Steps for Simplifying a Complex Fraction
Step 3
Find the LCD of all the mini-denominators.
Step 4
Multiply the fraction by the LCD divided by the LCD. *Equals 1 *Distribute the LCD to every term of the numerator & every term of the denominator. *Cancel all mini-denominators. *No mini-fraction - no cancel.
Step 2
Place parentheses around the polynomials. Completely factor the polynomials in mini-denominators.
Step 1
Rewrite the expression so there are no negative exponents.
Step 5
Simplify the resulting fractions, which is a rational algebraic expression. *You may need to clean-up the resulting fraction by using the order of operations. *Completely factor the numerator and denominator. Look to cancel common factors of multiplication. *Leave the answer in factored form to evidence the rational algebraic expression is completely simplified.