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There are ____ cells or groups in a 3 × 4 ANOVA design.


The following is a summary of a one-way between-subjects ANOVA: F(2, 37) = 3.42, p < .05, η2 = .12. How many participants were observed in this study?


A researcher computes a 4 x 4 chi-square test for independence and estimates the following effect size: V = 0.36. This effect size is


A one-way within-subjects ANOVA is typically associated with ______ power than the one-way between-subjects ANOVA.


A researcher computes a 4 x 6 chi-square test for independence with a sample of 120 participants, with x2 = 14.79. What is the effect size for this result?


There are ____ factors in a 2 × 3 ANOVA design.


To summarize correlations, we report:


To summarize the chi-square goodness-of-fit test, which of the following is reported?


The interpretation of a 2 x 2 chi-square test for independence is similar to what other type of statistical test?

phi correlation coefficient

"Within subjects" is also called

repeated measures

Which of the following would not be reported for a correlation?

the critical values for each test

The denominator of the correlation coefficient measures the extent to which two variables

vary independently

The complexity of the two-way ANOVA differs from that of the t-tests and the one-way ANOVAs in that,


The degrees of freedom for error is called


The means and standard error or standard deviations measured in a study can be summarized in,


A researcher measures the extent to which years of marriage predict perceptions of forgiveness. Which factor is the criterion variable in this example?

perceptions of forgiveness

As a general rule, the larger the degrees of freedom for a chi-square test,

the larger the critical value will be

For an analysis of variance, the term "one-way" refers to

the number of factors in the design

A researcher measures the extent to which the speed at which people eat (in minutes) predicts calorie intake (in kilocalories). Which factor is the predictor variable in this example?

the speed at which people eat

A researcher can correct for having expected frequencies smaller than five by

Both A and B

Computing a one-way between-subjects ANOVA is appropriate when

different participants are observed one time in each of two or more groups for one factor

Many nonparametric tests are called ________ because they make no assumptions regarding the shape of the distribution in the population.

distribution-free tests

A researcher computes a 3 × 4 between-subjects ANOVA. What are the degrees of freedom for Factor A for this study?


A researcher computes a 2 x 3 chi-square test for independence. What is the critical value for this test at a .05 level of significance?


Which of the following is a measure of proportion of variance for a one-way between subjects ANOVA?

Both A and B

A chi-square goodness-of-fit test shows that the frequencies observed equal those that were expected. Hence, the value of the test statistic is

equal to 0

For the effects of a two-way between-subjects ANOVA, which values must be known to compute effect size using eta-squared?

sum of squares

The degrees of freedom for a chi-square test for independence test are

(k1 - 1)(k2 - 1)

The correlation coefficient ranges between ____ and ____.

-1; +1

A researcher computes a 2 × 3 factorial ANOVA. In this example, how many interactions can be observed?


A researcher reports the following results for a chi-square test: x2(1) = 5.386, p < .05 (V = 0.224). If this test were a goodness-of-fit test, then how many groups were observed?


A researcher selects a sample of 110 participants and computes the following phi correlation coefficient: rø 0.31. What is the value of x2 ?


A researcher compares the frequency of participants who sleep primarily on their stomach, back, or side during the night. What is the critical value for a chi-square goodness-of-fit test at a .05 level of significance?


Which of the following hypotheses identifies a prediction that requires that two factors we observed in the same statistical design?

Mood will improve most when people consume foods that are high in sugar and fat

To appropriately interpret the chi-square goodness-of-fit test, it is necessary to compare differences

at each level of the categorical variable

To summarize any type of two-way ANOVA using APA format, we report each of the following except the,

critical values

For a two-way ANOVA, the ________ should also be reported for each significant hypothesis test and for the simple main effect tests.

effect size

Which of the following is not a post hoc test for a one-way between-subjects ANOVA?


A researcher computes a perfect negative correlation, in which each data point falls exactly on the regression line. In this example, the value of the standard error of estimate will be

greater than 0

Which of the following is used to determine the linear equation that best fits a set of data points?

method of least squares

A correlation coefficient can ______ demonstrate cause.


A researcher records depression scores for 12 patients in each of four seasons. If depression scores for the same participants are recorded in each season, then what type of statistical design is most appropriate for this study?

A one-way within-subjects ANOVA

A researcher conducts two chi-square tests. The 2 x 2 chi-square was x2 = 3.92. The 2 x 3 chi-square was x2 = 5.92. Which chi-square test resulted in a decision to reject the null hypothesis at a .05 level of significance?

the 2 x 2 chi-square

The appropriate correlation coefficient for measuring the direction and strength of the linear relationship between two ranked or ordinal variables is

the Spearman correlation coefficient

The appropriate correlation coefficient for measuring for the direction and strength of the linear relationship between two dichotomous variables is

the phi correlation coefficient

The point-biserial correlation coefficient is a measure of the direction and strength of the linear relationship between two variables, where

one is continuous, and one is dichotomous

Using a two-way between-subjects ANOVA with Factor A (Gender: male, female) and Factor B (Type of employment: blue collar, white collar), a researcher found that scores for men and women significantly varied across the levels of the second factor (type of employment). In this study, the researcher found a significant

A x B interaction

A researcher computes a 2 x 4 chi-square test for independence. What are the degrees of freedom for this test?


A researcher computes a 2 × 4 between-subjects ANOVA. What are the degrees of freedom for Factor B for this study?


A researcher computes a 3 x 5 chi-square test for independence. What are the degrees of freedom for this test?


A researcher groups college students in a study based on their year in college (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) and the type of college they attend (junior, technical, university). He concludes that perceptions of academic cheating are more positive among freshman attending junior college. To reach this conclusion, which statistical test would need to be computed?


Which of the following measures of effect size can be reported with a 3 x 4 chi-square test for independence?

Cramer's V

Post hoc tests are computed

Following a significant ANOVA test to make pairwise comparisons

A chi-square goodness-of-fit test leads to a decision to retain the null hypothesis. Which of the following correctly explains this decision?

Frequencies observed were statistically similar to the frequencies expected at each level of the categorical variable

The denominator of the test statistic for the main effects and interaction in a two-way between-subjects ANOVA

Is equal to mean square error

The term "within-subjects" refers to

Observing the same participants in each group

A researcher conducts two studies using the two-way between-subjects ANOVA. The sum of squares total is smaller in Study 1 than in Study 2; the sum of squares for Factor A is the same in both studies. In which study will the effect size be larger for Factor A using omega-squared?

Study 1

For an analysis of variance, the term "two-way" refers to

The number of factors in the design

Which of the following is used to determine the significance of predictions made by a best fitting linear equation?

analysis of regression

A ____ is the combination of one level from each factor.


The following graphs display the data points for two linear correlations. Based on the information provided in these graphs, ________ displays a negative correlation and ________ displays a stronger correlation. Refer to the Image.

Graph B; Graph A

A researcher computes the following one-way within-subjects ANOVA table for a study in which k = 3 and n = 12. State the decision at a .05 level of significance [Table: SSBG = 450; total = 1030; MS = 20]

reject the null hypothesis

A researcher computes a 2 x 2 chi-square test for independence. What is the critical value for this test at a .05 level of significance?


The statistical procedure used to analyze the simple main effects of an interaction is called

A simple main effect test

For the effects of a two-way between-subjects ANOVA, which values must be known to compute effect size using omega-squared?


How does omega-squared for the one-way between-subjects ANOVA correct for the fact that eta-squared tends to be a biased estimate of effect size?


What is a key distinction between parametric tests and nonparametric tests in terms of scales of measurement?

Parametric tests are used for interval and ratio data, whereas nonparametric tests are used for nominal and ordinal data.

A researcher conducts two studies on the effectiveness of a peer mentoring program. Self-evaluation ratings among participants before, during, and after the program were measured in both studies. In Study 1, 12 participants were observed, and in Study 2, 16 participants were observed. If Fobt = 3.42 in both studies, then in which study will the decision be to reject the null hypothesis at a .05 level of significance?

Study 2

The assumption that there is an equal variance or scatter of data points dispersed along the regression line is referred to as


The degrees of freedom for a chi-square goodness-of-fit test are

k - 1

A researcher conducts two chi-square tests. The 2 x 2 chi-square was x2 = 3.82. The 2 x 3 chi-square was x2 = 5.02. Which chi-square test resulted in a decision to reject the null hypothesis at a .05 level of significance?

none; both chi-square tests result in a decision to retain the null hypothesis

A researcher measures the extent to which time spent watching educational preschool television programming predicts success in school. Which factor is the criterion variable in this example?

success in school

To summarize a one-way within-subjects ANOVA, we report each of the following except,

the critical values

A researcher records the amount of time spent studying by male and female college students in a dormitory versus a library setting. Different participants were observed in each group. What type of statistical design is appropriate for this study?

two-way between-subjects ANOVA

Computing a two-way between-subjects ANOVA is appropriate when

Both A and C

Which source of variation, if significant, is typically analyzed first?

The interaction

A researcher computes a 2 × 3 between-subjects ANOVA in which 6 participants are observed in each cell. What are the degrees of freedom error for this study?


A researcher conducts a study in which k = 5 and N = 80. What are the degrees of freedom between-groups for the one-way between-subjects ANOVA?


A researcher measures differences in recall between male and female participants following a romantic movie clip. If different participants were in each group, then what type of statistical design is appropriate for this study?

Both A and B

The degrees of freedom for the between-groups variability is called

Both B and C

Which of the following is recorded using a chi-square goodness-of-fit test and a chi-square test for independence?

Both B and C

A researcher computes a 4 × 4 between-subjects ANOVA and finds two significant main effects and a significant interaction. What is the next appropriate step?

Compute simple main effect tests for each main effect

A researcher computes a 3 × 4 between-subjects ANOVA and finds one significant main effect and a significant interaction. What is the next appropriate step?

Compute simple main effect tests for the interaction

What is the problem with the following data for computing a correlation? CHART

The correlation coefficient will equal 0 because it violates the assumption of normality.

A researcher measures the following correlation between cups of coffee consumed daily and daily work schedule. Which description best explains the relationship between these two factors? Refer to the Image.

The more a person works, the more coffee he or she tends to drink.

Which of the following is a key assumption for a chi-square goodness-of-fit test?

The observed frequencies are independently recorded in each cell.

Which of the following correctly identifies each source of variation in the two-way between-subjects ANOVA?

Two main effects, one interaction, and error

Which of the following is a statistical procedure used to test hypotheses about the discrepancy between the observed and expected frequencies in two or more nominal categories?

chi-square test

Which of the following is an example of a nonparametric test?

chi-square test

Following a significant one-way between-subjects ANOVA in which k > 2, what is the next appropriate step?

conduct post hoc tests

To summarize any type of regression analysis using APA format, we report each of the following except the,

critical values

A researcher reports the following results for a chi-square test: x2(1) = 5.386, p < .05 (V = 0.224). If this test were a test for independence, then how many groups were observed?


Not including the total variation, how many sources of variation are measured in a two-way between-subjects ANOVA?


A researcher computes a one-way within-subjects ANOVA in which k=4 and n=20. What are the degrees of freedom error for this test?


A researcher computes a 3 × 5 between-subjects ANOVA. What are the degrees of freedom for the A × B interaction for this study?


A researcher notes that the variability attributed to difference between group means is quite large. Which source of variation is the researcher referring to?


A researcher observes the same participants in each of five different settings. Which source of variation is the variability attributed to observing the same participants in all five settings?

Between-persons variability

Which source of variation is computed using a one-way within-subjects ANOVA, but not a one-way between-subjects ANOVA?

Between-persons variation

A researcher measures anxiety levels among participants in the presence and absence of a fearful stimulus. If the same participants are observed in each group, then what type of statistical design is appropriate for this study?

Both A and C

When the variability attributed to between-groups is equal to the variability attributed to error, then the value of the test statistic for a one-way between-subjects ANOVA is,

Equal to 1

The method of least squares is used to determine the ________ straight line to a set of data points.


We compute the frequency expected in each category using known ________ stated in the null hypothesis.


A statistical procedure used to describe the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two factors is called

A correlation

A researcher divides participants into groups that will engage in low, moderate, or intense levels of exercise. The total calories consumed by participants following the exercise are then recorded. What type of statistical design is appropriate for this study?

A one-way between-subjects ANOVA

A therapist has adult female clients rate their level of interest in each of six relationship situations. To analyze differences in the ratings, what type of statistical design is appropriate for this study?

A one-way within-subjects ANOVA

Using a within-subjects ANOVA design,

N participants are observed k times

Which of the following is a reason why it can be necessary to include two factors in the same statistical design?

Your hypothesis may require that you observe two factors

A researcher computes a two-way between-subjects ANOVA and finds a significant A × B interaction and two main effects. Which significant effect should be analyzed first?

the significant interaction

A researcher computes a two-way between-subjects ANOVA and finds a significant main effect of Factor A and an A × B interaction. Which significant effect should be analyzed first?

the significant interaction

If the expected frequencies equal to observed frequencies for a chi-square test for independence, what do we conclude?

the test statistic value is equal to 0

To compute the expected frequencies for a chi-square test for independence, we use which of the following formulas?

(row total x column total)/grand total

A simple main effect test is appropriate for analyzing which significant result?

A significant interaction

The observed frequencies can be summarized,


When computing a chi-square goodness-of-fit test, the frequency expected in a given cell should never be less than


Which of the following is a limitation for interpreting a correlation?


Which of the following is an example of a parametric test?


The appropriate correlation coefficient for measuring the direction and strength of the linear relationship between one continuous and one dichotomous variable is

the point-biserial correlation coefficient

A researcher computes a 3 x 4 chi-square test for independence with a sample of 50 participants, with x2 = 8.43. What is the effect size for this result?


A researcher reports the following equation for a best-fitting straight line to a set of data points: Ŷ = 0.48X + 12.03. Which value is the slope?


A researcher computes a one-way within-subjects ANOVA for a study in which participants are observed across five groups. If the degrees of freedom error is 56, then how many participants were observed in this study?


A researcher selects a sample of 80 people and records the frequency of participants choosing a low, moderate, or high calorie dessert in a buffet. What are the degrees of freedom for this chi-square goodness-of-fit test?


What is the minimum number of groups that can be observed using the one-way between-subjects ANOVA design?


A researcher assigned participants (n = 8 per group) to read vignettes describing a person engaging in either a helpful, hurtful, or neutral act. Different participants were assigned to each group and asked to rate how positively they viewed the person described in the vignette. What is the critical value for the one-way between-subjects ANOVA at a .05 level of significance?


A researcher records the frequency of participants selecting one of four new slogans for an advertising campaign. If it was expected that among 200 people polled there would be no preference for any one slogan, then what was the expected frequency for each slogan.

50 people

A researcher conducts a chi-square goodness-of-fit test in which k= 5. What is the critical value for this test at a .05 level of significance?


Linear regression describes the extent to which _______ predicts ________.


Select the description below that identifies the following correlation: r = .28, p < .01.


Which of the following is an appropriate measure of effect size for a 2 x 2 chi-square test for independence?


Which of the following is an assumption for computing a one-way between-subjects ANOVA?


ANOVA stands for,

Analysis of variance

An estimate of effect size with the two-way ANOVA is typically reported for:

Both A and B

A researcher computes two 2 × 2 between-subjects ANOVAs. In Study 1, he observes 8 participants in each cell; in Study 2, he observes 12 participants in each cell. Which study is associated with a larger value for degrees of freedom for the A x B interaction?

Both studies have the same degrees of freedom for the A x B interaction

Which of the following is an assumption for computing a one-way within-subjects ANOVA?

Independent observations were made within groups, but not between groups

Using an A × B ANOVA, a researcher concludes that Factor A is significant, independent of Factor B. In this study, this researcher found a significant

Main effect of Factor A

What is the key assumption for a chi-square goodness-of-fit test?

Observed frequencies are independently recorded in each cell.

A researcher assigns 21 adolescents to rate the likability of a person described in a vignette as having one of three personality traits. An equal number of participants are assigned to each group. If Fobt = 4.08 for this study, then what was the decision at a .05 level of significance for a one-way between-subjects ANOVA?

Reject the null hypothesis

A researcher computes the following one-way within-subjects ANOVA table for a study in which k = 3 and n = 12. State the decision at a .05 level of significance. [Table: SSBG = 450; total = 1030; MS = 20]

Reject the null hypothesis

A researcher randomly assigned 32 children to observe a short clip depicting either their favorite superhero, a parent, a teacher, or no person at all (n = 8 per group). If SSBG = 30 and SSE = 104, then what was the decision at a .05 level of significance for a one-way between-subjects ANOVA?

Retain the null hypothesis

Which of the following is NOT an assumption for computing a two-way between-subjects ANOVA?

There is homogeneity of variance and homogeneity of covariance

A professor compares the exam grades of students based on whether they have a learning disability (yes, no) and where they sit in the classroom (in the front, middle, or back row). Different participants were observed in each group. What type of statistical design is appropriate for this study?

Two-way between-subjects ANOVA

A researcher measures differences in recall between participants watching a regular or a 3-D movie clip with a romance, drama, or action theme. Different participants were observed in each group. What type of statistical design is appropriate for this study?

Two-way between-subjects ANOVA

A researcher computes a 2 × 3 between-subjects ANOVA test in which 11 participants were observed in each condition. If F = 5.17 for both main effect tests and the A × B interaction test, then the decision for each test

Will be significant for both main effects and the A x B interaction

A researcher observes the same participants in each of five different settings. Which source of variation is the variability attributed to observing the same participants in all five settings?

Within-groups variation

Both sources of variation in an analysis of regression measure the variability in

Y only

The correlation coefficient ranges from -1.0 to +1.0, with values closer to ±1.0 indicating

a stronger relationship between two factors

To appropriately interpret the chi-square goodness-of-fit test, it is necessary to compare differences _________ of the categorical variable.

at each level

The regression equation measures

how far each data point deviates from the line that most closely fits the data

One way a researcher can correct for having expected frequencies smaller than five is to increase the levels of the categorical variable such that the number of levels

is greater than four

One way a researcher can correct for having expected frequencies smaller than five is to increase the sample size such that

it is five times larger than the number of cells

Which of the following indicates the strongest correlation?

r = -0.90

A researcher conducts a chi-square goodness-of-fit test in which k= 2 and x2 = 3.92. What is the decision for this test at a .05 level of significance?

reject the null hypothesis

The correlation coefficient measures the extent to which changes in one factor are _______ in a second factor

related to changes

Using an analysis of regression, the variability in Y that is associated with error is measured by the

residual variation

A chi-square goodness-of-fit test shows that the frequencies observed fit well with those that were expected. Hence, the decision was to

retain the null hypothesis

A researcher computes the following one-way between-subjects ANOVA table for a study where k = 3 and n = 12. State the decision at a .05 level of significance. (Hint: Complete the table first.)

retain the null hypothesis

A researcher conducts a chi-square goodness-of-fit test in which k= 3 and x2= 4.32. What is the decision for this test at a .05 level of significance?

retain the null hypothesis

Homogeneity of variance is an assumption for the one-way between-subjects ANOVA. What does this assumption mean?

that the variance is equal in each population from which samples are selected

The most common measure of effect size for the correlation coefficient is called

the coefficient of determination

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