Stakeholder Analysis
Stakeholder Analysis
- Identify stakeholders interests in, importance to and influence over the operation of a project - Identify local institutions and processes on which to build - Provide a foundation and strategy for participation - Develop strategies for including traditionally marginalised groups (Ngai Tahu - traditionally, background, interest in the project, sensitive)
Koukourarate Example - Potato Farm
- Maori community, surrounding land owners, consumers, CCC, ECAN, Ngai Tahu, farm workers/sellers, corrections, ARA, farmer/manger, supermarkets, competitors
What is a stakeholder?
- individuals, groups or institutions affected by the proposed intervention - can influence the outcome of the intervention - stakeholders include - beneficiaries, competitors, funders
Stakeholder groups, interests in project, effect of project on interests, importance of stake-holder success of project, degree of influence over other stakeholders
Stakeholder Identification example
Table Stakeholder Groups - Beekeepers (Increased production +, improved quality +, cost of production -), Honey Consumers (cost of honey -, quality of honey +) - Politics, attend to the important stakeholders, both positive and negative in parts