Study Guide Chapter 1 Propaganda

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How is propaganda related to cyber-terrorism?

Cyberterrorism means "unlawful attacks and threats of attack against computers, networks, and the information stored therein when done to intimidate or coerce a government or its people in furtherance of political or social objectives". This is a form of propaganda because it operates within a specific ideological agenda supported by organized funding. Individual hackers may be paid to carry out attacks on behalf of the terrorist organization

Does propaganda work when the audience knows it being manipulated?

No audience members, no matter how perverse their own needs, will put up with knowing that they are being manipulated and used to fulfill another's selfish needs. Thus, the propagandist cannot reveal the true intent of the message

What are three different forms of response to persuasion?

1. response shaping 2. response reinforcing 3. response changing

Why is propaganda associated with the management of public opinion?

4 forms of public opinion A) popular opinion as generalized support for an institution regime or political system b) patterns of groups loyalties and identifications c) public preferences for select leaders and d) intensely held opinions prevalent among a large public regarding public issues and current affairs

How is propaganda related to information? How does propaganda use information?

When the information is used to accomplish a purpose of sharing, explaining, or instructing his is considered to be informative communication. People seek information when need to understand their world , once gained information tends to reduce uncertainty

Discuss how propaganda can be considered a form of communication? Where does it fall short? In terms of concealed purpose? concealed identity? What of the control of information flow?

the propagandist will attempt to control information flow and manage a certain public's opinion by shaping perceptions through strategies of informative communication the propagandist does not regard the well-being of the audience as a primary concern. the propagandist is likely to detached from the recipients -These are the kinds of objectives that might not be achieved if the true intent were known or if the real source were revealed - The propagandist tries to control information flow in 2 major ways: (a) controlling the media as a source of information distribution and (b) presenting distorted info from what appears to be a credible source

How is behavior defined?

can be used as an anchor not only because it is an overt expression of a way of being but also because behavioral patterns are fair predictors of future behaviors

What is resonance?

the recipients do not perceive the themes of messages to be imposed on them from an outside authority to which the ae required to be imposed on them from an outside authority to which they are required or committed to defer.

What is belief?

is a perceived link between any two aspects of a person's world

What is th ultimate goal of propaganda?

to manipulate behavior and behavioral patterns external rather than internal public opinion is sought

How is communication defined? Why is it important to understand communication when discussing propaganda?

is a process in which a sender transmits a message to a receiver through a channel, Communication is built around an exchange of information that has both intended and perceived meaning

What is a attitude?

is a readiness to respond to an idea, an object, or a course of action

What is a value?

is a special kind of belief that endures and is not likely to change

How do we link the term disinformation to propaganda?

is another word used to describe propaganda. Disinformation is black propaganda because it is covert and uses false info. Disinformation means false, incomplete or misleading that is passed, fed, or confirmed to a targeted individual, group or country. Disinformation is made up of news stories deliberately designed to weaken adversaries and planted in newspapers by journalists who are actually secret agents of a foreign country

What is information dominance?

the integrated conception of media and communication

What is persuasion? How is it transactional?

as a communicative process to influence others

How do Jowett and O'Donnell define propaganda? Break it down as they do by the definition's components.

Propaganda is a form of communication that attempts to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist. Propaganda as a specific class of communication.

How do they suggest it differs from persuasion?

Propaganda represents works of large organizations or groups to win over the public for special interests through a massive orchestration of attractive conclusions packaged to conceal both their persuasive purpose and lack of sound supporting reasons.Persuasion is interactive and attempts to satisfy the needs of both persuader and persuadee

What is sub-propaganda or facilitative communication?

Propagandist's ask is to spread an unfamiliar doctrine, for which a considerable period of time is needed to build a frame of mind in the audience toward acceptance of the doctrine ex. financial aid, newscasts, television and Internet programs, press releases, books, pamphlets. films etc in effort to create a friendly atmosphere

Explain the two models of disinformation put forth by Jowett and McConnell - the deflective source model and the legitimating source model.

Propagandist(P) creates a deflective source(P1), which becomes the apparent source of the message(M). The receiver(R) perceives the info as coming directly from P1 and does not associate it with the original propagandist (P) The propagandist secretly places the original message (M1) in a legitimating source(p2) This message(now m2) as interpreted by P2 is then picked up by the propagandist (P) and communicated to the receiver(r) in the form M3 as coming from p2. This legitimates the message and at the same time dissociates the propagandist(p) from its origination

Break down all the forms of propaganda discussed - in terms of type of effect on audience and in terms of source and accuracy of information. Provide an example of each and explain when it is used.

White-source is identified correctly and info tends to be accurate, Sender is a "good guy" ex. National celebrations with overt patriotism, International sports competitions=2008 Summer Olympics this is white propaganda bc it was correct but it emphasized American Olympic superiority Black-source is concealed or credited to a false authority and spreads lies, fabrications, and deceptions. Is the "big lie" including all types of creative deceit ex. The Ghost Army, Success or failure of BP depends on the receiver's willingness to accept the creditability of the source and the content of the message Grey- somewhere bt black and white the source may or may not be correctly identified and the accuracy of the information is uncertain, used to embarrass an enemy or competitor ex. plant favorable stories about the us in foreign newspapers, companies distort statistics on annual reports, advertising that suggests a product will achieve results that it cannot, films made solely for product placement

How is rhetoric related to persuasion and propaganda?

adherence to the truth and sound reason in revealing the real intent of the persuader, demonstatioin of a conclusion based on evidence and reasoning and a sincere concern for the welfare or the audience

What is a group norm? Reference groups?

are beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors derived from membership in groups - Reference groups- are groups admired or disliked by nonmembers who may be influenced in a positive or negative direction by those groups

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