State Test Study Guide; Driver's Ed

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When can you turn left on red?

After a stop from a one-way street to another one-way street with traffic moving to the left

Where should you stop at a stop sign, crosswalk, etc.?

After coming to a complete stop at an intersection where there is a stop sign or flashing red signal. If there is no stop line, stop before the crosswalk. If there is no crosswalk or stop line, stop at a place where all approaching traffic can be seen.


The temporary loss of driving privileges.

During the first year of licensing, how many passengers can you have in the car at one time?

1 or 2

What is the age you must be in order to obtain a license?

18 16-17 and have successfully completed a state-approved driver education course, completed 50 hours of practice driving with a parent/legal guardian/responsible adult over age 21, and pass the three parts of the driver's license exam

What age are all of the restrictions off?


How long is the instruction permit valid for?

24 months

What must approved driver education classes include?

30 hours of classroom study 6 hours of behind-the-wheel training in a regular passenger vehicle

How many hours must you drive with your parents/legal guardian/adult over 21?

50 hours

When should you dim your headlights?

500 feet before meeting an oncoming vehicle 300 feet before passing a vehicle Driving in fog (you can use fog lights as well) When following a vehicle (especially a truck at night) When your vehicle is parked Tilt your mirrors just a little bit in order to avoid glare or use the sun visor for the sun.

How long must you hold a permit before receiving a license?

9 months

How long is a drivers license valid for?

A driver's license is valid for four years and expires on the driver's birthday unless the driver is under age 21 in which case it expires three months after their 21st birthday, the driver is age 81-86 in which the license is valid for two years, or the driver is age 87 and older in which case the license requires annual renewal. After 16, you must renew when you turn 18 years, and 19 at the latest.

Who can drive with you on your permit?

A parent, or adult aged 21 years old or older with a valid driver's license

Examples of revocation

Aggravated DUI Aggravated Fleeing the Police Aggravated Reckless Driving Auto Theft Drag Racing/Street Racing DUI Felony Offense Fraudulent ID Gang-related Activity Leaving the Scene Perjury Reckless Conduct Reckless Homicide

Child passenger protection act

All children under age 8 has to be properly secured in an appropriate child safety restraint system. Booster seats must be used a lap/shoulder seat belt. A child weighing more than 40 lbs may be in the vehicle in the back seat without a booster seat with a lap belt only.

Seatbelt law for children

All drivers and passengers in the car age 8+ has to wear seat belts even when the car has airbags. Passengers under age 8 have to be in an appropriate child restraint system, even when riding in a truck. If one of the passengers has a disability or medical condition that makes him/her unable to secure his/her seat belt, then the driver is responsible for making sure that person is secured. It's also the responsibility of a driver to make sure that ALL passengers are obeying the safety belt law and the Child Passenger Protection Act. (If anyone is found to be doing otherwise they are subject to a fine and court costs)

What can't 15 year old drivers acquire during the permit phase?

Any driving or any alcohol convictions or court supervisions

Who can use cell phones when driving?

Anyone older than 19

What must you do if you change your name?

Apply for a new driver's license by visiting facility within 30 days of legally changing your name with documentation that links you to your new name

Examples of suspension

Automated Traffic Violations Causing a Crash in a Construction Zone Child Visitation Abuse Drug/Alcohol Test Failure Drug/Alcohol Test Refusal Drug or Sex Offense Failure to Appear Violations Failure to Obey a Railroad-Crossing Signal Failure to Pay Child Support Failure to Yield to an Emergency Vehicle Using Audible and Visual Signals Fraudulent Driver's License/ID Application Illegal Possession, Consumption, Purchase of Alcohol, or Accepting Alcohol as a Gift by a person under age 21 Illegal Transportation Under 21 Mandatory Insurance Violations Mandatory Insurance Conviction Parking Violations Railroad Crossing Violation School Bus Violations Speeding in a Construction Zone Theft of Motor Fuel Tollway Violation Traffic Crashes Traffic Violations Unauthorized Parking in a Space Designated for Persons with Disabilities Uninsured Crashes Zero Tolerance Violation

What should you do if you start hydroplaning?

Avoid hydroplaning by slowing down. If you skid while hydroplaning, try to regain control of the vehicle. Otherwise, release the accelerator and ride out the skid

When you are taking the driving exam, the vehicle provided must what?

Be licensed and equipped for the driver's license classification you're looking for Comply with the vehicle condition standards of the Secretary of State Be insured correctly. Proof of insurance must be shown before the exam. Show valid Illinois license plates and a valid registration sticker. The car must meet the registration requirements of the outside state if the car is registered outside of Illinois. Be driven to the facility by a driver with a valid driver's license/permit.

When passing when must you be back in your lane before oncoming cars?

Before you get within 200 feet of an upcoming car


Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device; A device installed on a driver with at least a first time DUI offender that will only allow the car to start if you have below the legal limit of alcohol.


Can only be entered on the driving record of an individual under age 18

What's recommended for children and airbags?

Children in the front seat can be seriously injured or killed when an airbag pops open in a crash. It's recommended that children age 12 and younger are secured properly in the back seat. If they must ride in the front seat, then he/she must be in a properly installed, appropriate forward-facing child safety seat as far back as possible. Rear-facing child safety seats have to be secured ONLY in the back seat of a car and shouldn't ever be installed in front of an active airbag.

What classes deal with trucks/semis?

Class A, Class B, Class C

What class license allows you to drive a car?

Class D

What classes pertain to motorcycles?

Class M, Class L

What can't drivers under age 18 do?

Drive for hire

What can't you do when driving on the interstate?

Drive in the left lanes when passing another vehicle

What are 3 documents that you must have in your possession when driving?

Driver's license/permit Car insurance Registration

A parent of a young driver has access to what until that driver is 18?

Driving record

Whose responsibility is it to buckle up?

Everyone, but the driver must make sure everyone is following the law.

What three tests must you pass in order to get a license?

Eye test, driving test, written test

Selective service

Federal law requires all males age 18-25 to register with the Selective Service system. The signature on the driver's license/ID card application of any qualifying male certifies that he has register or authorizes the Secretary of State's office to submit information for him.

What is the cause of most rear-end collisions?

Following a vehicle too closely or tailgating

Which way should you turn your wheels if you're parking uphill

From the curb

What do you do if you run off the road?

Grip the wheel firmly, ease your foot off the gas pedal and brake gently, check for traffic behind you, and gently steer back onto the pavement. DO NOT jerk your wheel to correct your steering because you could drive into oncoming traffic.

Why should you use low beams in fog?

High beams make light reflect off of the fog and could possibly blind other drivers

COOP testing program

Highschoolers who have completed a driver's ed course in school and behind-the-wheel instruction with either an A or a B in the class can choose to not take a facility administered driving exam when applying for a driver's license. You must be a really good driver. The Secretary of State's office will get a notification and put a notation to your driver's license record, saying that you can receive a Cooperative Driver Testing Certificate that states you don't have to take the driving exam when getting a license.

What's the penalty for leaving the scene of an accident?

If someone is killed or injured and the driver leaves the crash then the Secretary of State's office is required to take away your driver's license and your driving privileges will be suspended if there's more than $1,000 in damage to a vehicle. Criminal charges can be insued if you have a hit and run.

What is the law for when it is raining?

Illinois law requires you to turn on your headlights when operating your windshield wipers.

When can't you pass?

In an area marked for no passing by a solid yellow line on your side of the center of the roadway or a DO NOT PASS or NO PASSING ZONE sign On a hill or curve where you can't see oncoming cars Within 100 ft of an intersection or railroad crossing When the view is blocked within 100 ft of a bridge, viaduct or tunnel When a car is stopped at a crosswalk or intersection to allow a pedestrian to stop In a construction zone In any school zone When a school bus has stopped to load or discharge passengers

What are the basic speed laws?

Interstates, tollways, freeways, four-lane highways: 70 mph Four-lane highways: 65 mph Other highways and rural areas: 55 mph City/Town areas: 30 mph Alleys: 15 mph School zones: 20 mph on school days between 7 AM and 4 PM when children are present and signs are posted

What will happen if you get 2 tickets in a 24 month period?

Lose your license

If a driver under the age of 21 is caught possessing, purchasing, or consuming alcohol what will happen?

Lose your license for 3-6 months

Examples of denial

Mandatory revocation of driving privileges for offenses listed for revocation Driving without a valid driver's license or permit Serious moving violation Crash Involving Bodily Harm or Death

What are the restrictions on the initial licensing phase?

Nighttime driving restrictions (Sunday to Thursday from 10 PM to 6 AM and Friday through Saturday 11 PM to 6 AM) Must have a conviction-free driving record for six months before turning 18 Until the driver is 18 or for the first 12 months of licensing, the number of people is limited to one person under age 20, except if the passenger is a sister/brother, stepsister/stepbrother, child, or stepchild of the driver.

What are the restrictions during the permit phase?

Nighttime driving restrictions (Sunday to Thursday from 10 PM to 6 AM and Friday through Saturday 11 PM to 6 AM) Number of passengers limited to one in the front seat and the number of safety belts in the back seat Must not acquire any driving or underage alcohol convictions or court supervisions during the nine-month permit phase. Any wireless/cellphone use while driving, including a hands-free device, is prohibited for drivers under age 19, except in the case of an emergency to contact a law enforcement agency, health-care provider or emergency services agency

Are headsets allowed?

No unless it is a single-sided headset or earpiece with a wireless/cellphone device Headsets: Any device, other than a hearing aid, that allows the wearer to wear or receive electronic communication

Can you try to bypass a signal light?

No, all traffic signals and pavement marking must be obeyed unless a police or traffic control officer directs otherwise. A driver may never leave the roadway to avoid a traffic signal.

What must you do if you change your address?

Notify the Secretary of State's office within 10 days by visiting a Driver Services facility; going online; or writing to the Secretary of State's office


Occupational Driving Permit; Professional drivers whose licenses have been suspended for 3 moving violations. Lets a person drive for their employment. (Just to and from work) They know you're going to the correct destination via a tracker.

How do you use your rearview to pass?

On a two-lane highway, the left lane should be clearly seen and free of oncoming traffic for a distance great enough to permit passing. You should use it to make sure no car is coming. Don't turn back into the right-hand lane until you can see the entire vehicle you just passed in your rearview mirror. You have to return to your lane before you get within 200 feet of an oncoming vehicle. The driver you are passing can't increase speed until you have completed your passing.

How do you reinstate a license?

Pay a fee/whatever the court order is. This means to get your license back from revoked. You need high risk insurance due to you being at high risk to do it again. Your insurance goes really high and the judge ultimately decides whether or not your license comes back.

When must you yield to pedestrians?

Pedestrian is in a crosswalk School days when children are close to a school zone crosswalk Pedestrian is in an unmarked crosswalk on the driver's side of the roadway and there aren't any traffic control signals Making a turn at any intersection Right on red after stopping completely Stopping at a stop sign or flashing red signal at an intersection Pedestrian enters a crosswalk before the traffic light changed Pedestrian is walking with a green light to a walking person signal/walk signal Pedestrian is leaving or entering a street/highway from an alley, building, private road or driveway

Organ donor

People age 18 and older will be asked to join the Illinois Organ/Tissue Donor Registry. When you die, you donate your organs and such to those that need it.

What does a flashing yellow light mean?

Proceed with caution, is used where caution is required.


Restricted Driving Permit; Allows driving only during certain times and only on certain routes for work or education, driving a child at home to and from daycare/school, or to receive medicine (Not for someone under 16)

What are some examples of right of way?

Right turn on red after a complete stop After stopping at an intersection where there isn't a stop sign or flashing red signal. No stop line then stop before crosswalk. Neither than stop where all traffic can be seen. Making a left turn on red after stopping from a one-way street to another one-way street with left moving traffic Multiple drivers reach a four-way stop intersection, first driver to arrive goes first. Same time? Left yields to right Oncoming traffic when making a left turn. If you enter an intersection when the light is green then you finish your turn regardless of light. Approaching a yield sign. Slow down or stop After light turns green when there are cars in the intersection Emerging from an alley, building, private road/driveway after stopping Crossing traffic when on the terminating highway of a T intersection with no traffic control signs/signals Approaching emergency vehicles with audible and visual signals

Safe driver renewal

Safe Driver Renewal enables drivers with clean driving records to renew their driver's licenses from home and visit a Driver Services facility only once every eight years.

Double solid white lines

Separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction. Crossing prohibited

Dotted yellow line

Separate single lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions. Passing is allowed

Who must use the right lane?

Slow vehicles

What are the new laws starting in 2014?

Starting on January 1, 2014, you can not use a cellphone while driving, except if its a hands-free device such if your phone is connected by bluetooth to the car's system if it's a newer device. You can't drive while using medical marijuana. You can't drive with medical marijuana in the car unless it's in a container that hasn't been opened whatsoever and you can't reach it while the car is moving. Beginning July 1, 2014, before they can get a license, first time driver's license applicants aged 18-20 who haven't finished a driver education class has to take a six hour adult driver education class from either a an Illinois commercial driving school or online. Drivers can show proof of vehicle insurance electronically. Aggravated DUI can be charged if you're driving a school bus or drive for hire when using alcohol or drugs. Proof of insurance has to be shown to the Secretary of State's office when you are renewing your car registration. The speed limit on four lane highways is now 70.

How do you go right on red?

Stop and yield to other vehicles and pedestrians, then proceed to make a right turn on a red light. Stop at the crosswalk, always use the lane closest to where you're going.

What should you do if you are involved in an accident?

Stop your car in a safe, well-lit public place that isn't in the way of traffic (if you can), help injured people if necessary/requested, without moving anyone unless you must. Call 911. Ask everyone involved for names, addresses, phone numbers, driver's license numbers, and license plate numbers.

What does a flashing red light mean?

Stop, yield the right of way to traffic within the intersection or crosswalk and proceed when safe. Is used at intersections when a stop sign alone is hard to see or where additional emphasis on the stop sign is needed and at railroad crossings to warn of approaching trains.

What is the exception to the school bus law?

The exception to the rule is when you're on a four-lane highway and the bus is stopped in another direction from you.


The indefinite withdrawal of driving privileges by the Secretary of State's office. ("expelled" from driving privileges; permanent)

How should the seatbelt fit?

The lap belt must be worn across the hip bones with the shoulder strap as snug as possible across the chest but not near the neck or face.

What's the penalty for ID fraud?

The penalty will result in your arrest and possible imprisonment of up to five years and the suspension or revocation of your driver's license/ID card.

How shouldn't the seatbelt fit?

The seat belt should not be worn with the lap belt across the stomach or the soft part of the abdomen with the shoulder strap shouldn't be underneath someone's arm.

Which way should you turn your wheels if you're parking uphill or downhill?

To the right

What are motorcycles entitled to?

To use the full width of a traffic lane; therefore, a driver should pass a motorcycle the same way a driver would pass another vehicle.

Which way should you turn your wheels if you're parking downhill?

Towards the curb

If your rear end skids around a curve you should do what?

Turn into the skid and ride it out

Construction zone law

When about to enter or inside a highway construction or maintenance area, motorists must slow down, stop using all wireless devices, yield to any authorized vehicles or workers in the work zone, and change lanes to one away from the area when it's possible. Use caution in these areas.

When do you file a crash report?

When the crash involves death, bodily injury, or property damage of more than $1,500, a crash report must be sent no later than 10 days after the crash.

Law for turn signal warnings

When you are in a business or residential area you have to give a turn signal at least 100 ft before turning. Outside these two areas the turn signal must be on for 200 ft. You can turn signal via electrical turn signals or hand and arm signals.

How can you use your cell phone while driving?

Wireless or a headset; Texting is illegal

What 5 documents must you bring in order to obtain a license?

Written Signature Date of Birth Social Security Number Residency 50 hours

Can you drive farm equipment legally?

Yes, but only between farm and nearby farmland. You must live on a farm or are employed on one.

Can a parent take away driving privileges?

Yes, for any reason until the driver turns 18. The driving privileges won't be reinstated until the parents give consent or the driver turns 18.

When coming out of an alley or driveway what should you do?

Yield right of way to other drivers and pedestrians after coming to a complete stop; must watch for pedestrians

Can you pass on the shoulder of the road?

You can't pass on the shoulder of the road. It is considered aggressive driving

School bus law

You have to stop before you reach a school bus loading or unloading passengers on a two-lane roadway. Warnings will be given at least 100 ft and 200 ft in rural areas in advance before stopping. Bus drivers will flash amber and red light on the front and rear of the bus. The stop signal arm will also be extended once the bus has stopped. You have to stop completely then, and stay stopped until the bus moves once more, or the driver says you can pass.

What do you do when the traffic light turns green?

You may go after yielding the right-of-way to any pedestrians and vehicles in the intersection or crosswalk

Safety responsibility law

You must post security (a guarantee of payment) to cover damages suffered by the injured party. (IDOT determines the amount of security). This is insurance.

How do you react to an approaching ambulance?

You should immediately pull to the right side of the road and let the ambulance pass. If you're at an intersection with two-way traffic, then stay stopped until it passes.

What to do if you hit an unattended vehicle?

You should stop you car away from traffic, leave your name, address, phone number, and license plate number on the car/property if you can't find the owner, complete all required crash reports, and notify the police.

Graduated driver's license

Young drivers must earn the right to go through three phases of licensing in order to receive a full license.

Single solid yellow line

indicates zones where passing isn't allowed

Single solid white line

separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction

Dotted white line

separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction. Crossing allowed only when changing lanes or turning

Double solid yellow center line

traffic is moving in opposite directions. Marks the center of the roadway. May be crossed to make a left turn to or from an alley, private road, driveway or street


when a vehicle skids out of control on a wet surface on the road

Solid lines along the side of the road

where the edge of the pavement is

What are the 5 ways you can be guilty of ID fraud?

• Signing a driver's license/ID card application that includes false information. • Presenting false identification for the purposes of obtaining a driver's license/ID card. • Using a fictitious or unlawfully altered driver's license/permit. • Presenting another person's driver's license/ID card as if it were yours. • Allowing another person to use your identification documents to apply for a driver's license/ID card.

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