Steroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs EDAPT

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Systemically administered glucocorticoids have a wide range of indications. How do these medications differ from one another? Select all that apply.

Duration of action (short-, intermediate-, and long-acting) Degree of salt and water retention they cause Potency

The adrenal cortex (outer layer) secretes steroids which are responsible for which biological function?

Anti-inflammatory actions

Cortisol Aldosterone

Cortisol Anti-inflammatory actions Carbohydrate and protein metabolism Fat metabolism Stress effects Aldosterone Maintenance of serum sodium levels Maintenance of serum potassium levels Maintenance of serum pH levels Sodium and water resorption

Use the drop-down menus to select the correct word(s) to complete these sentences. The adrenal gland is part of the endocrine system (pituitary and hypothalamus). Hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex are steroidal hormones called . Cortisol is a type of corticosteroid called a, mainly used for its effects. Aldosterone is a type of corticosteroid called mainly used for its effects.

corticosteroids glucocorticoid anti-inflammatory mineralocorticoid fluid-electrolyte balancing

Systemically administered corticosteroids can interact with many drugs. Based on your knowledge of a corticosteroids' mechanism of action, caution should used when a patient is also taking a non-potassium-sparing loop diuretic because both drug classes can result in an in the excretion of potassium and other electrolytes in the urine and can lead to severe -kalemia.

increase hypo

Use corticosteroids cautiously in patients with diabetes mellitus as they may blood glucose levels. Use of corticosteroids is often avoided in the presence of serious infection such as septicemia, systemic fungal infections, and varicella because these drugs have properties. Use corticosteroids cautiously when treating patients with gastritis, reflux disease, or ulcer disease because these drugs can potentially cause gastric . Use corticosteroids cautiously in patients with cardiac, renal, and/or liver dysfunction because these drugs can potentially cause diuresis and increased liver . Use corticosteroids cautiously in combination with non-potassium-sparing diuretics because this may cause severe . Use corticosteroids cautiously in combination with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, such as Aspirin) because both create an increased risk of .

increase immunosuppressant perforation fluid retention and alterations in elimination hypocalcemia and hypokalemia gastric ulcers

Considering the actions of glucocorticoids, the hypersecretion secretion of cortisol will lead to a(n) in blood pressure and stress effects. Considering the actions of mineralocorticoids, the hypersecretion of aldosterone will lead to a(n) in water & sodium retention along with a(n) in potassium

increase increase decrease

Mineralocorticoids impact fluid and electrolyte balance indirectly by sodium resorption from nephrons into the blood, pulling water and fluid with it. This causes fluid and water leading to edema, and increased excretion of potassium and hydrogen in the urine. Glucocorticoids the inflammatory response indirectly by stabilizing inflammatory cell membranes, capillary permeability to the inflammatory cells, and decreasing white blood cell migration into the inflamed areas.

promoting retention hypertension inhibit decreasing

Adverse effects associated with corticosteroid administration are widespread and can occur in every body system. The most commonly seen adverse effect in hospitalized patients is:


Adverse Effects associated with corticosteroid administration are widespread and can occur in every body system. Based on your knowledge of the actions of corticosteroids, which of these are the most common adverse effects of corticosteroid drugs?

Hyperglycemia Adrenal suppression Fluid retention hypertension Gastric ulcers Weight gain Increased ocular pressure pressure Loss of muscle mass Convulsions Hirsutism Petechiae

Adrenocortical deficiency Type II diatbetes Gastrointestinal (GI) diseases (such as ulcerative colitis) Parkinson's disease Decrease immune response following organ transplantation Cerebral edema High cholesterol Exacerbations of chronic respiratory illnesses (such as asthma) Treatment of proteinuria Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV)

Indication for Use: -Adrenocortical deficiency -Gastrointestinal (GI) diseases (such as ulcerative colitis) -Decrease immune response following organ transplantation -Cerebral edema -Exacerbations of chronic respiratory illnesses (such as asthma) -Treatment of proteinuria -Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) Not an Indication for Use: -Type II diatbetes -Parkinson's disease -High cholesterol

Which statements about adrenal suppression are correct? Select all that apply.

Possible complication of long-term corticosteroid treatment Can result when the adrenal glands stop producing endogenous hormone because of long-term corticosteroid supplementation

Which medication is most commonly used oral systemic synthetic corticosteroid?


Use the drop-down menus to select the word(s) to complete the sentence. Like other hormones, corticosteroids are stored

Unlike synthesized as needed

Use the drop-down menus to select word(s) to complete the sentence. Addison's disease is caused by the -over-secretion of adrenocortical hormone, causing symptoms such as weight gain, for which steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for treatment.

under loss

Mineralocorticoids impact and the maintenance of normal blood pressure. A hypo-hyper-secretion of aldosterone, as in Primary Aldosteronism, results in , as well as water and sodium retention which leads to , which then leads to muscle weakness. Glucocorticoids inhibit and also impact the maintenance of normal blood pressure. A -secretion cortisol, as in Cushing's Syndrome, results in , as well as and which can then lead to muscle atrophy. -secretion of cortisol and aldosterone, as in Addison's Disease, results in , and therefore and weight .

fluid and electrolyte balance hyper- hypertension hypokalemia the inflammatory response hyper hypertension hypernatremia hypokalemia Hypo hyponatremia hyperkalemia dehydration loss

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