SSAT/ISEE Vocabulary Words

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Part of speech- Noun Definition- expression of approval Ex. In Hollywood, an "Oscar" is the highest accolade Synonyms- award; praise; honor; tribute Antonyms: insignificance, lowliness, mediocrity, unimportance


Part of speech- Verb Definition: Grow less in intensity or degree Ex. Rather than leave immediately and be drenched, they waited for the storm to abate Synonyms: subside; moderate; decrease antonyms: increase


Part of speech- adjective Definition- able to be reached Ex. We asked our guide wheter the ruins were accessible on foot Synonyms- approachable; obtainable Antonyms: inaccessible, limited, restricted


Part of speech- verb Definition- support or prop up Ex.- The debaters accumulated huge file boxes full of evidence to bolster their arguments Synonyms- reinforce; strengthen Antonyms: hinder, not support, obstruct, prevent, undermine


Part of speech- verb Definition- take possession of for one's own use (possibly without the authority or right to do so) Ex- The ranch owners appropriated the lands that had originally been set aside for the Indians' use Synonyms- acquire; annex Antonyms: improper, unbecoming, unfitting, unseemly, unsuitable, unsuited


Part of speech- verb Definition- to cause someone or something to seem less Ex.- Barry constantly belittled people, making them feel insignificant and small Synonyms- disparage; slight; deprecate; put down Antonyms: build up, exaggerate, praise, value


Part of speech- verb Definition- treat as if harmless or unimportant Ex.- Unlike Widow Douglas, who condoned Huck's minor offenses, Miss Watson did nothing but scold him for his misdeeds Synonyms- overlooked; forgive; excuse; pardon; disregard Antonyms: censure, condemn, forbid, not allow, prevent


Part of speech-adjective Definition-Having several possible meanings, and therefore unclear Ex-Since both interpretations seemed possible, the judges could not decide which way to interpret a particularly ambiguous passage in the law. Synonyms-vague; uncertain; misleading. Antonyms: clear, definite, explicit, lucid


Part of speech-adjective Definition-Unselfishly concerned for the well-being of others Ex-By providing college scholarships for economically disadvantaged youths, Eugene Lang performed a truly altruistic deed. Synonyms-unselfish; philanthropic; selfless. Antonyms: selfish, unsacrificing


Part of speech-adjective Definition-characterized by shrewdness and clear-sightedness Ex.-Shrewdly purchasing valuable plots of land for small sums, John Jacob Astor gained a reputation as an astute investor. Synonyms-shrewd;perceptive;sharp;wise;clever Antonyms: asinine, idiotic, ignorant, imbecile, obtuse, shallow, stupid, thick, unintelligent


Part of speech-adjective Definition-forbiddingly stern; severely simple and unornamented Ex.-The headmaster's austere demeanor tended to scare off the more timid students, who never visited his study willingly. Synonyms-strict;severe;stern;plain;stark Antonyms: bland, calm, gentle, meek, mild


Part of speech- adjective Definition- barren and lacking in warmth Ex.- The frigid, inhospitable Aleutian Islands are bleak military outposts. It's no wonder that soldiers assigned there have a bleak attitude toward their posting Synonyms- cheerless; dreary; dismal; bare; depressing Antonyms: appealing, bright, comfortable, nice, pleasant, sunny


Part of speech- adjective Definition- bitter in words or manner Ex. It was a very negative campaign; the rival candidates attacked each other using highly acrimonious terms Synonyms- hostile; bitter; unfriendly; spiteful Antonyms: kind, kindly, peaceable


Part of speech- adjective Definition- characteristic of an earlier or more primitive time Ex- The foreign student spoke in correct but rather archaic English, for he had learned it from studying the English classics, not from everyday conversation Synonyms- antiquated; ancient; outdated Antonyms: current, modern, new, present, young


Part of speech- adjective Definition- characterized by careful, persistent attention (to a task) Ex- John was assiduous in compiling the bibliography for his term paper; he worked at the task for weeks before he was satisfied Synonyms- diligent; industrious; hardworking; persevering Antonyms: lazy, neglectful, negligent


Part of speech- adjective Definition- characterized by intensity of feeling Ex- Katya's ardent enthusiasm inspired her fellow protesters to make even greater efforts on behalf of the cause Synonyms- intense; passionate; zealous Antonyms: current, modern, new, present, young


Part of speech- adjective Definition- completely covering (a field or subject) Ex.- We will spend the final two weeks of school on a comprehensive review of everything we covered in class this semester Synonyms- inclusive; complete; thorough Antonyms: exclusive, incomprehensive, particular, selective, specific


Part of speech- adjective Definition- covering a great deal in a few words Ex.- When you send a message on Twitter, be concise: a tweet cannot be more than 140 characters long Synonyms- brief; terse; succinct Antonyms: expansive, lengthy, long, long-winded, redundant, repetitive, wordy


Part of speech- adjective Definition- dealing with or capable of appreciating the beautiful Ex. The beauty of Tiffany's stained glass appealed to Esther's aesthetic sense Synonyms- artistic Antonyms:displeasing, ugly, unattractive


Part of speech- adjective Definition- deliberately planned (to achieve a goal, accomplish a purpose) Ex.- Lexy's choice of clothing to wear to the debate tournament was carefully calculated to impress the judges Synonyms- intended; considered; deliberate; premediated


Part of speech- adjective Definition- difficult to understand Ex. Baffled by the abstruse philosophical texts assigned in class, Dave asked Lexy to explain Kant's Critique of Pure Reason Synonyms- obscure; profound; incomprehensible; esoteric antonyms: clear, concrete, easy,lucid, obvious


Part of speech- adjective Definition- disposed to do good Ex.- Mr. Goodman was a benevolent employer who made sure that each of his employees receiver a turkey at Thanksgiving Synonyms- generous; charitable; kindly Antonyms: greedy, malevolent, mean, selfish, spiteful, unkind


Part of speech- adjective Definition- easy to talk to; warmly friendly Ex- Accustomed to cold, impersonal supervisors, Nicholas was amazed at how affable his new manager was Synonyms- genial; sociable; easygoing; approachable Antonyms: complaining, disdainful, grouchy, grumbling, impolite, miserable, reserved, surly, unfriendly


Part of speech- adjective Definition- expressing oneself clearly Ex- Her articulate PowerPoint presentation was so effective that the company immediately adopted her proposal Synonyms- clear; distinct; lucid; eloquent Antonyms:misrepresented, unclear, unintelligible


Part of speech- adjective Definition- gaining goodwill by acting in a pleasing manner Ex.- Tina was still angry despite Tony's soft and conciliatory words Synonyms- reconciling; soothing; appeasing; mollifying Antonyms: antagonistic, fighting, refusing, stubborn


Part of speech- adjective Definition- gentle in disposition; not malignant Ex.- Although her benign smile and gentle bearing made Miss Marple seem to be a sweet little old lady, in reality she was a tough-minded, shrewd observer of human nature Synonyms- kindly; gracious; favorable; benevolent Antonyms: greedy, malevolent, mean, selfish, spiteful, unkind


Part of speech- adjective Definition- having skill or resourcefulness in coping with situations Ex.I had to admire the adroit excuses that Dexter found to get out of doing any chores he disliked Synonyms- skillful; clever; resourceful; adept Antonyms: awkward, clumsy, dense, inept, stupid, unskilled


Part of speech- adjective Definition- impulsive and unpredictable Ex.- The winter storm was capricious: it changed course unpredictably. Jen was capricious, too: she changed boyfriends almost as often as she changed clothes Synonyms- erratic; fickle; changeable; inconstant Antonyms: constant, dependable, sensible, staid, steadfast, steady


Part of speech- adjective Definition- marked by harsh or discordant sound Ex.- Do orchestra students actually enjoy the cacophonous sounds they make when they are tuning up? How can they stand the racket they make Synonyms- dissonant; jarring; inharmonious Antonyms: quiet


Part of speech- adjective Definition- not concrete Ex.To John, who had never missed a meal, hunger was an abstract concept, one he understood only in theory Synonyms- theoretical; conceptual; intangible; academic antonyms: actual, concrete


Part of speech- adjective Definition- practicing self-denial Ex- The wealthy, self-indulgent young man felt oddly drawn to the strict, ascetic lifestyle practiced by members of some monastic orders Synonyms- austere; abstinent; self-denying Antonyms- gluttonous, greedy, hungry


Part of speech- adjective Definition- sharply bitter in taste or odor Ex. A pistol shot rang out; the acrid odor of burnt gunpowder filled the room Synonyms- pungent; sharp; harsh; bitter Antonyms: delicious, savory, sweet


Part of speech- adjective Definition- sparing in eating and drinking Ex. Vegans are abstemious: they neither use nor consume animal products, abstaining from eating eggs and meat Synonyms- temperate; restrained; moderate antonyms:self-indulgent


Part of speech- adjective Definition-Emotionally or physically distant Ex-Shy by nature. she remained aloof while the rest of the group chattered away. Synonyms-standoffish; detached; reserved; remote Antonyms: concerned, friendly, sociable


Part of speech- adjective Definition-determined by impulse or whim; capricious Ex- Baseball is a game of arbitrary calls; umpires constantly make decisions that to someone sitting in the bleachers make no sense Synonyms- capricious; unreasonable; tyrannical Antonyms: circumspect, rational, reasonable, reasoned, supported


Part of speech- adjective Definition-highly critical Ex.- We live in a morally censorious climate, one that does not readily tolerate weirdness, willfulness, or imperfection Synonyms- disapproving; overcritical; faultfinding Antonyms: complimentary, encouraging, flattering, laudatory, praising


Part of speech- noun Definition- active ill will Ex- Martha showed her animosity toward her classmates by sending them hate messages on Formspring and Twitter Synonyms- hatred; hostility; enmity Antonyms: good will, love


Part of speech- noun Definition- active resistance Ex- Barry showed his antagonism toward his new stepmother by ignoring her whenever she tried talking to him Synonyms- resentment; opposition; hostility Antonyms: accord, agreement, harmony, rapport, sympathy, understanding


Part of speech- noun Definition- agreement arrived at by a group as a whole Ex.- Every time the garden club members had nearly reached a consensus about what to plant, Mistress Mary, quite contrary, disagreed Synonyms- concord; unanimity Antonyms: disagreement


Part of speech- noun Definition- conformity in fulfilling requirements; readiness to yield Ex.- The architect realized that his design for the new school had to be in compliance with the local building code Synonyms- obedience; accordance; acquiescence Antonyms: defiance, denial, disagreement, disobedience, dissension, dissent, fight, nonconformity, refusal, veto


Part of speech- noun Definition- deep-seated dislike Ex- Like most Boston Red Sox fans, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck feel a strong antipathy towards the New York Yankees, Boston's bitter rivals Synonyms- hatred; enmity; aversion Antonyms: admiration, appreciation, approval, esteem, honor, like, liking, love, rapport, regard, respect, sympathy


Part of speech- noun Definition- embarrassed awkwardness; repression of feelings Ex.- When the boys first met their new stepmother, they felt some constraint, but eventually they lost that initial awkwardness and talked with her comfortably Synonyms- limitation; restriction; embarrassment Antonyms: aggression


Part of speech- noun Definition- excessive admiration Ex. The conceited movie start reslished the adulation he received from his groupies Synonyms- idolization; hero worship; flattery Antonyms: abuse, criticism


Part of speech- noun Definition- fear of future evil Ex- Despite the apprehension many people feel about black bears, these bears are generally more afraid of humans than humans are of them Synonyms- anxiety; trepidation; dread; nervousness Antonyms: calmness, ease


Part of speech- noun Definition- force negatively affecting one's well-being Ex. Dirt- poor and out of work, he did not give up but continued struggling to overcome adversity Synonyms- misfortune; hardship; affliction; poverty Antonyms: aid, encouragement, favor, fortune, good luck, help, prosperity


Part of speech- noun Definition- great fire Ex.- In the conflagration that followed the 1906 earthquake, much of San Francisco went up in flames Synonyms- inferno; blaze Antonyms: demilitarization, demobilization, disarmament; pacification; cease-fire, truce; calm, peacefulness, tranquillity (or tranquility)


Part of speech- noun Definition- lack if concern, especially about things that others find important Ex- A firm believer in democratic government, she could not understand the apathy of people who never bothered to vote Synonyms- indifference; impassiveness Antonyms: care, concern, feeling, interest, passion, sensitivity, sympathy, warmth


Part of speech- noun Definition- mental calmness Ex.- Even at the latest crisis at work could not shake Nancy's composure Synonyms- equanimity: serenity: self-possesion Antonyms: agitation, arousal, discomposure, excitement, perturbedness, upset


Part of speech- noun Definition- one who resits or opposes Ex. The young wrestler struggled to defeat his terribel adversary Synonyms- opponent; enemy Antonyms: ally, assistant, backer, friend, helper, helpmate, supporter


Part of speech- noun Definition- open honestly Ex.- When Terri asked Tom how she looked, she was hoping for compliments, not for candor Synonyms- frankness; openness; truthfulness Antonyms: artifice, deception, falsehood, guile, lying


Part of speech- noun Definition- position of dominance; controlling influence Ex- Leaders of religious cults maintain ascendancy over their followers by methods that can verge on brainwashing Synonyms- domination; power; superiority Antonyms: inferiority, subordination, weakness


Part of speech- noun Definition- satisfaction with one's person, possessions, or accomplishments Ex.- You may be in first place right now, but your competitors are catching up fast. This is no time for complacency Synonyms- smugness; self-satisfaction Antonyms:"aggravation, annoyance, bother, botheration, distress, exasperation, irritation, torment, torture"


Part of speech- noun Definition- short account of a supposedly interesting or amusing incident Ex- The boss prefaced his speech by telling a pointless anecdote about an encounter he'd had with former President Bush Synonyms- story; tale; yarn Antonyms: non-fiction, truth


Part of speech- noun Definition- shortness of expression Ex.- When you place a phone call from an airplane, brevity is essential; you are charged for every minutes Synonyms- briefness; conciseness; succinctness; terseness Antonyms: lengthiness, longevity, permanence


Part of speech- noun Definition- someone who follows a leader or supports a cause Ex. As news of the scandal spread, the senator's one-time adherents quickly deserted him Synonyms- supporter; follower; advocate; believer


Part of speech- noun Definition- something not easily classified or that deviates from the norm Ex- Most birds can fly. The ostrich, which cannot fly, is therefore an anomaly Synonyms- irregularity; abnormality Antonyms: conformity, normality, regularity, standard, usual, usualness


Part of speech- noun Definition- something taken for granted; act of taking possession Ex- The young princess made the foolish assumption that the regent would not object to her taking the reins of power Synonyms- supposition; hypothesis; presupposition Antonyms: doubt, unexpected


Part of speech- noun Definition- something that causes an event or change to occur Ex.- Jean-Michel Cousteau, one of world's leading ocean explorers, hopes that the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster will become a catalyst for political, industrial, and environmental change Synonyms- Impetus; spur; stimulus Antonyms: block, blockage, preventer, prevention


Part of speech- noun Definition- throw into confusion or bewilder Ex.- No mystery could confound Sherlock Homes for long. He easily solved even the most mystifying case Synonyms- confuse; puzzle; mystify Antonyms: clarify, clear up, enlighten, explain, make clear, relate


Part of speech- verb Definition- acknowledge something to be true; grant as a privilege Ex.- Despite all the evidence Monica had assembled, Mark refused to concede that she was right Synonyms-admit; yield Antonyms: contradict, disacknowledge, disagree, dispute, dissent, fight, refuse, reject, repudiate


Part of speech- verb Definition- agree without protesting Ex. Although she appeared to acquiesced to her employer's suggestions, I could tell she had reservations about the changes he wanted made Synonyms- assent; comply; submit Antonyms: disagree, dissent, object, protest


Part of speech- verb Definition- announce with great approval Ex. Announcing the Olympic Games, the sports casters acclaimed every American victory and grumbled about every American defeat Synonyms- applaud; appraise Antonyms: beratement, criticism, disapproval, jeering, vituperation


Part of speech- verb Definition- attract and keep someone's interest Ex.- Bart and Lisa were captivated by their new babysitter's skill at juggling chainsaws Synonyms- enthrall; fascinate; charm; enchant; entrance Antonyms: disgust, disillusion, offend, repel, repulse


Part of speech- verb Definition- cause to grow calm or subside Ex- Tom and Jody tried to appease their crying baby by offering him one toy after another Synonyms- mollify; pacify; placate; soothe Antonyms: aggravate, annoy, incite, irritate, provoke, tease


Part of speech- verb Definition- deduce by guessing Ex.- Although there was no official count, the organizers conjectured that more than 10,000 marchers took part in the March for Peace Synonyms- speculate; surmise; guess Antonyms: fact, proof, reality, truth


Part of speech- verb Definition- express agreement with an opinion; happen together Ex.- Justice Sotomayor wrote a minority opinion because she did not concur with the reasoning of her fellow justices Synonyms- agree; assent; coincide Antonyms: argue, differ, disagree, disapprove, dispute, object, oppose, reject


Part of speech- verb Definition- give up resisting Ex.- Okay, I capitulate! I'll pick up my bedroom. Just quit nagging me! Synonyms- surrender; yield; submit Antonyms: defend, fight


Part of speech- verb Definition- harshly criticize Ex.- The senator was censured for inappropriate behavior to a member of Congress Synonyms- blame; rebuke; reprimand; scold Antonyms: approval, compliment, encouragement, endorsement, praise, ratification, recommendation, sanction


Part of speech- verb Definition- lessen in intensity, or put an end to Ex- Jilted by Jane, Dick tried to assuage his broken heart by eating ice cream. Several gallons later, he had assuaged his hunger but not his pain Synonyms- ease; satisfy; soothe; relieve Antonyms: exacerbate, upset


Part of speech- verb Definition- make something complete or perfect Ex.- The waiter recommended a glass of port to complement the cheese Synonyms- match; crown; cap Antonyms:take away


Part of speech- verb Definition- persuade in the face of reluctance Ex.- Diane tried to cajole her father into letting her drive the family car Synonyms- coax; wheedle Antonyms: bully, force, repel


Part of speech- verb Definition- recognize, possibly reluctantly the status or rights of Ex. Although Iris acknowledged that the Beatles' tunes sounded old-fashioned, she still preferred them to the gangsta rap that her brothers played Synonyms- admit; concede;grant Antonyms: forswear, ignore, refuse, renounce, repudiate


Part of speech- verb Definition- reduce (a text) in length Ex. Because Websters dictionary had grown so large and unwiedly, the publishers decided to abridge it and bring out a condensed version Synonyms- condense; shorten; digest antonyms: lengthen


Part of speech- verb Definition- shore up using an external support Ex.-The attorney came up with several far-fetched arguments in a vain attempt to buttress his weak case Synonyms-support; reinforce; prop up; bolster; strengthen. Antonyms: lengthiness, longevity, permanence


Part of speech- verb Definition- speak in favor of Ex. Seeking the end of slavery; the abolitionists advocated freedom for the slaves Synonyms- support; urge; recommend Antonyms: antagonist, assailant, enemy, opposition, protestor


Part of speech-adjective Definition-lacking originality Ex.-With its worn-out dialogue and predictable plot, the sitcom struck me as numbingly banal. Synonyms-hackneyed; commonplace; trite,timeworn; cliched Antonyms: fresh, new, original


Part of speech-adjective Definition-lacking shape or definition Ex-As long as we have decided on our itinerary, we shall send you a copy, right now, our plans are still amorphous. Synonyms-formless; shapeless; vague; nebulous Antonyms: definite, distinct, distinctive, shaped, shapely


Part of speech-adjective Definition-not controlled or governed by outside forces Ex.-Although the University of California at Berkeley is just one part of the state university system, in many ways,Cal Berkeley is autonomous, for it runs several programs that are not subject to outside control. Synonyms-independent; self-governing Antonyms: dependent, subject


Part of speech-adjective Definition-pertaining to conversational or common speech Ex.- Some of the newer, less formal passages on the SAT have a colloquial tone that is intended to make them more appealing to students. Synonyms-familiar; informal; conversational Antonyms: correct, formal, standard, stilted


Part of speech-adjective Definition-showing a likeness or similarity Ex-There's an old saying that watching government in action is analogous to watching sausage being made. Neither process is pretty. Synonyms-comparable; similar equivalent. Antonyms: different, dissimilar, distinct, diverse, opposite, unlike


Part of speech-adjective Definition-strongly appealing to reason; well argued Ex.- Katya presented her case with such cogent arguments that the jury had to decide in favor of her client. Synonyms-convincing; persuasive; logical; sound Antonyms: impotent, ineffective, invalid, weak


Part of speech-noun Definition -phrase dulled in meaning by repetition; trite theme; person who acts in wholly predictable ways Ex-In writing your SAT essay, avoid using cliches like " sadder but wiser" and "old as the hills." Synonyms-chestnut; formula; platitude Antonyms: coinage, nuance


Part of speech-noun Definition-Indirect or hinted reference Ex-When Amanda said to the ticket scalper, "One hundred bucks?What do you want, a pound of flesh?" she was making an allusion to Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. Synonyms-mention; citation; reference. Antonyms: reality


Part of speech-noun Definition-cheerful readiness to respond Ex. Eager to get away to the mountains, Phil and Dave packed up their ski gear and climbed into the van with alacrity Synonyms-eagerness; promptness; enthusiasm Antonyms: apathy, aversion, disinclination, dullness, indifference, reluctance, slowness, unwillingness


Part of speech-noun Definition-logical consistency; quality of sticking together Ex.-To keep the show going from season to season, the producers of Lost added plot points and characters until the story lost its original coherence ; in fact it became incoherent. Synonyms-consistency, intelligibility; logic Antonyms: disagreement, incoherence, incongruity, nonsense, unintelligibility


Part of speech-noun Definition-political and social disorder; state of being without governing body or leader Ex-Denying that she advocated total anarchy, Katya maintained she wished only to change our government, not to destroy it utterly.. Synonyms-disorder; chaos; lawlessness Antonyms: lawfulness, order, rule


Part of speech-noun Definition-positive statement Ex-Despite Tom's affirmation of innocence, Aunt Polly suspected he had eaten the pie. Synonyms- assertion; avowal; declaration Antonyms: denial, negation, nullification, veto


Part of speech-noun Definition-something out of place chronologically, not in its proper historical period Ex-In Back to the Future, when Marty McFly is transported into the past, his skateboard is an anachronism. So is his Calvin Klein underwear. Synonyms-incongruity Antonyms: current, modern, new, new-fangled, popular, up-to-date


Part of speech-noun Definition-source of harm or ruin Ex.-Lucy's little brother was the bane of her existence; his sole aim in life seemed to be to make her totally miserable. Synonyms-blight; curse;nuisance Antonyms: advantage, blessing, fortune, good luck


Part of speech-noun Definition-state of having conflicting emotional attitudes Ex-Torn between loving her parents one minute and having them the next, she was confused by the ambivalence of her feelings. Synonyms-indecision, uncertainty Antonyms: certainty, decisiveness


Part of speech-noun Definition-tendency to keep together Ex.-A firm believer in the maxim"Divide and conquer," the evil emperor, by means of lies and trickery, sought to disrupt the cohesion of the federation of free worlds. Synonyms-unity; union; solidity Antonyms: erraticism, incongruity, inconsistency, inconstancy, irregularity, variation"


Part of speech-noun Definition-use of force to compel someone to obey; threat of violence or reprisal Ex.-The inquisitor used both physical psychological coercion to force Joan of Arc to deny that God had sent visions to her. Synonyms-force; compulsion; bullying Antonyms: allow, let, permit; argue, convince, induce, move, persuade, prevail (on or upon), satisfy, talk (into), win (over)


Part of speech-verb Definition-explain by pointing out a cause Ex.The author attributed Mozart's success in music to the encouragement he received from his father. Synonyms-ascribe;credit (to) explain Antonyms: democratic, lenient, lax.


Part of speech-verb Definition-gather or put together Ex.-We compiled a list of the words most frequently used on SAT examinations. Synonyms-assemble; accumulate; amass; collect Antonyms: disassemble, disperse, scatter, separate


Part of speech-verb Definition-give a false impression Ex.-His coarse. hard-bitten exterior his inner belied sensitivity. Synonyms-contradict, disagree with Antonyms: attest, prove


Part of speech-verb Definition-honor the memory of Ex.-The statue of the Minute Man commemorates the valiant soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War Synonyms-remember; celebrate Antonyms: dishonor, forget, neglect


Part of speech-verb Definition-make larger or more numerous Ex.-Armies augment their forces by calling up reinforcements ;teachers augment their salaries by taking second jobs Synonyms-supplement;enlarge;increase;add to Antonyms: decrease, degrade


Part of speech-verb Definition-make more bearable Ex-When Johnny came down with bad case of poison oak, the doctor recommended calamine lotion to alleviate the itching. Synonyms-relieve; lessen; mitigate; ease; lighten. Antonyms: aggravate, heighten, increase, intensify, magnify


Part of speech-verb Definition-waste away Ex.-After three months in a cast, your calf muscles are bound to atrophy, you'll need physical therapy to get back in shape. Synonyms-wither;shrivel;degenerate Antonyms: development, flourish, germination, growth, improvement, ripening, strength, strengthening


Part of speech-verb Definition-work together Ex.-Mystery writers Jonathan and Faye Kellerman generally write alone; occasionally, however, they collaborate on a novel. Synonyms-cooperate; abet Antonyms: disagree, divorce, part

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