region adapt to their environment?

They used the land's resources for food, clothing and shelter, which was different from region region. In tropical rain forests, groups hunted and fished and gathered plants for food. Along the rainy, rocky west coast, there few animals to hunt so they ate fish, shellfish and seals. In the Pampas, people hunted animals that roamed the grasslands.

What was the Incan government responsible for?

They were responsible for the well-being of the people. In times of crisis, such as crop failure or natural disaster, officials distributed food and clothing, which came from government storehouses spread across the empire. People paid a price for these benefits as they had little freedom.

What were some of the achievements of early Andean civilizations?

They were skilled at cutting and stacking stones to make large, stable buildings. They knew what angles to set irrigation channels for controlling water flow. They were skilled at pottery and making metal tools and other objects.

What can you conclude about the Incas from their ability to conquer and control such a large empire (over 2500 miles long)?

They were well organized, which allowed them to control large amounts of land and people.

Why were people nomads?

When food became scarce, they move to another place to fish, hunt, dig roots or collect seec

How did Pachacuti's way of building an empire different from the Aztecs?

While Pachacuti had a strong army, which it. He offered peace and protection to those who agreed to join his empire. Groups that agreed to helped him expand his empire, he preferred not to use join his empire kept their leaders and customs. In return, they paid taxes in the form of labor and accepted Incan authority.

Which was the main way Andean people modified their environment to grow more food?

building by building terraces

How did the Incan empire end?

fousht a civil war to take control of the empire and eventually Spanish soldiers conquered the war- When the last great Sapa lInca, Huayna Capac died, he had not appointed a successor. His two sons torn empire.

Is a hierarchy similar to stratification?

res. For our purposes, they both are a svstem for ranking members of a group or groups according to their importance.

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