Strings in Java
Use the following data file to answer this question which represents one long strand of DNA: How many times does the codon CTG appear in this strand of DNA?
Use the following data file to answer this question: How many genes in this file are longer than 60?
Use the following data file to answer this question: How many genes in this file have cgRatio greater than 0.35?
Use the following data file to answer this question: What is the length of the longest gene in the collection of genes found in this file?
Use the following data file to answer this question: How many genes are in this file?
Consider the following mystery method. public String mystery(String dna) { int pos = dna.indexOf("T"); int count = 0; int startPos = 0; String newDna = ""; if (pos == -1) { return dna; } while (count < 3) { count += 1; newDna = newDna + dna.substring(startPos,pos); startPos = pos+1; pos = dna.indexOf("T", startPos); if (pos == -1) { break; } } newDna = newDna + dna.substring(startPos); return newDna; } Which of the following best describes what it does?
The method mystery is given a string and it returns a string which is the same string but with the first three T's removed.
Consider finding all the YouTube links on a web page. What is the video for the second YouTube link on the web page about? 1 point
Turkeys, Ducks and Quails